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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#656446][b]I-NU-YA-SHA[/b] Despite the swordfights, it's a tad too ho-hum for my taste (sorry, Inuyasha fans!). Hrmm, perhaps it's one of those series that you [i]have[/i] to watch from the start just so you can see why people like it. *shrugs*[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Aaryanna-donooooo! Thank you for commenting on my creation! Also, I'd like to thank the gracious [b]Sakura[/b]-dono as well. You've both been very helpful! Yes, it is especially when the artist has come a long way in terms of exploiting the powers of Photoshop that she needs feedback more. Sure, she made it to (first and foremost) please herself but it should be able to elicit the same feelings that brought about its conception in everyone who sees it as well. *o* Whoa. That sounded weird. Guess reading all that Yakitate!! Japan will do that to you. Well then! Without further ado, I shall now unveil the new [b]Eien ni, Ikkaku[/b]: Aaryanna/Sakura version! [URL=http://img418.imageshack.us/img418/6956/ikkaku5rc.jpg][IMG]http://img418.imageshack.us/img418/6956/ikkaku5rc.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Great huh? I love it as much as the first version; I hope you'll like it, too! It's dedicated to all you folks out there who took the time to read this thread. Thank you, thank you very much![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]It ain't licensed yet (the manga at least)... but I guess this reply's a bit overdue, isn't it? =+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [i]Yakitate!! Japan[/i] is a manga by Takashi Hashiguchi. It's got 21 volumes to date and an anime series to boot! [b]What's it about?[/b] Baking. Yes, baking. A baking manga about a baker named Azuma Kazuma who works in a bakery called Pantasia. From the title alone, readers can tell that it's about baking (and bakers, and bakeries...). "Yakitate!!" (焼きたて!!) can be translated as "Freshly Baked!!", a come-on most often used by bakers to advertise their creations. [b]What?!? "Freshly-Baked!! Japan"?[/b] That's right! ...Oh wait. The "Japan" in [i]Yakitate!! Japan[/i] isn't really referring to the country of Japan. Nope, "Japan", spelled as "ジャぱん", is actually a play on words: "Pan"=ぱん=bread. Japan then translates loosely as "Japanese bread", much in the same way Japanese call French Bread "FURANSU-pan" and English Bread "IGIRISU-pan". ...So, other than mewlink64 here and me, has anyone of you read it?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][quote name='D. Resurrected']If I wsa wrieagn sehngomit futriy wluod yuo fnid ttah ieretitnsg?[/quote]Not without great difficulty. Oh wait, honestly, [i]no[/i]. *knocks on her head* What's "futriy" supposed to be? ...Perhaps it's an acquired skill, yeah? If I read enough of this stuff then I'd probably get better at it![/SIZE] ALRIGHT, YOU GUYS! POST MORE MISSPELLED WORDS![/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#656446]Great! Good job, you guys! I see no NGE yet! Erhm. I was a bit confused by [b]Samurai Deeper KYO[/b]'s ending. [spoiler]I ain't sure why Benitora heard Yuya's voice (considering that she was peddling in the boondocks) and whether the Sanada clan really was the army outside Edo Castle. And that surprised look in Yukimura's face was a mystery too.[/spoiler] I need to see it again![/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#003042][b][COLOR=#FB1791]1.[/color][/b][QUOTE][color=red][size=1][b]A room full of [color=DarkOliveGreen]living, breathing, submissive[/color] bishies. How cool would that be?! I could cuddle up to all my bishies from my bishie list and never ever be lonely! -^^-[/color][/size][/b][/QUOTE]Fixed. [COLOR=#FB1791][b]2.[/b][/color] Then I'd wish for eternal beauty 'cause everything nice and wicked follows a beautiful creature. Besides, it's an easy wish to grant; all the genie has to do is make me look the way I do now forever. Ohohohoho! [SIZE=1][COLOR=#FB1791](God, I'm such a narcissist.)[/color][/SIZE] [COLOR=#FB1791][b]3.[/b][/color] And because I'm a selfish girl, I'd wish for unsurpassable powers of persuasion. Then I'll talk the genie into giving me more wishes. ;P[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][QUOTE=D. Resurrected]i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! can you understand it?Crazy isnt it. the mind works in misterious ways :animesmil[/QUOTE][quote name='Report Bad Post']Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.[/quote]Shoot. I guess it's none of the above, then. I had trouble reading the second paragraph. Not only did it take me a good minute to sort out "taotl", but I kept reading "rset" as "reset". Thank you, Thread Maker. It was by your discovery that I found confirmation that something [i]was[/i] wrong with my brain.[/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1]Wai~! A KW thread! [COLOR=#9E0B0E]First, I'd like to personally thank you for answering them request threads. No wonder you've suddenly gotten a whole lot better in graphics. Well done, chief.[/COLOR] +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ [b][u]Kairi banner[/u][/b] [COLOR=#9E0B0E]I love the background! Saturated shades are always good in my book, so are swirly patterns. They also bring out Kairi's eyes (or the color in them) so that at least ties the background to the subject. However, I feel that you could have done more to Kairi's picture. It looks sort of plain and dark against the bright and busy background. I suggest you play with the Levels a bit, just to balance the brightness of both elements. Also, it's hard to read the font you used for "KW". Perhaps you could use a simpler looking font? [/COLOR] [b]8/10[/b][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=#656446][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/reiku_aeon_avi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/reiku_aeon.jpg[/IMG] [i]Exeunt Delta[/i][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Ugh... my head... *recovers* Ah, so that's what the story about Schrodinger's cat means! I picked up a book about it nearly four years ago and the only thing I understood was that there's a cat in the box. :animeswea [quote name='D. Resurrected']Nothing is real unless it is observed.[/quote]Umm... ain't this supposed to be [b]"The state of the cat ain't really one (dead) or the other (alive) unless we can ascertain by observation that the cat is of one state and surely not the other (or vice versa)"[/b]? It's not that we can scratch out the existence of the cat; we can only go so far thinking about how the cat is. So, if you construct the thought experiment that way, it's a lot easier to relate to Schrodinger's equations, probability density and consequently Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. ...Sorry if that sounded incoherent. I believe I half-slept through the lecture about this exercise in our Physics class. (Yes, that's right! I was in a state of sleep and wakefulness at the same time!) [b]P.S.[/b] [COLOR=#EAEAEA]Also, if we take it that we have [i]two[/i] observers, the cat and Schrodinger, then the cat's state doesn't really go unobserved. I'm pretty sure if if I were the cat, I'd know if I'm still alive, yeah? :3[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#656446][quote name='animeloyalist91']In all fairness that is load of bull. Not I not talking about NEG. I have seen every episode of Ghost in a shell 2nd Gig and I am barly understanding it. :([/quote]Don't need to watch each episode, BTW. You just have to get them COMPLEX episodes (not the STANDALONE eps) and that's almost as good as watching the whole series. Also, they have released an Individual Eleven OAV(OVA?) which features the most important parts in the COMPLEX episodes so this one's also recommended if you haven't the patience to watch through 2nd Gig or are having trouble following the story. ^_^[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#656446][quote name='animeloyalist91']So what do you think the anime storyboard people could do to change this. I don't want an anime that dumbs everything down and I want it to be understandable like Fullmetal alchemist. :animesigh[/quote]Nothing. I think complexity is relative. In some extreme cases, an anime of moderate complexity may be on the dumb side for one and too difficult for another. So, since the writers have already got the range between simple and complicated anime down pat, I don't see why they should change something. Besides, there are some anime stories that you just can't really depict well if dumbed down or decked up, yeah? ^^[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#656446]Oh? I thought [b]Blood+[/b] was the only 4kids project slated for the 2nd quarter of the year. [quote]...The trailer premiered last March 15 and the pilot episode will air on the 21st of June. Due to the bloody and violent nature of this anime however, the team was and still is hard at work making the cult phenomenon [i]Blood+[/i] child-friendly. We shall postpone other ongoing editing projects to later dates and allow our staff to direct their focus on this undertaking.[/quote] Tut tut.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#656446][b]"Nee, Kon. Yaranaika?"[/b] [SIZE=1](Hey Kon. Shall we do it? ;))[/SIZE] God, I hope someone gets it.[/COLOR]
  15. Uhooo! That's a really cool avatar! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Short-Cuts-v02-074.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=#656446][spoiler]Alright, I was just kidding. Out of the 10+ Bleach avatars I made, that one has got to be my favorite. I used it for a while 'cause I liked it so very, very much! Seeing another member sport an avatar I made really warms my heart. *sniff, sniff* Thank you, dear [b]anime_dark[/b], for using that avatar! *bows*[/spoiler] The banner's really great, too. Not because it's from Bleach, but 'cause the colors are really do stand out. The dimensions are pretty rad as well; width>>height is the way to go! It ain't busy but it's not dull, it's simple but it's well made. Very good. (It could use a border, though.) [b]9/10[/b][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#656446][quote name='The13thMan']A girl friend once told me that the most important things about a guy physically are his eyes and hair. So ladies....is that true???[/quote]Nah, not for me. I go for nice, strong arms and really warm hands. [QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]I've got nice breasts. They're a bit bigger than I'd like, but I doubt that bothers the male species. Also, they are nice and squishy.[/size][/color][/QUOTE]Applicable for this lady too, except mine are a bit firm for their size. It's a bother really, but being well-endowed does have its benefits. BTW love the hex code, Sara.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#656446]Yes... yes, now you have me. Unfortunately, chief, I am high maintainance. I have drained your finances just minutes after I came into your possession, and because you were unable to give me the standard of living I am accustomed to, I have set into motion a grand plot that will not only bring you to disrepute but put to ruin the lives of people around you as well. Have a nice day. :) [b]I wish OB had a red skin.[/b][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#656446]Alright, chief. I'll get another one up by tomorrow. Are manga images alright with you?[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#656446]Wai~! It's an Ichimaru request! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/raphael-hitsugaya_gin.jpg[/IMG] Um, if you want me to change anything on this banner, let me know. I can make something simpler if you want. Also, would you like a matching avatar?[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#656446][QUOTE=Raphael][FONT=Palatino Linotype][i]Banned from OB[/i] or [i]Kicked on the groin (and a hard one for that)[/i][/FONT][/QUOTE]Uhooo! Totally unrelated but grave choices, nonetheless! Thou art a formidable opponent, Raphael. Lots of people get kicked in the groin but only a select few get banned. Let's go for glory: It's absolute and total [b]bannage[/b] for moi. [QUOTE=Delta][COLOR=#656446][b]Be marooned in the geographic North Pole in December[/b] or [b]be marooned in the geographic South Pole in June.[/b] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Go.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#656446][QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1][b]Would you rather take $10,000 straight cash with no obligation to pay back ?[/b] Or [b]Would you risk that $10,000 on a double or nothing game of chance where you have 50/50 chance of winning ? [/b] [/SIZE][/QUOTE]50/50's as good as it gets. And I've been itching to strike that "High stakes gambling" off my to-do list so I'll go with the latter. [b]Be marooned in the geographic North Pole in December[/b] or [b]be marooned in the geographic South Pole in June.[/b] [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#656446]^ Wins for insanely difficult submission. Truly, thou art the sovereign of this realm. I'd say [b]HZ[/b]. Probably 'cause it's a forum banner and it's pretty dark. *shrugs*[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#656446]Now you can! However, since there were people in need in both sides of a major international dispute between two warring nations, your impartiality towards the unfortunate made both governments [i]very[/i] suspicious of your actions. You were tried and found to be guilty of conspiring with the enemy state by BOTH governments and your lawyer is now appealing for a reduced sentence. He's finding it hard to convince BOTH courts that you do not belong in the death row, though. [b]I wish it will be warmer tomorrow.[/b][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#656446]Oh no, dragons aren't reptiles. They branched off Class Reptilia through the missing link between bird-hipped and saurichian dinosaurs and made a class of their own (Draconia). It's just like how members of Class Mammalia evolved from therapsids and Aves from pterosaurs. But I guess that was supposed to go in the "Dragons" thread, yeah? ;P[/COLOR]
  25. Delta


    [COLOR=#656446]^ From the birth place of all things weird and unexplainable: [spoiler]Urahara Kisuke. Alright, I was trolling. Remember that Ichi's mask stayed with him, tucked under his Shinigami robes, even when he was in Soul Society. Perhaps it never goes away. When you activate the Hollow, the mask just sort of teleports to the face.[/spoiler] EDIT: [SIZE=1][b]Episode 73[/b]: [spoiler] It was good that them water Bountos are dead but 73 was a real talker. Roughly a fourth of it was spent on a single (dull) scene! And hrmm, it looks like the arc's gonna stretch beyond episode 80. [1] They've got more Bountos to defeat [2] A subplot about Maki-chan was added [3] And it looks like the arc won't end 'til the lover's spat between Kayari and the girl ends.[/spoiler] Dang. It won't be long 'til BLEACH becomes the new Naruto. You know, they should do a Yami no Matsuei and halt BLEACH anime 'til the Vaizard arc's finished.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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