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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1][CENTER][IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23522&stc=1[/IMG] [b]Have you seen this boy?[/b][/CENTER] You've got a fast eye there, Dagger. How about Yui? Since most of the cast was shown in that sequence, did Yui get at least half a second of screentime?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Hold on, love. I'm planning to make your set in monotone, if that's okay with you.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Lix][size=1][color=slategray] What I do in Photoshop still mystifies even me... most of the time everything is experimental, so I wouldn't be able to tell you how to do anything. ^_^;;[/color][/size][/QUOTE]Believe me, that's one of the best ways to draw something good out of Photoshop, IMO. [b]Dead Rose[/b] Many of the requests received by the Art Studio ask for "dark banners" or something similar. You, Lix, have something going on with this banner and it would do OB members good if you'll take their requests on. What I'm saying is that Dead Rose, in terms of choice of subject and colors, is a prime example of a good dark banner. Cheers to you![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Help around. It's really good alterative for people who refuse to be bothered with gym membership fees and such. I find that (literally) running errands, lugging furniture and lifting groceries are good for toning muscles. Try to make these tasks part of your daily routine (and it'll keep you in good terms with everyone!). Another trick is to try and get as much activity from stuff you love to do...like windowshopping. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]The thing with pixel fonts is that them little buggers cooperate only when used at small font sizes. Set them at some large-ish font size and they start having these jagged edges (pixelated, hence the tag pixel font). [b]Banner (2)[/b]: It's Danteee! (is it?) I absolutely adore the size of the banner! Very kawaii. The subject and caption are tilted at just about the right angle. Fills up the banner space really well, IMO. Maybe you could remove the lens flare at the lower left corner just to balance the picture out. Stroking 'round the caption letters would be nice too (it's such a cute font! needs more attention. yep, yep).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#78593E][SIZE=1][IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23514&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23515&stc=1[/IMG] Chair picture courtesy of [URL=http://web.mblogger.cn/cyril]Cyril on theRoad[/URL]. Aha. [/SIZE][/COLOR] :animeswea
  7. [COLOR=#78593E][SIZE=1]J2Assassin speaks the truth. I say go for something new. Get something your local networks would never show. The way I see it, networks can't help but stick with one or few anime genres. If one's trying to expand her horizons, one must go beyond her comfort zone (i.e., cable TV). A word of caution though: uninformed purchases of unfamiliar series is not advisable. It's always good to do a bit of research. If it's got what you're looking for, buy it. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#78593E][SIZE=1]Hi-res! Hi-res is always good and you, sir/ma'am, have chosen well. Yep, yep. *pats Domon's back* You know what would be a good fix for the border? Fill it with the color of Kira's eyes (that's Kira, right?) and apply blending modes (like what you did with your GetBackers banner. Ultra-cool). What I would do with the background is I'd probably put a layer filled with a pattern above it just to break the picture up and push it further into the background. As for the font, maybe you could use something like Impact on all caps or a pixel font like Porpoise. :catgirl: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=#78593E][SIZE=1]Retribution speaks the truth. I'd personally go for CS b/c its Type Tool allows you to put text around paths (oh, how I need it!). If you're looking for Photoshop's toughest competitor, look for a program called PaintShopPro (I think that's what it's called).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Request granted. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23506&stc=1[/IMG] God, I love saying that! *niko niko* Yep, can't blame Ozy. Pictures of black widows give me the creeps![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]The Ispano declare that there be wallpapers from the realm of Fanelia! [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23505&stc=1]*poof!*[/URL] God, I wuv this wallpaper! It's got a very sad feeling about it. Yep. Very Escaflowne the Movie. [URL=http://www.crash.inweb.dk]Tatekano[/URL] and [URL=http://www.pixelatedgraffiti.tk]Kalico[/URL] cooked this one up. Hurrah! [quote name='Dark Hayden']I was looking at some of the submitted wallpapers and i could swear that some of the pictures in them are taken from offical wallpapers...so does that mean its ok to do that as long as you have added your own personal touches?[/quote] Yep. That's how I see it. CD inserts, magazine reviews, artbooks, you name it. Them images must have come from some official release. Rule of thumb is you credit the creator and whoever holds the copyright for the source material. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Wait... Ghostbusters? With the oversized marshmallow man (relative of the Pillsbury mascot?)? Good movie. Loved the theme song to death. [b]Quote:[/b] We are brave, Your Highness.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]I'm pretty sure just one Shinsengumi member died on the spot. Okita coughed up blood and passed out, but it was because he had tubercolosis. Kondo, as [URL=http://www.kendo-world.com/forum/archive/index.php?t-6522.html]this forum[/URL] (which I've a nagging feeling you already saw. *looks around and panics*) says, was captured by the Ishin Shishi after the Ikedaya Jiken. Shinsengumi divided into 2 groups, one for each of the two inns they had to storm that day. Kondo's team attacked the Ikedaya Inn, found out that the Choshu meeting was being held there and realized that they should've sent Hijikata's group instead (probably because they had more men in Hijikata's? I really don't know. The stuff's pretty hazy). [b][URL=http://www.merit5.co.jp/gyosei/chofu/0408/0408_7.html]Chofu City News August 2004[/URL][/b] [QUOTE][SIZE=1]"We are on duty, and we will kill any outlaws without mercy..." On the second floor of the Kyoto inn Ikedaya on June 5, 1864, Kondo Isami shouted these words concerning the lawless swordsmen he had been searching for. Thus began the bloody tumult. However, being outnumbered, the Shinsengumi fought an uphill battle even though they were skilled swordsmen. [b]Of the 10 Shinsengumi members with Kondo at the Ikedaya melee, three men were fatally injured. In addition, Okita Soji collapsed, Todo Heisuke was injured and Kondo himself could not move as he was surrounded by several swordsmen.[/b] The conflict continued in a tense showdown with the heroic fighting of Shinsengumi's top swordsman Nagakura Shinpachi. Just then, the Hijikata group, which had been elsewhere at the time, rushed to Ikedaya to help. The fighting then took a dramatic turn, and Shinsengumi were victorious. With the fall of the main swordsmen who were aiming to destroy the Shogunate, some say that the Meiji Restoration was delayed by one or two years, while others say that it made the Meiji Restoration happen more quickly. In either case, the Ikedaya Incident was definitely a turning point in the history of the end of the Shogunate. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] So that's all they said. One died on the spot; the other two died later. They weren't troop captains, just plain members of the Shisengumi. That's pretty sad. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23487&stc=1][B]The Leaders and Troop Captains of Shinsengumi[/B][/URL] Captain: Kondo Isami (seated) Vice Captain: Hijikata Toshizo (fifth from the left, right of Kondo) 1. Okita Sōji (rightmost) 2. Nagakura Shinpachi (third from te right, left of Kondo) 3. Saitō Hajime (second to the right) 4. Matsubara Chūji 5. Takeda Kanryūsai (leftmost, the one with the glasses) 6. Inoue Genzaburō 7. Tani Sanjūrō 8. Tōdō Heisuke 9. Suzuki Mikisaburō 10. Harada Sanosuke (frontmost, holding a spear) Trust that an RK fan will find this sooner or later. :catgirl: [b][URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikedaya_Affair]Ikedaya Jiken[/URL][/b] Wikipedia's entry on the event. Links to Shinsengumi, Okita Sōji, and ultimately, Saitō Hajime can also be found. (But I guess you already saw this one) [b][URL=http://www.koyagi.com/ACPages/aci.html]Ikedaya Jiken 池田屋事件[/URL][/b] "An attack in July 1864 by the Shinsengumi, under the leadership of Kondô Isami, on a meeting of anti-bakufu shishi held in a Kyôto (p.77) ryokan (p.107) named Ikedaya..." Interesting info on how Katsura Kogrô missed the event. [b][URL=http://www.shinsengumihq.com/misc_facts.htm]Ikedaya Jiken[/URL][/b] "On July 8, 1864, (June 5, 1864 on the old calendar) in the middle of Gion festivities, the Shinsengumi stormed the Ikedaya Inn in Southern Kyoto to suppress the fanatical imperialist samurai who were planning to burn the capital, kidnap the emperor and kill Matsudaira Katamori...." Has info on casualties. [b]Incident leading up to the Ikedaya Jiken: [URL=http://allkenshin.com/history/shinsengumi.shtml#shinsengumi04]The Arrest of Masuya Kiemon (Kotaka Shintaro)[/URL][/b] A bit romanticized but still useful. [b][URL=http://www.koyagi.com/ACPages/acm.html]Masuya shop, Kyoto[/URL][/b] More info on Kotaka Shintaro's arrest. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Riko Omiwatari [b]Alias:[/b] [i]Yuki-Onna[/i]; Snow Queen [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Affiliation:[/b] Recovery Service [b]Describe yourself in five words:[/b] "I'm a pro after all!" [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23481&stc=1]Okay, you can look now![/URL] Oh, right! Forgot the shoes. She wears a pair of blue pumps. [b]Ability:[/b] As her alias suggests, she can freeze available moisture at will. Takes a bit of time, though; Hell can't freeze over in a day. (Or then again, maybe it can! ♥ ) [b]Trump Card:[/b] "Oh, is that a death wish? ♥"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Hello, hello! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23473&stc=1[/IMG] Hmm... Yes, it's got Darth Vader in it. I'm so very sorry (but I got the idea from a lovely teaser poster and thought it'd be just perfect!). At least you could wear this for a week more if you should decide to.[/SIZE][/COLOR] :catgirl:
  17. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1][quote name='Dagger]One thing I strongly dislike about mecha anime--well, serious mecha anime; this isn't really an issue with the lighter & more comedic shows--is how the lead character inevitably whines and moans and gets all pacifistic about having to pilot [insert robot's name here'].[/quote]Gundam Zeta. Hrm. Reminds me of characters who were really great in their field of expertise. Everything was going swell until find characters better than them show up. Then they go into this (choose applicable): a) inconsolably depressed phase; b)latent-anger-gets-released phase; c) catatonic vegetable stage. These usually were the great characters with extremely agreeable dispositions. Losing those personalities can incredibly dull the story down (though the amazing ways they recover are worth seeing)..[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Change your door locks first thing tomorrow. The keyhole's probably messed up right now. And keep that window opened, for chrissakes. The guy's stupid enough to try break through a [i]bedroom[/i] window at night. Slap him for me, will you? I don't know. It'll probably never happen to my house. We live on the top floor of a building that's got a noisy fire escape and a single door for every residence. it's a blinking fire hazard, I know, but unless thieves come by helicopters, our place is virtually proofed. And treat your dog to some special dog food. He deserves it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]^ Indeed. Minus 15 points for snippiness of said post. If I had a cat, I'd name it Meoi. With that, may I suggest another language like Elvish? Tons of nice-sounding names can be derived from it like Galadriel, Firiel and (all together now!) [i]Legolas[/i]. I know! Name it [URL=http://www.fabuloustravel.com/globe/hachiko/hachiko.html][b]Hachiko[/b][/URL]! That's the name of Japan's famous dog. Very sad story, tragic for pet owners. You might not like it. Or you can always go with ridiculously long ones like "Hiten Mitsurugi: Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki" and make it answer to the name "Neko-chan". Or just name it "Petto". Very generic. And I heard "aoi tsuki" means "pale moon" or "waxing moon", whichever. Makes much more sense than "blue moon"; still beautiful, nonetheless. Highly recommend it. [b]Just don't name it Pikachu. Please. [/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]o_O... Seems like the other Malfoy fans have gone into hiding. Love the colors, hon! Very stimulating (and suggests something really sinister). Pretty colors, check. Good extraction techniques, check. Nice choice of font, check. The whole thing looks balanced; good job on filling up the whole length of this huge image. Yep, yep! *pats Lix's back* Perhaps you could make Malfoy's image a bit sharper. Yep, yep. (BTW, he looks like the drummer from [i]School of Rock[/i]. *heart* ) Age![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Here you go: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23446&stc=1[/IMG] Um, sorry for the delay.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1][b]Kanzaki for teh winzors111[/b] The girl's got 200+ IQ points and need not take the entrance exam to get into ToDai! Add to that the devious ways her mind operates and you've got the future Queen of the Japanese Mafia. Let's see how Akane deals with Urumi's minions. (I am a victim of the cunning Kanzaki's blackmails and was forced to vote for her.)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Prepare yourself, Xander Harris. [b]S/N[/b]: Xander Harris is a character from [i]Buffy[/i]. Research shows that you started a thread about the said show. Even extensive research shows that you have a penchant for stories about nocturnal beings. Though a bit headstrong, you are a good guy. You care for your close relations and will do anything under desperate circumstances. You do not take your education seriously but has developed some strong bond with people you met at school, thus you remain. [b]Custom Title 1[/b]: "last, best hope of the free world" A Google Search revealed that your C\T was a statement made about military nuclear power, Bush and Battlestar Galactica's William Adama. I take it that you were referring to the Commander. You do not give up easily on things that you are passionate about. A leader who operated using unconvetional methods yet, deep inside, can be easily casted into the stereotypical tough cop who always goes by the book... which kind of works for Bush as well. [b]Custom Title 2[/b]: "watashiwa moi, si?" You know words not listed in [i]Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language[/i]. You are a Spaniard lost in Tokyo and have just recently asked a street punk about useful Japanese phrases. [b]Signature[/b]: As your signature suggests, you dabble on Philosophy and have probably found the Fountain of Life, for it is the only thing more interesting than sex. You like anime and have a propensity for stories set in our time but still ring of the incredible and mystical. And that, my friend, is the work of someone with zero knowledge in [i]Buffy The Vampire Slayer[/i] and [i]Battleship Galactica[/i] and relies solely on networks of Buffy fans and Galactica sites for factoids.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1][b][i]Argumentum ad hominem.[/i] - argument against the person.[/b] Please. Let's not bully each other into pettiness. It's killing the educational aspect of this thread.[quote name='Tigervx][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]And I never understood what made the Atomic Bombs so horrific. The same year American Bombers fire bombed Tokyo and killed 100,000 people, yet the atomic bomb only killed 70,000 people from both Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. People say it?s a war crime, but conventional warfare still proved to be much more lethal then the bombs used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Yeah but the long term effects were unlike anything the world had seen. They were unknown to the developers until the survivors acquired [i]really[/i] weird diseases. Sadako, I think, was two when she was exposed to the radiation from the atomic bomb. Then again...[quote name='The True Health Effects of Radiation']Dr Sohei Kondo, professor emeritus of Osaka University, asserted low acute radiation from atomic explosion could reduce the cancer mortality, and increase life span.[/quote][URL=http://www.ecolo.org/documents/documents_in_english/health-effects-radiation-04.ppt.]Source[/URL] [QUOTE=Lady Dust] I think it is a good thing because we (the students of Japan) shouldn't be taking in such information until the College/ University level. Sheltering the fact of our wars from our students until a later age is a great idea. Not many children can understand the fact of a world war. Their brain's aren't as developed, so the Japanese school system waits until a later age for the children, who are now young adults and teach them then.[/QUOTE] Indeed. It's something that shouldn't be taught at an early age. Let them learn about neutral stuff like Mathematics and the Arts. It'll help them prep their young minds so that later, when they receive information like war atrocities committed by sides and the justifications they make, they will be able to weigh them out and think for themselves. See, even if you don't read it in the school textbooks, you are bound to find out about it later. You've got documentaries, books, tons of stuff about the subject. Like Discover Channel specials. But please do not confuse "delaying the study of History to a riper age" with "altering histories for students". I am very much against the latter. It's a factual recording of events! A wrong interpretation may stay with an individual, especially the lazy-types who do not bother to read other books, for life. He'll be like a walking idiot in the eyes of other people, much more to those like him but believe the opposite. The answer lies within the depths of Discovery Channel. [i]Oooooom...[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Aiyisha][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Two words: Gothic lolita. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Yeah, and I'll probably get some black lipstick. Yep, that would be a mighty fine addition to my makeup collection. If I were to go to Japan, it's because of a scholarship program. Now that I think of it, it's Japanese schoollife that interests me the most. And I would just *love* to wear short skirts and tube socks! But I guess I'm too old for that. Feh. I'd like to wander about Gion and look at them souvenir shops. Blame it on Arthur Golden.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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