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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]Oh, um... sorry it's not animated. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22946&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22947&stc=1[/IMG] If you want a different set, please let me know. *bows*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]Something so cute deserves nothing less than a beautifully rendered background. Google for backgrounds used in dark/semi-dark anime like Texhnolyze or, um, Yami no Matsuei. You can even go for pictures of real places (this I highly recommend 'cause there's a lack of anime backgrounds circulating around the net. sad, really)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]Copy that, Chief. Consider it done. Please wait for my set. (Just to let O-Ren know that somebody took the request. Hope that's alright, Syk3.)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1][i][b]Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear[/b][/i], his side mirror reminded him. The grigori was still after Kadar. Spewing fireballs as if on a mission to melt the asphalt, the odious beast opened its maw wider than usual.. ...and out came the grandmamma of all fireballs. [b][COLOR=#000000]Shit.[/COLOR][/B] And then everything about him was bathed in blinding light. Something lifted him off his seat and set him on a level surface. So much for his motorcycle; he heard the fiery wreck shrieked to a stop and hit a nearby fire hydrant. When he finally opened his eyes, he saw a woman stand between him and the grigori. The beast?s decapitated body lay writhing at the middle of the street, gleaming revoltingly against the street fires. The woman walked around it and pierced it one more time with her sword. Its flesh sizzled around the blade and soon after, it dissolved into thin air and left nothing to remind the earth of its existence. [b]"Damn these grigoris." [COLOR=#000000]"Who are you?"[/COLOR][/B] The woman sighed. She turned around and sized up the man she had just saved. With a flick of her hand, she produced a cigarette and lit it with fire from the burning wreckage. [b]"This chapter's [i]deus ex machina[/i]. The name?s Tabris."[/b] She puffed a couple of smoke rings and held out a gloved hand. [b]"Now get up."[/b] [CENTER]~o~o~o~o~o~[/CENTER] The fat lady who served coffee was leaning towards the radio, listening to the latest reports of a fire eight blocks away. Aside from her, only a couple who sat face-to-face in a poorly-lit corner kept the diner open. The man?s gaze was fixed on his companion, who was occupied with blowing smoke rings to her mug. [b][COLOR=#000000]"You mean you?re an angel?"[/COLOR] "Not exactly what you were expecting, hmm?"[/b] The woman had neither pristine white wings nor a shining halo. Instead of flowing white robes, she wore black leather. The pants, the halter top, the boots, everything was black leather. If anything, she looked like a club kid with serious thrill issues or worse, hell-spawn. Tabris sipped from her mug. [b]"Yeah, my boss really likes you. Sent me to make sure your ass won't get nicked ."[/b] [i]?Ass??[/i] For an angel, this one surely [i]was[/i]... unconventional. [b]"That?s why I don?t do children. Oops! Sorry, love. Can?t help but listen to the noise from your brain."[/b] ...at least she could still read his mind. [b]"So you?re The Archer, huh? Doesn?t inspire much confidence..."[/b] ...and was pretty rude. [b]"I prefer the word ?honest?. Erhm, right. Straight to the point. You sure you still want to go through with this mission?" [COLOR=#000000]"Why are you asking me that? It?s not like I have a choice."[/COLOR] "Keh, humans."[/b] Another lit cigarette materialized in her hand. This time, she offered it to Kadar. He shook his head so she puffed on it instead. She rested her head on a hand and stared at him with an amused look in her eyes. [b]"You know why out of the multitude of warrior angels, the mighty Zeruel including, God chose an arbitrator to be your keeper?" [COLOR=#000000]"From the way you act, I?d say you?re being punished."[/COLOR] "Survey says... not."[/b] Her eyes narrowed as she assessed him for a second time. [b]"You know, God didn?t really want to place this burden on you humans. You were given the gift of Free Will, and it just wouldn?t be right if He forced you to a course of action. A few of the faithful realize that. Although it may prove disastrous, He sent me to lay down choices in front of you." "So, what?ll it be, love?"[/b] [b]OOC:[/b] Is this alright, demonchild781? I will delete this post if it clashes with the story.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]101.92: [b]?Control, do you copy?? [/b] 158.61: [b] ?Lima-Charlie, Sniper. Are you in position?? [/b] 101.92: [b] ?Still setting up the jammer, love.? [/b] 158.61: [b] ?This is what, the nth field test we?ve done?? [/b] 101.92: [b] ?Sixth, actually.? [/b] 158.61: [b] ?Make sure it works this time. We might need it later.? [/b] 101.92: [b] ?Alright. We?re set.? [/b] 158.61: [b] ?In one?two?three??[/b] [Disconnected] [Connecting to Emergency Communication Link] [Link established] 158.61: [b] ?Sniper, do you copy?? [/b] 101.92: [b] ?Loud and clear. How about the other equipment?? [/b] 158.61: [b] ?Well, what the hell? I think we?ve done it. All the surveillance gear went dead.? [/b] 101.92: [b] ?Our system?s not fried, is it?? [/b] 158.61: [b] ?We?re talking aren?t we?? [/b] [End of transmission] ~o~o~o~o~o~ [b] ?You?ve been playing around with the communications system again, haven?t you?? [/b] The boss had heard of that morning?s field test and probably not of the results, judging from the stern look on her face. Can?t really blame her for being apprehensive; Field Test #5 left Control incapacitated for a good couple of hours. Raison placed a metal sphere on Selene?s desk. [b]?May I present Jammer Prototype No.6: Jason-kun!?[/b] At this point, Raison clapped. Sensing no support from her boss, she continued. [b]?Erhm, Jason here knocked the lobby?s surveillance dead. Hotel security?s not too happy about it, though.? ?And how is Control?? ?In working condition, Chief. Hardly a circuit fried.? [/b] Her boss picked the jammer up and examined it closely. Something so small rendered systems near to useless. Packing genius in a miniature device; how Japanese! [b]?Is this what you?re planning to use in the operation?? ?With your permission, of course.? [/b] Raison quickly added.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]I won't count on that. It's probably just a cycle, like SunfallE said. What bothers me is that its effects are more, ehrm, [i]pronounced[/i] as of late. Last I heard, great volcanic eruptions are able to cool the earth's atmosphere. With all the ash flying around and blocking out the sun... I don't know. Perhaps global cooling is Mother Nature's way of repairing herself, you know, as response to the increse in global temperatures. As we've read, this process of remediation (is that what it's called?) does have an effect on [i]certain[/i] living things (never mind them roaches). So yeah, that doesn't mean that we can just sit around and watch MN heal the environment. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#Ff5646][SIZE=1]Hmm... I'm surprised no one took up this request. Alright! I'll make one for you, love! Do wait for my avatar. [b]EDIT:[/b] Here you go! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22904&stc=1[/IMG] That's Arashi from X. Not her real eye color, though. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]^ Ken: "Like, yeah, dude." Ken's been getting the lead roles in the CG Barbie films of late. [i]The Nutcracker[/i] and [i]Rapunzel[/i] to name a few. Then again, it probably has something to do with the fact that he's the only male Barbie doll who's popular enough. [quote name='r2vq']A biology teacher at my school once said that if a girl had Barbie's proportions, she'd snap at the waist. Perfect.[/quote] Not really. There was this one documentary about Barbies and a guy there said that her vital statistics would be something like 33-23-34, a figure women maintained some 50 years ago (think: 20-inch waist woman featured at Ripley's). I wouldn't be surprised if she trips, though; if she was as tall as a human, her feet would be, like, 5-inches long. Lotus-feet Barbie, anyone?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1][quote name='CB Shin']Sometimes, however, I find the most popular anime that everyone (people who probably have never read a manga before) to be the most disappointing.[/quote]Probably 'cause its "greatness" rides on popularity alone. If it can't measure up to the amount of hype it received, it will truly be a disappointing anime. Blame it on publicity. Most disappointing anime? Hmm... [b]Wolf's Rain[/b]. It looks so pretty but the pacing bored me to tears. The first few episodes looked promising; a story about [SPOILER]wolves, Paradise and flowers[/SPOILER] intrigued me (sorry if that didn't deserve a spoiler tag). Halfway through I realized that the only thing that was keeping me from dropping the anime was its pretty colors. *daze* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Tabris [b]Height:[/b] 5?8? [b]Age:[/b] ??? [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment [b]Race:[/b] Angel [b]Power:[/b] Able to generate an AT field that stops most conventional attacks effectively. Its use, however, is limited; sustained field generation drains her stamina fairly quickly. [b]Weapon:[/b] [u]Progressive Knife[/u] - A sleek mithril sword strapped to her right leg. Able to cut to subatomic levels, eliminating the enemy's chances of reconstitution. [b]Position/Bio:[/b] When Man was created on the 6th day, God sought to separate this creature of His likeness to His other creations. He bestowed upon them virtues and crafted numerous angels to watch over their use. One of the angels conceived was Tabris and her gift, Free Will, was imparted to Man. And God saw that it was good. Through the years, Man improved in skill and became like deities on earth. From the bones of Adam, they created new beings, more terrible than anything that had ever walked in land, and harnessed the incredible power these creatures possessed. They built impenetrable fortresses that reached up to the Heavens and from there called upon their Creator to challenge His supremacy. God, having made His Divine Oath never to send another Deluge, could do nothing but watch the doomed attempt. Seventeen of his angels came forward and offered to right Man?s folly. One by one, they wreaked havoc on the realm of Men. The use of force, it seemed, was not the solution. It took an arbitrator, Tabris, to convince Man to turn away from the path he had taken. Her avatar lived among humans, understood their plight and pitied them. In her coming, she made them see that salvation was still possible and in her avatar?s death, Man realized his deliverance. Tabris is in God?s Heaven? all?s right with the World. Now the earth is again showing signs of tumult and angels have once more taken it upon themselves to set matters straight in the name of God. [b]OOC:[/b] Too much NGE? I could tone it down if you want.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1][IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22845&stc=1[/IMG] courtesy of 4chan.org Clothes make the man (men, in this case). The Nazi uniform (or whatever you call it) is, in my opinion, the best looking military outfit ever designed. It's so stylish that even Hitler looked... decent in it. Red bands=hot. Nazi-related articles call up images of torture, wickedness and senseless violence. I guess you can take it as a means of stimulating viewers to link the same things to what they're seeing, i.e. luger-wielding Kamon = Kamon screaming "Havoc!!!" Plus an angry character in plainclothes won't be as interesting as, say, a leather-clad dominatrix armed with a whip. ;)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#ff5646][SIZE=1]Aha. So this is the thread they were talking about in S&C. [QUOTE=animejunkee]Episode 15 of fruits basket made me cry. That was when [spoiler]Momiji was telling Tohru about his mom.[/spoiler] [/QUOTE]Oh yes. I didn't find it particularly sad at first but when [spoiler]Tohru hugged Momiji (whom I thought was incapable of crying)[/spoiler], tears automatically sprang from my eyes. [spoiler]Hearing about happy little Momiji's family life, finding out that it's the exact opposite of what I thought it would be, and seeing how he tries to live with it[/spoiler] really got me. Cute but sad.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]Hmm... That's a tricky one. I've pretty much exhausted my list of favorites, thanks to similar threads-- Ah, here we go: [b]From 777 to 666[/b] [i]Hellsing[/i] Alright, it's just an instrumental (at least I think it is); does it count? It starts off with a pretty kiddie pop-ish tune with an overlay of children's laughter. That would be the '777' part. Then the tune dies down and gives way to the sound of a deranged cackle (is that what you call it? Think 'Ohohohoho!'-type of laugh). Creepy organ music kicks in and completes the '666' theme. Clever. Freaked out the first time I heard it; loved it since.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]Um, if you don't mind, I want to take a shot at it. Do wait for my set. EDIT: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/starry_avi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/starry.jpg[/IMG] I hope Van Gogh forgives me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/eva_asuka103.jpg[/IMG] Chalk one up for [b]Asuka[/b]. She brings a sense of lightness to the relatively morose Neon Genesis Evangelion without being, erhm, [i]ditzy[/i]. We must also thank her character for clearly explaining the concept of "thermal expansion" to fanboys around the world. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Ghost05.jpg[/IMG] Leads a team of operatives. Is a cyborg. 733t hacking skillz. Has access to the a wide variety of gadgets. Proficient in close- quarters combat. Is not afraid of pneumonia. Ladies and gentlemen, [b]Motoko Kusanagi[/b].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1][b]Photoshop = kinky plaything[/b] Erhm. Google for sites that offer [u]free[/u] [u]Photoshop[/u] [u]tutorials[/u] (yes, those are the exact keywords I use). I highly recommend browsing through [u]Photoshop Effects[/u]' archives. I believe they have tutorials for CS (I use 7; perhaps tricks in ver.7 can work in CS too. Yep, no doubt about it.). Ah yes, about cleaning up your drawings (works for PS7. CS=?): [QUOTe=eternity][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Indeed, there is an easier way than using the polygonal lasso tool ! presenting... *drumroll* [Size=2]THE AMAZING ADOBE PHOTOSHOP TRICK #43!!![/Size] [b]1.[/b] Scan the pic in Grayscale (or set the mode to Image>Mode>Grayscale) [b]2.[/b] If the pic still says [i]Background Layer[/i], go duplicate it (Layer>Duplicate Layer...) and delete [i]Background Layer[/i]. In this post, the new layer hereafter shall be known as [b]"Layer Outline".[/b] [b]3.[/b] Go to Level Adjustment (Image>Adjustments>Levels... or Ctrl+L). Play with the white and black arrows until the pic becomes pure black and white (or manageable. just make sure your pic is drawn in heavy black and white.). Sliding to the left White erases the noise and sliding black to the right deepens the black (or dark gray) parts. [b]4.[/b] Go to the Channels tab (near the Layers tab) and hit the "Load channel as selection" button (the button with a circle in dotted outline) at the bottom of the pane. [b]5.[/b] Hit the Delete button. At this point, only a faint outline should remain in Layer Outline. Ctrl+D to deselect. [b]6.[/b] Make a new layer, fill it with white and put it under Layer Outline. [b]7.[/b] Select Layer Outline and lock its transparency (Layer pane>Lock transparent pixels.) [b]8.[/b] Select a LARGE brush ( I recommend the Hard Round) and select Black as the color. [b]9.[/b] Paint over Layer Outline. The outline should turn darker. [b]10.[/b] Return to RGB mode (Image>Mode> RGB Color) Voila! You're now ready to color your scanned image! *audience clap* Don't harm Outline Layer! Just use different layers to color the image so that if you mess up, you won't have to start all over again! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]That was me from a long time ago. Aha. :animeswea[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1][quote name='Kitty][color=blue][size=1]I'm not sure these are as good as the angel sets, but I like 'em.[/size'][/color][/quote]Nonsense.We lovess them more than the angel sets. [u]Guitar Set 3:[/u] Herrm, yes, the avatar does look [i]odd[/i], but in a cute way. I find myself liking this more than the other two guitar avatars (probabaly because of the quirky choice of subject). Maybe you could just place your name in the quote's place. Yeah, that would balance the picture out. Right. [b]The sig is glomp-tastic.[/b] We likess it! You, ma'am, have a knack for capturing the most interesting parts of an image. I'm just not sure about the font used for your name. Something that looks similar to the quote's could work; pixel fonts, maybe? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1][b]?How about firepower, Chief??[/b] Somebody pulled back a chair beside Zeddrick, much to the surprise of the young man. For someone who supposedly had just come out of bed, the newcomer looked ready for business. The woman was already in her ?uniform?: a black sneaksuit complete with straps and buckles which, to the knowledge of everyone on the table, served no purpose whatsoever. She winked at the young man and then gave her boss an informal salute. [b]?Mornin?, Miss.?[/b] With characteristic grace, Selene replied with a small nod. [b]?It?s nice of you to join us, Raison. I trust you heard everything??[/b] [b]?Target: Agamemnon?s mask. National Museum of Greece. Whoa??[/b] Finally, the image on the projector caught Raison?s attention. [b]?My goodness! He does look like [i]Troy[/i]?s Brian Cox.?[/b] [b]?Or the other way around,?[/b] Zeddrick added. No matter how hard he tried to stifle his laughter, the muffled sounds still echoed across the great hall. One of Raison's eyebrows rose and she turned to him with an amused look. [b]"[i]Oya[/i], milk finally got into your system, Hack?"[/b] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#FF5646][SIZE=1]Thank you for responding, deified artists of OB. It's nice having people like you around! *glomps Ozy, Boo and Mouse* I picked out an avatar from each artist and will put them on rotation. So that's...hrmm, 3 avatars. I'm so lucky! Thanks again![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]Head's up! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/opal_avi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/opal.jpg[/IMG] Um, I hope you don't mind me tweaking the girl's pic. The pendant's different now; figured that she should sport an opal pedant rather than one made out of pearls. To tell you the truth, I'm not very fond of the avatar (perhaps a better one will come along) but I added it in anyway 'cause I *love* the pic.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]My, it's been a long time since I've requested for an avatar. [u]Subject[/u]: The girl in the attached pic. Yes, it's pretty cluttered but I bet your powers can handle it. *wink* [u]Theme[/u]: Red and dark orange. Make it look a bit grungy, pretty much like the avatar I have on now. Feel free to mess around with the Blending modes: burns, dodges, whatever. Your call. [u]Other[/u]: Please don't put my name in. Pretty simple, yes? I'm confident that you guys can make me an excellent avatar (you always do). Get cracking, loves.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIze=1][quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']Christians believe in the Torah, they believe that it was sent down by God, but they follow the Gospel because it is the most "revised" message so far. Is it not possible that yet another book would come after the Gospel? I don't that is is stated anywhere in the Gospel that no more books will proceed it.[/COLOR][/quote]Erhm, probably not in the Gospel but somewhere in the book of Revelations, there is a passage that says something like we should not add nor take away parts of the Scriptures. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']Why would the Arabs write something that goes completely against their society's ideals? Wouldn't they rather write something that encouraged their lifestyle?[/COLOR][/quote]1) There might be literature about their lifestyle but it didn't last as long as the Quran did. 2) There was probably a shift in the people's collective attitude and demand for once-vogue works diminished. 3) When members of the court of Castille landed on our shores, they burned volumes upon volumes of collected pre-Spanish era Philippine literature. Previous works were destroyed and records of them were lost. So yeah, perhaps times just changed. Perhaps the amazing stories we hear about Jesus and Muhammad were works of brilliant PR persons. What is written about them might be near-truth yet not the actually the real deal. To draw people into a system of beliefs, one has to first amaze them with miraculous instances that apparently happened, is happening and will happen to the members of their faith (i.e., raising the dead, entry to Paradise, etc). What I think is that even though the world's got thousands of different systems of belief, they will probably look similar to one another when they all boil down to their most basic structure. Props to Chabi for another educational thread![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]^ Oh yes, the film shorts from Animatrix looked really good. [i]Program [/i] had to be the most beautifully rendered of the nine. Vivid colors, excellent shading and amazing use of contrast (wins the "Biggest Rendered Temple Rooftop" award). [i]A Detective Story[/i] should also be mentioned for its fluid animation (heard that its animators also did [i]Cowboy Bebop: Knockin on Heaven's Door[/i], news that may very well explain the well-choreographed, albeit few, action sequences). [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Raison Stellvia [b]Nickname:[/b] Sniper [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Raison stands a good 5?8? tall and is known for her sleek black sneaksuits. She's sure to be unarmed when not on the field; a preference she had ever since she started working for the Society. [b]Biography:[/b] Her art she learned from her mother, a former member of the LeMarc Society, while her nurse was an explosives expert. While kids of her age trained in academic and sports clubs after school, her list of extracurricular activities included weapons training and Explosives 101. She was inducted into the Society at the age of 16 after successfully retrieving an [i]atef[/i] from the Museum of Alexandria. [b]Professional Trade:[/b] As her callsign implies, sniping is Raison?s forte. Extreme patience and first-rate shooting skills are her best qualities, prime assets for anyone in her trade. Her sniping services are rarely employed so she uses her slack time to modify her teammates? equipment. [b]Weapon:[/b] A customized rifle nicknamed Dante?. It is lightweight, compact, and easy to disassemble; perfect for snipers on the go! She?s also pretty good in streetfighting, effectively covering both long-range and close quarters combat. [b]OOC:[/b] Do tell [i]us[/i] if we needsss to have wordsses changed. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]Ehrm. Probably not. I've enough resources to live comfortably. Even if I don't, I still won't. See, I've very poor memory so I avoid anything that goes against my [i]moral code[/i]. That way, I know that I've done nothing wrong even if somebody says that I cheated in an exam (I don't. [i]Really[/i]). It really makes remembering things a lot easier.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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