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[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1][quote name='Killer7']Wasn't candidate for goddess called pilot candidate in America? I saw some episodes and really liked it, but unfortuanately I can only find some of the volumes, and I hate buying it by volumes. It is not that many of these animes are neglected, it is that we are only alowed to have one thread per anime, meaning alot of them get pushed back and hard to find. Also the fact that people post alot of random spam causes a push-back too.[/quote] There's always the Search Button, yeah? ^^ A lot of us anime fans would very much like to broaden our horizons and watch other series. The problem is that we can't get anymore than what we see on cable TV. Due to lack of funds, dealers or just plain paranoia of online stores, I can only guess. But given the chance, we'd probably jump on it the same way hungry wildebeest would. Many lesser known series out there are actually good; what they need is good promotion by pioneers willing to take the first step and buy it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1]Alright! A graphics tournament! [b]It would be an honor if you would have me in OBGT, Chief![/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1]Ozy, you live in such a picturesque neighborhood! Pink flowers, blue fire hydrants... Very Pleasantville. Got my only flower pic right here: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/DSCF0959.jpg[/IMG] I don't know what it is but it sure is pretty! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/DSCF0957.jpg[/IMG] Mmm hmm. Lovely ain't it? It's not in our backyard but it's around the area where I stayed this past weekend. Lovely place; if it wasn't the site of a major fault then I'd be happy to live in it. This creek is situated in a valley kilometers away from the nearest settlement. We got lost on the way back to the base camp but what the hey. BTW, those huge rocks in the creek are all metamorphic. Gotta learn to appreciate them chunks of consolidated minerals, you know? All the pictures were taken with a FinePix F420. Needs a lot of light to properly view the subject but them pictures always turn out great.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1]I actually found it hard to see a single main point in the story. It's as if every episode has its own lesson to teach, each as important as the rest. I've seen a good number of episodes (just for the ending song really. [i] Mameshiba[/i] remains the most played song in my Player) and I sure wish I could've followed it more closely. The animation is brilliant, even the little "imperfections" on the facial animation subtly amplify the character's expression. Yoko Kanno-brand music kept me interested through sequences with no dialogue or much action. Now for my two cents on its main message: Ryo's probably got one aspect right.Somehow, all things in this earth are connected. Harm nature and your loved ones will suffer. [SPOILER]But in the earlier episodes, it was stressed that one should not try to block Nature's way of dealing with things, be it exterminating the caterpillars eating bad parts of the plants or suppressing the bacteria in your guts. Will lead to imbalance, you know? The intricate web of life would be disturbed.[/SPOILER] o.O [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1][IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24156&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24155&stc=1[/IMG] Haha...Guess I couldn't do mysterious after all. If by a weird twist of fate you decide to use this set but would want to change something in the design, please feel free to PM me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1][IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24153&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24154&stc=1[/IMG] If you want me to change anything in the set, please PM me. Um, also do tell me if you're not gonna use the avatar. I likesss it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1]Calm down. What you just got is a first-hand look at how the minds of [i]those[/i] guys in Iran more or less tick. Their set of laws and beliefs is different from yours and mine and that's why we could never probably understand why they allowed the hanging to happen, or why Rasetsutaisho here reacted the way he/she did. [quote name='Patronus']Oh, I know no one was blaming them- I meant, like, wouldn't you do it if you loved someone?[/quote]Hold on there, cowboy! What about casual sex? Sex for lust or curiosity's sake? What if those boys were actually straight? Mmm hmm. [b]LOVE ≠ SEX[/b] With an average of 153 people execute every year for the same crime, I'm willing to bet those two boys knew what 's in store if they get caught. What they probably didn't know was that somebody besides the two of them knew what happened. For the record, Hells Angel, they [i]did[/i] have the right to hang them. They absolutely did. What irks me the most is that their government, seeing that what they were doing was getting bad publicity, tried to charge them with statutory rape (that's what it's called, yeah?)! It's like they were hell-bent on wrapping nooses around these boys' necks. That's a very sad and desperate attempt to save their faces. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1]Hrmm... Re the Crusades being fought for religious reasons: I'd have to disagree with that. See, in the 9th century, the warrior class had [i]nothing[/i] to do. To pass time,they fought amongst themselves and terrorized everybody else. Since many warriors were already Christians by then, the Church set the Peace and Truce of God for certain times of the year. Suffice to say that it worked, but the warriors still had nothing to do. Then a Byzantine kingdom (situated almost in between Europe and the Middle East) was attacked by a group whose members [i]happened[/i] to be Muslims. Recruitment was easy: them warrior bums (who *happened* to be Christians) seized the chance and went to war. See, the popular belief has it that the Christians and Muslims started beating the crap out of each other just because they had different religious beliefs. Truth is, the Christians and Muslims alike just banded with their own (birds of the same feather blah blah) and took the side of their kinsmen. The role of the Pope was inconsequential, IMO. He was just there to absolve anyone who goes to war. A sort of an override to the Truce of God, really; the Crusaders could very well do without it. GTA --> Crusades = WIN[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1][quote name='Pumpkin][SIZE=1]Even though people say the Otaku Lounge is spammy, I find it amusing and if you think this is spammy try visiting a forum like MT ([url]www.minitokyo.net[/url']) and you'll see the difference.[/SIZE][/quote]Hur hur hur! You got that right! It's probably 'cause the handful of mods over there have to maintain an extensive image gallery [i]and[/i] check up on the hundred threads that pop-up everywhere. Just thinking about their load makes me nauseous. [INDENT][b]S = k * M[/b] [INDENT]where [b]S[/b] is the number of spam; [b]M[/b] is the population of OB; and [b]k[/b] is a proportionality constant, comparable to the n00b/New Member ratio[/INDENT][/INDENT] As of now, M is some 700 units from 18,000. Comparing that to the 11,000+ figure half a year ago and considering that OB has been around for quite some time, I'd say that M is exponentially increasing. This would probably explain the "apparent" increase in the number of threads that are being locked as of late (given that k is a constant, of course). It may seem like OB's getting spammed but really, I think OB has more or less the same percentage of spam at any time. And yeah, that's just a guess.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1]Easy. [b]Tsuzuki Asato[/b] and [b]Tatsumi Seiichirou[/b] from [i]Yami no Matsuei[/i]. It's kind of one-sided really, with Tatsumi watching his former partner from afar and Tsuzuki being, well, Tsuzuki. Just like many strained relationships, the fear of hurting the other and consequential misunderstanding prevails between the two. One is left wondering what they would be like if they just stopped and sorted things out. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1]^ Yep, I'd have to agree with them. The transition from gray to bright blue is a bit shocking, IMO. But I *heart* the mouse-over version anyway. Teacher! I have a suggestion: Can you change the Quick Reply icon too? It looks kinda off beside the snazzy Reply with Quote icon. Also, I think [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/liquid/buttons/lastpost.gif[/IMG]'s text color is too near to black; perhaps a different shade would work? [b]9/10[/b] I'm lovin' it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1]Nice one! I *love* your Trigun fanart. What can I say? His shades look like they're made out of glass and the lines between his eyebrows are well-rendered. Judging from how you did the outlines, I think you're planning to color this in. Do it, 'cause I think this would look equally fab in color! As for the other drawing, you got the jacket's creases down pat. Like Syk3, I also feel that his proportions need work: usually, things at the foreground (like Spike's hand) should look bigger than things at the back (say, his torso). Foreshortening, yeah? [b]7.5/10[/b] You're got potential, kiddo![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1]Very nice! I love the way you drew and shaded in their clothes. You were able to portray their differences in texture well. Also, the varying degrees of darkness give good hints as to which surface is colored lighter than another. Well done! I have to say that I've doubts about the way you drew Aoshi's and Hiko's right eyes. I feel that they don't follow the curvature of the face. Other than that *minor* flaw, I say you've got talent. *claps* [b]9/10[/b] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/lilith.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/meth_banner2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/crusader2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/o-ren.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/hina_surfs_up.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/udeden_banner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/wild-adapter2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/stars.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/kuroneko_chii.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Um, if you want a matching avatar, please PM me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=FireBrick][SIZE=1]Goodness! You actually used the Search feature! [b]+ 40 points[/b] Hmm... As far as I remember, no such thread existed before your art thread. Members created their own threads and showcased their works there, banners including. Ah, yes. The divine Syk3 has recently opened new thread, a banner gallery of some sort, the brainchild of Retribution. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48674]Banner/Avatar Orphanage[/URL] -----------+ [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/eyesonart/ILStory-sig_-_cowboy-bebop_01-thumb.jpg[/IMG] This is reaally nice! It's subtle and, at the same time, interesting. I like how you didn't use any "strong" colors (solid black, pure red, etc) on the banner and instead made use of muted shades that blend together effortlessly. I feel that the banner is a tad too wide. Maybe you could take some pixels from the left and nudge the Cowboy Bebop logo to the right (resizing it won't hurt, too). [b]80/100[/b] + 5 points for typing in Ed's full name. Post more of your works, yeah? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Peru]Running through the grassy hillocks were two steeds: one burned a brilliant white streak through thefields under the noon sun and the other was as dark as the sharp shadow it casted. With a hand on the scarlet reins, the rider on the white horse brandished a sword so skillfully that the other rider could not do anything but continually guide the dark horse out of the blade?s way. [b]?What do you want??[/b] shouted Rieur to the other rider. She spat out the lock of hair that went into her mouth and cursed her new stroke of bad luck. Before this chase, she remembered feeling a strong desire to touch Joyeuse, an urge she easily gave in to. Next thing she knew, she was on this horse being pursued by a character in red plated armor. Her knees clipped the saddle tighter. The swordsman was as relentless as a wolf in chasing its prey. Closely he rode beside Rieur; so close that he could very well behead the female rider with his next swing. Rieur drew her bow and strung the red cord through. Death was on the cards and she can do nothing about it. ?Except tackle the rider off his horse. In a premier display of tenacity, bravado, and pure madness, Rieur grabbed the swordsman?s middle and pushed off from her horse, sending both riders in a violent tumble down the gently sloping knoll. [CENTER]=-=-=-=-=-=[/CENTER] When they finally came around, the scenery had changed into a bamboo grove. The swordsman was first to get up but his heavy armor made it just as quick for him to lose his balance. Rieur knelt behind a thick clump of bamboo and struggling to get back on her feet. She planted her bow before her and leaned on it for support. Her arms were burning with pain and though her lungs ached for air, she did not dare to breathe deeply. The thin leaves rustled and the stalks groaned as the bamboos swayed to give her a clear view of the swordsman. It looked as if he had finally recovered. She watched as the swordsman pulled his headgear off to reveal [i]nothing[/i]. A gasp escaped her lips and reached his unseen ears; the headless swordsman?s shoulders turned to her general direction. [i][b]?That was a dirty trick, human.?[/b][/i] Raspy laughter echoed from the inside of the hollow armor. It picked its sword up and swung it to shake the leaves off. A bamboo stalk nearby was unfortunately caught in the sword?s arc, and its upper half slipped noiselessly past the cut before it fell to the ground. [i][b]?What I want??[/b][/i] The armor?s sword glittered brightly in the dancing shadows and Rieur saw that its tip was pointed directly at her. [b][i]??Is your blood.?[/i][/b] [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Peru][SIZE=1][b] ?It?s a tad too early in the mission to lounge around,? [/b]drawled a voice from down the corridor. A blue haired woman leaned against the elevator doors and gave the company a mock salute. [b]??Lieutenant.?[/b] [b] ?Mornin?, miss,?[/b] Nova replied. He raised two fingers to his forehead and returned her salute. Sora and Requius followed suit, in a more proper way. [b]?How?s that gunshot wound of yours??[/b] [b] ?Still smarting, thank you very much. You gotta be more careful with your Magnum, Sniper.?[/b] Opera adjusted the valve on her left glove and proceeded to punch out numbers on the elevator panel. [b] ?It?s about time,?[/b] Sora sighed. [b]?I was starting to think you got lost in this tin can.?[/b] The pretty brunette gave Nova a soft kick on the side then walked up to the elevator doors. [b] ?What, we're leaving the others behind??[/b] Requius pushed himself off the wall and straightened his uniform. [b]?They can take care of themselves.?[/b] With an outstretched arm, he made an offer to pull his comrade up. Pretty soon, the four of them were looking up at the blinking numbers above the doors. [b]?Besides,?[/b] he continued as the doors opened, [b]?Asceon?ll give us hell if we?re late. ?Said it wouldn?t impress the new uplinks.? [/b] [b] ?New uplinks, huh??[/b] Opera nodded. [b]?Yep, this mission must be easy to clinch. The party?s looking pretty green.?[/b] A few more numbers into the interior console set the elevator moving. Spacious as the lift was, they had to shuffle around the gear scattered on the floor. Numbers blinked overhead as the company got ready to meet Asceon. [b]OOC:[/b] Hope I got your characters right. Let me know if I have to change anything.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Peru][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Deucalion][color=darkslategray][size=1][IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y50/YamatoVergil/DataShouldBehave.jpg[/IMG] The render is Cloud from FF: Advent Children. Like you didn't know. I got the idea for "Data Should Behave as Such" From Star Ocean 3, and how Cloud seemed to be fading away.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]'Love the polygons, Chief! Many grungy banners would just feature the subject and a messy background but you actually went another mile and added the techy polygon renders! Completes the "Data Should Behave as Such" feel, IMO. Good move there. About the caption: Though I think its position and font type complement the banner well, maybe it would be nice if you could make the text more visible. I suggest setting the blending mode of the stroke to, say, Vivid Light. [b]8.75/10[/b] Taking grunge banners to a new level, yeah? [quote name='Deucalion][color=darkslategray][size=1]That's it, for now. I'll do more every day.[/color'][/size][/quote]You should, ya know? ^^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Peru][SIZE=1]Yep, you got it! "Reddish" it is. You just won a brand new Internet! You're right about the previous submission too. The orientation of the text [i]is[/i] awkward and I did have doubts at sprucing the image up. Here's version 2 (possibly the last, but is still worth showing): [URL=http://img342.imageshack.us/img342/5170/beautyandstupid9rx.jpg][IMG]http://img342.imageshack.us/img342/5170/beautyandstupid9rx.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Back to fun, leisure and some PS goodness! --------------+ [RIGHT][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/yuna.png[/IMG][/RIGHT] [INDENT][b][u]GUNNER[/u][/b] [i]featuring[/i] Yuna [i]of[/i] Final-Fantasy X-2 [i]image provided by[/i] Sakura I have just recently discovered this wonderful command called "Gradient Map" in PS7 (yes, it took me this long to find it) and 'thought I'd use it on this piece. This is the first banner I'll ever put up for evaluation that someone [i]might[/i] just actually use. I need to prettify it so I'm making it go through a sort of "banner workshop". Comments would be smashing, suggestions more so.[/INDENT] --------------+ [b][u]Pop Quiz, Hotshots![/u][/b] Since the banner is about gradients, how does a quiz about them sounds? [INDENT][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/spectrum.jpg[/IMG] How many colors were used to create the "Spectrum" gradient preset in Photoshop? (sample shown above) [INDENT]a) 7 b) 6 c) 5 d) 3[/INDENT][/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
What do you do when you have no where to go?
Delta replied to Akieen Cloud's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Peru][SIZE=1][quote name='Morpheus']He saw someone he feels more appealing than you and pounced(pardon the expression) on the opportunity.[/quote]Yep, your man's a frisky tomcat. I appreciate the fact that he was fairly honest about this issue; must have been hard for him to break it to you gently. You say you love him too much that you'll try anything to keep him with you and he said the same thing to you. People change, love (though his was a bit of the destructive and painful sort). He already has so maybe it's time for you to move on. Gotta be as tough as nails, girl! Being the superficial woman that I am, I suggest you go get a makeover. Times like this call for spirited self-affirmation, chocolates and wine. Call up your girlfriends and proceed to the obligatory (and ultra-fun) boyfriend-bashing. And your family, I sure they'd be more than happy to give you all the support and empowerment you need. You gotta stay happy during the duration of your pregnancy 'cause it's good for the baby, yeah? Also, never isolate yourself from the outside world. It's got a knack for catching up on people who've shut themselves out in the form of overdue bills and notices for jury duty. You're a very important being to many [i]other[/i] individuals so I suggest you tend to those emaciated relationships immediately. P.S. Sue his *** for alimony then go on a shopping spree.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Peru][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Rieur [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance: [/b] [i]See attachment. Props to the great [b]Falcoon[/b].[/i] [b]Personality: [/b] A peculiar drama queen who uses her skills in acting to get what she wants. The habitual and sudden change in her temper is quite normal. If one wastes enough time with her, she might just lapse into an apparent state of confusion, uttering nonsensical phrases that will drive sane characters away. She loves to hang out atop grassy knolls and throw things at moving objects, preferably at small animals. Happier than most and might actually be clinically insane. [i][u]Weapon of Faith[/u][/i] [CENTER][b][u]Joyeuse[/u][/b] [b]Weapon type:[/b] Composite Bow [b]Length: [/b]148 cm (strung), 158(unstrung)[/CENTER] In the true spirit of classic composite bows, Joyeuse is made out of rigid heartwood enclosed in a smooth sapwood shell from the same tree. Golden horn nocks keep a red silk string tied down to the stave. At the core is a hair strand of the war deity Bishamon which supposedly heightens the user?s senses and brings an incredible amount of luck. A vicious history belies its rather cheerful nickname; it is said that the wood got its red marks from the blood of an unnamed warrior king who put a curse on the weapon before he died. His spirit now resides in the weapon and will possess anyone who summons him, filling the user with insatiable bloodlust. [b]Technique: [/b] [i]Now, now. Don?t think that we bowmen haven?t got weapon techniques like swordsmen do. Ours may not be as fancy but they?re just as hard to perfect. Every movement is calculated, governed by stolid accuracy and the fickleness of Nature. Yep, Mother Nature. Them swordies haven?t got wind, temperature and humidity factors to worry about; I do. I?ve developed a technique called [u]La Sauvage Apprivoisée[/u]. You won?t see it in my movements? and that?s how you know it works. Since Joyeuse here is a bit of a shrew (she guides herself, really), I?ve to keep her still with my left while maintaining a good rhythm in the drawing and releasing of arrows with my right. I can?t explain it well but it all boils down to complementing my movements with the weapon. Be one with the bow, yeah?[/i] [i][u]History[/u][/i] [CENTER][b]Bio[/b] [i]Coming soon[/i] [b]Character Snippet[/b][/CENTER] [i] [b]Holy Mary, mother of God?[/b] Pallid moonlight streamed through a rose window, staining the weathered tiles below a vision of the Blessed Virgin. As her immaculate heart poured gold and silver pools of light on the aisle, her downcast gaze rested on the wretched figure that lay between her fair hands. [b]?Pray for us sinners?[/b] She didn?t seem to mind the cold that had slowly crept across the floor nor the blanket of dust that had then lain over the pews and the floor. A hand covered her side where blood had seeped through lace and silk, and drew a sharp contrast from her white dress. The slow rise and fall of her back was the only sign of life. [b]?Now?[/b] Her lips parted. She drew in her first deep breath and lifted her head. Her other hand shielded her eyes from the flooding light and she saw what looked like stars further down the aisle. Fighting against the uncontrollable trembling spreading across her limbs, she crawled towards the stars. [b]?And at the hour of our death?[/b] Nearby, a man knelt, shrouded in the darkness that enveloped the rest of the hall. His head was bowed and his hands were closed around the hilt of the sword planted before him. Thin shafts stuck out of his chest, at the tips of which were silver arrow tails that glistened in reflected light. The woman reached for the hilt and pulled herself level to its owner. She wrenched the sword free and gently laid the man's head on her lap. Her fingers traced the smile that rested on his face before she once again slipped into the shade of sleep. [b]?Amen.[/b][/i] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Worrying about the heafty consumption of natural resources
Delta replied to poo62.2's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=#CAA617][SIZE=1]Know what? I bet if we could find a way to properly harness geothermal energy, we could do away with nuclear-, natural gas- and fuel-driven power. It's pretty hot down there and you get high geothermal gradients in active zones but it's virtually renewable. [quote name='James][font=Franklin Gothic Medium']Besides, who wants every coastline in the world to be covered in wind farms?[/font][/quote]*raises hand* -------+ The demand for copper has gone down in the past decade with the development of new transmitting media for wires, or so I heard. But what exactly are we going to do with the excess copper? That's right, more copper bathtaps. [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=#CAA617][SIZE=1][quote name='Gen. Andronicus']Name predestination is the new pink.[/quote][i][b]Oh, but it's sooo 15th century![/b][/i] Yep, I tend to type people I haven't met based on their names. Even after we get acquainted, I continue link certain traits to their names, whether I find it in them or not. It's built into my head, I guess. Probably the reason why a person finds similar traits in people with the same name is because he/she actually looks for these traits in them. No matter how faint the trait expression is, it becomes amplified to the person who (desperately) looks for them. Then, oncethe link is established, he/she can precondition him/herself on how to deal with the next John or Jane who comes by. Sounds like a shortcut, yeah? I sooo do not think this discussion is pointless.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Anime Gundam Seed Vs. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Who Would Win?
Delta replied to KiraStrike29's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Ryo the Tactician]If you ask me, there's no way an EVA unit would defeat an Eva. For one thing, once the Gundam Pilots would've obviously shot the [COLOR=Black]power cord, the EVA's only have 5 minutes.[/COLOR] EVA's can't fly, aren't as mobile, and don't have the armor of a Gundam. An Aerial advantage is huge for a Gundam. Plus, the previous speaker (a ways back..) is right about the sync thing. Once they get hit, they're practically crippled with pain. Even if the Gundam gets damaged, that's not going to interfere with their battling. Now, the one thing the EVA's really have going for them is the [COLOR=Black]Absolute Terror (AT) Field.[/COLOR] That's going to make a powerful barrier for the Gundams. However, the Gundams have immensely powerful weaponry in large amounts. Buster Cannons and beam rifles have enough power, IMO, to break through that. And of course, they're Coordinators. They have superhuman intelligence, tactics, and thinking skills. The EVA pilots are only human. Talented humans, but nothing like the inhuman skills of a Coordinator. And when those guys go into [COLOR=Black]Seed Mode,[/COLOR] I just can't see the EVA's standing a chance.[/QUOTE]Let's see... The time limit is for EVAs which have no Super Solenoid engines. [SPOILER]Shinji's EVA-01 however, has assimilated the S2 organ of an angel, giving his Evangelion a limitless and independent power source.[/SPOILER] As for the armor, the EVAs are indeed capable of generating Absolute Terror fields. AT fields hold through melee, missiles and very heavy arms. The only thing that can seem to break it though, is another AT field. [SPOILER]In one of the episodes, an angel named Arael attacked from [b]space[/b]. Need I say that a single EVA was able to defeat it?[/SPOILER] Inhuman skills, yes, but they were still prone to emotional breakdown which, as many have witnessed, affected their judgment and ultimately their performance in battle. Let us not forget that [SPOILER]EVAs also go to berserk mode at crunch time.[/SPOILER] Perhaps if you had someone like Char Aznable at the controls...[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Mmm hmm. It's always good to see those three together. The Evas filled the whole thing up quite nicely and the NERV logo makes it look like official art. I approve of the font used for their names. From the white dusty stuff I see from ver.2, I feel that the extraction method needs a little more work. Also, the predominantly black background weakly complements the active poses of the trio; perhaps adding more detail (grungy backgrounds, stock photo of a decrepit building, maybe?) would work nicely. [b]04/07[/b] To...ji?[/SIZE][/COLOR]