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Everything posted by Delta
[SIZE="1"][COLOR=#35425e]^ Oooh great job Shishou! A deliciously sharp Lust! Claimed. EDIT: [CENTER][URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/lunarbase.jpg"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/th_lunarbase.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Teal"][B]Lunarbase[/B][/COLOR][/URL][/CENTER] Ah, thought we could use a little breather. The star field was created by blurring and fading several pure white layers set on Dissolve (
[COLOR=#35425e]I played 8 before 7, and that's why I didn't enjoy 7 so much. Had I played 7 before 8, I imagine Cloud and company's adventure would be my gold standard and would've appreciated 8 only as an "advance" rather than a "breakthrough". The only thing I remember from FF7 was the Knights of the Round summon. Best summon EVER.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e]Say, would Gates throw a fit if an African-American cop responded?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/zoolander_gas.jpg[/IMG] He should've stuck with the orange mocha frappuccino.[/CENTER] That's so sad. But it seems that the parents were quite negligent. Hey, everyone, if you were the boy's parent, would you have waited for five long years before checking the boy into a hospital?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#65465a]Defibrillator, anyone? [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/mistake.gif][color=#DE288E]Mistake[/color][/url] [/color] [center][size=1][color=green]-----update-----[/color][/size][/center] [color=#65465e]I hope you can make this an exception to the double posting rule since this is a separate entry and all. Thanks! [URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/good-full.png"][color=#92278f][b]Polar Opposites #2 - Good[/b][/color][/URL][/color] [center][size=1][color=green]-----update-----[/color][/size][/center] [COLOR=#65465e][size=1]Wow, this is looking pretty sad. If this gets merged with the 2 above, que sera sera![/size] [b]#37 Multiplicity[/b] is a repeatable motif. Like tiles, yeah? Try it! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Pattern.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR] [size=1][color=green][b]Boo:[/b] Just merged them a bit. :V[/color][/size]
[COLOR=#65465e]^ I thought subsidized education was set up to give every citizen an opportunity to, well, get educated. To realize their potential, yeah? Never thought one needs to pay a premium to get in. Also, it's not that there's too many students. We have to look at just how much of your state's budget is allocated to education.[quote=http://www.wsws.org/articles/2009/jun2009/cali-j05.shtml]In late May, Governor Schwarzenegger announced revisions to his May budget proposal that include $1.6 billion in cuts to the state?s education system for the 2008-2009 school year and $4.2 billion in cuts for 2009-2010. These reductions in spending, coming on top of $11.6 billion in cuts already passed by the state government this year, will make California the last state in the US in terms of funding-per-pupil. They translate to roughly $3,000 in less money for every student in the state. [/quote] Not from the US, but when one's country allots 70% to debt repayment and 20% to national defense spending while public health, education, rural development, research, public works and pork barrels fight for the remaining 10%, one appreciates how important investing in education is for nation building.[/color]
[COLOR=#65465e]Their reasons are just that: excuses. One should be responsible for her emotions and reactions. I think there's an underlying cause somewhere that we have yet or refuse to see here. Miseducation of a population perhaps, or misinformation about the issues these groups are raising. Or how about lack of transparency/communication/dialogue between lawmakers and their constituents re: immigration policy, guest worker program, etc.? And as a corollary, how about the laziness of the populace who'll jump on the issue without checking its history and just side with whoever shouts loudest or has the best shock tactics. Like neo-Nazism. Hurr.[/color]
[color=#65465e]Hello, my dear three readers and little elfin helpers! The following themes are up for grabs: [INDENT]5) Gold 10) Black and white 12) Horoscope 22) Spica 1 31) Downpour 37) Multiplicity 39) Inertia[/INDENT] Oh wait. Scratch [b]Multiplicity[/b]; I'm claiming it. Cheers![/color]
[COLOR=#656446]^ I was wondering about that too. Hmm, it was claimed before but the artist never followed through.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Zipping by to claim [b]#32 Polar Opposites II[/b]. Ahahahaha! [size=1]Ah, hmm, the first part was taken down. I'll probably go by the filename of [b]cancer[/b]'s piece. Expect a "good" theme, folks![/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][size=1]Two weeks? More like two years. Hahaha! I hope it's okay, Boo, if I continue this little project. I feel that it needs to end properly. han ki-tae, thanks for taking charge while I was away/slacking off/getting chased by wasps. Thank you very much![/size] As of press time, we're short of [b]11 themes[/b], loves. Anyone who'd like to join me complete this project, thanks in advance! Claiming [b][color=#DE288E]#35 Mistake[/color][/b].[/color]
^ Niiiice. Nice graphic champloo! Claimed. [color=#35425e]Edit: I hope the leading edge matches. Do we use PNG here?[/color]
Fastidious spelling snobs pushed over the edge
Delta replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=#35425e][SIZE=1][b]So a panda walks into a diner...[/b] I'm a bit of a spelling nerd, something I've been bragging about since I found out that I was the only 1st grader in class who can spell "gymnasium" and "anesthesia." With grammar, I'm not as strict because as [b]Chabichou[/b] implied, it's all about whether it's acceptable or not. But there are some mix-ups I can't tolerate even after chanting "the jewel is in the lotus" a thousand times: [LIST=1] [*]affect/effect [*]you're/your [*]it's/its[/LIST] I'm a tad more lenient with the last two (we don't hear apostrophes in spoken language now, do we?), but as for affect/effect... God, they only vaguely sound alike! One's a verb and one's a noun; takes just a minute to learn the difference.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=#35425e][SIZE=1]Thanks for using the banner![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][SIZE=1]Hello! [right][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/toph-for-ace.jpg[/IMG][/right] To tell you the truth, I am not familiar with the show so I went by what looked good with the few Toph pictures I found. Um, and that's why I didn't include a quote. If you want to use this with a particular quote, please let me know and I'll edit it in for you. Avatar to follow! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][size=1]Never forget: Ask your professor for tips. If he gives you tips, he's pointing to to his A+ (if you're grade-conscious, his opinion matters). If he doesn't, well, now he knows that checking your paper is easier said than done and *perhaps* he'll give you a good grade...for effort. Worked for me![/size][/color]
[COLOR=#35425E]Apple juice + milk = [b]Crazy Cow![/b] I swear I will forgo everything with fizz and kick for a barrel of this. But, if for a very strange yet understandable reason, the bar doesn't have milk, juice and the usual iced tea, rose wine will have to do. And when there's only cheap gin, beer, and water to choose from: cheap gin. Straight. No chaser 'cause I love to show off. Oh, and I only drink when it's free, and I have never downed anything above 500 mils/point of tipsiness/whichever came first. Can't quite bear the thought shelling out cash (and unmentionables) for morning/late night headaches. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1]A buttery nipple is not nearly as cool as a screaming multiple orgasm.[/size][/QUOTE] Or sex on the beach.[/COLOR]
[color=#35425e][size=1]Ah jeez, do short pants count? Because it's what I have on and it has these tons of pockets. Enough pockets so that if I were to lie on my stomach, pull my legs up to a full arc, and slip them into 2 of the pockets, I would still have enough room for my expenses [b]notebook[/b], dark brown eyeliner, lip balm (yey [COLOR="DarkRed"]Burt's Bees[/COLOR]!), my passbook, passport, 2 IDs, a debit card, a pack of pills for my liver, mobile phone, a few bills and a lot of change. But I don't usually lug that much around. When I do, I make sure that my shorts are secured by safety pins to keep them from, erm, you know. But the last time that I wore trousers was...hmm? When was it? Ah, to work. Inside my pockets I usually have a slim utility knife, lip balm, a map and a pen. And tucked in the waistband (okay, including the waistband of my knickers), is my phone, a bottle of insect repellant, and perhaps lunch. there you have it![/size][/color]
[COLOR=#35435E][FONT=Georgia]The iceman claimeth.[/Font][/COLOR] [indent][color=red][size=1][b]Boo - [/b] Entry has been skipped. ;_;[/size][/color][/indent]
[FONT="Georgia"][COLOR=#35425e]I claim the next spot. EDIT: Done! [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/wurm2.jpg][color=Red][b]A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action[/b][/color][/url][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Georgia"][COLOR=#35425e]Whenever I chance upon one of my old drawings or digital art, I feel no hate, no angst, no "what the hell was I thinking?" You see, the first thing that pops out of my mind is an event or a feeling connected to the time I made the piece. My reaction would be something like "Wow, this was the one I drew the day after Prom Night," or "Wow, I didn't study for my Paleontology exam just to finish this." Like a diary, yeah? Then I'll get all nostalgic and warm and fuzzy inside. Then I'll start to feel that I've accomplished something 'cause my style has evolved. I don't think my old drawings are uglier than my new ones; they just look [i]different[/i].[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Georgia"][COLOR=#35425e]AH! How come when you take pictures they end up looking like actual scans? You must have really, really steady hands! What I like about your drawings is that you were able to convey their facial expressions very well. I especially like your Shaman King drawing ([strike]what's that kid's name? Yoh?[/strike] Yoh it is.) 'cause he looks really pissed (and because it's colored. We people with short attention spans love colors). Naruto's finger look a tad too... tapered, don't they? Perhaps you could draw in thicker fingers with rounded tips, Naruto being a boy and all. ;D Yeah, new drawings will be appreciated. Love to see how you draw now. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Georgia"]This may be spam, but: [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="5"]CONGRATULATIONS, KW![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] Oh, and I love the Azusa shirt. It could've been all-blue and boring but you brought in a bit of green, and that's awwright. Maybe you could have them printed and sold by theOtaku (like them CDs, yeah?); I'm sure they'll sell like, ah, Millennium Falcon replicas at a Star Wars convention! Good luck with college! [SIZE="1"]Oh, wait. You don't need luck when you have skill, don't you? ;D[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Georgia"]Thanks for waiting! [CENTER][B][URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26418&stc=1&d=1192534366"]Elephants and Egrets[/URL][/B][/CENTER] Ah, I've also attached the background I used.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT="Georgia"][COLOR=#35425e][quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I know the rules well enough, I'm here all the damn time and could police the entire forum with more efficiency than the rest of the mods combined (that's half joke, don't get too offended) not to mention I'm probably the most important member here or something >_>[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Oh pishposh. That's what the Report button is for. Although, yeah, come to think about it, I think you'd make an [I]interesting[/I] mod. For that matter: [b][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]I BELIEVE IN 2007DIGITALBOY[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b][/COLOR][/FONT]