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Request Utada Hikaru banner and avatar please!
Delta replied to mononoke_man's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Right. Here you go! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Hikki.gif[/IMG] Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Right... Listen, you're reading her the wrong way. If she says "It's not working out," it probably means the girl [b]doesn't feel loved[/b] enough; it DOES NOT mean that she wants to make out. Not controlling enough? (Oooh, S&M!) I'm soooo going to wring the neck of whoever told you that crazy notion. Shut your computer off, call her and ask her what's wrong. And grab a copy of Sex and the City. EDIT: [QUOTE]Ehmm....wow, a lotta people seem to like malice mizer all of a sudden... [/QUOTE] One word: [b]Gackt[/b] Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][quote name='Captain Jack Sparrow']Oh geez. I don't think that just a couple of key points is too restrictive. Those key points are more like at the end of the story anyway. [/quote] Of all the places to put key scenes in... Maybe you could play as both Misenki and Miroshi that way you can nudge the story little by little until it's in shape for those key scenes. You've already got the characters and the background story set. I say if you're going to make Double Edge into an RPG, you have to leave the ending out. Who knows, perhaps a better conclusion will come out. BTW, the story rings more like [i]Yakumo Tatsu[/i] than [i]Inuyasha[/i]. I like it. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] That is just... vile. *points up* I told my haircutter once that I want my hair to be short and layered. Unfortunately, "short" for her really means "short enough to be sported by men." Ah well; at least I looked good in it. A trusted haircutter is a nice thing to have. Never let anyone else cut your hair so as to prevent disasters like *points up*. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] My bad. Sorry, OB! Look for "The Fourth Avenue Cafe" by L'Arc-en-Ciel. If you follow the anime series Rurouni Kenshin closely, you'll find that they used this song in only three episodes. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=darkred][size=1] Right. Here we go. Rise I don't know if [b]Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex[/b] is obscure enough (methinks it's not). The song is, though. Anyways, it's a great song. If you don't like it, I suggest you go scouring for other Yoko Kanno compositions. Love and Peace! [color=#503f86][size=1][b]Removed hyperlink- unfortunately OB can't allow links to sites with illegal downloads on it, and this includes mp3s as well. Listing the song should be enough for Xander to find it himself. -Solo[/size][/color][/b][/size][/color]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][quote name='Eikou][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]And now, whatever I do...I feel as though I failed, because I am his only student that has to get more help them anyone else. I'm five years behind his other students. It makes me feel a bit ignorant and dumb.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Hey, not everyone can be good at everything. Focus on what you're really good at (Though it's also good if one tries something he/she's not exactly a genius at. Build up your other skills, I say.) [quote name='Pumpkin][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1] and I hate how everyone feels that the only way you can succeed is by going to college. College is NOT for everyone. People can make good money without college, and i dont feel it makes you higher then someone else. [/FONT'][/SIZE][/quote] Amen. I really think I shouldn't be in college but a lot of people aren't so why waste this opportunity? I'm pretty good at Geology and am being offered jobs even as an undergraduate but really, I'd rather fall into a lavaflow than be underemployed. I wonder how well we'd do in school if our parents did the exact opposite (push/not push us into working harder)? Would it make a difference? [quote name='Lunai][font=comic sans ms][color=goldenrod]My mother... she never makes me feel as if I'm not good enough...she just wants me to be happy, and learn what life is about for myself.[/font'][/color][/quote] Meow! Are our mothers related? I'd probably raise my kid in the same way. She believes that if one forces things into another's brain, the latter won't be able to learn it properly (especially in my case). I say college, though easier, is waaay drearier than high school. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] I envy you. Only one state separates you and him; I've the whole Pacific Ocean. *sigh* Ah well, I really don't believe in true love. Love's relative. When you're in a relationship (or in the six months after ending one), you call it "love". When you're out of that phase, you look back and say "What was I thinking?" That's what happened to me. Fate isn't as powerful as the choices we make. I think the force we call "Fate" is just a consequence of the course of action we consciously took. (mmm... alliteration) Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [u]Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex[/u] [spoiler][b]Tachikomas[/b] After figuring out the concept of "death", they had to "die". (Can Tachikomas really die? Surely they can be rebuilt and it won't matter to them 'cause they have one common conscience.) Anyways, their deaths broke a heartstring of mine. I hate seeing cute things get obliterated no matter how blue and metallic they are. Sad. [/spoiler] [u]Animatrix: Program[/u] [spoiler][b]Virtual Duo[/b] Right... another questionable death. Of course, he was just a program but the way Cis eliminated him was downright [i]amazing[/i]. Sure, a lot of anime characters die by last-minute reversals but how many die by their sword with a throat stab? [/spoiler] Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Hey don't the blood and flesh mix when you beat a chicken up? The meat goes dark and will probably taste like blood when cooked. Shouldn't the Quality Control people do something about [i]that[/i]? Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Here you go! (though it's not as pretty as your current banner. mmm... yellow) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/chou_ryuuen.gif[/IMG] Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [i]Blood-chilling performance, lady Hunter. Well done. [COLOR=Black]What the? What do you want?[/COLOR] ?We shall meet again, Queen of Hearts? Weren?t those your exact words? [COLOR=Black]Huh, show yourself![/COLOR] Dear Hunter, I came here to amuse myself? and probably pick up something, hmm, important?[/i] A fresh wind blew from the East and swept the haze that now covered the ruins of Raglad. Pale moonlight broke through, illuminating the Hunters and their prey in wraithlike glow alike. Soft shades they cast but where the girl was clear shadows lengthened. Out of the ground a wisp of darkness rose and covered the girl in a binding black smoke. Another gust of air passed and the smoke cleared. Naught now stood where it once was save for a card that floated down an unfelt breeze. A Hunter picked it up and read: [COLOR=Black] [CENTER][b]The Hanged Man[/b] Bring me the thing I love the most ?Til then I will continue to elude you, Seven of Hearts[/CENTER][/COLOR] [b]OOC:[/b] I may have went overboard with this little sidequest. Please PM me if I must change this post. The card Lisette gave is a clue to what Lisette wants Seven of Hearts (Rebecca) to do in exchange for the child. Easy as pie. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Did they really just do/say/write that?
Delta replied to foreverinfinity's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] My friend told me about a really weird incident that happened a few years back: It was registration day in our university when all the students and faculty members were told to evacuate our main building because the administration received a bomb threat. Instead of panicking, the students (who were there to pay their tuition fees) got irritated and were saying things like "Blasted threat! Now I'll have to come back and line up again tomorrow!" Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Olive][SIZE=1] Somewhere in the depths of the Manga Workshop lies the most impenetrable structure/sticky in Tokyo 3: the Artist Recruiting Thread/Miyazaki Medical Facility. It was equipped with advanced Yokoi cloaking and defense mechanism similar to that around Otaku Lounge, making it invisible to n00b eyes. Just days ago it was converted into a temporary base for Team Miyazaki, the facility being the last structure under their command. ?USELESS PIECE OF JUNK! Devil take this blasted? thing!? [COLOR=SlateGray]?OI!?[/COLOR] Trading the three o?clock early morning coffee break for a visit to the firing range, Eternity and Miyazaki Ten squabbled over one of the many service pistols displayed in a rack far back into the Laundry Room. Dubbed as Miyazaki?s walking weapons catalogue, Ten was in charge of weapons maintenance. [COLOR=SlateGray]?For chrissakes, Eternity, Major doesn?t even trust you with a cattle prod! Why do you insist on using a service pistol??[/COLOR] ?BECAUSE!? Lady Katana?s vitals were normal when she was brought in; they figured she lost consciousness because of fatigue or whatever. Further tests showed otherwise: a horde of nanomachines had entered the moderator?s blood and were spreading at an alarming rate. This type of nanomachines attacked the brain and respiratory system; infection meant hallucinations and slow death to the host. [COLOR=SlateGray]?So they?re sending you to warn the others??[/COLOR] ?AND install communication?stuff.? [COLOR=SlateGray]?Isn?t that Team Yokoi?s job??[/COLOR] ?Yeah, it would be great if I should bump into a Yokoi on the way.? The Medical Facility could have passed as a good stronghold if it wasn?t for the communication system. To prevent hackers from entering their databases and equipment, the facility?s contact frequencies ran through secure channels limited within Tokyo 3 [i]only[/i]. The rest of Team Miyazaki?s domain was now under the Hoard?s control, rendering the communications system near to useless. Those who went by the call sign numbers Three to Nine were to be dispatched to reestablish communication with the other teams. ?Why oh why did they skip ?Ten??? [COLOR=SlateGray]?Because I know how to fix something. You, my dear, are the exact opposite. Here.?[/COLOR] ?What the? How am I supposed to deal major n00b pain with this? [i]vest[/i]?? [COLOR=SlateGray]?That is not just A vest. It?s made from the leaves of the New Lexicon Webster?s Encyclopedic Dictionary? of the English Language. It stops most projectiles currently used by the n00bs even at point blank.?[/COLOR] ?Most? What can it not stop?? [COLOR=SlateGray]?Rockets.?[/COLOR] ?Right. Duh.? [COLOR=SlateGray]?And would you mind testing these on the field for me? They?re prototypes for a bomb I?m making. You carry a lighter, right??[/COLOR] ?Yeah. So how far should I throw these?? [COLOR=SlateGray]?I don?t know. Just run like hell once it leaves your hand.?[/COLOR] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] It might be that I'm partial to the color brown; if I were to choose the loveliest among the four banners you've posted, I would choose the fourth. The background is, shall we say, haunting. This may sound a bit odd but the greens of your banner flow and tie the whole thing beautifully. Love it. Something's a bit off with the text though. Maybe you could soften it up a bit 'cause "warmth" is a pretty soft word, ne? XD Question: The blue girl from your third banner, what series is she from? Great banner! Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Manga Sands Of Time (Online Manga & The First Page is available)
Delta replied to naota's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Hey! Great art! Meow! It reminds me of FLCL (perhaps because of your unique style). I wasn't able to see the first version of page 2 but I think you should try a radial gradient (or whatever) for the explosion. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Feel free to use these. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/obsessionbalmung.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/obsession.jpg[/IMG] Only Subaru's picture came from .hack//SIGN. Hope you don't mind. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [i]We shall meet again, Queen of Hearts[/i] ?In due time, lady Hunter?? Lisette said to herself as the shadow of the half-demon streaked across the rose windows. ?Miss Lisette?? ?Hmm? You sensed it too. Just now? Irrepressible bloodlust.? ?You don?t mean?? ?Yes. I believe we?ve found her. Where were they headed?? ?But, Miss, the demons might?? ?Oh they won?t mind. Come, Poppy.? She returned the heart to its container and beckoned the cardinal to follow her. Candle flames licked the noiseless air as the pair passed the dimly-lit aisle. High up the wall at the end of the passageway was a wooden shelf that housed five boxes similar to the one Lisette now held. ?I?ve found the seventh heart, my loves. Soon you will be complete. Just wait.? Once the sixth box was in place, the shadows rose and covered the pair in a cloak impenetrable to light. When at last the candle flames stilled, they were gone. [b]OOC:[/b] Hope you don't mind my character hunting yours, demonchild. Tell me if I misread her bio. XD [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Here you go, love. Best picture of His Hotness Lord Balmung that I can find. It's so pretty that I decided not to ruin it so I hope you don't mind that he's all green and stuff. I think mint green suits him better than purple. Enjoy! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/balmung.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] .hack [b]Name:[/b] Balmung Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Olive][SIZE=1] [CENTER][COLOR=SlateGray][Miyazaki Three, report.][/COLOR] [On the way.] [COLOR=SlateGray][Double time!][/COLOR] [Roger. Target sighted. Still alive.] [COLOR=SlateGray][Three, n00b at 9 o?clock.][/COLOR] [Copy that.] [COLOR=SlateGray][Miyazaki, standard procedures for extraction. Clean and quick. Priori---][/COLOR] [BREAK BREAK!] [COLOR=SlateGray][Go ahead break][/COLOR] [?kzzt?krzzzt?] [COLOR=SlateGray][THREE, REPORT!][/COLOR] click.click.click.click [/CENTER] [COLOR=Black]?PHE4R TEH N00BZ!!!?[/COLOR] ?It?s FEAR, damn it!? Eternity, codenamed Miyazaki Three, was to extract a Tokyo 3 moderator from the Anime Archives equipped with nothing but her ill-fitting uniform and a visor she picked up from the wreck. She was the only Miyazaki available at the time Major Tremaine received the extraction request. Of course she couldn?t say no. Among the corrupted data and rubble strewn in the Archives lay Eternity. Cement was no match for the n00b?s RPG-7 but then again, its stopping power was way better than Kevlar. In the shadows, she picked up a pebble and threw it across the hall. The sound it made called the n00b?s attention and, in reply, the n00b promptly fired a rocket to where the pebble fell. Perfect. He reloaded the launcher at a painfully slow rate, giving Eternity enough time to hook up to the emergency frequency and consult with the Major. [CENTER][COLOR=SlateGray][Still alive, Three?][/COLOR] [And kicking. The n00b?s a bit rocket-happy but I don?t think I?ve blown my cover?yet.] [COLOR=SlateGray][Right. What?s up?][/COLOR] [One n00b with heavy arms. Very heavy arms. RPG-7.] [COLOR=SlateGray][Hmm? Run a thermal scan. See if there are other n00bs.][/COLOR] [Wait? Lucky! The n00b?s alone with the target.] [COLOR=SlateGray][Very well. Proceed as planned. Out.][/COLOR][/CENTER] ?FOO! JOO GO AWAY!? [COLOR=Black]?WTF? Anotehr n00b!?[/COLOR] Back when Tokyo 3 was still in the hands of the Moderators, Team Miyazaki was trained to report posts riddled with l33t language. They became proficient with l33t but swore to each other never to use it unless in dire need. [i]Surely the circumstances couldn?t be anymore desperate[/i], Eternity thought. From the sound of the crunching footfalls, she concluded that the enemy was approaching her position with extreme caution. His movements she noted as she crept silently in the shadows. [COLOR=Black]?Zat u n00b??[/COLOR] ?Sif!? Eternity emerged from behind the unwary n00b and kicked the launcher to her hand. [COLOR=Black]?OMG! ROCKETZ0R! PWNED!?[/COLOR] ?LOLOLOL! Runaway, n00b! LOLOLOL!? With the n00b now gone, Eternity approached the figure at the end of the dark hall. Though she registered warm and at full health in her visor, the Moderator was, sadly, unconscious. The Miyazaki member clamped a metal brace on the moderator?s neck and switched her communicator out off the emergency channel. [CENTER][COLOR=SlateGray][Status report.][/COLOR] [Mission accomplished! Requesting additional port out for Lady Katana.][/CENTER] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Misao Makimachi would be perfect for you! A girl with short hair and not enough estrogen to be considered feminine...yet. Plus her costume's [i]really[/i] simple. If I can make it, so can you. Good Luck! Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [i]"We Dwarves are sometimes hard to understand. You see, Dwarvish women are a rare sight to see. Some believe that there are no Dwarf women and that Dwarves just sprout from the ground."[/i] [b][RIGHT]-Gimli, son of Gloin[/RIGHT][/b] Meow. Last I heard, "midgets" are humans with normal-size heads and torsos, and stunted limbs (kind of like cabbages: they have stunted stems that's why they form into heads). The Hobbit woman had long arms. I get Moi's point (I think): until they find more skeletons of this [i]Homo floresiensis[/i], the possibility of it being but a hoax will remain. [i]"When we got the dates back from the skeleton and we found out how young it was, one anthropologist working with us said it must be wrong because it had so many archaic [primitive] traits..."[/i] [RIGHT][b]-Mike Morwood, co-discoverer and associate professor of archaeology at the University of New England, Australia. [/b][/RIGHT] It seems that they're implying that this really is a new species. An isolated offshot... Does this mean that its ancestors broke off the [i]Homo sapiens[/i] line and evolved into something similar in appearance to us? [URL=http://idcs0100.lib.iup.edu/~tconelly/Africa/Reading/evolrace-new.html]Evolution of Races - Trellis theory[/URL] Perhaps they got disconnected with the rest of the world so the rest of their ancestors adapted. Then they reached their final form and had only each other to breed with (XD) allowing little variation on their genetic makeup (a sort of an evolutionary dead-end). That's probably why even 12,000 years ago this primitive humanoid still existed. Related article from BBC: [URL=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3948165.stm]'Hobbit' joins human family tree[/URL] Feel free to disagree. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [b]Character Name:[/b] eternity [b]Status:[/b] Otaku [b]Boards Location:[/b] Tokyo 3 [b]Team:[/b] Team Miyazaki [b]Appearance:[/b] (see avatar) [b]Weapons:[/b] The New Lexicon Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language (Deluxe Edition) ... and a lighter. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1] The effigies looked upon the solitary maiden with kindly expressions mocked by the cold stone from whence they were carved. On the altar was a heart encrusted with dry blood to which she whispered a prayer that echoed through the abandoned church. [i]?You have sinned but did not repent Thus I have granted you ease and eternal silence May you find mercy for your wretched soul.?[/i] ?Are you alright, Mistress?? The woman was startled at the high pitched warble that broke her thoughts. A cardinal was perched atop the Virgin Mary and looked at her with the same thoughtful expression the Virgin had. ?Oh, yes,? Lisette replied. With her bare hands she picked the heart up and gently placed it inside a gilded box. ?I?m fine. Now, what news of the summoning?? ?You must hurry, lady. You know how tetchy the Krankenhaus demons are.? ?And?? ?Master Night sends word: The Hunters are afield. One I passed on my way here.? ?Very well?? Lightning flashed as the church doors suddenly flew open. In the entrance stood two figures: an ashen tiger and its lady keeper. Brilliant blue shone through the darkness that overshadowed her guests; surely the taller one was a Hunter. The Hunter stepped into the dim light and looked intently at Lisette. ?Well met, half-demon. What affairs have you with me?? ?My affairs concern the Queen of Hearts alone. Make known yourself.? ?Tell me, lady Hunter, will knowing my name aid you in your search?? ?ARE you the Queen of Hearts?? Lisette gave out a theatrical sigh of defeat. She scooped the heart out of the box and held it out for her guests to see. Her lips arched into a smile. ?I?m a very busy woman, lady Hunter. The circumstances allow me to give you no more than two courses of action: Have at me another day or I shall be forced dispose of you now? quickly.? [/SIZE][/COLOR]