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[COLOR=#656446]Hmm, I thought it was the Flower Girl from Wolf's Rain. Anyways... First up, I've to commend you for them clean outlines. From what I gather, you didn't use ink on this one, just the messy medium that is graphite. Makes its cleanliness a tad more laudable, yeah? Also, the subject's pose looks lovely. Methinks it's how the eye's drawn that gave soul to this piece. (Alright, [i]that[/i] sounded wierd). I am rather doubtful 'bout stuff below the face, though. The breadth of the shoulders looks a bit narrow for the head. The arms are kind of thin, too. But it's nothing too major so cheers to you! [b]8.5/10[/b][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][quote name='Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Yusike and Kuruma couldn't help themselvs when their yaoi fantasies took over, Hiei was never the same again..."[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]You have won 10 Internets, my good sir. I again relinquish all my chances of winning to thou. [b]Don't forget to watch "Yu Yu Hakusho and UFO Baby Crossover X", kiddies![/b][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Mmm hmm. Lesee if we can pull this off with a Japanese artist. 1. Pick a Band or Artist: [b]Takui[/b] 2. Are you male or female: [b]Mother Sky[/b] 3. Describe yourself: [b]100 Man Kai Ikita Neko[/b] (The cat that lived a million times) 4. How do some people feel about you: [b]Passion Hip Lady[/b] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Crazy More Crazy[/b] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]What Do You Mean?[/b] 7. Describe where you want to be: [b]Far Eastern[/b] 8. Describe how you love: [b]To The Max[/b] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [b]Lambretta[/b] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [b]Beat Yourself Blind[/b] 11. Now say goodbye: [b]Sayonara[/b] (you know what this means, dontcha?) [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][quote name='Rhym][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]P.S. You know what [i]really[/i] sucks? Tungsten, the element that incandescent lightbulbs need to work, is also running out. I think it's going to be depleted in something like 20 or 30 years.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]We can always go for gas discharge tubes and light everything up with neon signs. Groovy. And yes, our transport system will survive the oil crash. Fully-electric cars have been roving around the streets of Tokyo for quite some time now, and the hybrid technology developed in new car models offer less dependency on gasoline. Given the time it takes for Japan technology to reach the ends of this planet, cars will run on electricity (generated by nuclear plants or what have you) before oil runs out. You know what else will disappear when we deplete our oil? Jelly shoes. That's right. Better collect 'em now 'cause there won't be anything left in thirty year's time. Again, groovy.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][b]?I wonder where the others are,?[/b] asked Malchius aloud. He and Lucia had taken up surveying the vast blue waters while they dried themselves under the fierce midday sun. Though the height at which they were extended their view far beyond the horizon, everything appeared much brighter than if they just skimmed above the water. Malchius had to shield his eyes while holding on to Dogarta, a feat which is not to be laughed at. Lucia, on the other hand, didn?t mind the intense light. If anything, it elucidated everything below them: the reefs, the subtle shadows cast by underwater platforms, the little boats that dot the coast. Yes, the other Titans were in fact already with them; she kept this from her companion because she knows he would not be able to see them, with the sunlight on his eyes and all. And that is also why she did not tell him about the gray patch of clouds she spotted in the west. That gray patch elicited memories of that place buried deep within her conscience. Dark waves that surge so violently that only the strong can break through the capricious barrier unscathed. Mist so thick that even the sun at its zenith can only reveal small patches of the ruins that lay within. The ancient magicks that have kept this island shielded from mortal men were as strong today as when they were first cast. Centuries have passed since she had laid eyes on that spectacle and now it again loomed in the horizon. [i]Can you see that, Dogarta? Yes... It?s Atlantis.[/i] [SIZE=1]+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ [b]OOC:[/b] Thought it's about time that the Titans got to Atlantis. Please, please PM me if I have to change something in this post.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][b]Apparently, dogs are not the only animals that stick their heads out of a vehicle. Crocs do, too.[/b][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS] Would you rather: [i]have your favourite band play an intimate, invite-only gig especially for you and your close friends[/i] or [i]win a lifetime season ticket to every gig that band will ever play, with the guarantee they'd never play just for you?[/i] [/font][/QUOTE]Ah, to be in the same room as the guys of Asian Kung Fu Generation! What bliss! This fangirl knows that she can't keep her object of affection for herself and her friends, who apparently do not know AKFG. This fangirl is generous and wants to share her object of affection with other fangirls. This fangirl will definitely want to win that [b]lifetime season ticket to every gig that band will ever play, even with the guarantee they'd never play just for her[/b]. Easy as pie, Raiyuu. [QUOTE=liamc2][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Would you rather be a full time student studying a science degree that requires 20 contact hours, and support yourself by working 30 hours a week so that you can [i]eventually[/i] afford textbooks? Or, Would you rather drop a subject, work less hours, and complete your degree two years time instead of one? [Keeping in mind that without the extra money rent would suck and so would your budget?][/size][/font][/QUOTE]I choose the latter. I've been working my *** off for a science degree for 3 years now, what's two years to me? Also, I must have loads of free time so that I can log on to OB for longer hours (Internet's free at school:3). [b]OB = Serious Business.[/b] +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Alright, kiddies. Try this on for size: [b]Be insanely popular because you starred in a widely-parodied Internet video (read: worldwide viewership)[/b] or, [b]Have an insanely popular song that gets ripped off by another artist who then gets recognized for the song while you, oh most unfortunate one, are sued for copyright infringement?[/b] (improbable but go with me in this one, love) [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]^ The latter, I think. Her friend was just printing dA stuff and drawing over them. Do ask her why she did such a thing. She must have a reason, yeah? If she did it to win your friendship, give her the assurance that you'd still be friends even if she isn't good at drawing. After all, your bond with her runs deeper than your mutual love for art (amirite?).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Thanks for waiting! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/dee_hana_avi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/dee_hana_avimascot.jpg[/IMG] ...And then I found a green mascot in [URL=http://www.hanadan.net/]this HYD[/URL] site and thought, "Hey, that looks cute!", so I put it in the avatar I was making. But then I realized that you might not want it in your avatar so I made you two: one with the green mascot and one without, just to be safe, yeah? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/dee_hana.png[/IMG] I'm still looking for suitable pictures for the avatar. Meanwhile, if you want me to change anything in the banner, please let me know. ^^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]^ A! We used the same picture! :3 [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/lady_k_aisha_avi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/lady_k_aisha.png[/IMG] Woo! They're *kinda* bright but I hope you like them![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]^ Noted and signed. You don't have to look far for a culture as rich as the Japanese's. One may not notice it, but even the smallest nuances and no-brainer customs one group of people have may look really exotic to an outsider. I can speak very little Japanese period. Knowing questions like [i]"Toire wa doko 'su ka?"[/i] means nothing if the answer ain't [i]"Asoko da"[/i] or something simpler. Not to mention many of the sentences I've picked up from years of watching subs really aren't used in a normal Japanese conversation. Imagine if you were lost in Kyoto and could only utter [i]"Yaranaika?"[/i]. :3 [SIZE=1][quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f][SIZE=1]I also don't want to hijack this thread (sorry), but I must address this one more time. I understand now that it makes more sense with "ni" in it, but wouldn't "neko wa doko ni imasu ka" mean "where do cats exist" or "where can cats be found"?[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]Perhaps, if we took "doko ni imasu ka?" in the most literal sense. But in the end you'll get more or less the same response if you ask either "X wa doko desu ka?" or "X wa doko ni imasu ka?" (even the more informal "X WA DOKO DA?" we hear so often in anime is acceptable). Goes to show that one can say the same thing in a multitude of ways. ^^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]An angel, a Stone of Wishes and a jerk. I'm thinking it'd translate really well into an RPG but it also sounds like a good start for a manga. Characters with opposing personalities (i'm assuming that much since it does sounds like a shoujo manga) always make for interesting stories (or at the very least fillers). ^^ Even so, I think that it needs something that'd make it stand out from run-of-the-mill stories. A weird circumstance (like a dragon growing out of somebody's back ) or promise/condition they have to keep [i]no matter what[/i] would tickle many a reader's interests. Also, I suggest you work out how things are gonna fit together. For example, is the search for the Stone of Wishes part of Mai's initiation, or is it a something that she stumbled upon and wanted to pursue? Good luck![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]?And so the Titans trained their eyes to the blue-grey sea, towards the western horizon, each hoping to be the first to see the approach of their brothers and sister. Suddenly, a loud revving interrupted the rhythmic lapping of the waves. To the Titans who?ve slept for countless years, the sound was both strange and enthralling, like the exotic roar of fantastic animal or a siren song that drew their attention. They looked to where the sound came from and found a strangely-dressed woman straddling what looked like a clump of silver pipes and plates on two wheels. [b]?Ain?t really the best weather for sailing, yeah??[/b] shouted the newcomer. Two fingers went up to her temple and gave the company a small salute. She left the peculiar machine in the sand and walked towards them. Though her eyes were hidden under orange lenses, her grin was familiar and unmistakable. Malchius? lips broke into a smile. [b]?Well I?ll be... How was your sleep, Lucia??[/b] Lucia flipped her fair hair and sighed. [b]?It was just [i]grand[/i], Malchius.?[/b] Realizing that her voice gave off hints of weariness, she quickly grinned at the Titan of Time. He, in turn, grinned back and motioned her to the other Titans. Taura and Isis, she both embraced and chatted with for a while. A good twenty minutes have passed (well, they [i]had[/i] a lot of things to talks about) before she was finally able to approach Dogarta. The waves were up to his ankles but he didn?t seem to mind getting his feet wet. The Titan was gazing pensively at the sea, detached from everything else except, perhaps, his own thoughts. Lucia went to his side and cleared her throat. He seemed to notice her presence and yet, as if intent on making her linger in his silence, he didn?t utter a word. Lucia took this as a sign to speak first. So she did. [b]?Dogar?? ?It?s been far too long, Lucia. How fares the world??[/b] His interruption was sudden but it didn?t surprise Lucia. After all, this was how a normal conversation between them proceeded. It amused her that they could talk as if none of his years in repose had transpired. She asked, [b]?My, my, Dogarta. Whatever happened to ?How are you, Lucia? and ?I see you?re doing well, Lucia???[/b]. To this, Dogarta could only reply with a chuckle. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Nay, KV, 'tis not blasphemous to note the shortcomings of SEED. ^^ What was it that made Gundam so successful? Was it the outstanding mecha designs and concepts that were like breaths of fresh air to a generation numbed by five-man robot teams? Was it the shaky alliances and rivalries between various political organizations (certainly more interesting to watch than, say, a dull battle between Bozanians and Earthlings)? Or was it the characters who we saw maneuvering mechas with god-like piloting skillz, and erring as normal humans do at the end of the day? All of those could be found in the Gundam series, past and present, Mobile Suit Gundam to Gundam SEED. The format, the animation and the creators may have changed, but all of them were true Gundam series at the core. [quote name='ManjoumeThunder][COLOR=Blue']Also from what I've heard they're intending to do another Gundam Seed spinoff. What do you think about this? Should the Sunrise team perhaps move on to another project and just let this series end. Even the creators of Wing knew when to quit. [/COLOR][/quote]No. You've said it yourself: the Gundam franchise often had several failures along with several success stories. If you think Gundam SEED was a failure, perhaps a mind-blowing installment is just over the horizon. (Plus, I'm sure they couldn't ignore the legions of classic-Gundam fans lobbying for stages similar to the old Gundam series, yeah?)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][FONT=Book Antiqua][b]Humans.[/b] They are incarnates of frivolity, easily distracted by trivial cares, ceaselessly seeking the attention of equally ineffectual individuals. How they manage to be unaware of the futility of their lives and pursuits still escapes me. [b]Once[/b] again, I am in the company of these beings. From the time I came down from the fortress, I have made a living out of restoring these feeble mortals to full health. Understand that I do not heal out of concern. Unlike in the distant past, one cannot go in search of her siblings abroad without ample finances. Forgive me for employing these selfish means. I have, am, and will endure these and everything else for a chance to meet you again. [b]Just[/b] this morning, I had the strangest feeling that I'd meet you soon. A strange, familiar feeling that had lain dormant in the depths of my memory surfaced and beckoned me to seek you again. Hanging on a wall of my study was an antiquated tapestry depicting the world as humans saw it two centuries ago. I consulted it, hoping it might give me a lead on where to start. My eyes fell on a cluster of marks printed west of Portugal. [i]Azores.[/i] [b]Wait for me, my dear Titans.[/b][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]^ I relinquish all my chances of winning this round (however little they may be) to KKC. [b][COLOR=#FB9900]Ichigo:[/COLOR] Hey, what's that? [COLOR=#FB9900]Byakuya:[/COLOR] What? [COLOR=#FB9900]Ichigo:[/COLOR] *stab*[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][quote name='Katana][size=1][color=royalblue]Pink is smexy. ^_~[/color'][/size][/quote][COLOR=#EC008C]Amen, Katana. Amen.[/COLOR] Wai~! What a luuurvly color scheme, HZ! Though I am not an avid fan of black backgrounds, you managed to put some oomph into the whole thing by using a bright shade of pink and a touch of white. Them gray boxes ain't shabby either. What can I say? You've got a knack for choosing the right shade of color, chief. It's ze Turks! The top banner looks clean. A bit [i]too[/i] clean, in my opinion. Perhaps you can add in a subtle, barely-there background, just to connect the logo with the rest of the image. Also, I suggest that you rearrange the Turks and maybe edit out those whose faces we don't see (and 'cause Reno looks like he just popped his head out of the menu for a quick spy. Move him up for great justice! ;P). It's a laborious task, but it's duck soup to an artist of your caliber, yeah? And just to complement the saturated shades you used, maybe you can brighten the banner as well? Bet it'd look really balanced after that, with Elena's and Reno's flashy hair colors and all. [COLOR=#EC008C][b]9/10[/b][/COLOR] P.S. Chuck Norris's gonna send them videogame characters to oblivion with his Foot of Justice. Hurr hurr hurr.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Lucia [b]Element:[/b] Light [b]Powers:[/b] [CENTER][u]Healing[/u][/CENTER] [i][u]Rebel Valkyrie[/u][/i] is a high-level curative spell she uses only when the basic healing arts just aren?t enough. Yet the task of bringing back verve to one on the brink of death necessitates a ransom of equal magnitude: Lucia falls into a deep sleep she cannot be stirred from for three full days. [CENTER][u]Light Manipulation[/u][/CENTER] [i][u]Absolute Illusion[/u][/i]: The most advanced form of non-lethal light manipulation. Not only does it assail vision but by instant hypnotic suggestions, it is able to conjure up stimuli for the other senses. [i][u]Vera[/u][/i]: Lucia?s generic attack spell. [b]Weapons:[/b] A bastard sword cut out from diamond. The blade sparkles with brilliance so fierce that it has to be wrapped in two layers of thick black cloth then in a dark leather sheath. The knife on her back is more of a tool than a weapon. [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Lucia3.jpg]Lucia[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Lucia is imbued with firm resolve that sometimes border on irrational stubbornness. Though she wishes to destroy what the other Titans protect, a feeling of camaraderie and brotherhood towards them still exists. [b]Biography: [/b] Finally, Peace settled over the once-warring states. After eons of strife, it seems that the time to lay down our weapons had finally come. It was a grand time to rest, with the Golden Age of Humans not far off. I offered to watch over our charges, secure in the knowledge that there will be no need for our kind again, that the human race will make the Peace we brought last forever. Do you remember, Tenor? You made me a fortress high up in the mountains so that I may look far and wide across the Earth. You allayed your powers in that place, dear Isis, that I may not suffer the bitter winds that so often rise from the frozen ridges below. And as a parting gift, Aldian and Taura created blessed water through which I can decipher the hearts of men. The moment you closed your eyes, I took my place at the highest peak in the world. While you slept, I remained in constant vigil over the world outside. Mine eyes witnessed things you have not beheld and felt what your quiescent hearts had shut out in your slumber. We gave the humans respite from war and stillness in their chaotic lives yet somehow, somehow the embers of their desire for ruin smoldered within in them still. The meaning of peace we once held up as heroes slowly receded to the horizon. Despite the passage of time, humans remain unchanged. And then I realized that perhaps the humans we once loved so much were the problem. Then the power of your gifts waned. You once again walk among these foolish beings, taken away from the quiet of slumber to amend what misfortune and discord they sowed in each other?s hearts. You carry their burdens, no matter how great or trifling. You have protected them time and again, and receive naught from it. You do not deserve this, my brothers. Such an iniquitous relationship must be put to an end. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ [b]OOC:[/b] Please PM me, vicky, if I need to change anything in this signup.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]^ And the Filipino dub of [COLOR=#FB9900]Cowboy Bebop[/COLOR] wasn't shabby either. Yep. Mmm hmm. Yeah, I wouldn't mind watching subbed anime dubbed in languages I don't understand. My only requirement would be that the voice characterizations must sound decent. Even if I haven't a clue as to what they're talking about, the right intonation and inflection in their speech will help amplify whatever's written in the subs. Plus, I'm easily turned off by mismatched and incompetent seiyuus so even if the subbing and the series as a whole is commendable, I might just end up not watching it. *thumbs down*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]I just finished watching [URL="http://www.sambakza.net"][color=#FB9900]"step 2: Cake Dance"[/COLOR][/URL](click title for link) and I must say that it totally pwns the first. Big time. The song's more upbeat in this installment of the series ("happy birthday to me" by Bulldog mansion. Lovely, lovely song), probably the reason why it's chockful of action scenes. step 2 also follows a plotline that, unlike the first episode, is actually related to the song. Every scene in the animation was cute, hilarious, or both. I likess it. Ah, and the Gray Rabbit and his object of affection, Hana [spoiler](Gray Rabbit was the bunny with the bouquet in the last few scenes of the first episode)[/spoiler] finally earned a bit more exposure in step 2. Good for them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#646546][SIZE=1]^ Hmm. If my hairline recedes and my face reaches up to the top of my head, will that stop the hairloss? ;P[list][*]A man with a ring finger that's longer than his index finger is more likely to be physically aggressive than men with "feminine" finger ratios ([url=http://www.livescience.com/humanbiology/050203_finger_length.html][COLOR=#FB9900]click[/COLOR][/url]) [*]There are some 12 types of ice (yes, solid water) differentiated mainly by their crystal structures. [*]Aaaand a fact about another mineral we all so love: Diamonds cannot be destroyed by acid.[/list][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/kalabaw.jpg[/IMG] Only water buffaloes wear bull rings in my world.[/CENTER] I am not offended by multiple body piercings but I draw the line at perforating my own skin. Never really saw the need for tongue rings and bellybutton rings and nipple rings 'cause rarely do I stick my tongue out, wear midriff-baring shirts or run around stark naked. Plus I get rashes wearing silver so boo. Colored contacts I am open to. I've always wanted to wear those translucent gray ones, the kind they use for zombies in the movies. Freaky but very cool.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#646546][SIZE=1]They're really thinking this filler arc through, thus the irregular schedule, IMO. Especially now that they've made a few deviations from the source material, it's easier to make a mistake at this point in the series. The next deviation might cause some horrible inconsistency with the manga, yeah? Hope they manage to end this filler arc without making a royal mess. (Hilarious Shinigami's Cup Golden, BTW. [spoiler]In the manga, did Soul Society really send Hanatarou to Ichi's world?)[/spoiler])[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Question 1: Do the villains get elemental powers too? If so, can a villain have the same elemental affinity as a Titan (say a fire-based Fallen Angel even if there already is a Fire Titan)?[/SIZE][/COLOR]