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[COLOR=#35425e]Dibs on #35 if, you know, #34 gets in by Monday. ;P[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT=Georgia][CENTER][IMG]http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/385/akgfxn9.jpg[/IMG] [b]Amplifier[/b] Because [COLOR=#88C9EF]blue[/COLOR] without [COLOR=#E59E00]orange[/COLOR] is like gossip without intrigue.[/CENTER] [b]HANDICAPS:[/b] [COLOR=Red]x[/COLOR] Image's perimeter must not form a quadrilateral [COLOR=Red]x[/COLOR] Must include no text other than the tag "We dine in hell!" and its anagrams. [COLOR=Red]x[/COLOR] No Spartans nor Persians[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]For soap, any brand will do. How well my soap cleans doesn't really matter; it's how well I scrub that counts. I once used a bar that had lots of Nile sand in it, weird-smelling stuff, but it was easier to get good and thorough cleaning with it. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]What?!? No competition? No laughing behind the loser's back? No chance of a devastating loss that will trigger a sudden drop in self-esteem? The idea sounds lovely, Boo! [b]Vote +1[/b][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Ah, it seems that I will not be able to complete #30. Maybe when the cue's not that long and the wait's not near-forever will I sign up again. Kindly strike my name out of the list. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Hey, everyone. I have to leave for the hinterlands and will be staying there for a month and a half. Because of this, I'm going to have to CANCEL this year's Handicap Battles. ...Unless one of you is willing to host it. We're talking about the chance to steer this baby into another evi-- err, direction. To those interested in hosting this event, please PM me. In the event that no one's willing to take up the torch, I can only wish you dear artists good luck in the upcoming [B][COLOR="Red"]OB Graphics Tournament[/COLOR][/B]... There will be one, will there? I mean, somebody's gotta rip that crown off Retribution's head. :naughty: Thank you very much for showing interest in this project of mine and I hope you'll continue supporting all future tournaments in Art Studio. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][quote name='Rachmaninoff']That's interesting, because I'm currently logged into myO and clicking on your link says this: [B]The user profile you were trying to access is currently turned off.[/B] So are you sure you deleted it? Or did you just turn it off?[/QUOTE]I'm pretty sure Sandy deleted his account. I just deleted mine and the link now displays the same message.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[INDENT][COLOR=#35425e][CENTER][IMG]http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/8025/hbjn0.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE=1]The tournament you'd love to hate is back and it's badder than ever. Think you can survive a round in the most frustrating graphics tournament to ever have graced OB? [COLOR="Black"][b]Who can join?[/b][/COLOR] The event’s open to all OB members with absolutely nothing to do in the next, oh, 4 weeks. To join this tournament, just reply to this thread and say you want in. Dead simple. [COLOR="Black"][b]Tournament Format[/b][/COLOR] Handicap Battles! will implement the sudden death tournament format where only the winner of a match will advance to the next round. A preliminary elimination round will be held before the tournament proper to winnow the numbers down to a manageable number. The bracket will be released as soon as that round is concluded. [COLOR="Black"][b]Rounds and Matches[/b][/COLOR] A thread will be created by the Tournament Presider (moi) for each match. The participants will be given 72 hours to create, post and edit their entries. [INDENT] • Should there be an odd number of participants after a round is concluded, a pre-round match will be held between the two lowest-seeded participants. • Seeding will be based on the total number of votes the participant garnered in all of the previous rounds. [/INDENT] [COLOR="Black"][b]Handicaps[/b][/COLOR] Aside from the deadline, the tournament presider will also place a set of restrictions/“handicaps” on submissions for each round. These restrictions may range anywhere from size limits to a total ban on certain graphics elements. [INDENT] • [strike]To make the game a bit more interesting, handicaps of the previous rounds will be carried over to the new round.[/strike] • There will be no new handicaps in pre-round matches. • All questions about the handicaps should be raised in this thread.[/INDENT] [COLOR="Black"][b]Special Rules[/b][/COLOR] These are rules which modify the standing laws of the tournament. The alloted time, the voting requirements and even the elimination process could all be nullified with the right rules in place. [COLOR="Black"][b]Voting[/b][/COLOR] A 120-hour (5-day) voting period will begin immediately after the deadline. All members can vote, except for the two participants of the match. The tournament presider can only vote in the case of a tie. Members must post a paragraph of at least three sentences about the entry they’re going to vote for, and one sentence of constructive criticism for the other entry. It’s a pretty simple format so if a member fails to follow it, he/she will be sent a PM by the Tournament Presider and will be given the rest of the voting period to edit his/her vote. His/her vote will be invalidated if it still isn't of the prescribed format by the end of the voting period. [COLOR="Black"][b]Grounds for Elimination[/b][/COLOR] [INDENT] • One loss • Failure to comply with the handicaps • Failure to meet the deadline • Elimination via special ruling[/INDENT] Please direct all your questions regarding Handicap Battles! in this thread. I'll try my best to answer them as quickly and completely as I can. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]+=+=+=+=+[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][b]Who's In[/b][/COLOR] Disenchanted boothten jigglyness Ezekiel Retribution Boo Amnesiac Kaiten[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]The problem is that a lot of people get anal when Person A invokes God as a basis of his beliefs and jump at the chance to say otherwise without really thinking about where Person A's coming from. Though we agree that one should not force one's theistic doctrines on another, I am of the opinion that we agnostics and atheists should, in turn, not force our beliefs of God being non-causative and/or non-existent on those who think otherwise. So please, [b]let's not turn this into another "Does God exist or not?" discussion.[/b][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]^ Well ah do believe it's time for Michael J. Fox jokes (don't get me wrong; I love him to pieces): When you meet Michael J. Fox, you don't have to shake his hand. Because of Parkinsons. Michael J. Fox can only make martinis for James Bond. Because of Parkinson's. Michael J. Fox no longer has use for the blender in his home. Because of Parkinson's.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][quote name='Rachmaninoff']And saying it's playing God only applies if you actually believe in God. So that's the same as forcing your beliefs on someone else. No one has the right to force someone to do things based on their own religious beliefs.Then it's also not your or my place to tell them that they can't.[/QUOTE] Says the pot to the kettle.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I end up filling my desk with tissues throughout class, then carrying them all to the trash at the end. Only in recent years dd I think to put the trashcan next to my desk...[/COLOR][/QUOTE]You could just, you know, stick a wad of tissue up your nose to plug them fluids in. Works for me.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I've been thinking of taking anti-histamines for my dust allergy, seeing how well it worked for my sis when she managed to get caterpillar hairs stuck on every square inch of her body. However, it did knock her out for a good few hours. Was it the dosage or are anti-histamines supposed to work that way?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Does anybody else here watch or have watched [i]Man vs. Wild[/i] on Discovery Channel? You know, the show where Bear Grylls gets dropped off at really remote areas and, on his way to the nearest vestige of civilization, tries out what may be a whole book's worth of survival techniques? Or, failing to recognize that, the show whose host [spoiler]jumps into (not over!) crevasses, cliffs and frozen lakes for demonstrative purposes, and drinks animal-processed liquids (read: urine and feces) when his water supply runs low[/spoiler]? I must admit, I watch the show mainly because Bear's cute and I love how OC he gets about making pine tea when there are pine trees around. And I won't try to redeem myself by saying "Oh, I might find it useful someday," because I'm never going anywhere near the Alps or a savannah. Maybe there's something about pretty boys actively seeking bodily harm that makes each episode a must watch (fulfills my morbid fantasies, it does). So, what do you guys think of [i]Man vs. Wild[/i]? Think they stage the whole thing up? [size=1]Well, they should have, considering that the whole show's more about demonstration than the kitschy reality aspect of it.[/size] And is [i]Survivorman[/i] really the better show? [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#36425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]We should trade jobs, Neuvoxraiha, if you don't mind dust. I don't like desk jobs because they entail reading feasibility reports that are almost always covered with a veneer of dust. Dust that gets stirred up with every turn of the page, dust that by the guidance of some invisible hand finds its way into my ears, nose and eyes. I sneeze like crazy, my nose gets all runny, my ears itch and my eyes, irritated when I come into contact with my allergen. My body reacts so violently that I'd be down for half a day after cleaning my room (which isn't 100% bad; I've a thing for fresh bed sheets). I'd rather catch a cold, really; at least I don't get the urge to rub my eyes and fish for protein buildup under my eyelids every five minutes. I am also slightly allergic to crustaceans, shrimp especially. My lips would swell to the size of Ms. Jolie's and itch. It's like having amalgamated mosquito bites for lips. Gah. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Not even the most exhausted owl could sleep through the racket down at the Quidditch pitch. Arthur the owl had just come from the Daily Prophet to check on his wizard's subscription and on his way to the Owlery, he stopped by the Ravenclaw Tower for his daily owl treat. He found his wizard still in his bedclothes and disheveled hair (which looked more like a nest, really), watching the demonstration from a balcony. "Hello, Arthur," greeted Rigel absentmindedly. Even his owl's twittering and hooting could not distract him from the spectacle far below. A basilisk and a fire djinn, two creatures that not even the Monster Book of Monsters dare discuss in detail, stood by his two professors like tame, trained owls. Where he was was a good vantage point; from the balcony he could see the full size of both creatures, whose enormity easily dwarfed their House Head. He decided that he would wait this one out until it's over, then probably head to the Library for a bit of research, although all related literature were probably locked up in the Restricted Section. He was so absorbed in the demonstration (and thinking of a new excuse to get a Library Permit) that didn't even realize that he had given his owl a week's worth of treats.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Hello, everyone. I'm launching a graphics tournament soon and was wondering if you can run an ad in your digest. Who do I send the image to?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][quote name='Darren']And actually, Animagi are not as rare as you think. There's a complicated spell to perform, but other than that, there's nothing preventing a wizard from becoming and animagi. In the HP series we see Rita Skeeter, Minerva Macgonagall, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and James Potter as Animagi. There may have even been more that I'm forgetting.[/QUOTE] Well, if you put it that way, then yeah, it's not as rare... among the above-par wizards in Harry Potter's immediate world. I mean, you've got a transfiguration teacher, an excellent Seeker, a boy who was almost a prefect, and an overzealous reporter. But imagine if you were Colin Creevey. The only Animagus around you would probably be your Transfiguration teacher, and you wouldn't even figure it out if she didn't do a demonstration on your first day. So yeah, nitpicking.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]For once, a proposition where I completely I agree with 2007DigitalBoy. It really could use some formatting, seeing how glaring the difference between "Member" and "myOtakujujujjuju" in terms of length is. Is there any way I (or anyone authorized) can remove that part? Or, can such an option be available/automatic to people who haven't updated their myOtaku for, say, 6 months? It's a really unsightly line. :animedepr[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR=#35425e][CENTER][b]TROLLS!!![/b][/CENTER] Yep, yep! I had more fun playing with Troll hair than Hollywood Hair/Rapunzel Barbie. My troll came with a white hat, a white, paint-stained jumper and a small bucket of blue (or was it pink?) paint. Ah, no. I think it was pink paint and blue hair. Blue hair that I'd gel into two spikes and poke my sisters with. 'Twas a very good, child-friendly toy indeed.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Finally! Some non-canon action! [strike]Say, will you be teaching that spell on a later Dueling Club meeting or do I have to haul Rigel's arse to the pitch to learn it?[/strike] Shoot. Yeah, looking forward to the next meeting.[/FONT][/cOLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]^ Love the color scheme! It looks yummy, in a cotton-candy-lemon-drop sort of way. But why did you draw the ray short? I think it would have made for a more interesting transition if you had stretched it past the edge of the image. EDIT: ^ Hurray for rays![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][quote name='Shy'][size=1]I almost think that we should have a number of "flavor of the month" forums that are constantly rotating in and out. These could tie into big movies, video games, anime series, etc. that are popular at the time. Then when member interest has faded they can be merged back into one of our existing forums and create newer, more topical ones.[/size][/QUOTE][b]+1 Vote[/b] I don't know about Hardwired but I really think that Anime Lounge should be broken down into bite-sized subforums along the lines of: Pre-production, New Releases, plus anime genres like shounen, yaoi, slice of life, cooking, bartending, etcetera, etcetera. And maybe you can set up a Recommendations/Help! subforum (there's always at least a couple of such threads out there). [/FONT][/color]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Because he was up so late last night writing the last few inches of his Transfiguration assignment, Rigel slept through the morning's first tolling of the bells and his roommates' incessant attempts at waking him up. Thanks to their House Head, they wouldn't have to go to class until third period, or at least that's what Rigel heard. He didn't even bother to find out why; to him, it was a chance to sleep in until lunch, and it would be imprudent not to take advantage of such a rare opportunity. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]As the list grows longer, so does the waiting time for the members, and the more likely they're going to forget about participating at all. Maybe we should adopt a new system, like the old free-for-all when somebody misses a deadline.[/FONT][/COLOR]