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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#656446]I say go semi-random. Pick a really obscure (but relevant) reference to the plot/main character and use that. [b]BLEACH[/b] did it, so did [b]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/b]. And need I mention [b]Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle[/b]? Or maybe you could get away with a pun or a play on words, i.e. [b]Saiyuki[/b] and [b]Yakitate!! Japan[/b]. It's hard to forget good inside joke (and it makes you sound clever too!).[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][CENTER]And now a commentary from Yakitate!! Japan: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/shachihoko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Exactly, Shachihata. But I think Chapter 231's still a bit early for a sudden surge in [spoiler]Ichigo's vaizard form. No one important to Ichi is in the line of fire yet and Grimmjow is such a cool character that I imagine Kubo's not fonna finish him off anytime soon. If anything, he'll get beaten up and I'm expecting the Vaizards to pull him out off the mess. It's probably like that first meeting with Byakuya where Yoruichi saves him in the nick of time, yeah?[/spoiler] Also, 230 was definitely made to draw in more fangirls. Definitely. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]Wheeee!!! We're just one match away from the finals! Before this ends(in a bloody, Battle Royale-ish conclusion), I'd like to thank you all for participating in this little tournament. *bows* Hope ya'll had a good time! The current ranking is as follows: [CENTER][b]sakurasuka[/b] = 13 votes [b]Ezekiel[/b] = 13 votes [b]Boo[/b] = 8 votes[/CENTER] We've decided that [b]Ezekiel[/b] should face [b]Boo[/b] in the pre-round match. Your match thread will be up soon so please don't forget to check Art Studio in the next two days. +=+=+=+=+=+=+ [COLOR=DarkRed]Also, [HB!] still has something in store for [i]all[/i] the participants. If you're up for one more round, do stop by Art Studio tomor--err, soon. [B]EDIT:[/B] [SIZE=6][COLOR=REd]Everyone! To the [b]Battle Royale[/b] round! Go Go GO!!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1][CENTER]Because the show must go on... [SIZE=6][b]Here endeth the match.[/b][/SIZE] Thanks for voting! [SIZE=2][b]White[/b] - 6 [b]Boo[/b] - 7[/SIZE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]PaganAngel - ♀ Starwind - ♂ Dagger - ♀ Caine - ♂ Ikillion - ♂ Aaryanna - ♀ Ezekiel - ♀ Sandy - ♂ Ecstasy - ♂ Tical - ♂ Boo - ♂ The Boss - ♂ DeathKnight - ♂ I'll wager I got someone's gender wrong. *∀* I still get extremely amused when somebody mistakes me for a guy. It's in the way I post, I think (well, what else?). And perhaps because I go against some of the forum-girl stereotypes mentioned in the starting post. Really, the only time I feel compelled to know someone's gender is when I've to use pronouns. But the task would entail sending PM's and/or calling up the Search function so I never really bothered to find out whether one's a guy or a girl.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#35425E][i]Wha~t? No yaoi?!?[/i] Watch [b]BLEACH[/b]. Just to add more vitamins into your diet. It's an action-packed anime about Death Gods and it's one of those series that is well-liked by fans of different anime genres. I concur with Kita in saying that you just [i]have[/i] to get [b]Escaflowne[/b]. The battle scenes and environments were breathtaking (detail-overload! mwahahaha!) and there's great character development towards the end. Absolutely shattered my ideas of evil-to-the-core villains, it did![/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#B8007A][SIZE=1]I sure would like to paint a prettier picture of myself but when I don't fix myself up, a lot of people say that I look like Gokusen's [b]Kumiko Yamaguchi[/b]. And the girl who played as her in the live-action version was Sadako in [i]Ring 0[/i]! But she's a really pretty lady and we do have the same facial structure so yeah. Personality-wise, I'm like [b]Sumire Kanzaki[/b] from [i]Sakura Wars[/i] and [i]Final Fantasy Unlimited[/i]'s [b]Cid[/b]. [COLOR=#00A99D][b]Sumire:[/b][/COlor] I act like a diva most of the time and get easily irritated when I've to stick with a slow learner. I also hate it when I feel useless or just can't do something right. [COLOR=#00A99D][b]Cid:[/b][/COlor] I absolutely adore everything I make with my hands, CG's and costumes including. And I also constantly dream of making bigger, flashier things; whether I get actually 'em down to pixels/paper/cloth is another story.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#E10085][SIZE=1][CENTER]+ please click on the image below + [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/otakugraphica1.jpg][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/otakugraphica1_chii.jpg[/IMG][/url] Lovingly dedicated to Hide and his outrageously pink hair.[/CENTER] [COLOR=#00A99D][b]►[/b][/COLOR] Raws were sourced from [URL=http://www.blueimps.com/smurf_collection.html][COLOR=#00A99D]Blue Imps Smurf Collection[/COLOR][/url], [URL=http://www.nuclearsnake.com][COLOR=#00A99D]Nuclear Snake[/COLOR][/url], [url=http://www.ozones.com][COLOR=#00A99D]Ozones[/COLOR][/url] and [URL=http://japanmusic.altervista.org/hide][COLOR=#00A99D]Japan Music[/COLOR][/URL]. [COLOR=#00A99D][b]►[/b][/COLOR] The text was set in the following fonts: [i]Cargo Crate[/i] by [url=http://www.subflux.com/Fonts/Fonts.htm][COLOR=#00A99D]Mickey Rossi[/COLOR][/URL], [i]Espionage[/i] by [url=http://groups.msn.com/solidsnakesgameshrine/ssgsdownloads.msnw][COLOR=#00A99D]Manager BBM[/COLOR][/URL], [i]Arial Narrow[/i] and [i]Times New Roman[/i]. Serifs and sans serifs should learn to work with each other. Mmm hmm. [COLOR=#00A99D][b]►[/b][/COLOR] Lifted the pre-made brush [i]Abstract Geometry[/i] from the wonderful [URL=http://missm.paperlilies.com/][COLOR=#00A99D]Miss M[/COLOR][/url]'s brush stash. Please visit Mellissa's site and ogle at the layout! [COLOR=#00A99D][b]Notes:[/b][/COLOR] [list][*][COLOR=#00A99D]>[/COLOR] I wasn't able to do anything special for Hide's 8th death anniversary (forgot about it) and I've been meaning to shop up a Hide-themed piece for a good month now. By making this entry, I was somehow able to forgive myself for not being a good fangirl. This baby's fueled with super-fangirl love and I ♥ it down to the last pixel! [*][COLOR=#00A99D]>[/COLOR] Yes, yes. It's a [i]concert tour[/i] brochure. I imagine it's not what DW had in mind. Call it suicidal but I really had a hard time figuring out how to incorporate a burning Smurf into a tour brochure cover. (Actually, I was hell-bent on making something like this piece since I saw that Smurf guitarist. Blame him!) [*][COLOR=#00A99D]>[/COLOR] Also, I wanna say sorry to the fans of Dir en Grey. I assure you that [i]Delta en Grey[/i] also sounds mondo lame to me too.[/list][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. Delta


    [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]The next PM I'll receive will ***** up my Inbox and crash my computer. Yep, it's lucky number 666. June 6, 2006 was a mondo lucky day for me. I got a discount on hordes of chocolates, given a substanial amount of moolah, and there were cute guys [i]everywhere[/i]. Super![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=#ED1C24][SIZE=8][b]FIN[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] Thanks for voting! [SIZE=2][b]sakurasuka[/b] -5 [b]r2vq[/b] - 5[/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR=#ED1C24][b]sakurasuka[/b]:[/COLOR] First up, I think it's really nice that you made full use of the palette. The curves are flawless and I love the way the circles fill up the space. Adding those "Sad" textblocks was a nice addition too. If you had typed them in different sizes though, it would've made the piece look more interesting. Also, it would help if "Colorless" and "World" were of the same font size and were positioned a bit closer to each other. [COLOR=#ED1C24][b]r2vq[/b]:[/COLOR] For those of you who didn't notice, r2 also made full use of the palette: the border is 50% gray. Good job! You also placed "Chapter 5 Games" smack-dab on (what I perceive to be) the optical center so the piece looks balanced. And the bookmark concept is an interesting (and reaaaally creative) take on the handicap. I think it would look better if the border was of the same thickness on all sides. Judging by the hole you made, the rendered shadow of the bookmark (which I took to be the thick left and bottom borders) should've appeared at the top and right borders. Devil's in the details, chief. The winner of this match is [spoiler][b]sakurasuka[/b][/spoiler]. Congratulations![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#35425e][SIZE=1][quote name='Urahara][spoiler']The power you possess is certainly different to that of a Shinigami or Quincy. It is, in fact, none other than...[/spoiler][/quote][spoiler]Arrancar. (What else could he be? A Newtype?)[/spoiler] I really hope we will see Orihime-chan in action this time around. Who knows, maybe the Vaizards will join in the fun as well.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1][quote name='Sara][size=1][color=#b0000b]His language is extremely Germanic, and nearly all of the phrases in [i]Eragon[/i] look like stuff I've translated in one of my historical German classes.[/color'][/size][/quote]Signed. Ellesmera, Beor, Silthrim, Eldor: sounds like Quenya/Sindarin to me. Even the slew of oddly-placed z's ring of Black Speech. [i]Azh nazg durbatulûk[/i], One Ring, Germanic Middle Earth, etc. I liked the book. It has a really nice, textured cover and the art's not shabby either ([i]"Judge not a book by its cover"[/i]... psssh). I was amused at the done-to-death archetypes and the numerous allusions he made to better-known works in the fantasy genre. Just like the chick flicks I love, it doesn't offer anything new, but it's highly entertaining.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1][QUOTE]What do you think happens when we die [/QUOTE]The best I'm hoping for is that we'll go into another dimension, live and speculate what lies beyond our deaths there, and slip yet again into another dimension. I'd like to think that we're not just lucky strikes on a Multiverse-wide game of poker, like we are part of a really significant, kickass structure governed by rules and not randomness. I shall be really, really upset if the Multiverse got nothing in store for us after we die; we deserve at least a round of cocktails for living here on Earth.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]^ Noted. [SIZE=8][b][COLOR=#ED1C24]LOOK HERE[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE] To reiterate the voting rules for [i]Handicap Battles![/i]: [list][*][b]Three(3) sentences about the piece you're voting for:[/b] Please tell us what particular part(s)/aspect(s) do you like about the piece you're voting for. You can start with how it made you feel and what caught your attention, that kind of stuff. For example: [indent][i][COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]The color scheme you built up on is really appealing and the quality of the anime screencap is good. The metallic 3D effect you placed on "Operation 6" is most excellent. I also like the shade of yellow you used 'cause it reminds me of those "Caution" tapes people place around car crash sites. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/i][/indent] It may sound cheesy but it does help the artist, yeah? Remember: [u]at least three sentences of that.[/u] [*][b]One(1) sentence of constructive criticism for the other piece:[/b] Please suggest a way on how to improve the piece. If the piece is to bright, then say that the colors should be toned down. That kind of stuff. Please say it politely too. For example: [indent][i][COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][i]Although I do appreciate the multitude of patterns in this one, the colors are not so bright or vivid as those in Gankutsuou. Perhaps you should try using stronger, more colorful patterns (like that in Haydee's hair) as Dagger suggested and fill the individual shapes with a distinct pattern each. [/i][/SIZE][/COLOR][/i][/indent][/list] Wow, this is fun! Best of luck, sakurasuka and r2vq![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#35425E]I found Otaku Graphica 2005 to be [i]extremely[/i] entertaining. Let me join this year's OG. One of my best pieces: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/35130009.gif[/IMG][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]Hi! I'm interested in this request, hope you don't mind if I use this picture: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/gw_ms059.jpg][COLOR=#ED1C24]clicketh[/COLOR][/url]. I realize it's the Katoki version of Sandrock you want, yes?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]Perhaps an index to the order of the artists can be kept in the starting post. And then when they're done with their submission, their names'll be struck out, yeah? Only problem is that this measure will entail a daily editing of the starting post. *shrugs*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#35425E][quote name='Chikara Kokoro']The main thing that bothers me about the design is the middle part of the skirt. I want some kind of pattern there, but I don't really like how it came out. Any suggestions for that would be really appreciated.[/quote]Try polka dots. Nice big polka dots that will put even Bohemians to shame. Um, yeah, the color scheme is hideous but I think it'll still pass as a proper costume for kindergarten fairytale-themed plays. Perhaps adding in some moss (zombie) green trimmings and red-violet paisley prints will play the colors down to eyesore-level. I also suggest ruining the dress' symmetry: add an upper skirt layer with an assymetrical hem, or make one side look heavier with over-sized bows or flowers (a bunch of birds of paradise or a single [i]Rafflesia[/i] will look perfectly offensive).[/COLOR]
  19. Delta

    Imitation Art

    [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]^ Linkage seconded. Polykarbon is relevant to [i]everyone's[/i] interest. Moving on...[/SIZE] OMIGOSH!!! THOSE ARE, LIKE, REALLY SUPER DUPER GREAT! AND THE FACT THAT YOU DIDN'T TRACE THEM MAKES YOU AMAZINGLY SPECIAL!!! [SIZE=1]Yes, I meant every single word in the rave above. The lines are clean and the distinction among their different widths, though subtle, enhance your drawings. You got shading down pat and your lettering is amazing too (I seethe with envy at the sight of the cursive script behind SD Hughes)! I feel like a newbie when I see the works of members like you and han ki-tae. Req. moar drawings plz.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#656446][QUOTE=The Boss][color=dimgray][size=1]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y181/Cybernator/shackled.jpg That's a straight jacket he is wearing. He is normally psychotic when he is unshackeled. Those are weights chained together on his legs. So he is fully restrained. He has long black hair. Other than that, go crazy. He can go unshackeled or chained up. Either calm or flippin' out.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]'Tis mine! Mwahahaha! (Oooh... I love the design, Boss-fella! Hope I can do a better job. Anyways, 24 hours. Love and peace. Etc.) [b][COLOR=#ED1C24]EDIT[/COLOR][/B] Hrmm... When I saw the word "shackled," I thought of doing a risque, bondage-themed piece. But I, ah, cannot submit anything not acceptable to prudes 'til I get my own scanner. So here it is: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/x.jpg[/IMG] Messy, ain't it? +=+=+=+ [b]To Draw[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/s.jpg]Beach Chick[/url] Please take note of her swimwear, the color of her hair and the hibiscus tucked behind her left ear. Eye color: violet/purple/lilac, somewhere along that range. Go![/COLOR]
  21. Delta


    [COLOR=#3678CC]So the filler isn't finished yet, huh? I've decided not to watch the anime 'til the current arc's over but I need to ask: How's Soul Society?[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#35425E]Alright, it's been a good five hours since the deadline. [CENTER][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ED1C24][b]Poll's open![/b][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [quote name='r2vq']Woo Delta, you do know that we will have our revenge on you for this round.[/quote]Ah, how will they react to the next handicap set? You'd better stock up on some good curses 'cause I imagine you all are gonna need it in the final round. :3[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#35425E]^ Yup! You can even use skew and warp them for all I care. Just make sure it looks good. Fufufufu![/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]"Faking intelligence" is something that I happen to be very good at. It's easy to lie about recent studies and statistics, and cite sources, titles of which are enough to shut up whoever I'm talking to. It won't hurt to exude an aura of high self-esteem and smarter-than-thou confidence either. In a sense, "faking intelligence" is pretty much like play-acting: I memorize lines and act a part out. I also had my share of conversations with pseudointellectuals. The saying "It takes one to know one" applies: by casually dropping basic questions from my field of specialization, it's easy to tell whether she/he's faking it or not. Oh how I love to watch them squirm everytime I ask what they think of uniformitarianism! (Yes, not only am I a compulsive pseudointellectual, I am also an elitist.)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]Huwaaah! I was busy collecting cattle blood for printer ink yesterday so I wasn't able to read your questions. Without further ado: [b]+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+[/b][QUOTE][color=dimgray] Are animations allowed under the no transparent pixel handicap?[/color][/QUOTE]Yes, of course. But remember, only the artist will be held liable if his/her piece causes epileptic seizures (or other weird reactions along that line). [QUOTE]Transparent frames meaning we can't have any GIFs that let you see through them in some sections? Or layers with colours that are semi-transparent? ...or are we supposed to work with only one layer...[/QUOTE]Very good question. Hmm... The ban was only for transparent [i]pixels[/i]. Think about it: if I were to submit something with transparent parts, OB's grey background will show up as part of the piece. It (the background color) isn't 50% grey, and it sure ain't white or black, yeah? Also, "fading" effects in animated pieces are fine... if you can pull it off with displaying only three colors. Surely, with the limited palette and all, only sharp transitions in color will do. I suggest thinking up other transition effects, chief. [u]To put it simply:[/u] The only colors we should see in that 125px by 500px space in the duration of your match should be white, black and #888888 [i]only[/i]. [b]+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+[/b][QUOTE]Just like we didn't have to use all the colours last time, I'm assuming we don't have to use both, or any fonts this time, right? The only restriction is that if we want to use fonts it has to be from the selection?[/QUOTE]Correct. Exactamundo. [QUOTE][size=1]We can only use those two fonts -- But what if we wrote our own into the design? Or just scribbled in words? Like so- [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v150/unmei_shinpai/friend.gif[/img] Is that against the rules, or do we just have to use Arial Narrow/Century Gothic as a guidline?[/SIZE][/QUOTE]I intended to have all text in said fonts, just to make the match a bit tougher, so writing into your piece isn't an option. There's also no use to vectoring fonts because the outcome will look pretty much the same to the typeface, as if you typed the text in. [b]+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+[/b] [QUOTE][size=1]But let's say you have a plain black background, and choose to put a font on top that is the 50% gray. There will be a few pixels around the outside that are a mixed grays and blacks, due to Anti-Aliasing. Do we have to turn that feature off, or does it not matter if it's something that small?[/size][/QUOTE]Sure, no prob. You can leave the anti-aliasing feature on. ^_^ [QUOTE][size=1]Question: In Round 2, is Anti-Aliasing allowed on only text or on everything (like circles and whatnot)? I hope only text because on everything wouldn't make the slightest bit of sense.[/size][/QUOTE]Wow... I didn't know anti-aliasing's applicable to elements other than text. (Learned something new today, I did!) Well, as long as it's not banned or noticeable, it's exploitable. ¯\˚∀˚/¯ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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