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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v393/Dark_Serena/MySister.jpg[/IMG] Hi, I'm applying for a part in Carrie II! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Right now I'm thinking about what to cook for our Christmas dinner. Am very determined to come up with something super-delish (and beat my sister's pansy fruit tart). I'll probably just order a cake from the bakery. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Gah! I feel so old. Turned 18 last August (about the same time I joined OB). Can't remember what exactly drew me into OB. It's probably something anime-related; am very much an anime fan. (My, my. Maybe I should stop guessing your ages based on your posts.) [b]Off-topic[/b] [quote name='Ohkami][COLOR=Navy']I'm a very large anime fan, but my family thinks that I should stop because 'cartoons' are for 'little kids'.[/COLOR][/quote] You should make them watch Saiyuki or some anime packed with adult-ish themes. Yes... I bet they'd want 'little kids' to watch those. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Yeah, they have episodes about the other Section 9 members too (I, for one, am a very big fan of Togusa and Saito). I haven't seen [i]Innocence[/i] yet but so far, I liked SAC more than the first movie. How they blended 3d animation into 2d is really impressive (watch the cars!). Story-wise, it's not something you should watch if you don't plan on thinking about it. I must admit, the first time I saw the [spoiler]online discussion board and gifted children[/spoiler] episodes, I was pretty confused. So yeah, the part of the fun of GITS:SaC comes from the feeling you get when you finally figure out how the episodes are related to one another. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Yes, yes. Kumiko and Kari have been out of action for a while. Mayhaps it?s time that we check up on their team?s progress? ?Kari? What is that thing doing here?? [COLOR=Navy]?[i]It?s[/i] hovering above us. Shouldn?t [i]it[/i] be with its master??[/COLOR] [i][I thought we had an agreement?][/i] [COLOR=Navy][i][Uhuh? yes? I understand.][/i] ?What is it, Kerma?" [i][Its master ordered it to deliver a message to the Lizard-King.][/i][/COLOR] [i][Let?s shoot it down.][/i] ?Now, now, Epona. As the old adage goes ?Don?t shoot the messenger?.? [COLOR=Navy]?Or something like that. Anyways, we have to get going, Kumiko. I feel malice in the air.?[/COLOR] ?Yes, hmm. You?re right.? It didn?t take them long to find the King?s tent; lizard soldiers in their distinctive bronze mail and emerald cape were already assembled around it. They sprinted the last league towards the said structure, hoping to outrun the dragon sent by their comrade. [COLOR=Navy]?I wonder, does that dragon know how to speak Lizard??[/COLOR] ?Hmm? Maybe. It's reptile, isn't it?? [CENTER][B]~o~o~o~o~o~[/B][/CENTER] They call him Tokage-oh, the King of the Lizards. Beside his wizened advisers, the Lizard King looked young, too young perhaps to be leading such a massive army to battle. But rumor has it that this King was very precocious. Thanks to him, his realm was in the dawn of what looked like another golden age, the likes of which they have not seen for 500 years. Even all battles won since he began working with the Lizard battle-host are attributed to him. When the Elementals arrived, they found him among his generals and viziers in the middle of what seemed like an important discussion. Only when Epona knocked a halberd off a rack did the Lizards notice the Elementals? party. [COLOR=Navy]?Kokuouheika??[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]?Dispose of the pleasantries, Elementals. I have been told of the coming of your party. What is it that you wish to speak with me about??[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]?A matter of grave concern, Your Highness. A favor, if you may.?[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]?Go on.?[/COLOR] ?Withdraw the battle host.? A din rose from those who were present. Those who were present were taken aback by the ladies? audacity; only the King remained unfazed. He stayed his stern gaze at the Elementals. [COLOR=SeaGreen]?Such candor I did not expect from your kind. Very well then, convince my generals why you think this is the best course of action.?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]?I can feel it? Internal strife. The appointed protectors of Mir are slowly falling prey to disunity. Contending amongst themselves, they allow selfishness and pride tear their side apart. Yes? this will soon become their undoing.?[/COLOR] ?Do not give battle, sir. You?ll fall apart after the first few waves.? [COLOR=SeaGreen]?The Dragon told us that we might have a way to win this war. The sheer size of our combined armies is enough to overwhelm the enemy.?[/COLOR] ?Yes but victory is not determined solely by the size of a force?? [COLOR=SeaGreen]?Continue.?[/COLOR] ?It is in how these are mobilized. In the end, it will all depend on the level of trust that exists among the hosts.? [COLOR=Navy]?Which your?no?our allies do not have.?[/COLOR] A long silence followed. And then, a victorious smile replaced the testy look on the young king?s face as he rose to confer with his generals in Lizard-tongue. It seemed that their debate, which had been interrupted by the arrival of their human guests, was finally coming to an end? in the King?s favor. [COLOR=SeaGreen]?Very well then. The Lizard host will not give battle.?[/COLOR] [b]OOC:[/b] I went crazy with this one. PM me, amgoddess/Ohkami, if you want me to edit it. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Yellow maybe? The banner's got bits of yellow here and there and green (or pink) makes it look a bit too Shugo (or Reina) oriented. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Now THAT is one cute banner! It's so bright! Perfect for Rena and Shugo. I love the way their eyes stand out; somehow they tie the whole banner together. One thing though: A nice simple border. (the left part looks like it's bleeding into the gray background) Nothing too funky that might steal our attention from the picture. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I think it's the First Law(Law of Inertia). An object will remain at rest/travel in the same constant velocity unless acted upon by an external net force. And why you get slammed forward when a car you're in suddenly stops is because of inertia. Momentum, I think, only comes into equation when bodies collide with each other. It sort of predicts their motion after the collision. On to the topic: Yeah, the machine that will counteract G-forces is yet to be invented, but who knows? MAybe it already exists and we just don't know about it? Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Now that G's are mentioned... We've read about Newton's Laws right? That force is mass times acceleration and that the body moves towards the direction of the net force. How about this: We create a machine within the craft that will house the equipment and at the same time counteract the acceleration of the craft. Thus, as the result of these opposite accelerations, we can make the G's approach tolerable levels. EDIT: Yes, there's an author named Stephen Hawkings and he wrote "A Brief History of Time." Sometimes the fastest way to get from point A to point B is not a straight line. I've heard about a curve called an [u]inverted cycloid[/u]: it's said that the quickest way to get from point P (placed somewhere in the curve) to point Q (the lowest part of the curve) under the influence of gravity is traced by this curve, not a straight line. It's sometimes called "the curve of quickest descent" Sorry for rambling. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Mmm... couldn't decide between these two but feel free to use them. (Maybe I should've saved them in .gif format...) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/lithium_flower.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/lithium_flower2.jpg[/IMG] Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I'm not much of a Physics person but here's my try at it: Has anyone read "A Wrinkle in Time"? It proposed some sort of a dimension in which one could travel from a place to another just by bending the space between them. That, I think is possible. We may not be able to breach the c limit but I think we could find a detour of sorts around it. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]*nods* "Pacifist" would be a more suitable term than "coward". Go you! But in case they do that again, do try to evade any rock that's thrown at you. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] *points to the above quote* I, for one, do not find Gackt atrractive. But I absolutely *love* his voice. And he writes wonderful songs too. "Missing" is my favorite just because it has an uppity beat that contrasts very well with the song's lyrics. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] I've one: How about putting up a sticky that says "Thou shalt not create threads in the likes of 'Hey, I'm ____; I'm new here and I'd like us all to be friends'". [quote name='Derelict Destiny][COLOR=DarkRed']Secondly, this is an anime board and how many of us are educated enough or even willing to research in-depth into an economic (or any other similar type of discussion) to be able to have a very strongly educated opinion about it? I know there are plenty of strong opinions, but it's not always easy to be well educated in it.[/COLOR][/quote] Hmm, true. But I must admit that I've learned a lot of educational stuff from OB (Lady Asphyxia's Hobbit Woman thread, for example). There've been times when I was even tempted to do research on a particular topic just because the thread that was discussing was, hrmm, lively. That's right: I was [i]tempted[/i]. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Yoshi! Furuba! *rolls up her sleeves and slams her hand on a table* I gladly accept this job! Promise me you'll review my work once I post it. EDIT: Still trying to spruce it up but this is good to go. Tell me if you want to change anything. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/furuba_he.jpg[/IMG] Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Nighttime in Ilthica a sight to behold, and for first time visitors like Kumiko, a tour around town would just be irresistible. They were already running late but she insisted they take their time walking towards the fountain. [Detour cake shop. Bad idea ~kappa!] ?My dear, one should eat whenever she can---? [i][ODD THAT SOMEONE LIKE YOU IS SEEN WITHOUT HIS MASTER!][/i] The Serpent gestured towards the church. Perched atop the steeple was figure, no, a vision that glittered like golden fire against the silver moonlight. ?Oi, Epona, that?s an Elemental, right?? But her companion didn?t answer. He seemed to be locked in a staring contest with the figure. Turns out, it really was the Fire Elemental in the form of a Phoenix. Kumiko could only hear the Serpent?s side of the dialogue and from the sound of it, the Phoenix was hell-bent on staying where it was. [i][No good...][/i] [Fight master ~kappa?] ?Oh? Maybe this will help?? Kumiko reached into the paper bag in her arms and pulled out a yellow sponge cake. [Castella? Can resist ~kappa?] She held the cake in front of her and whistled a short bright tune. The Phoenix?s eyes glistened and turned towards her. ?Hora, hora, Mr. Phoenix!? [i][Oi, Kumiko. You know better than to mess around with?][/i] As if determined to prove the Serpent wrong, the Phoenix ruffled its feathers and took off from the steeple. It landed gracefully on her arm and started nibbling at the cake. [Epona elementals love cake ~kappa?] [CENTER]~o~o~o~o~o~[/CENTER] A few eyes glared at the Water Elemental?s company, especially at the Fire Phoenix that was with them. Kumiko bade Epona and Kappa to ?go catch mice? (which they did) and made her way towards a silver-haired man. His green eyes were on another Elemental; he probably had unfinished business with him or something, she concluded. ?Hey.? [COLOR=SlateGray]?Leave me alone.?[/COLOR] ?Just wanted to let you know that your phoenix likes Castellas.? [COLOR=SlateGray]?Hmph.?[/COLOR] He took the bird and the bag of cakes and continued brooding. Kumiko, meanwhile, observed the man from where she stood. Never mind that he was getting irritated at her; just by watching the party of the Fire Elementals, she could easily deduce things about their relations with each other. A particular thought entered her mind and made her lips break into a smile. [COLOR=SlateGray]??What do you want??[/COLOR] ?Aha? You didn?t know that he liked Castellas, did you now?? [COLOR=SlateGray]?Go away.?[/COLOR] ?Kumiko.? [COLOR=SlateGray]?What??[/COLOR] ?That?s my name. Nice to meet you.? She extended her hand and hoped for a handshake in return. [B]OOC:[/B] Hope you don't mind, Sevotharte. Just PM me if you want this post edited. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][quote name='Altron]And the very fact that the EVA units are [spoiler']alive, and linked to their pilot thru a sync would prove very bad in combat. If they get shot in the leg, they feel that pain. If their suit gets stabbed, they feel it. A gundam pilot doesn't have that link, therefore he/she can go on fighting more effectively.[/spoiler][/quote] Pilot : Gundam suit :: Man : Messed up nervous system We'll destroy ourselves in seconds flat. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Now, now. Let's keep this discussion as (hmm...) gentleman-ly as possible, shall we? [quote name='Miryoku']but what if science is rong what if the theorys were proved to be true by curcumstancial evidence and all we see, hear, and smell is just that circumsancial evidence and the whole human race is missing the whole scope of things.[/quote] Since when have our race had the whole scope of things? Do we not use Science to understand this "whole scope"? And if in the end Science fails because we find out that, because we based our conclusions on repeated experimentation, Science and its theories are actually products of the fallacy of generalization; do we scratch this from the history of Man just because it couldn't properly explain natural phenomena? If, following the fall of Science, we discover another Discipline, one that is finally able to describe and reveal "the whole scope", will it be able to describe the phenomenon of its predecessor too? Can we safely assume that if the new Discipline is able to explain Science, then the achievements of the latter are correct? Again, am I going crazy? [quote name='Miryoku']Then with the whole dream thing who is to say that we aren't just given our personalities as we are in the dream, when you have dreams the personalities and knowledge of the beings within it are just determined no one has any concise controll of it, much like it is in what we believe to be real life. then what if the world is just one huge connection of dreams from people in some other realm and each indevidual in this realm is the dream version of some one in another.[/quote] If our personalities are really predetermined, then who had the say? Is it the Dreamer? If we were created, or if you will, had evolved into a form similar to tigers yet retain everything else, would it matter? Won't we call our tiger-selves "human" or some other term with a similar sense anyway? Is it not the same with your idea of dreams and what we perceive as reality? Again, if the world is just as you said, would it matter? (Hmm... Miryoku, this [i]is[/i] a lovely idea for an RPG) Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][quote name='wiccansamurai']Roses are nice, but it depends on the girl.[/quote] I myself prefer tulips. Yes, eating chocolates does make me feel good. (From Discovery Channel: ) A recent study in Italy found out that serotonin carrier proteins levels in the blood of people who are in love are comparable to that of people diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Chocolate messes up with your serotonin levels and (they say) produce the same feelings as love. In short, love really is a madness and chocolates help amplify it (to the giver's advantage!) Giving roses on a girl's brithday does work... that's assuming that you two are already an item. If you're not, I suggest you give her a less Valentines-y flower, like a gerbera. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][quote name='Miryoku']Has any one ever had a weird deep thaught,like if yor watching tv and thares a tv on tv is thare an unending chain of tvs in your tv.[/quote] That's not a deep thought; that...is just plain weird. Yes, I've a few weird realizations. The weirdest one came to me last April. It turns out that there had been a few philosophers who pondered on the said realization and went crazy. End of discussion, let's move on. [QUOTE=Miryoku] Or are we just another persons dream or are other people just our dream. Or what if we are just characters in a book that some one thaught up? Or the classic if a tree falls and thare is no one to hear it does it make noise? Or when we turn off the tv does it keep going? Can any one think of any more?[/QUOTE] [b]Red pill or blue pill?[/b] Heh, just had to say that. [u]First question:[/u] If we are, would it matter? If it is so, then which person is the dreamer? Aren't dreams viewed in first-person POV? Does that mean that we are in a collective dream? If so, then where did our brains get all this information about "living" when we have not even experienced anything outside of this dream? Do you dream about the fifth dimension or a hypercube? [u]Second question:[/u] (reply analogous to the question raised above) [u]Third question:[/u] What about soundwaves? Does it mean that when there's nothing there to sense these waves, the production of soundwaves will just stop? Why do deaf people sense vibrations when they can't even hear? If, for example, a star exploded into a nova thousands of years ago and we are able to observe it just recently; does that mean that the nova never happened when it had in the past? Should we not take into account the fact that light travels at a certain speed? Must we sense in order to believe? [u]Fourth question:[/u] Since we're talking about creepy thoughts, have you seen the movie "Ring"? Can we say that when we turn our TV sets off, they are immediately connected to a well full of corpses? Did you know that TV screens are filled with little bulbs that emit red, green and blue light? Does it mean that when you turn off a TV, you are effectively turning off all those light bulbs? Am I going crazy? [u]Fifth question[/u]: No. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [i][Companions, I present to you?][/i] They?ve been walking around for countless hours now and already night has fallen. Epona (their self-proclaimed guide) had been leading them since they left their short stopover at a temple. Scrambling over a ridge, they hoped (on the doubtful assurance of the Serpent) to finally come upon the bustling town of Ilthica. [i][ILTHICA!][/i] Nil. A vast barren land greeted the travelers. They saw only starlight beeing reflected off a river cutting the plain from the eastern mountains to the western horizon. Laughter broke out between Kumiko and Kappa. ?Epona... You got us lost again!? [Really, Epona! ~kappa!] [i][Oi! Stop laughing! I?m pretty sure I smelled Ilthica?s castella cakes in that river!][/i] [i]Hmm, yes[/i], Kumiko reminded herself. [i]Being a special water creature, he can sniff out scents from water; surely making him lead was a good idea.[/i] She looked up and studied the celestial bodies. In three hours, the moon will set. If they don?t run into anything unpleasant, they just might be able to get to the gathering before dawn. [i]*sigh* We may be late, but at least we?re lucky.[/i] ?Alright, Epona. To the West.? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Whee! My early Christmas gift to you: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/fourth_avenue.gif[/IMG] Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Wife of a very old heirless man with unlimited funds. When he dies, I get all the money. Kidding aside, I'd love to be a policewoman. Something must be very wrong with the system when good cops get the low-paying jobs (then again, love of money is the root of evil, ne?). I'd totally revamp the force if they'll let me take the reins. :devil: Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [color=DarkRed][size=1] Advice from the14th dimension: Kill your friend and live happily ever after. I agree with KN. Tell your friend that you like the boy too. If she can't take it, break your friendship with her and run off with the guy. In any case, do not let your happiness be hindered by her. Now if he breaks up with you 2 weeks into the relationship, see if you can still mend the bonds between you and your friend (if she's as petty as your will-be boyfriend, don't bother. Hook them up and hope for the best. You deserve to be in the company of better people). Love and Peace! [/color][/size]
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] How about "Devil's Trill"? Legend has it that the Devil himself made a contract with the composer in a dream while playing a similar-sounding piece. Another version said that he sold his soul to the Devil and wrote this song in honor of his patron. Until now, it is one of the most difficult sonatas to play in the violin. Very nice introduction! Graphic yet tasteful. Hope you don't abandon this project; am looking forward to this RPG. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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