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[COLOR=#B33D79]Ditto on the seven wonders. The Great Pyramid and other bastions of ancient civilization would be a good bet too. I'll show him (it?) that it took a longish time for our societies to evolve. Then I'll take [i]it[/i] to different cities around the world and introduce him to human society in this age. I'll let it see how people live and struggle while they're at it. That even after thousands of years, our race has yet to produce a stable utopian society. Just think how educational would that be for the alien. Love and Peace! [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79]Come on, love! If you've known him for that long, surely he has an idea of how you're going to react. Ten bucks fifty says he's alright with you guys staying only as friends. Never force yourself to like someone more than you want to. Nasty. Love and Peace![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]^ Whoa. German characters... (I think my first post was a bit lacking. Can be a bit more descriptive about my Heinz57-ness, can't I?) Both my dad and my mom have a considerable percentage of Spanish blood in their veins (especially my mom. Both her granddads and her paternal grandma are Spanish). That's like 75% Spanish. Add my dad (a fourth Spanish) to the gene pool and you've got a half-Filipino/half-Spanish mix. At least here in the capital, rarely can one meet a full-blooded Filipino. The rest are hybrids (not that it's a bad thing). [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Is it a watermelon? (It's the only thing that's red, green and white that I can think of... unless you're talking about Christmas decors.)
[COLOR=#B33D79]"Many things can create one. It can be of any shape or size. It is created for various reasons, and it can shrink or grow with time. What is it?" An educated guess: the words "all" and "everything"? *dodges an ashtray to the head* There's not much to go by and if Baron gives out more clues, he might just give away the answer. *sigh*[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#B33D79][b]Name:[/b] Echo [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Biography/Personality:[/b] Ever since she was born into Jeannette?s aristocratic society, Echo had always been held as a child wonder, a gifted child who was beyond her years. When other children were out playing in the streets, she was often seen prowling about the plaza listening to?even participating in?lectures and debates. She was never the good daughter and would do just about anything to upset her disagreeable senator-father. As a last act of defiance against her father, she entered the military on the eve of her twelfth birthday and was whisked away to distant Marathon for training. The gladius became her weapon of choice and chariot racing, her favorite sport. Yet amid all the ?brutish? activities she was beginning to like, her mind never lost its edge. At eighteen years of age, she rallied the common folk of Marathon into successfully keeping the barbarians at bay from the province with no loss of life on their side. It was because of this stunning display of leadership and ingenuity that she was lovingly nicknamed ?Echo?, after the deity of misdirection, and became the commander of Marathon?s soldiers. In the same year, her forces were called upon by Praetor Maximus to wage a full-scale war against the barbarians. She was one of the 10 who walked behind the Praetor the day he entered Jeannette victorious and was hailed as ?the one favored by Bellona?. Her father welcomed his prodigal daughter back into his house but even this mending of past hurts was not able to pull her out of her grief. For days she mourned the loss of her men and it took no less than the Praetor to shake her out of it. She was with Praetor Maximus when he was murdered and was one of the few of his elite guards who avoided death that day. Her captains pulled her out of the fray after she hewed down two senators with her sword. She evaded arrest and fled from Jeannette with the other elite guards. Six years later and after the death of the hermit who took her in, she rode out to the East on a reconnaissance mission. She and her companion brought back ill tidings, all of which were dismissed as made-up rumors by most who heard it. She now resides in Isabella as one of the Four. [/color][/SIZE]
[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]^ What a lovely way to live your life. I've near-equal amounts of Spanish and Filipino blood running from both sides of my family. It wouldn't really be a surprise if I was born with gray-green eyes (and am really glad that it wasn't expressed; would go horribly with my tan skin).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1][quote name='Pumpkin][SIZE=1']Another way is where you can fly supposedly to someone's house and see what they are actually doing.[/size][/quote] Voyeurism taken to a whole new level. ;) I'm so glad I'm not the only one having these... odd experiences. Had this freaky episode once where, when I close my eyes, I'd find my sleeping friends talking. I swear I wasn't dreaming; the transition was just too fast! Of course, I only realized the weirdness of it all when I finally came to my senses in the morning (dropped off to sleep while meditating). [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/shugo2.jpg[/IMG] Yes, hmm... It's darker this time. Used more black *whee!*. EDIT: Happy Birthday! Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Origa Glay [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class/Job:[/b] Soldier [b]Abilities:[/b] Extremely resilient to Psychic attacks but isn?t exactly gifted in the extrasensory field either. [b]Alliance:[/b] Humans [b]Weapon: [/b] [u]Freude[/u] ? a special edition claymore forged by a renowned psychic blacksmith of Section 7, Piel-5. It is made out of a special alloy of such strength and density that it is regarded to be one of the most difficult swords to wield in all of Mercy. On its blade are inscriptions that disappear when the user calls the psychic ability ?Ode to Joy? out of the weapon. [b]Appearance:[/b] With golden eyes that can make her superiors stop at a distance, Captain Origa Glay might just have the look that could send a thousand soldiers to battle. Though her weapon weighs more than four of her men?s cybernetic armors combined, she?s able to maintain a svelte figure. Her uniform?s a shade lighter than the usual, unflattering teal soldiers wear. It?s a modification she made herself and a variation nobody ever dared to question. New recruits often make the mistake of regarding her as another pretty secretary with an illicit relationship with her boss?an assumption that often earned them the night watch on some of the loneliest places in the base. Not exactly your typical blond ditz, eh? [b]Note:[/b] V Just ignore the girl's rifle.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/shugo54.jpg[/IMG] Oh my... after finding this lovely picture, I forgot about the "evil part"! I'm so sorry! Same procedure: tell me if you want a different banner, revisions, etc. Am still willing to work on it! Love and Peace![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79]I've a prime proposal for you, Dagger: Give them dust-collecting Saiyuki pencil boards to me! Ehrm. I didn't know what pencil boards exactly were 'til I read this thread (thanks!). I really thought they were just items meat to be displayed. Am dearly wishing that I had one right now; it sounds like a wonderful tool to have. Love and Peace![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79]A Ph.D would be a nice addition to my CV. I'm thinking a degree in the lines of Volcanology or Seismology. In thirty years, I'll take over the country's Institute of Geology. Whether there'll be a proper induction or a hostile takeover for that position is up to me. :devil: But, like DarkOtakuBoy, I'm gaining interest in another field--Archaeology, to be exact--and will probably take that one up after I finish Geology. What can I say? I like college. And yeah, [i]I'd LOVE to move to Japan and become an uber-successful animation director.[/i] [b]Go Panda![/b][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79]Congratulations on your fourth year here at OB! The 2005 banner is [i]astounding[/i]! Simply amazing how, even if you're practically an art deity here in OB, you're able to improve with each banner. Love and Peace! [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79]No sorries necessary. Really, it would be my pleasure to edit this banner to suit your taste. Love and Peace![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79]Yes, the second one is definitely better. Maybe a different background color for the avatar. Gray, perhaps? I say the red irises bring character to the avatar so it would be nice to give the girl in the banner red irises too (and it will help in holding the banner together) I say this deserves an A- for all the good reasons. Love and Peace![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79][QUOTE=liamc2][size="1"]Anyone else out there been accepted into their Universities/Colleges? [I'm too excited for my own good. lol ^_^;][/size][/QUOTE]As you should be. College is wonderful. Double wonderful if you're on scholarship! [u]Unsolicited Advice:[/u] It's true what they say about universities being littered with coffee-guzzling chimney stacks who party/study all night, go to class come daylight and never sleep. Stimulant- dependent people like me have no time to sleep 'cause there's so much to do! Do find time to sleep. A refreshed brain is way better than caffeine-soaked gray matter. Love and Peace! (and have fun!) [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79]Nice work on cleaning up Ed's picture! You really wanted this banner to look good,huh? Lovely background, love the tone paper effect. Just one tiny thing: It's a tad too tall for a banner (max height, I think, is 100 pixels) Love and Peace![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79]Yes, thanks for waiting! Here it is! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/shugo.jpg[/IMG] Hmm, yes, I realize that it's... miniscule. Do DO tell/PM me if you want a larger/different banner. I can make something with a darker theme. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79]Hang on. I'll make one for you. Will post it in 24 hours.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79]I understand that Art Studio is a place for members to get constructive criticisms for their works but I'll put this one up anyway. I got this idea from another forum I'm frequenting. They have this sort of a graphics battle section where members create graphics contests and pit their skills with each other. Say a member called for a banner battle. He gives the specs (size, theme, etc) and then sets a deadline for members who want to join the battle. Voting occurs on the day of the deadlilne and whoever reaches a certain number of votes first wins. What do you think?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]Indeed. Otaku Lounge's roomy enough to accomodate them advice threads. Then again, the number of advice threads may increase if they set aside a corner for it here in OB. A lot of people here just [i]love[/i] to give advice; it will get popular. So yeah, extra work for our beloved mods. Love and Peace![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]An unsigned package came by FedEx three days ago. Of course, only under rare and special circumstances did the company allow their clients the privilege of anonymity. Concealed inside layers of bubble wrap was an envelope sealed with red wax. [b]жар-птица You are the sole descendant of a legendary woman. Time is short, and light banter is not needed. жар-птица, Russian firebird, fly to Rome, I ask of you, to join in the legend that your ancestor started long ago.[/b] And now, she was in Rome. Russian Interpol had already arranged her papers, especially her permission to carry the [i]usual[/i] articles, and she walked through Customs in a breeze. Stashed inside her backpack, she found another unsigned package in her name containing a marked map and keys. Oddly enough, it was the key to her motorbike that she left at home. That same motorbike was parked outside. Where the map led to, there was an old stone structure in ancient Roman style, Corinthian posts and all. Yet it all seemed wrong. Small pockmarks on stone, glints of empty cartridges here and there, a couple of spots stained red; all were telltale signs of a recent? BOOM! She jumped just in time to avoid a column that collapsed. Explosions followed as she ran, each felling a column dangerously near her. Her hand slid inside her bag and pulled out what looked like a grenade. She threw it at the first of the columns where it exploded with a searing flash of light. The person holding the detonators was near the blast point, as she had expected. Temporarily robbed of his wits, the next stimulation he got was from two arms holding him in a lock. [i]?Pozdravlyayu, Sasha!?[/i] greeted a voice from the entrance hall. There stood two women; one of them was dressed in a toga that looked very much like the ones worn by the female figures engraved in the posts. Sasha let go of the man who then scurried away to another column. [i]?Privet!?[/i] she greeted back.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]Pig latin. Though I'm not fluent in it, I easily understood what cinnamon said. Hmm... Maybe if I hold my mouth open with clamps long enough, I'll acquire the proper accent! [u]Hey, I've a question:[/u] A lot of people here said that they could understand a particular language but can't speak it. Something to do with our brain? A space-saving method, perhaps? About the Japanese language (redundant?): I admit, I wanted to learn the language so that I can buy cheap, untranslated manga and DVDs (cheaper by 30%! w00t!). To survive in Japan when I take my post-graduate studies there is also one reason. Now if the best universities are located in a country that speaks Swahili then I'll take up Swahili lessons as well! :D Love and Peace![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#B33D79][QUOTE=Sol-Blade][SIZE=-3][B]4.Wealther than I am now.[/B] [/SIZE][/QUOTE] AMEN! Yes, I think I saw a similar thread months ago. Anyways, I'd really like to finish a doctoral degree (is that what they call it?) and get my work published in an international scientific journal. Delusions aside, a career in advertising/animation would be nice. Love and Peace! (Happy Birthday, vicky!)[/COLOR]