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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]^ Yes! Yes! That's when [spoiler]he shaves his head[/spoiler], yeah? It was one of the few 2nd stage episodes that I watched but man, was it devastating! Bart wasn't his usual self in that episode but he gets points for an amazing dramatic performance. Bravo, Bart. Bravo. T_T Let's see... How about the last few episodes of [COLOR=#007236]Rurouni Kenshin[/COLOR]'s Shogo Amakusa arc? A lot of things happened there, most notably [spoiler]Sayo/Lady Magdala's death. I didn't care much about her character before I saw that event (Shogo was [i]waaay[/i] more interesting), but much was revealed about herself, her brother and Sanosuke in those few scenes. I'm sure she had realized the futility of Sano's attempt at saving her but Sano didn't, and that's what made it so sad.[/spoiler][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1][quote name='kayutori_sama]Many times I've sat and pondered this question, then it occured to me one day:animeswea . They don't [i]have[/i'] to like anime.[/quote]Very good point! *standing ovation* As for parents disapproving of anime, it has to be something about the generation before us. Perhaps some thirty years ago, anime wasn't as known in the West was in the East. Disney and Warner Brothers still dominated the animation genre and catered to the 12-and-below audience. Your parents were raised with these cartoons, yeah? When they grow older, that 12-and-below preference sticks and watching anime will seem childish (so they don't watch it).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]"Bashing", huh? I've always wondered why some people carp on anime like Inuyasha, Naruto and other series of their kind. In my experience, these people have not a clue about the series/object of disparage because [i]they haven't seen a single episode of the series yet[/i]. All the hate, I believe, have been passed down from some otaku who sincerely despised the series and the copycats, in their quest to be the ultimate, over-achieving otaku, spread the hate and bash. Mmm hmm. It sounds very GITS:SAC indeed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]Perhaps it's because I'm easily spooked or the creators are just really good but there's always something in every episode of [COLOR=#39A268]Ghosts at School[/COLOR]/[COLOR=#39A268]Gakkou no Kaidan[/COLOR] that scares me. Be it a moving shadow at the end of a corridor or the first appearance of a vengeful spirit, the series staff did a good job of setting the atmosphere up for a most excellent scare. Halloween episodes, huh? I can only remember the one from [COLOR=#39A268]You're Under Arrest[/COLOR]/[COLOR=#39A268]Taiho Shichauzo[/COLOR] where the girls were doing overtime at the police station and did nothing but scare each other with ghost stories. The stories weren't really scary, well, they could have been but the narratives' characters look suspiciously like the police officers. Suffice to say that the episode was hilarious and was exactly the way I imagined a YUA Halloween special would be.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1][quote name='indifference][COLOR=Indigo']I would love to see more of Yami no Matsuei made into an anime. It was just too short in my opinion and there?s plenty more of the story to be told in the Manga?s. [/COLOR][/quote]Seconded. Characters in arcs that didn't make it to the anime are far more interesting than, say, Maria Won. You've got that teacher from St. Michael's, Tsuzuki's partner before Hisoka and the shinigami. Meh, I've always wondered how (beautiful) Touda and Sohryuu will register as animated characters.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#454428][SIZE=1]?While our posse looked on. [b]?You?re a million years behind, pal.?[/b] I see Gojyo?s has gotten better with his style. A long way from when he was a kid. Heh, he?s still the same old bastard though. It wouldn?t hurt if he took his battles a bit more seriously, yeah? [b]?!?[/b] There she goes again. Even if Yaone doesn?t say anything, we can easily read her. Man, she must be really worried about those guys, seeing the way she?s fiddling her fingers. I don?t know how she can worry about and put up with seven companions like us all at the same time. [b]?Hmph. What lousy technique.?[/b] Kougaiji told us to stay put for the moment. Watch and wait, that?s his style. He?s figured out some of Goku?s techniques and won?t probably pass up this chance to study his movements. Haven?t really seen him this hell-bent on anything but matters about his mother; must?ve realized that reading Goku?s way easier. [b]?But [i]Onii-chaaaaan![/i]?[/b] Beside me, Lirin?s pleading with Kougaiji. Can we please beat those baddies up [i]now[/i], she asks her brother over and over again. Couldn?t really blame the kid, but it looks like Leader?s getting irritated too. Time to intervene. [b]?So Kou, when are we gonna crash the party??[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]'Twould be the last few episodes of both Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex series. It's not only because a great season is concluding, the creators have a propensity for [spoiler]killing off GITS:SAC's most lovable characters (the Tachikomas and Hideo Kuze including)[/spoiler] with such drama and panache that the scenes are hard to forget. Though [spoiler]they send these characters off with the lovely ends they deserve, it leaves us fans empty and depressed.[/spoiler] Which is not good.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]I've a tendency to become an over-zealous fan so anything bad I read/hear about my object of fanaticism will probably end up being ignored by [i]moi[/i]. I *might* consider reading/hearing it again once my fervor dies down but by then, it's often too late to change my views. Though if what's said is about an anime I've yet to see, the commet teds to stay with me and ends up ruining the whole experience once I actually get to see the series. Amplifies all the bad stuff, yeah?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]^ Seconded. And drawing in more solid, colored outlines won't hurt either. It looks like you're on the right track; I can already sense vestiges of the show's style from the first picture alone! I really, really love the red/white background you used in the first picture! It reminds me of all things sinister yet elegant (very good!). The honeycomb pattern is also excellent and apt for the character's wings. It seems that you went for a grungier effect in the second piece. I like the mood set by the character's stance, and her eyes are very much like the Count's indeed (I'm pretty sure the girl from [i]Blue Crush[/i] had different-colored eyes so I guess it's possible!). Although I do appreciate the multitude of patterns in this one, the colors are not so bright or vivid as those in Gankutsuou. Perhaps you should try using stronger, more colorful patterns (like that in Haydee's hair) as Dagger suggested and fill the individual shapes with a distinct pattern each.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1][quote name='rise against']I'd want Cain Hargreaves with me. Basically just cuz I like him :animeshy: heh heh..[/quote]And with his trusty butler always tagging along, you get not one, but [b]two[/b] delicious companions. I'd probably go for [COLOR=#425E8E]Doraemon[/COLOR]. Yep, you read it right. He's practically a walking hardware store! If we had no chance of being rescued, Doraemon and I will build a ship, that's right, a [i]ship[/i] that'll carry us over the horizon and towards an insanely fabulous life.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]G'day, Chief! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/shadowofdeath13_avi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/shadowofdeath13.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/shadowofdeath13_incerta.jpg[/IMG] I changed the quote in the second banner 'cause I heard that it's what's engraved in the Count's pocketwatch...or something. Anyways, please tell me if I have to change anything in this set.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=#39A268]Genma Saotome[/COLOR]. Just for once, I'd like to know what it's like to have an irresponsible father who hooks me up with every pretty girl (or pretty boy, in my case) when he's out of cash. Wow. Until now, it never occured to me that what he's doing is a step short pimping. No wonder Ranma's like that.[/SIZE]
  13. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]^ Yeah, considering that you're just dealing with characters of another gender. Heck, edit a few parts in a yaoi fanfic and you can make yourself a nice yuri story. ...Not that...I've done that...or anything. ;)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]Meh, I don't know about the Count. I mean, in terms of personality and character design, I see nothing really special in him. He exudes the same aura as Folken, Muraki Kazutaka and... the Prince of Bozania from [i]Voltes V[/i]. But hey, I could be wrong. The Count [i]is[/i] kinda cute. I'm surprised no one's mentioned [COLOR=#425E8E]Pikachu[/COLOR] yet. This electric ball of cuteness has got to be one of the most memorable, if not legendary, characters that came out in the 90's! It's easily the first thing that comes into mind when you say "cute monster," or "Pokémon", at the very least. The series spawned other monster-catching spin-offs (and thereby other mini-monsters) which were also loved, though not as much as the original. And with the thousands of Pokémon-related merchandise out there (on sale or already sold), Pikachu deserves a spot beside hallowed greats like [COLOR=#425E8E]Hello Kitty[/COLOR] and [COLOR=#425E8E]Astro Boy[/COLOR].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]"Brotherly love", you say? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/6ec58132.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/deucalion_dmc.jpg[/IMG] (2 images) Fan art by the divine [URL=http://www.crazy.jp/~wolfina/top.html][COLOR=#801C12]wolfina[/COLOR][/URL], quote by [COLOR=#801C12]hide[/COLOR]. If you want me to change anything in this set, please let me know.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]Wait! *pulls damatte by the collar* My old scanner (God bless its parts) has got this program complement where you can adjust things like [COLOR=#4F91E7]brightness[/COLOR] , [COLOR=#4F91E7]contrast[/COLOR] and [COLOR=#4F91E7]color balance[/COLOR]. Maybe you can try looking for those commads first, yeah? They should be right at the window that pops up whenever you scan. Best of luck![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]^ Please don't. T_T [COLOR=#4F91E7][u]Zech Merquise[/u][/COLOR] Not only is he a hero in the Gundam universe, but it seems he's a legend among Gundam fans as well 'cause his name keeps coming up in almost every discussion about excellent mecha pilots. Fans attest if Zechs was given a mobile suit of the same calibre as them god-moding mecha main characters use, he could very well demolish combined legions of Newtypes and Coordinators. And if that means nuking Kira in the process then I shall love Zechs all the more.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1][quote name='Stark']It's called Wild Adapter, and the pairing is pretty obvious once you read it. It's funny, but it has it's moodier moments too. The only way I can describe it is that these two characters have a complex like that of Sanzo and Goku.[/quote]You should go grab a copy of Minekura's [COLOR=#4F91E7]Executive Committee[/COLOR]. (Beautiful) Tokito and (Lovely) Kubota act all frisky every chance they get! There are more implied BL scenes in the first few chapters alone than what you can find in the first volumes of Wild Adapter. [quote name='Lindus']I tend to stay away from those flowery types of series because really, I don't see the point in a series being boyxboy if one of them is practically a girl.[/quote]Seconded. Plus men who look female are often confused by new readers/watchers with real women, thereby obscuring from these poor newbies the lovely reality (and audience-hauler) that is yaoi.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]I'd go for the lecherous [COLOR=#4F91E7]Sha Gojyo[/COLOR]. Yep, I bet I can have loads of fun with that chain-smoking kappa. Another character I would love to date is[i] Executive Committee/Wild Adapter[/i]'s [COLOR=#4F91E7]Kubota Makoto[/COLOR]. Why him? Well for starters, we can stroll around the bad side of town secure in the fact that no punk can touch us. Lady Luck loves him so we can go gamble and play them casinos broke. And besides, we look good together. ^^ (I wouldn't mind dating Kazuya Minekura, their creator, but that would look really weird, won't it?) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Dokugakuji [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Youkai [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/doku.jpg]Dokugakuji[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Dokugakuji may register as a brainless bodyguard at first glance but he really assumes the part of the dependable older brother of Kougaiji?s posse. While Yaone watches over Lirin, Dokugakuji tries to keep Kougaiji?s temper in check and is often the one to present alternative solutions to problems. He has proven his loyalty to his three companions many times over and will not hesitate to reprise this role again. It seems as if he has always lived to protect something, and right now that ?something? is Kougaiji. [b]Weapon:[/b] A sword with a curved blade and an eye embedded into the hilt. Its edge is an arm and a half long and can cut through metal with ease. Like other youkai weapons, this only materializes when needed. [b]Powers:[/b] Dokugakuji has a rather high pain threshold, a trait which he finds extremely useful when he catches blows directed at his teammates. He?s also one of the strongest youkai under Kougaiji?s command. [b][center][u]Character Snippet[/u][/center][/b] [u]Fudou, three years ago[/u] To the east of Fudou is a mountain range that stretched from north Lou-an to Kantou at the south. Dense woodland spills over from the mountains to the cliffs and it is on the base of one such cliff that a group of three white dragons alighted. Their three riders got off and ran towards the top the cliff in great haste. There, they found another dragon sitting near the edge. From the way it mewled, even the lovely view of Fudou can?t seem to distract it from the discomfort of being chained to a tree. A scarlet-haired rider approached the beast and removed its restraints. It licked the rider?s cheek and flew to join the other dragons at the base with a squeal. The rider then marched to the cliff?s edge and narrowed his crimson eyes at the view. ?Tch. She ran off leaving him in a place like this.? One of his companions knelt and examined the ground where the dragon sat. The rider was a lithe female with purple hair. When she was done assessing the tracks, she went up to the scarlet-haired rider. [b]?What is it, Yaone??[/b] Yaone rubbed her forearm and bit her lower lip. [b]?Lord Kougaiji, it seems that Lirin left just a while ago? But I guess it she?d have met Sanzo?s group by now.?[/b] [b]?Gah! What a pain in the neck!?[/b] A dark-haired rider emerged from the shadows and clamped a hand on Kougaiji?s shoulder. [b]?Easy, [i]Onii-chan[/i]. You?re starting to sound like you?re worried about her.?[/b] Kougaiji pushed the rider?s hand off. [b]?Shut up, Dokugakuji! What do you know? Acting like some older brother, tch.?[/b] [b]?Hnh. You sure said it.?[/b] Dokugakuji folded his arms across his chest and gazed at Fudou?s direction. [b]?My father also had a mistress, and I had a younger sibling out of the deal. A half-brother, yeah? He was a cheeky little bastard, but he was pretty cute.?[/b] His lips broke into a smile and he looked as if he was lost in some good memory. It was the first time he talked about his past. Sure, it felt uncomfortable but he knew his charge could use the story. After all, he and Kou, they were very much alike. Dokugakuji shook his head and laughed. [i][b]What a way to bring back the old times[/b][/i]. [b]OOC:[/b] Please tell me if I've to change anything in my sign-up.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]O-to! Can't have yaoi without Minekura's boys, yeah? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Nashville_dream_yaoi.jpg[/IMG] If you want me to change anything in this banner, please let me know. Cheers![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]^ Not ignorance, more like [COLOR=#F76590]miseducation[/COLOR] in my book.[quote][size=1]"They need to have the background to understand why certain things are happening," said April, a stay-at-home mom who no longer lives with the twins' father. "I'm going to give them, give them my opinion just like any, any parent would."[/size][/quote]Alright with me but to instill such (biased) views into her children... there's something is wrong with their mom. I feel sorry for those girls; one day, they're gonna wake up and realize how infamous they've become because of their mother. But I must admit, [COLOR=#F76590]Prussian Blue[/COLOR] is a rather catchy name.[/SIZE][/color]
  23. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]A reserve girlfriend, huh? I've a feeling that when you two hook up, you'll still be sharing his attention with his future ex. Once his girlfriend starts warming up to him again, I bet he'll come running back to her (5 years of companionship will do that to you). Sad, but it happens [i]alot[/i] Sounds like you fall for boys too easily, too quickly. Get a makeover, go diving or whatever; take a break from the love-love scene, yeah? ^^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1][quote name='CloudsOnly189][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Probably the reason why most people don't watch it is because once they see something anime, they automatically think that it's a kiddy show and turn the channel.[/COLOR']...[/FONT][/quote]Seconded. To prudes, anime's either kiddie or hentai (or both ^^) and something that decent folks shouldn't watch. Also, many good series are stuck in [i]really[/i]-late-night spots. Even if one wants to watch them, one must consider and dread that awful feeling one gets when one hasn't had enough sleep.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#656448][Size=1][u]Appearance:[/u] Hmm...maybe someone with a healthy tan and long eyelashes. Having toned muscles is a plus, so is sporting really dark hair. *sigh* I'll probably end up running after a Bedouin.^^ [u]Personality[/u] Must be *very* patient and prompt. The One doesn't have to agree with me all the time; I'm looking for someone I can talk with, not an echo board. Because my attitude often gets me into trouble, the One must be able to look after this diva and stop me before I make a fool out of myself (and others). He's gotta be proud of what he does (a bit of confidence won't hurt 'slong as he doesn't overdo it and become pompous bastard in the process). [u]Likes[/u] The One must love the sea and will go diving with me when I feel like it. Also...Must Love Dogs.^^ [u]Dont's[/u] I'll put up with a smoker as long as he'll put his cigs out when I ask him to. I absolutely detest liars so the One better be an honest boyscout. Haha. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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