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[COLOR=#790A43]Don't know much about Keroro Gunso but I absolutely *heart* the opening theme! "Kimi ni JUICE wo Katte Ageru", yes? From the song alone, I get the feeling that the series ain't as serious as the title could eeever hope to suggest. :D[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][quote name='Meggido']The other question that comes to mind revolves around the fact that the ending credits show 3 other people that could be villains on top of the 3 we've already met. Are they the same as the first 3 or are they something completely different?[/quote]I've a nagging feeling that after some episodes, them weird-looking villains will turn out to be a) allies of Ichigo & Co; or b) characters neutral to both our heroes and the other three villain-types. Maybe they've a thing against whoever's (possibly) controlling them but can't do jack squat about it. After all, they're mod-souls, aren't they?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1][COLOR=#248C8D]I'm not accident-prone person but when I get cut, I [i]really[/i] hurt. Over-acting nervous thingamajigs or what have you, they're the reason why I really am not into activites that involve blades and saws (will stick to contact sports and swimming forever!).[/COLOR] And yes, my most recent painful experience has something to do with a wedge (specifically, a rather primitive cutting implement. think: sharpened rock). When my friend and I were polishing 3-mm thick rock sections on what looked like a modern milling stone, her section slipped from her grip, made a clockwise traverse to my side, and scored a lovely gash on my finger. My blood was on my shirt, my friend's shirt, the grinding equipment and the floor (and later on the floor of student's lounge). Yes, it bled [i]that[/i] much. But it didn't hurt at that time. It's probably 'cause them sodium-carbide grits we used were covering up the ridges of the wound. When I finally got them out with an inoculating needle (surprise, surprise!), that's when it started to hurt. It was pain much, much worse than dysmennorhea and far far deeper than the pain of lost love, especially when I poured alcohol on it *sniff*.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1]We've only been doing this for two Valentine's now but it really is good fun. The organizer writes pairs of numbers on paper hearts then cuts them in half and mixes them up. The players will draw a half-heart each from the lot then look for the person who's got the other half. Rule of the game is, participants with matching hearts have to do something extra-nice to each other come Valentine's Day. Certainly feels nice, knowing I've got a date on Valentine's. *cackle*![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1][URL=http://www.house.gov/abercrombie/services/flag_code.shtml]The US Flag Code[/URL] Hmm, it seems that the only proper way to dispose of your flag is by burning it... basically. Before you can lol at them demonstrators though, see if the flag they're burning don't look "fit as a symbol of (your) country". If it ain't tattered, faded, or hopelessly soiled (IOW, damaged), they're flouting the Flag Code. Problem is, the Flag Code doesn't impose penalties for violators. And when 1989 Texas vs. Johnson case came up, so did attempts (in the form of the Flag Protection Act and Flag Protection Ammendment) to define whether flag burning and deliberate desecration of said symbol is a crime. Though your House of Representatives was for FPA, the Senate wasn't. They were still at it even in 2004 (the fifth time your Congress mulled over ammending the US Constitution to include the FPA) Why the 16-year deliberation? You've one side backed up by the Flag Code and the other by the First Ammendment, that's why. It almost looks like one of them unresolvable chicken-egg situations to me. But still:[INDENT]Patriotism lives through substantive ideas, not just symbolic objects. Protect the substance, and the symbols will take care of themselves. [RIGHT]- Rushmore Kidder[/RIGHT][/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1][quote name='Amelia][FONT=Arial']On the video, it showed a man holding a rather large flaming flag by the only tip that wasn't burning, which only lasted about a second. He dropped it in a hurry, leaving it to burn away on the sidewalk.[/FONT][/quote]I lol'd. There must be some sort of demarcation line between "just expressing yourself" and "expressing yourself enough to make the cops have at you". I'm sure of it; I just don't know where law enforcers draw that line. [COLOR=#EDEDED]_____[/COLOR]One couldn't really call them cops (or practically everyone else) names and then say one's protected by that "freedom of speech" clause. They [i]can[/i] slap him/her with slander, you know? Same with publishing materials about other people. If it ain't right, it's libel. [COLOR=#EDEDED]_____[/COLOR]Over here, dispersal quickly follows a protest held without a city permit. I really am not against mass demonstrations, I just hope that them activists will stay clear off my commuting route. I can confidently say the almost everybody in the metro has experienced some form of inconvenience brought about by protests, massive traffic jams being the most common. I guess what I'm trying to say is: freedom of speech, assemblage, etc. aren't laws without bounds. Like what Retri said, other laws that protect the interests of other citizens limit their extent.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][quote name='ForgottenRaider']I guess what I'm saying is that PE tends to be a chore and excerise should really be done in a completely fun way, when you feel like it, and every one else is happy to join in.[/quote]Signed. Odd that I was just talking with my university mates about exercise earlier. Our professors advised us to walk/run every chance we get 'cause come April, we'll be traversing tens of kilometers everyday for a grueling three weeks (it's probably an exaggeration but then again, our faculty members have been known to make students trudge for two days just to map a plot of earth). Anyway, we came to a conclusion that one's gotta [i]like[/i] doing a particular exercise/sport to get the most out of it and that we'd probably work more muscles swimming laps or dancing nights away than subjecting ourselves to a form of torture called "endurance running." You'll actually look forward to training and will work out more often. That's why I'm all for DDR PE. Improves limb-eye coordination and focus, and who doesn't love a good dance showdown?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43]Hahaan... seems like OB's avatar archives ain't vast enough to include anything from the Lupin series. (Thank you very much for the heads up, Chief! *bows*) For now, maybe you could get somebody to make you Lupin avatars over at Art by Request.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1]Lovely. I gotta hand it to you, Chief: I'm loving the selection of clips, especially the Kilika send-off scene. Amazing how Yuna's footsteps keep the same pace as the song's rhythm! [i]Hiiro no Tsuki[/i]'s definitely a lot more memorable than whatever score it was that Squenix used in the game. Mmm hmm. The latter part of the video looks a bit rushed though. While the timing of transitions in the first part was nigh-perfect, everything after the Tidus/Zanarkand Stadium scene sounded a bit off with respect to the music. Especially the last scene where their ship flies off. Maybe you could cut the volume of them game sounds, just to give the ending a sense of conclusion (with the song ending quietly and all ^^). [b]8/10[/b] Trust Arai Akino to make everything sound better! *thumbs up*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1]Ah, yes. Cats and bunnies are certified crowd-pleasers. Very cool! But that sure was weird; the music reminded me of Group Tamashii's songs and for some reason, the plot and environments are something I'd associate with Korea (the southern half, at least). The minimal use of color was brilliant and so were [spoiler]the fish and carrot vending machines[/spoiler]. Adorable to pieces, especially the ending![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]The Origonal Mario Music, of course... comon: Do do do, do do do, do da do do, do do do do da do do da do or nenenenenene *paus* nenenenenen *paus* nenenenenenene[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]Signed. The best videogame music would come from a small series we call "Metal Gear Solid". Always gets the adrenaline pumping, especially that track which kicks in everytime you're discovered. And I remember how I used to deliberately kill Snake just to hear that clip that plays everytime he dies. Muhahaha![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][b]/Ree-fools-ate-racers/[/b]: Sounds cute. Not bad. Gonna call you "Reefools" henceforth. Bohahaha! [CENTER][u]Kwik n' Eesi wei to sei [b]Raya[/b][/u][/CENTER][INDENT][b][i]Ra[/i][/b]: "rah" minus the /h/, basically. Same "ra" in [i]ra[/i]pture, [i]ra[/i]mpant, Saku[i]ra[/i], and [i]Ra[/i]iyuu (because it must be emphasized!) [b][i]Ya[/i][/b]: pronounce it as you would the ya's in [i]ya[/i]cht, [i]ya[/i]rd, [i]ya[/i]nk, and "[i]ya[/i]ranaika?"[/INDENT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1][QUOTE]After nuclear fusion, the deuterium extracted from one liter of sea water will produce energy equivalent to 300 liters of gasoline. [/QUOTE] If only processing it in temperatures exceeding a hundred million ºC's costs less than three hundred liters of gasoline (~$650, yes?)... I really, sincerely hope that this arificial sun will work. This is probably the closest we've got to clean, renewable energy: if it were possible to process all the water from all the oceans, energy equivalent to some 411 sextillion(x10^21) liters of gasoline can be produced. That would translate to 2.59 sextillion barrels or 42 trillion(x10^12) years worth of petroleum extracted in 2004. Wow.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1]Lovely with a tinge of distress, thank you. It must be the melting ice from the northern latitudes. From last week's suffocating, humid weather, this week's theme must be a reprise of the conditions we had late December: insanely cold dawns and rainshowers (a full blown typhoon, last I heard). Really, it's causing so much stress on my feeble respiratory system that I get coughing fits every hour. "Equatorial Belt of Calms." [i]Psssh.[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1]Haha! I've been waiting for a request like this! I hope it's not too ostentatious:[INDENT][b]Avatar:[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/vampire_fox_avi.jpg[/IMG] [b]Banner 1[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/vampire_fox.jpg[/IMG] [b]Banner 2[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/835d2af8.jpg[/IMG][/INDENT] Made two banners 'cause I'm not sure if you'd like a border on a banner like this. Please don't hesistate to PM moi if you want me to change something in this set. *bows*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][CENTER][IMG]http://projects.star.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/projects/MEDIA/xv/images/cloth2.jpg[/IMG] [b]OMG! It's Otacon![/b][/CENTER] [SIZE=1]Ah... ehrm. Lovely that scientists are able to cook up things that once existed only in books/TVs. There used to be a hundred-year gap between the first conceptualization and actual development of them sci-fi gadgets but inventors have cut that span into a matter of a few years. The optic camouflage was completed some 12 years after Ghost in the Shell popularized the theory behind it; compare that with the time it took for man to build rocket ships Cyrano de Bergerac once wrote about. Question: Are thermal sensors still able to pick up anyone wearing these things?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Art Drix learns how to Photoshop. [Image heavy]
Delta replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1]Whoa! I absolutely *heart* the colors you're using! So bright! So vibrant! Love it, love it, love it. [u][b]Flake[/b][/u] If I haven't stressed it enough: I love the colors! Very tropical jungle-ish and it looks like something out of the pages of National Geographic. Also, good job on fitting the snake on the flamingo. The wonderful thing about it is how the snake is bent; it's as if it's just a natural extension of that pink-feathered fowl's neck. The extraction needs a bit of work especially 'cause this is one high-res piece (the Pen tool can do wonders, I tell you! Miracles, even!). Then you can Feather the snake's body [just to soften the edges. Ctrl+click the layer then go to Select>Modify> Feather. Ctrl+Shift+I then hit Delete] and maybe slap on a high-res snake head. [b]7.5/10[/b] This one has great potential. Requires a bit more TLC to bring that out, but in the end it's worth it.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1][b]Excellent. I can finally hunt you down, Baron Samedi.[/b] *cackles* I kid! Seriously though, I wouldn't mind if one of you guys showed up at my doorstep one day. I probably won't be home but at least you'd get to see my lovely, lovely door! Ehrm... I've to commend whoever made this Frappr-thing. Them "Google" words written all over the satellite images are hardly noticeable (except over mainland China. probably 'cause they censor Google over there?)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1][quote name='Pumpkin][SIZE=1']Purple and Brown symbolize two different parts of me, but I would never put them together. [/SIZE][/quote]Brown + purple = puce, a very lovely shade, IMO. I think it's Marie Antoinette's favorite color... not that I'm trying to suggest a similitude between you two. ^^ My favorite color would be red. Not just any red; I like the deep, fire-engine [COLOR=#851734][b]red[/b][/COLOR] that's oh-so-popular during Christmastime (Valentines' Day red is just too commercial for my taste). Though many of my things be pink, they are usually bought after much consideration. That's not the case when I spot a fine red find; it's usually love at first sight and I buy it without hesitation (nail polish, bags, and pencils including). Which is not surprising 'cause it [i]is[/i] the color them advertising folks use to make us gullible shoppers do exactly what that red "BUY NOW!" sign says. Mmm hmm. Red things are always 3 times as good.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43][b]Trowa: "Think I should install one of these into Heavyarms?" Wufei: "What, you mean the cow?"[/b] Oh! A 10/10 on the corny scale![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43]I *heart* the colors! They're so bright and vivid and... and 100% saturated! Very tropical. Good job rendering the transparent pixels; got one clean grungy border right there. The girl's a bit blurry, though, and the extraction's still got room for improvement. [b]8/10[/b] (+1 for the great avi!)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43]What shaped my religious beliefs, huh? Clergymen, the Bible, people around me, the environment I live in and, of course, my own biases. From them I've learned that sometimes religious texts shouldn't be taken literally but I always have to ponder on them with a degree of seriousness. "Ponder" being the word that is most stressed. Religion doesn't come as a one whole package. It's like a program with numerous patches and expansion packs, yeah? What you receive in the original program are its core values and teachings, which I believe are, by and large, the same for different religions. It provides a relatively stable base/foundation for the expansion packs, aka. your beliefs. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]Chrisitanity teaches that only christians go to heaven, it's a complete contradiction. So why would you believe in this religion?[/COLOR'][/COLOR][/quote]Hrmm... I disagree. I've yet to hear that from a member of the clergy, a nun, or a catechism teacher. Everytime I ask them if non-Christians can go to Heaven, they say yes, non-Christians do go to Heaven. The only thing that matters is how good one was in one's life, they say. It's kinda like that heart-weighing thing with Osiris and the scales of Ma'at. [SIZE=1](awright! 10 Internets for Egyptian mythology allusion!)[/SIZE]
[COLOR=#790A43]Hahannn... I say viruses are the nastiest things to have ever been cooked up by Mother Nature. There's always at least one of them buggers in my body: if it ain't a cold, it's surely something that causes hemorrhagic fever. I've a pretty hardworking immune system but it seems like it's impossible not to get infected when one of them's lurking around.*sigh* [SIZE=1]Good thing AIDS isn't airborne. :P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#7B075B][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#EDEDED]_____[/COLOR][b]While[/b] pulling on the reins of her horse, the rider shielded her eyes from the high sun and looked back at the city. Something shot up from the foot of the hill. Her horse halted and the rider searched the skies. A lone falcon soared and circled overhead, its wings dark against the bright firmament. [COLOR=#EDEDED]_____[/COLOR]The rider would have taken it as another bird of prey but the emerald band around one of its legs marked it as a scout. The rider raised her right forearm and on it, allowed the bird to alight. Heavy as it appeared, the falcon nimbly shimmied its way up the rider?s arm, flapped its wings ever so slightly and tugged at the chain slung on the rider?s shoulder. Then it flew in circles just a few feet above the path before them and zipped on ahead. [COLOR=#EDEDED]_____[/COLOR]The fair steed shook its mane and turned its snout towards the rider, who then replied with a nod. It started to trot after the bird and when it saw that the falcon was picking up speed, went into a canter and then a full gallop. [COLOR=#EDEDED]_____[/COLOR][b]Led[/b] by a rather excited falcon, the rider and her horse sped to the city proper. When they entered the crowded streets of Makeda, the falcon took its place back on the rider?s shoulder and guided them with a series of gentle tugs. After a good ten minutes of maneuvering through a labyrinth of roads, the falcon squealed and flew off to a company waiting idly on a patch of grass. There, it perched on the waiting arm of a silver-haired man, which the rider assumed was its handler. Though a good number of the falconer?s company, the rider saw that they were about her age. [COLOR=#EDEDED]_____[/COLOR]The rider dismounted and led her horse towards the falconer. A bronze-haired girl in baggy garments broke away from the group and ran to meet her. [b]?Are you a Keeper??[/b] the girl asked. [COLOR=#EDEDED]_____[/COLOR]Taken aback by the girl?s candor, the rider had no time to fabricate a half-truth. She blinked and muttered [b]?Yes? Yes, I am.?[/b] [COLOR=#EDEDED]_____[/COLOR]The girl grinned at her reply. [b]?Good, ?cause you know, we all are. What?s your name??[/b] [COLOR=#EDEDED]_____[/COLOR] [b]?Alena. Alena Eredluin,?[/b] said the rider. She nodded towards the other Keepers as a gesture of acknowledgement. [b]?Pleased to make your acquaintance.?[/b] [/FONT] [b]OOC:[/b] Wai~! I'm really sorry for the delay![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#790A43]Oh yeah. Psssh. Definitely interested. But if I were you, I'd rather that she ask [i]you[/i] out instead. She's the one who wants it anyway. And have none of that "you're the guy, you should ask me out" thing; I, who is imbued with XX sex chromosomes, ask guys out.[/COLOR]