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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#35425e]Talk is cheap, and it doesn't get any cheaper than in PRP. I am crossing my fingers in hope that PRP will share the same fate as the posts in it: [B]If nobody gives a flying frock, maybe it will just go away.[/B] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#35425e][quote name='Sara'][font=helvetica]Is anyone buying/making/sending out little valentine cards this year? I saw some holographic wild animal cards at the grocery store earlier today, and I was [i]this[/i] close to buying them.[/font][/QUOTE]This is FAB. Buy them. The next card-giving holiday is ten months away, and at the current deforestation rates, wild animals (and their cards) won't hang around til December. [b]@ chibi-master:[/b] Now now. Best you can do is laugh [i]at[/i] them and their relationships that they believe will last forever [SIZE="1"](they won't. Relationships are fueled by little Valentine's cards and personalized [i]everything[/i], so hoohah to them)[/SIZE]. [b]@ taperson:[/b] That concert is made of anthems and pure win. Rock it.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#35425e]Yeah, I think the Man overreacted. Even a "Push button to eject teacher" won't merit time in a cell. This probably is an isolated case at best, or it wouldn't have been printed. But it goes to show that: 1) You could get arrested for [i]anything[/i] this days, and 2) the police need to work on that. Did anyone else notice how many "Common sense should prevail" news they're churning out recently? Huh, makes one think if it's really that common.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#35425e]Please use this and see if the edges now match up. [/color]
  5. [COLOR=#35425e]Reusable as in take-it-out-give-it-a-good-rinse-and-put-it-back-on reusable? Sounds suspiciously like retainers. P.S.: Ewwww. P.P.S.: But it's probably environmentally-sound. Perhaps this will lead to a solution for eco-mommies who do not want to fill the world's dumpsites with diapers. However, this contraption looks like it could get parents sued for child abuse. Oh what a dilemma.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#35425e]A friend had given me a cacao fruit and I saved the seeds because I wanted to make my own chocolate. I placed the seeds in the laboratory oven for a week and crossed my fingers (hope no one got high carbon signatures in their samples). Once they were dry, I roasted them in our stove then cracked them open. Et voila! Cocoa nibs! A single nib already smelled like chocolate heaven.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#35425e][SIZE="1"]^ Weirdness is probably on the same level as "Reading biology textbooks for fun/enlightenment". Cool, in a geeky sort of way[/SIZE]. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]chibi-master:[/B][/COLOR] Apples huh? Should try that some time. Good of you to switch from junkfood to apples! Stress apparently helps delay my period: I have a perfect 31-day cycle but when I'm having a really ratty week at work, this goes up to the high 30's. The hypochondriac in me would like to believe that this delay stems from anorexia, but my waistline and pimples beg to differ.[/COLOR]
  8. [color=#35425e]I'll take it from here. Claimed. EDIT: I took the bait. [URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/graphic%20worm/whowatches.jpg"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/graphic%20worm/th_whowatches.jpg[/IMG][/URL] It's a bit too simple for my style, but it's a new year, yeah? P.S.: It was also I who submitted the 10th piece in the 2006 GW. Yey for nostalgia![/color]
  9. [COLOR=#35425E]The edges match up in my desktop monitor and in my laptop LCD. I also tried switching between 32- and 16-bit depth but they still look the same color to me. Maybe it's a browser thing?[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#35425e]Oh goody! Claimed! Edit: [URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/graphic%20worm/Sabotage.jpg"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/graphic%20worm/th_Sabotage.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Ooh! Worm sabotage![/color]
  11. [COLOR=#35425e]How about Francesca de Rimini and Paolo in [i]Divine Comedy[/i] by Dante Alighieri. They inspired Rodin's [i]The Kiss[/i] so they should count for something.[/color]
  12. [SIZE="1"][COLOR=#35425e]Claimed. Happy New Year, everyone! EDIT: [URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Untitled-1-4.jpg"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/th_Untitled-1-4.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Clicky clicky, Detective![/b] Hope the edges match up.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE="1"][color=#35425e]^ Very KISS, Allamorph. It's "twenty-ten" for me. On a different note, how will this decade be referred to by our offspring? There was "the 20's", "the 30's" and so forth, but I've never really heard of the 1910-1919 decade as "the 10's".[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE="1"][COLOR=#35425e]All this talk about MGS and none about that legendary battle with [b]Psycho Mantis[/b]. Mantis [spoiler]hacks your tv, your controller and your save files[/spoiler]. Pure magic, I tell you! Three times better than Naomi's "massage". His background story was also unique, especially the part where he becomes the twisted little thing that he is. This might sound corny, but the second time I played MGS, I only felt sorry for him. And let's not forget: he's fodder for MGS parodies. [spoiler][i]"You like men!"[/i][/spoiler][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE="1"][COLOR=#35425e][quote name='John']Asking for gift cards or cash is [I]unacceptable[/I]. "Practicality" has no part in Christmas gift-giving and gift-getting.[/QUOTE]Not if one's a utilitarian. I do love it when the receiver actually uses my gift for her/him. Wish lists make it easier for people like me to make gift-giving a win-win situation. Santa doesn't mind, yeah? On to the loot:[COLOR="DarkRed"][LIST=1] [*]a small Fortune plant [*]6 crochet threads [*]6 medium-weight yarns [*]2 crochet hooks [*]a pair of knitting needles [*]boxes for my yarn stash [*]a 2010 planner [*]a ballerina lamb plushie [*]a jar of trail mix [*]a bra that's [i]just my size![/i][/COLOR] [/LIST]This year's loot was A+! Lots of crafty bits, some of which I've turned into purses already. I still have a few gifts I've left unopened, including the one from The One. Saving them for a dreary day when one just needs a pleasant surprise. The lovely gift wraps and ribbons have also been recycled into notebook covers and fabric roses. An excellent loot indeed.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=#35435e][size=1][quote name='Rachmaninoff'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]And I ended up spending it asleep. My cold that I thought was gone, merely got worse and turned into a full throat infection. :animesigh[/FONT][/QUOTE]So no cold, fizzy drinks for you too, huh? The original plan was to sleep until 11:30, but I stayed up cleaning my room and watching fireworks til about 15 minutes to midnight. Just before 12, we scattered coins on every corner of the house. It's something we do to ensure that the family is well-provided in the coming year. Also, we opened all doors and windows to let the old, bad spirits out ([i]yeah, I know[/i]) and the good vibes in. First time to see a full moon plus fireworks in a clear night sky! 'Twas an A+ evening![/size][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#35425e]Ooh wow! Great work on the first banner! Did you use Hard Mix for the object at the center? Faaantastic! Never knew it looks good with a sharp, pixelly finish until now. And that bright dot inside the "d" of "undone", genius! If it wasn't for that dot, I would have totally missed that word. Love the prismatic sparkles in the Banners #1 and #2! They're subtle but they give tons of character to the image. Like clear lipgloss![/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#35425e]Wait it out. Just wait it out. Alternatively, you can drink an infusion of boiled avocado leaves. I've yet to grow faith on herbal remedies, but my tummy loves this. Hope you get well soon![/COLOR]
  19. [SIZE="1"][COLOR=#35425e]Hello! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/jin-avi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/jin-1.jpg[/IMG] Please PM me if you want me to change/add/delete anything. Cheers! EDIT: Does the avatar look blurry?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE="1"][COLOR=#35425e]I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with version 4.0, but I'll try to help. First up, check your [B][COLOR="Red"]Layers[/COLOR][/B] box (probably in the bottom right) and see if the layer with your picture is named "[I][COLOR="Red"]Background[/COLOR][/I]". If it is, then that means everything you erase will have the same color as your background (which is probably set to gray; check the icons at the left of the screen). Just like in Paint, yeah? I'd like you to double-click the [I][B][COLOR="Red"]Background[/COLOR][/B][/I] layer and rename it to whatever you like. You'll see that the layer name won't be in italics anymore. Now you can use the Eraser/Marquee/Lasso/Wand/etcetera to get rid of the background completely. Hope that helps![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE="1"][COLOR=#35425e]Oh! Are we doing[B][COLOR="Orange"] loud[/COLOR][/B] and[COLOR="Magenta"][B] pink [/B][/COLOR]now? Sign me up! EDIT: [CENTER][URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/brotherhood.jpg"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/th_brotherhood.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]The Sending[/COLOR][/B][/URL][/CENTER] If the trailing edge is too difficult, please let me know.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE="1"][COLOR=#487659]I speak as someone who reads Cosmo and Seventeen religiously: [u]never use quizzes to determine whether someone's flirting or not.[/u] They were made by people who seldom flirt and/or flirted upon. [B]Flirting =/= Physics[/B] Assumptions complicate the situation. By the way you describe her, I think she's a very nice and considerate girl. ASK HER OUT. Manly men wear pink and seize the day! If you can't wear pink, better the latter, eh? Also, don't try anything smooth. We could always tell, and at your age, it'll look weird. Tell her jokes and when she laughs (and in a very good mood), ask her out. Do it, do it, DO IT![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=#35425e]Hohoho! This is really something! I would just like to say that I lurve the smattering of strokes on his cape and how they define how it flows. The effect is something I can only describe as "old-school heroic"; now all it needs is the setting sun as a background![/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#487659]^ But it's true. Over here, soy sauce on rice is a last resort, the sort of thing you'll eat when you've got nothing else. IOW, the very bottom of the underclass. But soy sauce on everything else = v. good. Especially when paired with chili oil and used as a dipping sauce for shu-mai. Also, the way to cutlet heaven is paved with equal parts of ketchup, sugar and soy.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#35425e][size=1]Hello! I'll be using blue/dark blue, if that's okay. Or do you prefer burnt orange? In any case, I'll make samples of both colors. Please wait for my submission! Love and Peace! EDIT: Hi! Sorry for the delay; work got in the way. :] I've attached the pictures. If you want me to change anything (remove the numbers, change the colors, add a logo, etc.), please don't hesitate to say so. Hope the kids like them![/size][/COLOR]
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