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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]^ Indeed, especially if the volume's maxed. It's like they're asking for some major bashing. *sigh* My phone supports .wav, .mid, .mp3 and some file called .srt that play tones that sound like fire alarms. Right now, I've got "To Zanarkand" set for voice calls. Never mind that I can barely hear it, I don't answer voice calls anyway. I'm still very much an adherent of them classic telephones. You know what'll sound good as a ringtone? The beeping theme song from Mario Brothers. Very nostalgic.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]I've a feeling Xx_Chaos_xX wrote in that manner to highlight his point. Herm. Bump this thread for special effort. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']Even an obscenely short post can contain a message, or make a point. Not everything requires a long-winded 1200 word reply.[/size][/quote] Indeed. Reminds me of O-tako-sama's replies: one-liners that [i]actually[/i] have some sense. Hmm, what's good about OB is that when the discussion goes off-topic, members have the initiative to steer it back on the right track. And you've got people like Siren who can tell if the discussion's going in circles. It's like an idiot-proof mechanism set up by the members themselves!.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Oh hello, hello! Here's the banner: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23385&stc=1[/IMG] First time I worked with a green-orange combo so please tell me if you want something changed. About the avatar, give me a couple of days; I've just run out of ideas. Hmm, perhaps you could tell me what you want on it (my brain desperately needs a good jumpstart ^_^). [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1][b]Kurama[/b] Very manga. Stick some tone paper and it'll pass off as a manga. Proportions = good (love the shoulders!); Style = amazing. It seems to me like you hesistated with the outlines. Maybe you could darken them and probably rub the pencil shading to create a smoother, crisper look. [b]8/10[/b] [b]Hiei[/b] Lovely. Lovely. This is the type of outline I'm looking for. Excellent body (sexah!) and the face is symmetrical. *falls in love* Alittle tweak with the way the hands are rendered (a bit out of perspective) and it'll be perfect! [b]9.5/10[/b] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Which reminds me of my father's hometown. Everyone there is related by blood to everyone. My cousin has a child with a third-degree relation, and since our law has it that "incest" reaches up to the fifth degree, they're pretty much guilty of it. But if I remember correctly, no one among them villagers was born abnormal. The only oddball there is a ridiculously intelligent person who went mad because he can't afford to go to college. They're all sharing insanely good genes, I say. doukeshi's zapper will go [i]fzzzt! fzzzt![/i] like crazy over there.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. Delta

    Mini Sigs

    [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Um, yeah... :animesigh Hmm, I assume you're talking about banners smaller than 500x100. Yeah, they're fun to make. I get overwhelmed by relatively large canvases (too much space to fill up) so I rarely make them at the limit size. Usually, I decrease the width to 350px, but it looks square-ish (if you get my drift) so I end up cropping the height, too. *sigh* My banner is standard 468x60. Even at such a small resolution, I had trouble filling up the blank space at the left. Curly thingies = Way to go. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]^ *nod, nod* Very nice extraction! Skillful, right to the last pixel of outline. Yep, yep. That's pretty special. I like the backgrounds very much but I suggest you, um, try a new style. It's clear that you've already mastered the grungy side of banner-making, something which only a few OB artists practice. Nice to have someone unique in Art Studio. [/SIZE][/COLOR] :catgirl:
  8. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Momiji = Irresistible I will make you a Momiji banner but it'll take time. Please wait for it. (And oh, there's a sample of my work *points at the banner below*. Browse around Art by Request and you might chance upon work of a ceratin Freude; that's me too!)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=#95005E][SIZE=1]Who needs blood tests when you've got Juuthena's mom? Actually, I haven't heard of this one before. We haven't caught up with this fad; news will probably circulate around here by November. Really, the only thing I see as "bad blood combination" is the case where a rhesus-negative mom rejects her rhesus-positive fetus. And that's, like, a mother-and-child thing! Hrmm, I get turned off by reed-thin men. Never mind that he's nice; I want someone I can hug comfortably (I've a thing against feeling somebody else's bones). Yeah, and I like them half a head taller than me. That way I can wear heels when we go out. [/SIZE][/COLOR] :animesmil
  10. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]The avatar, as promised: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23373&stc=1[/IMG] Yep, yep. As villain-ish as possible. Same procedure; please tell me if you want something altered, 'kay?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]If smarts were based on IQ points, then I am pretty sure I'm the smartest human our line has ever spawned. Though that implies that, yes, our gene pool desperately needs IQ points, I'd be the last person on earth to call my kinspeople "dumb". They've got a lot of active brain cells, my folks. My parents are waaay smarter than me. It's healthy to be around them; my brain's never idle and I get to learn stuff about literature and (gasp!) philosophy. One time, my mum blurted out an equation while she was watching me do my Calculus homework and it was the exact thing I needed. My mum scares me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1][b]Yami no Matsuei[/b]. Preferably as one of the Shinigami. You get to play immortal detective and mess around with fuda magic, too! Very cool. A world where death is just a minor inconvenience; that would be very [i]ideal[/i]. Yeah, and you get to meet sexy oddballs like Watari and Hakushaku. It's a pretty fair deal for mental instability and a wretched existence in the living world. Yep, yep. Fair indeed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]Hmm... what to put in? Keeping true to my twisted sense, I'd probably add a few grungy lines leading from the angel to the caption. To stick with the sad feeling though, I'd probably put in some lightrays coming from the angel's side.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]Alright, chief. Will put my back into it! Any particular color scheme? I'm thinking white and red. EDIT: Here you go! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23352&stc=1[/IMG] Do PM me if you want something altered. Will probably make a matching avatar later because I truly am lousy at it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]Oooh... Fantastic use of filters! Reminds me of the LoTR Frodo-Nazgul scenes. Gives me a very cold, ethereal feeling; extremely effective in conveying a sense of, well, sadness! Lovely choice of font, too! Fade effect on Stroke = good. Some ideas: Maybe you could "roughen up" the stripes on the angel. Iit looks kinda sharp compared with the background (or maybe it's just me. :animesmil ) And, um, maybe you could place something between the angel and the caption just to tie the whole thing together. Yep, yep. [b]5/6[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1][b]I.[/b] He says he doesn't love you anymore. If you're going along with this [i]routine[/i] because you love him then please, [i]please[/i] stop. [INDENT][u]Him:[/u] Nothing --> gets Sex and Love [u]You:[/u] Love --> gets Sex [/INDENT] You're on the losing part of the deal, girl! [b]II.[/b] Saying has it that having too much sex can lead to dark underarms. Not pretty. [b]III.[/b] Then there's the possibility of you getting pregnant. You don't really know if he's willing to play Daddy to your kids. If it doesn't feel right then don't do it. Listen to your body, not to his whims. Even if you can replace him, you can only stick to your one body.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]^ Or we could always mess around with genes and create GATTACA Valids. [i]Oh yes, more Jude Laws, please.[/i] Yes, "incest" sounds really kinky, doesn't it? With the "ssss" sounds and all. Very serpent of Eden-ish. But don't we humans have some sort of mechanism for sniffing up potential matig partners? Just so happened that you like your cousin's genes. Whether you beget a healthy child or one that is horribly deformed depends on you and your partner's luck (with the exception of certain unpreventable defects, of course). Shouldn't be made illegal, though. The government can't set limits on relationships between individuals. Just think: lawmakers in pointless debates, wasted tax money, cramped prison cells.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]Keh, this place does feel lonely when there's just, like, 15 users (including guests!) online. Pretty dismal figures, considering we've got some 11,000+ members. So you've got us nightcrawlers to keep the boards company in its wee hours (when it's actually broad daylight over here). It really helps that members live in different timezones, ne? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]I had a teacher who spoke only Japanese and whose English was still in its embryonic stage. She talked with us in rudimentary Japanese and pretty soon we were able to reply in the same language. It really helps if you have someone who knows Japanese and will talk to you only in Japanese.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1][b]^[/b] Mmm...[b]Descendants of Darkness[/b] would be a nice catch. I've the animated series and there are bits and pieces of the plot that actually made no sense until I read the manga translations (i.e.[spoiler]How did Muraki survive Tsubaki's attack? Turns out he's been building up his resistance to poison! Very Count Cain.[/spoiler]). I ♥ [b]Saiyuki[/b] Kazuya Minekura's a goddess in panel-work and I absolutely adore the characters! It combines healthy doses of violence and comedy with an unconventional retelling of [i]Journey to the West[/i]. Beautiful, [i]beautiful[/i] illustrations; surefire way to hook up people who need visual stimulation. It's an effective way to lure a wider audience into reading classics. I heard that it topped Tokyopop's 2004 sales. I'm not surprised.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=#FF5646]Alright, here's my shot at it. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23024&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23023&stc=1[/IMG] I'm sorry I couldn't find the pic you were looking for. Do tell me if you want something changed (that's assuming you're going to use this set :animesmil ).[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. Delta


    [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]^ Oh yes, being yourself is a must. Notice how many movies cash in on plots where
  23. [COLOR=#FF5646][b]?Low stamina. Minus 20 points.?[/b] The Zodiacs looked around. Indeed, someone OR something was watching them. They knew they were alone for meters around but the voice rang clear and nigh, as if carried by the sea breeze that blew around them. The Archer had told them about her; surely, it couldn?t be anyone else. [b]?Aha!?[/b] Kariz pointed east. [b]?Show yourself, Tabris!?[/b] Laughter. The angel replied with sweet laughter. It sounded like she was getting nearer, to within an arm?s reach. Then a figure suddenly materialized inches away from Kariz, causing the Zodiac to stumble backwards. [b]?Bang. You got me.?[/b] She walked over to the Archer?s insentient body and casually kicked him on the arm. [b]?My, my. What are we going to do with this one??[/b] Her white hand dug into his hair and pulled him up to her level. Nothing. Even as she shook him, the Archer slept on, numb to the crude treatment he?s getting from the angel. [b]?Hey!?[/b] Enter Ima, who, at that time, thought it best to intervene than to risk further harm. She held on to Kadar and tried to pry him out of the angel?s grasp. [b]?Alright. No need to get protective.?[/b] With a flick of her wrist, she shook Ima off her charge and sent her flying into Kariz?s arms. Wings sprung from her back and lifted Tabris and Kadar of the ground. [b]?Where are you taking him??[/b] [b]?Tell me, Water-Bearer,"[/b] Tabris turned to face Ima. Her wings blocked out the moon and left only the faint light of a silver halo to illuminate the angel. The Zodiacs looked upon her face and saw a smile so beautiful and at the same time, naughty. [b]?Do you think you can find that out by yourself??[/b] [CENTER]~o~o~o~o~o~[/CENTER] A mile inland and you?ll find a little inn natives call [i]The Cherry House[/i]. From the name itself, one?ll reckon that it was one of questionable repute and really, it was. Just a few minutes ago, a woman in black leather (probably from the nearby red-light district) dragged a man (probably in a drunken stupor) in there and checked in. [b]?You shouldn?t have left them like that.?[/b] On a bed that creaked with the smallest of movements lay Kadar. So far, it had not made a sound even when the occupant was fully conscious. [b]?Nah, we shouldn?t spoil them.?[/b] Tabris was on the veranda, tapping cigarette ash at the merrymakers below. [b]?Never mind that they?re new to this. The sooner they learn to track, the quicker you?ll find the others.?[/b] [b]OOC:[/b] Hope this is okay, Xy GGu et al.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]Hey, didn't he just say days ago that he would want to be kept on life support if he ever lapses into a, um, Schiavo? He's really open to the media and is very hands-on; quite unlike the popes you read about in history books. I guess you could say that he is a "fun" pope. Anyways, he still is a great guy. Still keeping my fingers crossed! Rah! Rah! Go JP2![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1][b][i]To Do List [STRIKE]1) Test Jason-kun[/STRIKE] 2) Shop[/i][/b] Now that Jason-kun is out of the way, shopping has become top priority in Raison?s agenda. Due to time constraints brought about by last-minute tinkering with Jason-kun, she actually forgot to bring the one item she should have brought? a formal dress. The nearest thing she had was the white summer dress then she had on. A boutique. Propitious. She walked in, expecting the undivided attention a pleasant saleslady who?ll sell her that lovely ocher dress on display. [b][i]?Parakalo mipos milate Anglika??[/i][/b] That voice. Frequency 167.34, was it? Contacted her many times during her recent mission. After she beat him to Mission #9?s target relic, he has made it his hobby to show up in the most unlikely places and engage her in what often sounded like competitive repartees. [b]?Deuce!? [/b] He stood beside a rack marked ?New Arrivals?, puffing away on a cigarette with a lust for lung cancer. The piercing emerald eyes, the ruffled blonde hair, the cocky look. [i]Yep, that?s him alright. My goodness, he still looks like a cat,[/i] she thought. [b]?What the hel??[/b] [b]?GET DOWN!?[/b] Rest assured that Deuce meant nothing but the best when he clotheslined Raison to the floor. His full weight came down on her as they dove to avoid a volley of ammunition from across the street. Bullets and broken glass rained upon the display, ripping the [i]trés chic[/i] gowns into grungy threads. Deuce leaned on a pile of shoeboxes as Raison crawled to his side. He murmured something like [b]?Keh. Snipers,?[/b] which merited him an elbow to the rib. Raison took out a compact from her purse and surveyed the street from her mirror. [b]?Let?s see? We?ve two at 2 o?clock, another at 11 and,?[/b] she focused the mirror on Deuce, [b]?a thief at my right.?[/b] After a last pat on the nose, she threw her compact at the mannequin with the ocher dress, which prompted the snipers to shoot it down. [b]?Cover, Deuce??[/b] [b]?Clever, Stellvia, but by any chance, do you happen to have a gun in that purse?? ?What, and rob you of the chance to play hero??[/b] With a gallant sweep of his arm, Deuce drew a .45 from his holster and felled another dummy. [i]Sergei?ll give me hell for this[/i], he thought. He advanced to the display window and opened fire. Six shots and the snipers were silenced. [b]?Ah, Deuce. Didn?t know you love me this much.? ?Hmph. Now you do.?[/b] He turned to face her with a crooked smile on his face, the same smile she long ago said was cute. [b]?Besides, I?m not gonna let you die now. Not when I?m a relic behind your count.? [/b] [i]Good ol? Deuce. Barely a minute after an encounter and the prick?s at it again.[/i] Raison made her way to the display window and examined the area. The boutique looked like something out of a war movie?very post-apocalyptic. [b]?So,?[/b] Deuce lit another cigarette and picked up a wide silver box from the floor. [b]?Heard your team?s gonna crash the opening. You coming??[/b] Raison sighed. [b]?That would be a negative.?[/b] Silk tatters were strewn all over the floor, along with bits of tulle and lace that came from the décor. What remained of the ocher dress was now riddled with bullet holes and looked more hoochie than formal. Damn those snipers! Ruined a perfectly good dress, they did. [b]?Here.? [/b] Deuce?s silver box, as it turned out, was for her. The cover was dirty but she could still read the boutique?s name on it. He opened it and pulled out the same ocher dress from the display window. [b]?My bribe. I believe it?s your size.?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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