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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#847348][quote name='nomad19']it's pretty pathetic/freaky, i actually like "princess comet" this "kiddy" anime about this princess in search of this prince on earth... :animeswea hehe[/quote]Wai~! Princess Comet! I wanted to finish the series but because it's anime for children, they aired in the afternoon kiddie slot (while I languished in a classroom). I must admit, I was a big fan of [b]Daimos[/b] some two years ago. It's not that I was interested in the whole Richard-Erika thing (believe me, I've had enough of those two) but there's something about Ulrich that made me sit through several episodes and draw Brahmins in my notebooks.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#847348]I've been crushing on [b]Sha Gojyo[/b] for almost two years now. Minekura was right about him being the posse's chick magnet; the boy's got that bad-*** attitude and lovely, LOVELY crimson hair (never mind his weird bangs). His pickup lines sound really naughty and at the same time, so hilarious that I can't imagine him being turned down at first hello. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#847348]After seeing it for the second time, I finally, firmly believe them fans who say that the movie's animation was [i]waaay[/i] better than the series'. I loved the dark, saturated colors they used throughout the movie and the character designs were out of this world! Millerna's better off as a redhead, IMO. As for the ending, it's good that they found a solution for the characters' dilemmas (well, most of them), even if it's a solution many fans didn't approve of. I loved Dilandau's ending but I just don't know about the whole [spoiler]Hitomi flies off and Gaia evanesces[/spoiler]-thing. One thing though: who was the real Wing Goddess? Many say it was [spoiler]Hitomi[/spoiler], but I saw a site (Tsubasa no Kami, I think) that suggested the possibility of [spoiler]Sora[/spoiler] as the real thing. Hrmh...[/COLOR]
  4. [SIZE=1]A [color=DarkRed]gigantic paper fan[/color] (you know, like the one Genjo Sanzo has). It automatically materializes in your hand whenever it's needed so you don't have to worry about concealing such a weapon in your sleeve. It's extremely easy to use, has a great reach and remains immaculately clean even after using it for a hundred times. Plus, it's the weapon to use when you want to whack some sense into idiots. Better than a mod rod, I'd say.[/SIZE]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Hmm... anime released/completed just this year? As an avid GITS fan, I'd advise you to get [b]Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig[/b]. Even if the plot doesn't get you (took some time for me to figure it out), surely you will appreciate the aesthetics. It's chockful of lovely 2D and 3D animation (bleded seamlessly into each other) and action-packed sequences. I lovesss it to pieces. [b]Bleach[/b] is another recent anime that I highly recommend otakus to watch. The plot's fathomable, the characters are interesting (well, 'tleast in the way they're presented) and it's a good mixture of comedy, action and (a bit of) drama.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#DarkRed][SIZE=1]Loli, yaoi, yuri, you name it, it's in CCS. As for your question: inter-racial/nationality pair-ups can produce interesting stories. A lot of creators opt to make stories about misunderstandings that arise from cultural differences which are often funny but are always educational.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZe=1]Waaaaai~ Replies! Actual, tangible replies! I'm so happy! T_T[quote name='lilkid']real goood i need to start drawing fan art again..i need to go back to my real drawing place...i just can't make up my own characters and draw the body and face and legs come together[/quote]Same here. That's why I'm gonna put aside drawing legs 'til I'm confident that I can draw bodies and faces well. The great Falcoon leaves the lower limbs out from the works in his site and I'm gonna do just the same. ;P [quote name='Kirika']What program do you use to color your pictures?[/quote]Photoshop 7. Classic, yeah? Primitive even by others' standards. I do wish I have PaintShop Pro (that's what it's called, amirite?) but then I probably won't be able to play around with it, considering what very little I know about the program. :animeswea [QUOTE=Pumpkin][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000066][i]I'm not going to critize much because I understand that this picture is not done. Obviously you used photoshop but did you use color pencils with this? Or pastels? It really looks like you used oil pastels and has a kind of unique look to it that I haven't really seen it most sketches. The coloring is fantastic and the thing that stands out is her eyes. It seems like the colors are blended together but I can't help but love it. Only thing is wasn't Rikku's hair in a bandana and in braids in the back as well? I'm not sure myself. For the most part you've got the bikini part down as her body figure looks really great. Only thing that I'm not sure about is the hair and the braids, some of the beads look a bit large for her hair.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/i][/QUOTE]Ah, I'm not really handy with pastels. I think I'm allergic to pastel dust and I tend to get oil pastels on my clothes. In this drawing, I wasn't able to go past the sketching stage 'cause I cannot ink for the life of me. The raw scan was in grayscale and was really dirty so I had to rework the outlines with PS's pen tool. The whole tedious process isn't worth it; may God grant me a talented inker. And yeah, you are absolutely right about her 'do! While ooking at her character design, I realized that she has really long bangs and a multitude of braids snaking in and out of her bandanna (I'm probably gonna add the braids later but I did something about her bangs) That's why she didn't look right! Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments! You've all been really helpful! +++++++++++ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/rikku2.jpg[/IMG] [b]"Lazy Delta! You're trying to cheat us by posting another unfinished piece!"[/b] Sorry but I really felt had to show you guys what progress I've made in the past week. I found this really nice brush hidden in PS7's defaults and I must say that it's a lovely brush for rendering knits. I've finished the left forearm, her right elbow, and her bangs but I'm now in a rut figuring out how to shade her abdomen. Thus the update! So, what do you think?[/SIZe][/color]
  8. [color=#BD8CBF][size=1][b]???:[/b] What?s your name? [b]AYANE:[/b] My name is [color=#D38DBA][b]Ayane[/b][/color]. Remember it well. [b]???:[/b] Yeah, yeah. ?Sure I will. Genre? [b]AYANE:[/b] What do you think? [b]???: [/b]You'd better answer properly, Miss Ayane. [b]AYANE:[/b] Is that a challenge? [b]???: [/b]Hmph. SECURITY! [color=#8D4C8f]After six minutes of unleashing 85-hit combos upon a squad of Guile-clones, an over-enthustiastic female in the background shouts "WINNER!" and Ayane's image song, [i]Prismatic Butterfly[/i], kicks in. The camera pans around Ayane and she strikes a pose, savoring the clones' defeat while graciously giving them a smug look each.[/color] [b]AYANE: [/b]Defeated dogs should cry over there! [color=#8D4C8f]*turns to [b]???[/b]*[/color] Three rounds of tag team and I?m still at full health. It?s not nice to mock me, Mister [color=#8D4C8f]*looks at the interviewer?s nametag*[/color][i]Sawamura Shoma[/i]. [b]SHOMA: [/b]!!! [b]AYANE: [/b]Now, where were we? Ah yes. "Genre." [b]SHOMA: [/b]Fi...[color=#D38DBA][b]Fighting[/b][/color]? [b]AYANE: [/b]Good boy. Put in [color=#D38DBA][b]"Extremely adept in Mugen Tenshin Ninjitsu"[/b][/color] under "Specialty" while you're at it. [b]SHOMA: [/b]Yes, ma'am. Um, any other thing you?re goo?best at, Ayane?sama? [b]AYANE: [/b][color=#D38DBA][b]Making marron glaces.[/b][/color] [b]SHOMA: [/b]Marron...glaces? [b]AYANE: [/b]Candied chestnuts. [color=#8D4C8f]*emits heart bubbles*[/color] [b]SHOMA: [/b][color=#8D4C8f]*nods*[/color] One last thing, Ayane-sama? [b]AYANE: [/b]Yes, yes. My picture. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Ayane-san.jpg][color=#D38DBA]Here[/color][/url] you go. Say, is Mitsurugi here? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/ayane.png[/IMG][/size][/color]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Mmm... it's not like they were created to boggle us fans but because it's the story them creators really want to tell. They do know that too complex a story makes bad anime (it's as good as having [i]no[/i] plot, yeah?) Anime is just a medium with a very large audience. Chances are, at least one of us fans will figure out what they're trying to broadcast. And as long as they think somebody out there will get it, they'll keep on producing such anime. That's what I think.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][b]"And what can Judge #2 say about the Iron Chef's entree?"[/b] ...'cause, you know, he looks like the Count.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]That was really quick! Thank you very much, Katana![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Well I can't certainly bring anime with me wherever I go so I opt for manga instead. In cases where the manga was released before the anime, I find that the comics version is a lot more understandable and complete than the animation series. There were a lot of parts in Yami no Matsuei (anime) that, until I was finally able to procure a copy of the manga, sounded/felt really illogical. Anime, on the other hand, makes the characters a bit more tangible than they would be in manga-form. They are finally given voices and are fleshed out. Makes whatever transformation that takes place easier to see, yeah? If I was going for the story, I'd stick to the manga version but if I'm more interested in the characters themselves, I'll go get the anime (and keep the manga as a supplement).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][CENTER][b]!!![/b][/CENTER] Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Here's the link (do tell me if I mess up again!): [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21229]Faye[/url]. Thank you very much, Katana! I do love the size of the banner and the direction you're going but perhaps it would be nice if you could make Ms. Faye a tad more prominent. And maybe add "Easy Come, Easy Go" somewhere? Thanks again![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][b][i]OHISAHIBURI DESU NE???[/i][/b][/SIZE] Wow, it's been far, [i]far[/i] too long since I posted in this thread! Have you all been eating well? The next work I'm gonna feature is something I drew some months ago (last May, I think). I was cleaning out my files when I stumbled on this pic and since I've practically nothing to do, I decided to try out the coloring tutorials down at [url=http://www.polykarbon.com/]Polykarbon[/url]. [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/1.jpg[/IMG][/center] This was [i]supposed[/i] to be Rikku (FFX-2 version, yeah?) but I've such poor memory that I even forgot her trademark ribbon sleeves! As you can see, it's yet to be finished. My mind went blank halfway through coloring this piece, just when I was about to start working on her forearm. I'm now trying to figure out where the highlights and shadows should go; I'm sure you guys can help me with that, eh? (Please?) So, what do you think?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [Color=DarkRed][SIZe=1]Mmm hmm. It's that time of the year again when dark red's in season and I've most unfortunately run fresh out of ideas (for the nth time). Gifted artists of OB, please craft me a banner featuring everyone's favorite bounty hunter, Faye Valentine. You can use this [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/newthread.php]picture[/url] but feel free to use other images as well. It would also be nice if you could add splashes of dark red here and there. Thanks![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#003300][SIZE=1]^ Guess it's time for us to take Vitamin A supplements, yeah? ;P [COLOR=#88AA88](Dagger-san, may I cast a counter-vote? [b]Kitty-san[/b] may have used a familiar raw I've always felt that good raws make lovely pieces, yeah? Her/His choice of stock photo alone merits a counter-vote. She must also be commended on the way she/he positioned the text, and while there were a lot of bright spots in the raw, she/he was able to draw some contrast between the background and the white font. Brilliant.)[/COLOR] Although the choice of raw is a factor, how the artist arranges additional elements around it is foremost. [b]Doc-san[/b], though your entry goes with the theme, I feel that the blocks and waves of text you added look detached from the subject. What I mean is that I had to look for the text the first time I saw your entry. I feel that you could have added something to the text that'd draw my eyes towards it and away from that droplet. Sorry Chief, but you get my vote in this round.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]The colors are something I would see in cel-shaded artwork. The green looks like Yusuke Urameshi's highlights and his skin tone reminds me of, strangely enough, Fist of the North Star. I've to admit, I'm amazed by the chin's shape. 'Tis perfect. One thing though: perhaps a smaller brush would've worked better with the eyes, yeah? I'd say you did a good job, considering that the whole thing was done with MS Paint. I commend you and your dexterous hands for bearing with Paint and creating a piece such as what you've submitted! [I'm pretty sure it's not the program (I've Photoshop but still suck at brushing) The best solution to having only Paint is to get yourself one of those stylus/tablet thingies. Mmm hmm.][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1]Animatrix's [b]The Program[/b]. Mmm hmm. I've watched and rewatched it for a zillion times but it never fails to amaze me everytime. The animation was veeerry smooth (just watch the scene where the camera pans around the characters) and the outlines, though bold, are simply elegant. The way it used black and solid colors for contrast made every scene picture(or in this case, screenshot)-perfect. Kinda reminded me of moving ukiyo-e, it did.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/sandy_ob_survivor2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/sandy_ob_survivor2g.jpg[/IMG] Mmm hmm. How could we forget Ms. Croft? I can't make her silhouette look good/distinct so I opted for a gradient overlay instead. (Sorry!) I also replaced them Cactuars (...Cactrots?) with a little tribute to Resident Evil, although I'm not sure if the you guys'll notice the connection. [/SIZE] :animesigh
  20. [SIZE=1]I heard Illustrator's geared mainly for photo manipulation (for color balance, hue/saturation and all that jazz, yeah?) so you'd probably be better off with Photoshop. "Make work path from selection" just wont cut it; you gotta use the Pen tool. Tedious work but it does the job really well.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]The first has got all your specs. The second's not that much different; I just changed the font for "Game On!" from Century Gothic to Gunplay ('cause I thought it looks [i]really[/i] nice). [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/sandy_ob_survivor_cg.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/sandy_ob_survivor.jpg[/IMG] Wow...I just noticed how insanely huge the logos are. Ah well. Cheers![/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Awright! Now that Halloween's over, I can finally prance around and shout "Christmas! Christmas! CHRISTMAS!" All I want for Christmas is: [INDENT]♥ [b]MSN-00100 Hyakushiki (Master Grade, of course)[/b]: The local store just ran out of this kit [i]last week[/i] and won't receive another shipment until early next year, I believe. Hmph. ♥ [b]a C-card from CMAS[/b]: Hopefully I'll get it by Christmas. Can't go diving without it, yeah? I'm itching to recreate The Little Mermaid (in a wetsuit) and January's a fine time to do it (with the rough waves and all. Perfect for that opening "Fanfare" scene). ♥ [b]at least three bottles of rose wine[/b]: It gets cold even in our side of the equator during December. Gotta have something to warm me up, yeah? And besides, a little alcohol does wonders for my brain. Just wait, I might come up with some fabulous banners by the end of this year.[/INDENT] So there you go. If I see those things under our Xmas tree come December 25th, it'll be a very happy Christmas indeed.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]^ Hmm, true. Smileys helps dense people catch sarcasm/irony when it's there, yeah? How about keeping them smiley faces [COLOR=olive]yellow[/COLOR] (save for those angry/embarrassed smileys, of course)? I know it's asking too much but when someone sends off a barage of smileys, the least they can do is not make it look like a string of angry Christmas lights. And now for a rare smiley: :frog: [/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]A geologist! *hugs [b]celestialcharm[/b]* It's a wonderful job! It's so fun that I wouldn't mind dying in the field. I've always wondered if other people can appreciate the obvious changes in rock types one sees in a trip down country roads. Made me appreciate this planet more, it did. As for a fantasy job, I'd love to be one of the Ghostbusters. The thought of being able to lock malevolent beings in some man-made container works for me. And hey, they surely wouldn't mind adding a girl into their posse, yeah?[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]There you go, Adahn. Forty respondents and it seems like a tie. I'm very much like my father in terms of humor and interests that I could very well be the son he's longed for. But I do love being a woman. I wear heels, lipgloss and anything pink but I visit the shooting gallery in a skirt and cannot stand going out in the field without wearing my favorite dangling earrings. It's those little quirks that I am known for and which I cannot do if my soul was trapped in a man's body. [quote name='Adahn'] Also, you may find the videos/articles called 'killing us softly' interesting in the construction of feminine beauty through advertising.[/quote]There's been a recent survey here in Asia about women and the perception of beauty. Asked if they're contented with their looks, some 87% of respondents here in the Philippines answered "yes." That's one of the highest in Asia, yeah? In the same survey, it turns out that less than five-percent said that they would be considered "lovely" if the standard for beauty is what's seen on TV. Pretty glaring difference, yeah? Link:[url=http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?fl20050918x4.htm]Complexities of beauty[/url] So yeah. Men of OB, [b]it wouldn't hurt to compliment women around you on how they look[/b]. It's good for our self-esteem and you'll earn brownie points for the effort as well. ;)[/SIZE]
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