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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#35425E][QUOTE=sakurasuka][size=1]1- We can only use those two fonts -- But what if we wrote our own into the design? Or just scribbled in words? Like so- [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v150/unmei_shinpai/friend.gif[/img] Is that against the rules, or do we just have to use Arial Narrow/Century Gothic as a guidline?[/SIZE][/QUOTE]Good question. I intended to have all text in said fonts, just to make the match a bit tougher, so writing into your piece isn't an option. There's also no use to vectoring fonts because the outcome will look pretty much the same to the typeface, as if you typed the text in. [quote name='sakurasuka][size=1']2- No colors in between those three... Gotcha. But let's say you have a plain black background, and choose to put a font on top that is the 50% gray. There will be a few pixels around the outside that are a mixed grays and blacks, due to Anti-Aliasing. Do we have to turn that feature off, or does it not matter if it's something that small?[/size][/quote]Nah, I wouldn't dare nitpick on something of that scale. Sure, no prob. You can leave the anti-aliasing feature on. ^_^[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#35425E][CENTER][b][u]ROUND 2[/u][/b][/CENTER] [b]Participants:[/b] sakurasuka, r2vq [b]Date Due:[/b] June 1, 2006 [b]Handicap Set:[/b][list][*][COLOR=#808CA0]Dimensions: 500px by 500 px [*]Limited palette[/COLOR][*][COLOR=#ED1C24][NEW!][/COLOR] 125 px (width) by 500px (length) [*][COLOR=#ED1C24][NEW!][/COLOR] Limited font set: [COLOR=#ED1C24]Century Gothic[/COLOR] and [COLOR=#ED1C24]Arial Narrow[/COLOR].[*][COLOR=#ED1C24][NEW!][/COLOR] Limited palette: white, black, 50% gray (#888888). Colors in between are not allowed. [*][COLOR=#ED1C24][NEW!][/COLOR] Ban on transparent pixels [/list] [b]Reminders:[/b][list][*]The participants will be given [COLOR=#ED1C24]three full days[/COLOR] to create, edit and submit their pieces. [*]A 5-day voting period will begin immediately after the deadline. All members can vote, except for the two participants of the match. [*]Voters must post a paragraph of at least [COLOR=#ED1C24]three sentences[/color] about the entry they?re going to vote for, and [COLOR=#ED1C24]one sentence[/color] of constructive criticism for the other entry. [*]Good luck![/list] PS: There will be a pre-round match after this round. Try to rack up as many votes as you can, yeah?[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#35425E][CENTER][b]r2vq - 8 jigglyness - 2[/b][/CENTER] Poll's closed; votes beyond this post will not be counted. Feel free to discuss their pieces in this thread. Congratulations, [b]r2vq[/b]![/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#35425E][CENTER][b]sakurasuka - 7 Kune - 5[/b][/CENTER] Poll's closed; votes beyond this post will not be counted. Feel free to discuss their pieces in this thread. Congratulations, [b]sakurasuka[/b]![/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#B8007A]Isn't HTML input supported in myOtaku? [SIZE=1]For the posts at least. Don't know about the layout. :3[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#B8007A][SIZE=1]Oooh! Like Gundam? An anime franchise that'll be praised, dumped, praised again and (re)done to death for twenty-seven years and beyond? Ah, yes, [i]∀ Silmarillion[/i] would look nice as an OB thread. Seriously though, the Silmarillion is a tough piece to base an animation from. It's really long (ergo boring) and you can't just animate a certain part 'cause in a lot of cases, you have know everything that happened before it. Elaboration is out of the question. But I wouldn't put it past them really creative anime creators; they [i]are[/i] able to squeeze 52 episodes worth of plot into a few OAVs, you know? (Also, I get a feeling that they will exhaust all possible facial feature combinations for bishounen just drawing the Elves alone. We fangirls would be spent.)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ED1C24][b]Keyblade Wielder[/b][/COLOR] Yay for transparent pixels! The extracted image is flawless, and how you tied the whole thing up with black is subtle yet effective (but I do feel that the lower blue box would look better if a black border went all the way around it). There's structure in the way you piled them boxes, text and images; I like that. [COLOR=#ED1C24][b]White[/b][/COLOR] Ah, yes. I really am glad to see an animated piece in this round. I like the color scheme and the stripey background is lovely. The placement of the text blocks looks random though, hurried even. And since you used really smooth, curvy letters, perhaps you could make the edges of the leaf smooth and curvy too. My vote goes to [b]Keyblade Wielder[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]Great job, you two! Really interesting pieces, I must say. I do hope I'll be able to vote on your works. ;P [CENTER][SIZE=2][b]Alright, kiddies! The [COLOR=#ED1C24]voting period[/COLOR] has officially begun! [/b] [/SIZE] (Yay!)[/CENTER] Now before you cast your votes, please read the little love letter at the starting post. Remember that votes that do not follow the prescribed format will not be counted. Cheers! PS: Get your votes in before [COLOR=#ED1C24][b]May 28[/b][/COLOR], okay?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]Fabulous! Such wonderful creations this early into the tournament! Choosing between your submissions won't be an easy task. [CENTER][SIZE=2][b]Alright, kiddies! The [COLOR=#ED1C24]voting period[/COLOR] has officially begun! [/b] [/SIZE] (Yay!)[/CENTER] Now before you cast your votes, please read the little love letter at the starting post. Remember that votes that do not follow the prescribed format will not be counted. Cheers! PS: Get your votes in before [COLOR=#ED1C24][b]May 28[/b][/COLOR], okay?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1]First up, I'd like to congratulate my fellow TPs. Impressive, impressive, impressive! *huggles* [b]AND NOW, ON TO THE LOVE LETTERS![/B] [QUOTE][size=1]Clicking on those words is fun, but doesn't really activate anything. I assume this is the same colour palette as every other [i]Handicap Battle![/i][/size][/QUOTE]Yup, they all lead to the same image. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+[QUOTE][size=1][color=gray]Oh, do we have to use all the colors, or could I just use, say, reds and grays? Or blues and reds?[/color][/size][/QUOTE]Yes, you could use a select few of the colors in the palette or, if you're feeling adventurous, pile them all on your piece! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+[QUOTE]are we allowed to use a lighter color from the palette? Do we have to stick with only one of those palettes?[/quote][quote][color=#b0000b][size=1]I need clarification: Can we use lighter values of those colors (going into white) if the saturation is still set to 100?[/size][/color][/QUOTE]That'd lower the saturation values (fading it to white and all). But hmm, it's fine with me. If it looks good, it's gonna show in the votes, yeah? +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Please take advantage of the freedom we're giving you and do your best in this round![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#35425E][CENTER][b][u]ROUND 1[/u][/b][/CENTER] [b]Participants:[/b] sakurasuka, Kune [b]Date Due:[/b] May 23, 2006 [b]Handicap Set:[/b][list][*]Dimensions: 500px by 500 px [*]Limited palette : [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/7eb5826d.jpg][b]CLICK[/B][/URL][/list] [b]Reminders:[/b][list][*]The participants will be given [COLOR=#ED1C24]three full days[/COLOR] to create, edit and submit their pieces. [*]A 5-day voting period will begin immediately after the deadline. All members can vote, except for the two participants of the match. [*]Voters must post a paragraph of at least [COLOR=#ED1C24]three sentences[/color] about the entry they?re going to vote for, and [COLOR=#ED1C24]one sentence[/color] of constructive criticism for the other entry. [*]Good luck![/list][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#35425E][CENTER][b][u]ROUND 1[/u][/b][/CENTER] [b]Participants:[/b] jigglyness, r2vq [b]Date Due:[/b] May 23, 2006 [b]Handicap Set:[/b][list][*]Dimensions: 500px by 500 px [*]Limited palette : [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/7eb5826d.jpg][b]CLICK[/B][/URL][/list] [b]Reminders:[/b][list][*]The participants will be given [COLOR=#ED1C24]three full days[/COLOR] to create, edit and submit their pieces. [*]A 5-day voting period will begin immediately after the deadline. All members can vote, except for the two participants of the match. [*]Voters must post a paragraph of at least [COLOR=#ED1C24]three sentences[/color] about the entry they?re going to vote for, and [COLOR=#ED1C24]one sentence[/color] of constructive criticism for the other entry. [*]Good luck![/list][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1][b]Keyblade Wielder:[/b] The tournament presiders are in charge of making threads for each match. It's under [b]Rounds and Matches[/b] in the rules. ^_^ EDIT: [b]Retribution:[/b] You got it, chief. Me and two other members: [b]Ikillion[/b] and [b]Lunox[/b]. Most gracious of them to offer assistance in managing [i]HB![/i]. We'll create the match threads, bug you guys about your submissions and manage the votes, (if that's alright with you,) yeah? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1][CENTER]0725H GMT, May 19, 2006: Sign-ups closed [b]Tournament Bracket[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/tournament-bracket.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ah, this is interesting. By chance, luck, or whatever you may call it, a good lot of you ended up with somebody I'd love to see you in a match with (and I'm pretty sure I ain't the only one happy about it). [b]First round: [COLOR=#ED1C24]May 20[/COLOR] Deadline for submissions: [COLOR=#ED1C24]May 23[/COLOR][/b] I look forward to your matches and wish you all the best of luck![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]^ Johann Pachelbel's [i]Canon in D[/i]? Do operetta pieces count? [b]Can-Can[/b] by Jacques Offenbach - I've yet to see [i]Orpheus in the Underworld[/i] but this piece never fails to cheer me up. Yes, it's been done to death by a thousand commercials, shows and movies yet it never seems to lose its novelty, does it?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#656446][quote name='Lost Lightbulb']You're supposed to chant "bloody mary" 14 times, then say and additional 'bloody mary' at 1 minute past the hour for 13 hours afterwards, finally, centre yourself right in the middle of the floor space in front of the mirror, rotate 360 degrees clockwise 13 times, and pour a litre of red arcrylic paint over your head. If you do this right, bloody Mary will come out of the mirror and gash your head open, and there will be LOTS of blood.[/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/carrie_re-thumb.jpg[/IMG] [b]Did I do it right?[/b][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]^Aye, no one can resist space pirates. Herlock et al for the win. [i]Yakitate!! Japan[/i]'s [b]Kuroyanagi[/b] I'd love to date. He's such a well-dressed character that he'd match my style [i]perfectly[/i]. Plus, he (or his slaves down at Pantasia main branch) makes really lovely pastries so we'd have those for dessert and I get to save a few more bucks, in case he insists we split the bill. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#656446]My ultra-favorite Internet acronym is "wtf?", followed closely by "o rly?" and "ya rly!" With those three alone (plus a few winks and lone punctuation marks), one is able to sustain a conversation for a good few minutes with little effort. "stfu" works quite nicely on a lot of people I've talked to, especially when typed in ALL CAPS. On a side note, this thread=LOL[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Wish granted, my high-flying Achilles. However, I shall put forward this simple riddle as a clue to what your "heel" is: [i] What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, The poor have it, the rich don't need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?[/i] Yes, that's right. You are invulnerable to Everything, but in perpetuum is quite open to and defenseless against an attack from [SPOILER]Nothing[/SPOILER]. This the main character of Final Fantasy XIII figures out. And since Squenix is able to dream up summon monsters out of every possible (and impossible) entity, she is able to call it forth and bid it to do battle. It overwhelms and defeats you completely. Game, set, match. +=+=+=+=+=+ [b]I wish OB had a red skin.[/b] (re-re-replay!)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][quote name='Keyblade Wielder][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma]3. Border: a must MUST need for making your banners have a little bit more distinction. Trust me... people on the OB are a bit picky about that.... don't mind them. XD[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]*coughs* Hi, Phobia. I'll give you a little tip, chief. See, I've always felt that OB's grey background draws color out of banners without borders. That's why unless I'm using really rich, dark colors or I'm going for subtle transitions into the grey (see my avatar for both cases), I put borders. For that banner, a simple black border would work but something along the lines of hot pink would look really rad! The color scheme you built up on is really appealing and the quality of the anime screencap (is it a screencap?) is good. As for the text, it would be nice if you put a border around them letters or a shadow effect, at the very least. I'm not familiar with PSP but if you look up Photoshop's [i]Stroke[/i] and [i]Drop Shadow[/i] commands, you'll get an idea of what I mean. Like KW (indirectly) said, nobody's born with mad PS/PSP skillz. So please check out [URL=http://www.pixel2life.com/][b]Pixel2Life[/b][/url] for tutorials. Their PSP collection ain't as extensive as their Photoshop archives but you'll get [i]tons[/i] of ideas for your future works. Also, play around with the commands in PSP. Abuse the Undo command, yeah? I wish you the best of luck and I hope to see you soon in Art by Request, chief. ;)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][CENTER][b]FFXIII Battle System (again)[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/FF13.jpg[/IMG] [b]Because it is intriguing, it must be discussed.[/b][/CENTER] I've played only up to X-II and I get the feeling that this 6-on-1 battle screenshot promises us a battle system very much unlike anything that has been implemented in X-II and earlier. Seen anything like this in 12 and XI? On a side note: [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/soldiers.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Generic Soldier's following the footsteps of Cactrots and Tonberries. Cute. [/b][/CENTER] Also, strangely enough, the character designs remind me of Gundam Seed meets AC.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]There are some members I'd like to meet IRL and then there're some I'd much rather not lay my eyes on. If you're planning an OB meet-up, how's about we hold it in some remote place in the South Pacific, like somewhere near the Pitcairn Islands. That way, we'll all go through relatively the same pains while travelling. This early into the planning, I would like to extend my condolences to those who won't be able to join the event because just before they reach the Island, they [b]die first[/b]. Then we'll hold a quasi-Battle Royale to make it a bit more memorable. I'll rig an island up for you kids, just because I love you all. You need not be told that those who die will be summarily banned, of course, unless those who constitute the banning committee [b]die first[/b]. As with the original BR, each of you will be given a survival pack with a random weapon inside. Yes, my loves, mod rods will be available and it's not necessarily the mods who'll get it. But in an island like that, I wonder how those equipped with mod rods will fare? You'll never know if you [b]die first[/b]. And what's in store for the winner? Nothing. We'll just let him/her revel in the fact that he/she didn't [b]die first[/b]. Stay alive, kiddies! [/SIZE][/COLOR] :catgirl:
  23. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][quote name='vegeta rocker']I also think when you first register for Ob there should be a mandatory quick little quiz on the rules. That will at ensure something staying in the heads of the those jumping on for the first time.[/quote]Quoted for emphasis. Motion seconded. It's things like this make me thankful that I'm already a member. ...But you know, that it's not only new members that constitute the spammer population. We members should be mindful of our posts as well, yeah? I know some of my posts of late are borderline spam. [/SIZE][/COLOR] :animeswea
  24. [COLOR=#656446]Marathons, huh? [i]Fruits Basket[/i] (26 episodes) and [i]Yami no Matsuei[/i] (13 episodes) were the only series I ever tried watching straight through. Needless to say that I managed to accomplish those feats, though not without my 'rents wondering why I was taking so much time to finish my "paper" and why I couldn't come with them to the beach. A local cable network also did a Ghost in the Shell:Stand Alone Complex marathon but I only caught the last 8 episodes or so. Booooo. Oh, and I had a blast at my prom. I just wished I didn't have to dress up for it (but I was able to smuggle in my sneakers so hurrah for me!).[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/uglydog.jpg[/IMG] [b]Have you seen this dog?[/b][/CENTER] Yes, you all should know this baby by now. I don't know if I should feel sympathy for it, since it's sick and all, but man, it looks like it came straight out of Silent Hill.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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