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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]You gotta have an interesting banner for you to have me read your sig. We people with short attention spans are like that. Also, I [i]always[/i] read quotes by other OB members. They're bound to be hilarious and I get the feeling that I'll get a cookie when I find the thread where it was posted. I never comment on sigs outside [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=51313]Rate the Sig Above You[/URL] but it sure is nice to be PM'ed about your sig (praises, hate mail, or otherwise). My favorite sig (snippet) of the moment would be [b]Baron Samedi[/b]'s "Married to Baron Samedi". It's probably 'cause I hate them "Married to X" snippets in sigs and it was high time for a parody anyways. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]^ *speechless but loving it* Angel. Definitely. Pitchforks and pointy tails are [i]soooo[/i] Middle Ages. Also, I'd like to be one of those angels who are sent to warn people about impending cataclysms and/or wreak havoc on naughty, naughty men. Not only will that secure my place in history but I'll get included in a little anime series called [i]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/i] as well.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/the-boss_avi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/the-boss.jpg[/IMG] (I intended to add a camouflage background and a few more decorations but decided that stark was indeed the way to go. I'm not satisfied with the avatar, though. Hope something better comes along.) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Yes, SO2 rocked everyone's socks and its built-in Iron Chef competition beats the TV version to the ground. I haven't touched my PS2 for months now 'cause I found myself being drawn back to my old grey box (PS). Final Fantasy VIII, Lunar:SSS and Legend of Dragoon are but a few RPG titles I'm trying to finish (and beat one more time). They're probably old-school by today's definition but's it's healthy to play something familiar once in a while.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]I love [b]snakes[/b]. Especially the ones which wreak havoc in Outer Heaven, shoot down F-16s with a Hind-D, and shoot down Hind-D's with Stinger missiles. ...Kidding aside, my favorite animal's gotta be the [b]water buffalo[/b]. My recent trip in the boondocks made me realize the usefulness of this animal not only to farmers but to hikers as well. Once, when we were lost in a really secluded valley, we followed a water buffalo for an hour and found civilization. I totally love 'em to pieces![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Uhooo! Sunflowers! Wildflowers! Hydrangeas! ...And a bird? I love the sunflower picture best: the yellow's really vibrant but it's easy on the eye, and the woodplank background gives it a warm, nature-y feel. The colors in them wildflowers and hydrangeas pictures are pleasing to the eye too. However, I've noticed that them flower pics are a bit off-center. What I mean is, had you moved a [i]bit[/i] to the right (wildflowers) or to the left (hydrangeas), the picture would've been perfect. But don't worry, it's such a minor problem that it took me a good while to see it! (I'm a bit scared of the bird picture but it does look good in b&w.) [b]9.5/10[/b] [b]Ryoko[/b], you're making me wish that I had a horticulturist for a boyfriend. XD[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Mmm hmm... everything's so [i]exploitable[/i]. [b]Zeke[/b], you've produced the most striking pieces I've seen in a good while. I'm surprised you were (and still are) able to maintain the momentum to make such lovely banners for months now. I think it's become second nature to you, this new-fangled, pixelly style that we all have come to love. Alright, enough fawning. I imagine Trib's itching to copy-paste his love letter to OBer's who don't CC. XD [quote][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/AzureImi/Banners/naruto_gaara0355_ban.png[/img][/quote]The colors are great and you used a great shot of Gaara. The color treatment's also wonderful. But maybe you could have used a better effect for the background trasition on the right. Perhaps you can use the same (blood spatter?) brush in Eraser mode to erase parts of the transition. I think that will complement the pixelly, semi-grunge look very well. [quote][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/AzureImi/Banners/victor_ban.png[/img][/quote]Very niiiiice! I love the colors you used, and the background's really you (hope you'll extend it farther to the left as the black space looks a tad too stark). I haven't seen that kind of border before but it looks pretty (and [i]exploitable[/i]! Muwahahaha!). And again, the color treatment's wonderful.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Note to [b]Derald[/b]: I'll hunt you down in the near future and get you motivated. I find that "I will become motivated, and I will do something about it" attitude exploitable. ;P I can't wait until our generation takes hold of the reins to the world! We've learned a lot, much more than what our parents had imbibed when they were at this age, and were brought up in an environment where it's difficult to ignore what's happening with the world. We've matured more quickly, IMO. Methinks that at this rate, a number of individuals from our generation are gonna be in seats of power before they lose the idealism older people have thrown away long ago. I like what I'm seeing in my generation. The passion to lead's there, so is the call for change. It's gonna be one hell of a ride to the future.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=#656446]In fairness to Tuxedo Mask, he only needs a single rose to finish villains off. Compared to Kurama of Yuyu Hakusho, Akazukin Chacha's Teacher Bara-bara Man, and other characters whose weapon of choice is a rose variant, [b]TM is a war deity[/b]. Bohahahaha![/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]This is the first time that I've seriously bothered to read your comics, I think. Your drawing style is [strike]rather[/strike] crude but not too crude that the whole thing looks like a mess. It actually helps in amplifying the comical aspect of this (umm...) comic. Very good! BTW, I like Mr. Gord. Very much. Hope to see more of him doing something entertaining (like making "papers") in the future.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/kura_sakura_avi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/kura_sakura.jpg[/IMG] Um, the avatar's pret-ty small. If you want it at the usual, regular size, and if you want me to change anything in this set (assuming you're gonna use it ;P), please say so. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]By divine will, intervention or what have you, your MP3 player now works! And even better; it now accepts video in Betamax formats as well as LPs and cassette tapes. Unfortunately, there's a very big chance that it'll crash if you try to play *.mp3's on it. Now you know that God is a hippie. I wish my green nail polish isn't as sparkly as it is now.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/avatars/gundam_amuro.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam [b]Name:[/b] Amuro Ray [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/avatars/gundam_kamille1.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam [b]Name:[/b] Kamille Bidan [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/avatars/gundam_kamille2.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam [b]Name:[/b] Kamille Bidan [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/avatars/gundam_kamille3.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam [b]Name:[/b] Kamille Bidan [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/avatars/gundam_char1.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam [b]Name:[/b] Char Aznable [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/avatars/gundam_char2.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam [b]Name:[/b] Char Aznable [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/avatars/gundam_char3.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam [b]Name:[/b] Char Aznable Um, I propose that the categories "8th MS Team" and "Gundam Wing" be merged into a single category conveniently labeled as "Gundam". If we're going to have separate categories for each of the series, then Amuro's, Char's and Char's clones' avatars will be scattered [i]everywhere[/i]. ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][b]Ezekiel:[/b] Drawings, animated images, and other media in digital form will be accepted as long as they're made in compliance with the handicaps. I do hope we'll see more of them not-so-usual Art Studio goods (animated entries, comic strips, movies, etc.). That'd be really rad.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#656446][size=1]Uhoo! How forgetful of me! Thanks for bringing those up! [b]1)[/b] [i]HB![/i] signup's gonna be open until the [b]19th of May[/b]. The tournament bracket's gonna be released on the 20th so we're looking at May 22 as the start of the tournament proper. How long the tournament's gonna last depends on how many participants we'll get. For example: if we get 8 participants, that means we'll be seeing three rounds. And since we're alloting 8 days per round, [i]HB![/i]'ll go on for a good 24 days. [b]2)[/b] The signup period started yesterday. [b]Just reply to this thread, say that you want to join [i]HB![/i] and you're in![/b] EDIT: [b][u]Darky Dee:[/u][/b] Hmm, I don't get what you mean by "tag battles" but the matches are going to be [b]one-on-one[/b]. Best of luck![/size][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#656446][CENTER][b][u]Handicap Battles![/u][/b][/CENTER] [SIZE=1][b]Yes, you read it right! Another Art Studio tournament pitting the best and the bravest artists against each other in a bloody, messy graphics battle royale! Booya![/b] ...Erhm, yeah. Onto the rules and specs: [u][b]Who can join?[/b][/u] The event?s open to all OB members (and new members, of course!) intrepid and imaginative enough to make graphics with the little freedom [i]HB![/i]?s gonna give them. Are you up for it? [u][b]Bring it on, Delta.[/b][/u] That?s the spirit! All you need to do is say you want in and you?re in. Read on, chief. [u][b]Tournament Format[/b][/u] [i]Handicap Battles![/i] will implement the [b]sudden death tournament format[/b] where only the winner of a match will advance to the next round. The tournament bracket will be released at least two days before the first round so keep checking this thread. [u][b]Rounds and Matches[/b][/u] A thread will be created by the tournament presider for each match. The participants will be given 72 hours to create, post and edit their entries. [INDENT]? Should there be an odd number of participants in a round, a [b]pre-round match[/b] will be held between the two lowest-seeded participants. ? Seeding will be based on the total number of votes the participant garnered in all of the previous rounds. [/INDENT] [u][b]Handicaps[/b][/u] Aside from the deadline, the tournament presider will also place a set of restrictions/?handicaps? on submissions for each round. These restrictions may range anywhere from size limits to a total ban on certain graphics elements. [INDENT]? To make the game a bit more interesting, handicaps of the previous rounds will be carried over to the new round. ? There will be no new handicaps in pre-round matches.[/INDENT] [u][b]Voting[/b][/u] A 120-hour (5-day) voting period will begin immediately after the deadline. All members can vote, except for the two participants of the match. The tournament presider can only vote in the case of a tie. Members must post a paragraph of at least three sentences about the entry they?re going to vote for, and one sentence of constructive criticism for the other entry. It?s a pretty simple format so if a member fails to follow it, he/she will be sent a PM by the Tournament Presider and will be given the rest of the voting period to edit his/her vote. His/her vote will be invalidated if it still isn't of the prescribed format by the end of the voting period. (Sorry, chief.) [u][b]Grounds for Elimination[/b][/u] [INDENT]? One loss ? Failure to comply with the handicaps ? Failure to meet the deadline will result in a forfeit[/INDENT] [CENTER]=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [SIZE=2][b][u]FAQ[/u][/b][/SIZE][/CENTER] [u][b]Who?s this ?Tournament Presider??[/b][/u] That would be me plus two more members. You'll get to meet them during the tournament. ;) [u][b]When are you getting this completely started?[/b][/u] HB! signup's gonna be open until the 19th of May. The tournament bracket's gonna be released on the 20th so we're looking at May 22 as the start of the tournament proper. [u][b]Is it really just tag battles or is something else hidden that I'm not seeing?[/b][/u] The matches are going to be [b]one-on-one[/b] (but a graphics tag battle sure sounds nice!). [u][b]Can we use any media type? Like, could I draw something and do all the inking and colouring by hand and then add a background digitally?[/b][/u] Yes! Original drawings, animated images (!), and other media in digital form will be accepted as long as they're made in compliance with the handicaps. Please direct all questions you have about [i]Handicap Battles![/i] to this thread. I?ll try my best to answer them for you, yeah? [CENTER]=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [SIZE=2][b][u]Who's In[/u][/b][/SIZE] Ezekiel Maneki Neko Keyblade Wielder Boo sakurasuka jigglyness r2vq Kune Retribution White Katana Sara[/CENTER] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Hmm, a promotional banner. Predominantly in different shades of red too. I love using red but I feel that there's too much of it in your banner, especially in the solid red space on the right. Compared with the relatively busier left side, everything on the right looks stark and lacking. I suggest you move the cartoon and its caption a bit to the left and crop all that red blank space out. Let them cover part of the left image's hair, that way you get a more balanced banner. Also, since the cartoon has colors other than red and black, try applying them (non-black/red) shades into the text and (if possible) the left background image. A thicker border would work nicely too. [b]6/10[/b] Your banner has potential. Abuse it! (best of luck! :))[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Did you know that 90% of all nutritionists recommend a good [STRIKE]15-minute[/STRIKE] 1-hour dose of OB everyday? ...That is if they knew what OB was, of course.[/SIZE] OB. Relevant to your RDA.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#656446][b]The Fourth Avenue Cafe[/b], [i]Rurouni Kenshin[/i] Ending Theme [SIZE=1]Even after a good 7 years since I first saw the anime, I still get really excited when I see this ending sequence. It finished off and featured many of the most memorable scenes in the series (Edo arc, Kenshin's departure and that brilliant fight sequence between Kenshin and Saito, to name a few) and saw the transition from a comic RK down to a more serious, drama-heavy theme. I also associate it with a major change in L'Arc-en-Ciel's career so it's a pretty special ending theme.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#656446]We found evidence for the presence of gold in mineable amounts in our study area. [SIZE=1]Hur hur hur. Bet only a few of us can such a thing and actually [i]mean[/i] it. Good job, Delta.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#656446][QUOTE]Why do so many people use photoshop?[/QUOTE]Because it's the only graphics program I have besides MS Paint and it sure beats the crap out of the latter. Also, the guy who sold us our PC was kind enough to install the program (we get to choose a few programs as part of the package, I think) so we didn't spend a lot of PS. I've yet to fully explore PS 7, despite the two odd years I've been exploiting it. I want to get CS2, though, just because it's the latest version. ^^[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#656446]Wait a minute... who said the fifty worked for the five? The given parameters were just:[quote name='The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]There are two groups of people, a group of five and a group of fifty. The group of fifty live in poverty, and there's really nothing they can do to escape poverty as trade is non existent and there's no farm land around. The people are starving and will eventually all die. The five are all very rich, they control the land around the fifty and they have more than enough money to help out the fifty, but they refuse to because they are greedy sons of b****s. Is it alright for the fifty to overrun the five and take their money?[/COLOR'] [/FONT][/quote]...which leaves open the possibility that the 50 poverty-stricken persons are indolent creatures and the 5 [i]actually[/i] worked for the money,wealth,etc. If I say the five oughta give donations to the fifty, it's almost like I'm implying that these five work for the fifty. The five are not stewards of the fifty and thus are not obligated to aid them. Also, stealing is stealing no matter what reason compelled the thief to commit it. 'Tis a crime, baby. IOW, [b]Against[/b].[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#656446][QUOTE=Gemini_Phoenix](1) Zero Gravity When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside-down, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C. The Russians used a pencil. Your taxes are due again--enjoy paying them.[/QUOTE]Oh yeah, don't pencils work underwater as well? I saw a clip about scuba divers and I saw one of them write something on a clipboard with a yellow stick (which I assumed was a pencil). [img]http://www.emporia.edu/earthsci/amber/go336/salley/pics/carbon.gif[/img] This is a stability diagram for graphite/diamond. To the right of the univariant line are possible combinations of temperature and pressure where graphite is stable. You won't form diamonds 'til the presssure is at say, hmmm, 18 kbars or roughly about 18,000 time the standard sea level pressure, and 500 degrees Celsius. But pressures and temperatures inside a space ship are waaaay below those marks so clearly, graphite is stable even in space. Pencils are relevant to my interests.[/COLOR]
  24. Delta


    [COLOR=#656446]Try playing with the Tolerance levels, see it that will help. I use the Pen tool to extract stuff out of images. Here's linkage to a tutorial : 1. [url]http://www.arraich.com/ps6_tips_ppen1.htm[/url] 2. [url]http://www.myjanee.com/tuts/shapes6/shapes6.htm[/url] Make sure to create a shape around the image you're gonna extract [i]only[/i]. After you're done, Ctrl+click the Shape Layer you've made to select it (you should see the "marching ants" border 'round the shape). Hit Ctrl+Shift+I or go to Select> Inverse. Click the layerwhere your image is, Delete then Deselect (Ctrl+D). ...Pretty complicated but it becomes really easy to do with a bit of practice.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]4. I should slap you for making such a pathetically lame post. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE]Well you shouldn't, dear sapling. Setting such sentences to select segments of the society that is OB is not only a salty snarl but is seriously sad as well. Also, take under scrutiny the solidity that as members of the said society, we are suffused with the strain to sustain the society's stature as a sanctum of the sociable and sometimes sympathetic subsistants of the Intarweb. Subsequently, saying that said segments should be slapped is sinister. The sense of what I've said is significant and you should subscribe to it straight away. In summary, [b]O RLY?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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