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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [quote name='Rhian][size=1][font=veranda][color=indigo]Heh, I guy I like(he likes me, too, but we?re three years apart and it makes him nervous) likes to play with my hair, so maybe you should try that.[/size][/font'][/color][/quote] Am very particular when it comes to my hair and get pissed off when somebody touches it. Besides, the girl might have spent a lot of time fixing it; you don't want her to go to school looking disheveled now do you? Ah well, a light touch then. Don't kiss her... yet. Waay too fast. Don't wring her hand when you hold it and most importantly... smile. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. Delta

    Cosplay Help

    [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] If you want something simple, then go as a wolf from Wolf's Rain (in human form of course). Easy as pie. But I'd rather you do something unique as this is your first time cosplaying... a costume in the likes of Oniwabanshu's Hannya (Rurouni Kenshin). Not only will it make the experience memorable, you might even be dubbed as the first one to ever cosplay a particular character. Point Two: Go as a character who [i]actually[/i] looks like you. Perfect for someone with limited funds (like me T_T). Costumes can only do so much, that's why crossplays (or cosplays where you have to crossdress) almost always turn ugly. I once cosplayed as Faye Valentine waaay back when Cowboy Bebop was still a secret among anime fans here. Loved the looks on people's faces when they ask "Who's that?" Go for the surprise factor, I say! Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Book Antiqua] Nauross was commander to the group tasked to guard the castle; of course he was expected to stay behind while the others were sent to protect the capital. They were aloft and guarding the Western Walls from whither the Zerverian ruler and his escorts came. With the escorts now dead and Ilthazar in a one-on-one brawl with the Light Rider, the captain and his company now had nothing to do ...which suited Flamberge fine. She never had a taste for battle anyway. [i]The Princess is come. [Hey, but that makes?] Too few Elemental Riders are afield. [Must we, sir? The enemy has retreated!] Flamberge![/i] A tug in the reins and the red dragon flew off towards the royal company. Nauross tapped his breastplate and saluted to the King. ?Your leave to check on the frontline, sir.? ?Very well, captain. Marshal them into the capital.? ?Understood. Flam?? Just as Flamberge turned, they bumped into Caramel who was blocking their path. Her lissome Rider jumped on Flamberge and seized the reins from Nauross. Perhaps Vanilla expected him to jump onto Caramel; after she shook his hand patted his shoulder, the lady Rider threw the captain to the waiting silver dragon ?Keep up, love. You heard what the King said.? [i] [No worries here, sir. You?ll get there sooner with Caramel.][/i] ?What--? [i][Right. Hold on, Captain!][/i] ~o~o~o~o~o~ Rain poured as soon as they arrived. Caramel flew along with the dark clouds as they surveyed the battle plain far below. Already their forces were marching towards the capital, surprised but glad of their sudden victory. From the lines below merry noises could be heard; a group of Riders in grey cloaks passed the captain and greeted him despite the dreary weather. This continued until everyone was inside the capital, save for the sentinels posted along the walls. [i]That?s the last of them. [Captain?] Have we forgotten anyone? [Cyrus and Heero were with this team, weren?t they?] Ah, yes. Now that you?ve mentioned it, I haven?t seen them since they left the castle.[/i] Nauross summoned a herald to his side and bid him to look for the missing pair. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Good day! Have you all done your homework? (I haven't.) (This banner is the product of a can of Coke and a playlist full of J-rock songs). I have to say it reminds me of A Detective Story from The Animatrix; probably an after-effect of watching the short film for the nth time. What do you think? If anyone wants to use this banner, I'll be glad to edit it for you (put your name on it instead of Aoshi's). [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/shinomori.jpg[/IMG] Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1] ?I?d rather you call me Captain than Lady, Sir Handsome. The name?s Kamui, nice to meet you.? [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"Then Kamui it is. And ?Miss Shopkeeper? is??[/COLOR] ?I think she?d rather tell you herself.? She raised an eyebrow and glanced sideways to the girl who was already on her way to them. ?Now, if you?ll excuse me?? With a bow and a graceful sweep of her cloak she turned to leave but soon looked back with an amused look. ?Oh, by the way, maybe it would do you good to leave town for a while. Come back when Vaske?s angry liver bursts then maybe we could have a drink together.? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] The lady in red walked hand in hand with the gentleman in black. Indeed, no fairer couple had walked the streets for ages now and this pair seemed to be in total bliss. Off they went to Stonebridge that connects the dim slums with the dazzling red-light district, and probably the only tributary of hope left for those who live on the other side. No one was in sight, none prowled in the shadows save for a solitary stray cat. Assured of their isolation the lady leaned against a lamppost and the gentleman?s hand wandered to his companion?s throat. She lightly swatted the hand away whilst her other hand covered a giggled that escaped her lips. [COLOR=SlateGray]?Come now, miss. Don?t play games with me.?[/COLOR] ?Oh, but sir, being a woman?? [COLOR=SlateGray]?You know it won?t work, Lisette. What do you say we ditch the party, take a ride in my carriage and perhaps do something naughty afterwards??[/COLOR] ?I really am needed back in the Krankenhaus?? [COLOR=SlateGray]?Nonsense. Perhaps this incentive is? adequate??[/COLOR] A wad of bills he brought out from his coat and pressed to her chest. To that he added a silver band studded with numerous diamonds which he slipped on her right ring finger. With a kiss in the hand he pulled her closer and she replied with a breath of warm air about his ears. ?Lord Rotterdale, have you read ?Alice?s Adventures in Wonderland??? [COLOR=SlateGray]?Yes of course. Why do you ask??[/COLOR] ?Tell me? Which character am I like the most?? [COLOR=SlateGray]?Hmm, let?s see?? [/COLOR] His mind ran through the book as he sized up the woman before him. Surely, he wouldn?t think of her as the Gryphon or the Mock Turtle; not Alice even nor the Duchess. None of them had her cherry-red lips. Her smile? The Cheshire Cat maybe? Then it struck him. [COLOR=SlateGray]?The Queen of Hearts.?[/COLOR] [CENTER]~o~o~o~o~o~[/CENTER] Hours before dawn, police were wakened with a homicide report. Rats have already started to gnaw at the corpse by the time they finally reached Stonebridge. It was decapitated with a clean hack and bloody paper bills stuck out from its hollowed-out chest. The heart has been gored out and marinated in the dark red liquid that had now filled the cavity was a playing card, the Six of Hearts. Gilford Rotterdale, twenty-five years of age and heir to the Baron of Wortwick, was dead. The Queen of Hearts had claimed her sixth victim. [b]OOC:[/b] Couldn't think of anything else (or anything better at that). PM me if there's anything wrong with it or think that I went too crazy. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1] ?Mmm? Entertainment!? Grabbing Aria by the wrist, Kamui dragged her outside to see the commotion. In the street, the man and the Lieutenant had been in a heated argument and were now in the brink of crossing swords. [i]Is that?the Lieutenant?[/i] [COLOR=Navy]?Kamui!?[/COLOR] Kamui made her way to the front of the crowd. She watched for a while [i]Really, he?s as stubborn as a dotard cow[/i] and then tapped the shoulder of a nearby onlooker. ?Three gold pieces say the Lieutenant wins this round--? A girl suddenly threw herself to the lieutenant. The pathetic thing tugged at his sleeve pleading. The girl she recognized as the Vaske?s sister. With a quick shove, she staggered backwards and fell into Kamui?s arms. ?Kumiko! Hey!? said Kamui as she shook the stunned girl. [COLOR=SlateGray]?Huh? Kamui! Oh, Kamui! Please, you?ve got to stop them!? [/COLOR] ?Oh, he?ll be fine.? Kumiko, with a bewildered look on her face, tried to swat Ms. Kamui the Useless away but found that she hasn?t strength enough to fight with the ship captain. Just then, a terrible cry was heard and they saw Vaske swing his sword at the man. A few moments later, the lieutenant was on the ground with a sword tip at his throat. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"Think more carefully before you choose to act next time, lest this event be repeated by one less merciful than I."[/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray]?Kamui!? [/COLOR] But the ship captain had left. She had gone to aid the lieutenant and was now kneeling behind him. ?Come on, Lieutenant. That?s enough.?she whispered as she helped him up. With her graceful fingertips, she lightly pushed the sword at his throat aside. Surprisingly, its owner yielded and gave her a smile as he perched the sword on his shoulder. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"Your friend, Miss Shopkeeper?"[/COLOR] Kamui handed the lieutenant to Kumiko. She whistled and waved her hand at the crowd. Moments later, five of her crewmembers came up and carried Vaske away. Kumiko followed them and so did most of the crowd. She faced the man at last and flipped her hair. A melodious laugh escaped her lips. ??Miss Shopkeeper? is over there.? she said, pointing to the place where Aria was. ?Do you have a name, good-looking?? [b]OOC:[/b] Rushed post. PM me if there's anything wrong or you want me to edit anything. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. Delta

    to many rules

    [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [QUOTE=James][color=#707875]but wen u typ leik diz itzvrry h@rd 4 ppl 2 ndrstand u~!!!!!!:):):):) [/color][/QUOTE] Not to mention it makes you sound like someone with a strong French accent... not that I have anything against people who do. (Love the French!) Point is I go hither to discuss...stuff so misspelled(sp?) words are fine with me as long as the post contains some degree of sense. Post + Spelling errors - Sense = V. Bad Post. Ouka's right; the rules are pretty simple. Otherwise, they'd have to rename it to 'OB Constitution' or something. Seriously, I don't find them restricting. Bad post quality turn a lot of people off and this site has a reputation to maintain. A bit off the topic: I think wrist cutter should have a fan club. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Meow... Had me giggling XD It does flip too fast. Maybe you could stick the word balloons inside the frames. That way, they don't get overwhelmed by the white background and you can resize the pictures because they're so tiny. Love the concept! Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Most definitely opening sequences from [b]Earth Girl Arjuna.[/b] The first episodes (the ones I've watched) had different opening sequences; They'd either show scenes from the previous episode or just start the story right away. The only thing common among them is the use of amazing camera angles and great background music (or the lack of it, sometimes). [b]Great Teacher Onizuka[/b]'s op sequences are very... unconventional, which I like. The animation's great (one was done in black and white so it almost looks like moving manga art!) and they timed the transition between the scenes (or images) perfectly. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Meow... what a topic! Rekka no Honou's (sp?) [b]Fuuko and Domon[/b] is one awkward pairing. I've a feeling they'd killl each other off if ever they got into a major fight (or maybe Domon'll just concede, seeing that he's definitely the one who's putting more effort into the relationship). Not enough love is circulating between the two characters.(Note: I haven't read the manga. Completely basing my opinion from the anime series.) Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkGreen] [i]Hey! A gold dragon! That? that?s a rare one, isn?t it? [Indeed, it is!] Lovely![/i] After she was done ogling at the gold dragon (and emitting a few love bubbles), Vanilla planted a boot on her captive?s back, tightened the rope and handed him to a nearby soldier. ?A favor, love? Do watch this man for me ?til we get back.? The grim look on the soldier?s face disappeared as the lady Rider gave him a smile. Her voice bagged not only her target but also three other soldiers around him. She sent for the researchers and bid them to watch over the incapacitated dragon. [i][Let?s go.] No need to rush me. I?m practically useless up there.[/i] Her recent flirting with the soldiers left her feeling a bit impish so before they took off. she went behind Zeddrick and whispered in his right ear: ?A live Rider. Just as you wanted.? ?Stop tarrying here, Miss Rider. Your knight has lost his wits and will need support.? Zeddrick replied. ?After that little scene up there, I'm surprised that you've energy enough to upset Valo." She leaned him against a large piece of rubble and winked at him. "Right then. Pray for us, love.? The silver dragon soared to a height level to Isis. They maintained their distance from the golden dragon for awhile, observing the scene between the Rider of Light and the grim Zerverian ruler. The latter had just taken off his armor and was prepping for a tussle with Valo. Vanilla turned to the King who was now assessing the situation, his eyes hidden beneath his bright helm. ?What now, Sir?? ?Stay here and lend support when needed.? And with those words, he dove to meet Plejalta. [i]Oh yes. The excitement never stops.[/i] [/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1] [b]Name:[/b] Lisette [b]Age: [/b]24-looking, 46 years old in reality [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Race: [/b]Human [b]Team: [/b]Acolyte [b]Appearance and Bio: [/b] A seductive woman endowed with hypnotic crimson eyes. The bastard of a local prostitute and a rich merchant, her mother sold her to a brothel at the age of 13. Perhaps the old woman forgot that 13 was an inauspicious number. With her first ?paycheck?, Lisette bought for herself a lovely hatchet sharp enough to chop through bone. And hack she did. Her mother?s limbs and viscera were found strewn along the church aisle along with the head of her sire. The unsuspecting legal wife, who knew of her husband?s extended family, liquidated part of the merchant?s property and gave it to Lisette. The girl bought her freedom and moved to another town. Even though she has extracted her revenge, her thirst for blood remained unquenched. She became an assassin and went under the guise of a hostess. This way, she gained access to wealthy patrons, men and women alike, and was able to fell a number of them when paid handsomely to do so. Demons from the Krakenhaus, a sort of exclusive brothel for the affluent, sensed her bloodlust and lured her to their side with numerous jobs, eternal youth and unlimited funds. She accepted and joined the ranks of the demons? Acolytes. She became a legend in the hired-gun business for bagging the aloof Captain of the Guards with just a flip of her emerald hair. Another high-ranking victim who followed her for the rest of his short life. The day after their meeting, his grunts found his bloody, limbless, tongue-less self behind their station. The investigators couldn?t get anything out of him and the case remains open to this day. [b]Personality: [/b] Simply put, she?s a big tease. She rarely loses her cool and has mastered hiding her malicious intentions behind a pretty smile. [b]Companion:[/b] A red cardinal named Poppy [b]Companion?s Skill:[/b] In direct contrast with her companion, Poppy?s a beast of Light. She specializes in recovery magic but has been known to cast an offensive spell when under threat. [b]Weapons:[/b] On her shoulder is a mark given to her by the Krakenhaus demons from which she draws her magic. It means ?Shadow? in Demonic script. The hatchet she replaced with Rune Bane, a mithril-tipped spear from Krakenhaus? store of cursed weapons. [b]Magic:[/b] Darkness Based [u]Shadow Manipulation[/u] ? The ability to detach shadows from surfaces and control them with her will. (No, this is not related to the Shadow Rune) [b]OOC:[/b] The odds are raised to 2 against 5. Kyuuu! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Lovely. As Adahn said, you have a choice. Maybe you think it's pointless because when we pass away, we won't be able to reap whatever we've sown in our lifetime. "Why do those destined to die strive so hard to achieve?" The fact that we are doomed to die makes us do so. I think we all want to be rid of this curse (or gift) and transcend Death. Even though the quest seems endless, at least we can lengthen our existence in this universe. That's why we create medicine, fight wars, try to discover our nature. Perhaps when everything about nature is known, our race (and basically every living thing on the planet) can live forever. Just friggin' live and contribute something useful to mankind. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [quote name='Adahn']Hmm, so your soul had a beginning, then? Well, let me introduce you to one of the laws that everything follows. Everything that has a beginning has an end. It is indisputable, and applicable to everything. How can you say your soul had a beginning and be so confident that it will not end?[/quote] There may be some things in existence, however abstract, that have no beginning nor end. Exceptions to the rule, basically. Time is one; if it isn't, I'm sure something else is. I still don't know if souls do exist but I believe that they do. Perhaps the laws governing this dimension are not applicable to our souls. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] In a corner of the room, the two Dogs of the Wind conversed with each other with tones so hushed that they could have gone unnoticed against the dark shadows if it weren?t for their white robes. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Let?s see if you still remember your past lessons.?[/COLOR] She closed her eyes and recalled the lesson they had a few weeks ago?. [CENTER]~o~o~o~o~o~[/CENTER] Eithel had summoned her to a cliff overlooking the gray northern seas. When she got there, the elderly lady gently took her hand and led her to the lip of the outcrop. Never did Opera acquire the liking for heights so her knees immediately weakened upon seeing the sharp rocks below. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Never mind the view, child. Now? close your eyes.?[/COLOR] Yet another spirit dive. It took her a long time to enter the dive. She was having trouble concentrating and the view wasn?t exactly calming. Immediately, all her senses went numb. Even the feeling of her grandaunt?s grip disappeared completely. Where was she? No matter how she tried, she could not feel her muscles. What if she was already walking towards the edge? She has been on a number of spirit dives before but never one like this. This darkness was a most foreign place, much different from the darkness one would see if she closed her eyes against the morning sun. In times of despair, she knew only one thing to do. Longing for light, her mind called out: [i]Winter God, come to my aid.[/i] The scene zipped out and was replaced with an otherworldly view of a wisteria grove. Against a pitch black sky, the petals softly glowed and brushed against an unfelt wind. Azure lightwaves began to materialize and float around and her body felt strangely light. She was surprised but relieved; that she could feel again was enough to ease her worries. Warmth finally entered her hands. [i][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Opera, can you hear me?[/COLOR] Aunt Eithel! [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]You can feel my hand can you? [/COLOR] Yes. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]*sigh* Very good. Having made this far--[/COLOR] What is this place? [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]*clears her throat*[/COLOR] ...Sorry. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Hold out your fan.[/COLOR][/i] Though her eyes were still closed, she saw her fan clearly in front of her when she held it out. It shook violently in her hand as the lightwaves began to glow brighter. Faster and faster they spun blended with each other, containing Opera in a cerulean ring. [i][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Veil us from enemy sight? Mist [/COLOR][/i] A bright flash and the scene exploded into a million specks of light. [i][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Now, open your eyes.[/COLOR][/i] As soon as the images left her mind, Opera opened her eyes and looked around. A frail fog had risen around them. She suddenly remembered where they were and quickly backed away from the overhang. Eithel quickly grabbed Opera?s hand and pulled her apprentice closer to the edge of the cliff. Opera tried to pull away but found that she could not resist. The silver-haired woman caught her by the waist and cackled merrily. ?Aunt Eithel!? [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?You?ve never been fond of heights. I figured that it?s easier to reach ?that? place when you?re in need.?[/COLOR] ?? I see? but? so that means I couldn?t call it freely?? [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Nonsense, child. Watch.?[/COLOR] Her grandaunt didn?t even close her eyes. As she stared at her niece, thick fog rose around them. She muttered a few indecipherable words under her breath and the fog dissipated. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Practice more often. In due time, you?ll find that you need not be in a dire situation to control Mist.?[/COLOR] [CENTER]~o~o~o~o~o~[/CENTER] Opera opened her eyes. Much to the dismay of their companions, mist had entered the base. Her grandaunt chanted and drove the mist away. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][i]?My, my. That was quick! Well done. Now??[/i][/COLOR] That tone in her grandaunt?s voice? surely the old woman was going to teach her something new. Opera instinctively went into another spirit dive. This time, she found that Eithel was with her. [i][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Tell me, Opera. The sacred beast of the Winter God? what is its earthly form?[/COLOR] A wolf. A silver one?[/i] A hazy image of the beast started to form in front of her. It became clearer and more detailed as she spoke and pretty soon, a majestic wolf stood between them. It stood there unmoving while its calculating eyes assessed the younger Vendë. Drawn to its eyes, Opera walked towards it. Unable to bear the strange sensation she felt, she opened her eyes. Eithel had brought her in front of a shiny metal box. The first thing she saw was her reflection; the wolf from the dive was now staring at her. [b]OOC:[/b] The chants do nothing. It's a lot easier for Opera to remember stuff connected with verses and rhymes.XD [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Right! The answer is "b. protein".That was an easy one, wasn't it? As for your question, my answer is [b]True[/b]. [b]Type:[/b] Matching Type [b]Category:[/b] Special Techniques The following [u]Rurouni Kenshin[/u] characters have some pretty memorable finishing techniques that were shown in the series. Match the techniques (numbers) with their respective users. a. Kenshin Himura b. Sanosuke Sagara c. Shogo Amakusa d. Aoshi Shinomori e. Saitoh Hajime 1. Gatotsu/Fang Stab 2. Ama Kakeru Ryuu no Hirameki (dead giveaway...) 3. Rai Ryuu Sen/Lightining Dragon Flash 4. Futae(sp?) no Kiwami/Dual Fist Technique 5. Goku Juji Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] (Right. Let's see if we can resurrect this thread.) [b]Type:[/b] Multiple Choice. [b]Category:[/b] Anime Molecular Biology and Biotechnology In [u]Cowboy Bebop: The Movie[/u], the nanomachines made by Cherious Medical exit the body as what form of macromolecule? a. lipid b. protein c. polysaccharide d. nucleic acid [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [quote name='Adahn']I'm going to have a little bit of fun with this. What makes you think that you're going to die? Can you prove that you're not immortal?[/quote] Meow... Perhaps I am. But I can prove to you that our bodies are mortal. They decompose, don't they? And I don't believe that 21-gram crap either. If a soul weighs 21 grams then Hell should be a blackhole that consumes infinite mass. EDIT: 21-gram crap: They say that we lose 21 grams when we die and concluded that a soul must weigh 21 grams. (Another lame theory whipped up by a scriptwriter.) [quote name='Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]It's generally accepted that people who jump off bridges and dance across highways tend to end up in a non-living state.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] I might just stick this in my signature... Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [quote name='Zeta']Without a grasp on the word happy, joyous, whichever word it may be, you won't know that you are either of them. You will then be able to decipher what it is you are feeling, and apply the word happy to it. [/quote] True but... Ever had a feeling you can never put into words and can only express through gestures? People will still know what you're implying but until you can find a word which can effectively define that feeling, you will continue to express it and communicate that feeling with gestures. I heard a lecture once about words being meaningless if they don't bring up or clearly refer to the idea/object they represent. Is everyone intelligent? Most probably. Our brains are made in the same way with minimal variations. It's just that not everyone does well in school. Heck, they could equal professional futbol players in skill and still not pass Trigonometry. About the mass of Einstein's brain: I think they got that figure correctly. Researchers (especially the ones assigned to study Einstein's brain) would rarely miss/overlook such an error in brain-weighing or whatever you may call it. [URL=http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?l=i&p=9]Etymology of "Intelligence"[/URL] Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [QUOTE=Zeta]Adding a period is a hard task nowadays? Coming from someone who may have been unfortunate to get a decent education I can understand, but from someone who knows lots about chemistry (I'm assuming you are talking about it, I did horrible in that class)? How do you get others to repeat your work? How can you read what others have written to perform your own tasks? It all comes back to the language skills one has to make it possible for one to repeat an experiment. I never said that there weren't other forms of intelligence. But from the way I see it, it all boils down to your language. Without a grasp on it strong enough to get you through what you need, you really can't do anything. How can one expected to be a chemist if they don't write down their procedure in a clear and concise manner? ...How can you be intelligent in any way without a grasp of your language? Everything requires language[/Quote] Point taken. I think I've misunderstood your post. I am pretty flattered that you take me as someone good in chemistry but am still having trouble with commas. Perhaps the IQ tests lied. Perhaps the only thing I'm having trouble with is deciding where to place punctuation marks. How do I get others to repeat my work? Simple: 1) through demonstration or 2) I just let my lab partner/secretary write the procedures down. Consider me lucky to have such a goodly lab partner They featured a boy genius in Discovery Channel who, before reaching the age of 10, had a measured IQ of 268 (or some 200+ number)! He got straight A's in his subjects (read: college courses). Only thing is that he finds it difficult converse with spoken word. He has to first write his replies/speech and then read it. It's not that he has poor interpersonal skills, it's just that his brain can't properly string together words for speech. Still, his written works sound like they have been written by some brilliant college professor. We're complete opposites, I think. [quote name='Drix D'Zanth']Here?s my question to the forum: do you think intelligence and genetics are directly linked? Related in any way?[/quote] [QUOTE]In 1955, Albert Einstein's brain was preserved for research. Three scientific papers have been published examining the features of Einstein's brain. Albert Einstein's brain differed to normal men's brain in that his brain had more glial cells per neuron that might indicate that neurons in Einstein's brain had an increased "metabolic need"-- they needed and used more energy. Einstein's brain weighed only 1,230 grams, which is less than the average adult male brain (about 1,400 grams). The thickness of Einstein's cerebral cortex was thinner. However, the density of neurons in Einstein's brain was greater. In other words, Einstein was able to pack more neurons in a given area of cortex. The most recent study concerning Einstein's brain was published in the British medical journal The Lancet, on June 19, 1999. They found that a portion of the brain that governs mathematical abilities and spatial reasoning -- 2 key ingredients to the sort of thinking Einstein did best -- was 15% wider than average allowing better connection between its cells, which could have allowed them to work together more efficiently.[/QUOTE] [RIGHT][URL=http://hypertextbook.com/facts/2001/JacquelineLing.shtml][SIZE=2]-Jacqueline Ling[/SIZE][/URL][/RIGHT] After reading that, I would have to answer "probably". Hey, Biology people, is it right to say that if it's related to the body's anatomy then it could be linked to genetics (either a mutation or just good genes)? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [i]"First, I wondered why, after Lazarus was raised from the dead, people did not ask him about heaven and hell and being dead. Were they not curious? Indeed, this may have been our only chance to find out without dying."[/i] [RIGHT]-Catherine, [i]Catherine, Called Birdy[/i] by Karen Cushman[/RIGHT] Perhaps our consciousness will just fade into nothingness and remain there for eternity. We wouldn't be able to sense the passing of time; methinks the concept time doesn't exist for the dead. It's just like a dreamless sleep or passing out. When you wake up, you'll find that it doesn't matter how long you've remained unconscious; to you it would seem that you've just closed your eyes for a moment. I'd rather go to Hell than not exist. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] But then we'll have nothing to talk about, won't we? *giggles* I've a question: Are knowledge and intelligence related? If, for example, it is said that person A is more knowledgeable in a field than person B, does it mean that person A is more intelligent? Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [quote name='Zeta'] How hard is it to add a period or a comma? He then said that things people say may have a deeper meaning to what they say, but also have poor grammatical skills. But without an understanding of the language, one cannot write "deeply", which then means someone reading it cannot understand it[/quote] DISCLAIMER: If you find my post incoherent, here is an explanation: I usually score high in Spatial Intelligence but am a dunce in Verbal Intelligence. I find making fake blood from potassium thiocyanide or constructing auxiliary views of 3-dimensional objects easier than (what you consider as) the simple task of placing commas. Hail Siren for bringing up the multiple intelligences theory! [QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]On a message board, you can't see some one's "body smarts" or "music smarts" or "art smarts" or other things of that nature. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] But the ability of the writer to create mental images which will further, hooom... "flower" his works depends very much on spatial intelligence. Let's see... Here I present a painter who?s known for his god-like manipulation of oils and tints. Some would say that the outcome of his works depends on his skill in painting; still others would say that it is his eye for beauty that brings soul to his creations. Which side is right? Without his skill in painting, he could not paint (um, I'm very sure I need to rephrase that..). Without his eye for beauty, he could not see what is goodly-looking and fair. Analogous to verbal and spatial intelligences, respectively. One without the other produces a lacking painting. Members need some level of the different intelligences to provide a good post. A good grasp of a language just means that you score high in verbal intelligence; it says little of the other intelligences. [quote name='AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]I'll say it again, you weren't coherent, since you now see three different people with three different ideas of what you said. It doesn't matter if we are misunderstanding or you are being incoherent: there's a failure to communicate and statistics point more of the fault on your side.[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] Yes, somehow there's a failure of communication between the thread starter and the members who replied. It?s no one?s fault. We may have taken it from different points of view brought about by our different backgrounds. Oh, English isn?t my first language; if I posted in my native tongue, I doubt it?ll make any sense to most members. XD [quote name='Drix D?Zanth'] A nuclear physicist isn?t any more intelligent than a factory worker as far as I?m concerned. One isn?t born a PhD, but one is born smart.[/quote] *hoots and applauds for 15 minutes* Intelligence, for me, sets the amount of time it takes for us to understand ideas. I believe that the reason why we are not able to grasp some concepts is because our intelligences in different subjects are set at different levels. I do not expect the greatest nuclear physicist to be capable of satisfactorily analyzing ?The Cask of Amontillado? for a college English teacher. XD Intelligence doesn?t measure your desire for truth and knowledge. It measures what you already have: your strengths. Intelligence results in intelligible posts but wisdom produces good ones. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Meow... pointillism. Never tried it; hurts my eyes to cross them while stipling. Even the outline's done with itsy-bitsy dots! Very good; inspires me to give pointillism another try. Are they allowed to edit your drawing before putting it in the calendar (assuming that you'll make the cut. Am very sure you will and bag the "most original artwork" along the way)? Am afraid that they'll crop the knight out and leave only the rose. Love and Peace! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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