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[font=lucida sans unicode][color=DarkOrchid] [b]OOC:[/b] Orchid-colored font means I?m posting as Elumiel, another angel of Heaven. [i]Yoroshiku![/i] Elumiel followed the young Desery, behind and to the left, in the place of the vice. Though second in authority only to the King?s daughter, she chose to lead only one battalion. Not that it mattered; she could always boss around the other battalion commanders if the occasion calls for it. She volunteered her battalion for this mission, saying that her force is ?enough for the job?... ?Lady Desery! To your right!? Her superior veered in time to avoid a charging demon. They were halfway to Ravenlon and when a flock of demons blocked their way. The enemy?s vanguards managed to break the angels? formation but the Host?s leaders quickly rounded them up and organized to give battle. ?Keep them at bay!? With Desery in command, the Host?s front advanced through the blockade slashing demon flesh as the archers assembled behind them. ?Archers ready!? Elumiel whistled to her fellow angels. They fell back and retreated to the archers? line. ?FIRE!? Angel bowstrings sang a sharp whistling dirge for the demons. A quarter of the enemy fell. What happened after that was a blur to the enemy survivors. After the first wave of arrows, they tried to regroup. But before they could, half of the non-range angels appeared on their right flank. They turned to escape but were blocked by the other half. Demons that escaped this deathtrap were taken out by the archer company. The last of their line fell as Ravenlon clocks rang 1:00. Elumiel swung her halberd and sent drops of demon blood to the sea below. ?Lady Desery, we await your command.? Desery looked at the general direction of the city. Yonder, a cloud of smoke blurred their view of the city. Her lips curved into a knowing smile. ?Don't worry. The city?s safe.? [/color][/font]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] What a lovely idea! Two suggestions: [b]1.[/b] A collaboration between two RPGers should be allowed. I mean, one writes the story and the other draws. [b]2.[/b] An image, aside from the character description, must be required in the sign-up. A note should be made stressing the important details in that character's design. I'd like to be a part of this experiment/OB-history-in-the-making event, if that's okay with you. Love and Peace! (and Good Luck!) :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [b]On the "Vegeta's hair is crazy. lol" quote:[/b] A few times I've refrained from posting in threads because I feel that I should post something that contributes to the discussion. I imagine that all who read the above post will either have a thousand "why?"s in their heads or just a large sweatdrop on the side of their faces. erhm... LOL. [b]On the thread-locking issue:[/b] I saw this thread in question and was really interested in the way it would turn out. Maybe it could've formulated a new anime theory like "Girls with wavy hair tend to be the damsels in distress because ____." But it didn't. I think the "lock-down" (or what ever is the proper term XD) was partly the fault of those who posted in the thread. Spam attracts spam, thus the issue of hair being a kind of archetype-indicator or something that says "meaningful topic" wasn't tackled. Maybe that could've saved the thread. [b]On the "Dagger is a bastard" statement:[/b] Out of the 11,190 ([i] figure courtesy of the ever-dependable member counter[/i])members to choose from, they picked her to be moderator. Which I think means that she's highly-qualified to become one. She wasn't being a bastard at that time, she was just doing her job. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Write/sketch your ideas down on paper. And when I say sketch, I mean a light impromptu drawing. That way, you're not pressured to finish the drawing and you'll have reference material for your later works. It also solves the problem of you forgetting your ideas. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] It sounds to me like you keep the scenes in your head until it's time to draw them. That never did work for me; I'm *very* forgetful. XD Do what I do. Work out an outline (it does help). Write it down so you can get a good overall view of your story. Once you're happy with the story, start drawing! Oh yes, I draw thumbnails of each individual page. It's a lovely way to save paper and I don't get overwhelmed by a large blank sheet. Good luck! (Love and Peace! :love2: ) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] [b]Name:[/b] Opera Luineär [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Element:[/b] Water/Ice [b]Language:[/b] [u]Opera[/u] ? Italian; [u]Luineär[/u] ? [i]"blue sea"[/i] Quenya [b]Virtue:[/b] [u]Knowledge[/u] - Close to Intelligence, knows a lot of things, can see into peoples minds. [b]Element Power:[/b] She specializes in defensive magic but could hurl out an offensive spell as easily when provoked. One of her favorite techniques is Mist. It quickly generates a thick fog that allows the user to escape. [b]Weapon:[/b] [u]Cerulean Tear[/u] ? a ceremonial fan kept by the Luineär line. On its blade is a Quenya chant written in gold ink. [b]Appearance:[/b] Her long dark hair is set into a loose braid kept in place by velvet ribbon. A long necklace of amethyst beads hangs from her neck. She wears a pure white off-shoulder kimono with sleeves adorned with hand painted wisteria blossoms. Under it is a body-hugging sleeveless top made out of plum-colored cotton and a pair of gray pants. [b]Personality:[/b] Opera communicates in gestures and verses and rarely with her own words. People would hear a melodious voice in their heads and would turn to see her with a mysterious smile on her face. [b]Bio:[/b] Living close to snow and dark waters, the Luineärs were given the divine charge of guarding the Winter Deity?s temple. All of the children born into the family are required to learn Water or Ice Magic and martial arts. Everyday, they would learn about ancient history, philosophy, religion and the various sciences. Those who could master them all became Vendës, or temple guardians. Yet it is not in every generation that a Guardian appears. In Opera?s case, she assumed the position of the 144th Vendë at sixteen years of age, 50 years after her grandaunt became the 143rd. In a secret rite of passage, she gained the ability to call upon the Winter Deity. Her grandaunt presented her with the Cerulean Tear and revealed to her the greatest secret of the order: A Vendë is one of the Eight Dogs. Legend has it that when the world is in peril, the Eight Dogs' powers would awaken and will banish the world of evil. She was now the Dog of Knowledge. A year after, her grandaunt summoned her. The Dogs were being called, she said. She gave Oprea an old map and bid her to travel to the Dogs' base. [b]Beast Form:[/b] Wolf [b]Beast Form Appearance:[/b] A large silver wolf with a necklace of amethyst beads coiled around its neck. [b]OOC:[/b] Quenya is one of the languages Elves use in LotR. I speak poor Quenya so forgive me, Tolkien-fans. Sign-up still horrible but this should be the final version. Opera is good to go![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna] [b]Name:[/b] Kamui Lockhart [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] Add an eyepatch on this woman(see attachment. courtesy of [url]http://www.creativeuncut.com[/url]) and you've got Kamui. [b]Class:[/b] Warrior [b]Element:[/b] Earth [b]Weapon:[/b] [u]Heart Pierce[/u] - A naginata made in the ancient Yamato style. It is tipped with a platinum blade which bears the signature of an Atman blacksmith named Masamune. The black handle is braced by a couple of gold rings, each bearing the crest of the Lockhart family. [b]Occupation:[/b] Pilot [b]Personality:[/b] At first glance, Kamui gives the impression of a serious woman that commands a great deal of respect and has a sense of order. A description very near to the truth: she likes nothing more than Highwind (that?s the name of the ship) being kept in perfect working condition. That includes a disciplined staff, well-greased gears and squeaky-clean interiors. She may be strict but she?s not humorless. Highwind?s crew attributes her lively and rather rowdy disposition to the dozens of sweets she keeps in her room. Never could one find her without a candy in her pocket or mouth. [b]History:[/b] Kamui wasn?t exactly born in Atma; her parents were, though. She was born in the ship at the time when her father, Cid, was still in command of the Highwind. They named her after the the constellation of the Godhunter, the reference point of all maps. Luthien, her mother, died in a freak engine accident when she was just four years old. She became the ship?s captain at 21. Her father now resides in Atma. [b]Skills:[/b] [u]Cherry Blossom Dance[/u] ? A quick naginata technique equivalent to a sword dance. [u]Highwind Failure[/u] ? It releases a shockwave from the naginata that creates a traveling fissure in the ground. She accidentally destroyed the ship?s hull with Highwind Failure, grounding the ship in Atma for two full weeks. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] In the fourteenth dimension, I'll advise you to start actually bullying the bastard. You're getting punished regardless of whether you really did it or not. In another twisted dimension, my advice would be: retaliate in some devious way (for starters, tamper with his permanent record. follow it up with a big "accidental" lab explosion that will leave a lovely scar on his pudgy face. just don't get caught). In this dimension though, I say [b]IGNORE[/b] him. Make sure to act nonchalant around him especially if there are teachers around. Join school activities, reach-out programs (you know, stuff that will bathe you in ethereal goody-goody light in everyone's eyes). The next time he accuses you of bullying, the teachers will say "Oh, you must be mistaken! He's a wonderful boy!" or something like that. Love and Peace! [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[Size=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [b]Name:[/b] Julia Caraway [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Appearance: [/b] She has extremely long hair which she keeps in place with a gray ribbon. When untied, her raven-colored tresses cascade down her back in soft waves. Her fair face, graced with grey irises?pools that reflect even the smallest amount of light? and ruby lips, earned her the nickname ?Snow White?. On her right hand is a black glove she never takes off. [b]Angel Appearance:[/b] Intense light closes in and dresses her in a white off-shoulder robe. Her eyes glisten silver, as if possessed by the winter moon itself. The light implodes and disintegrates into countless gray feathers that cluster on her back and form her wings. Finally, a light mesh of blue gold spreads from her shoulder and drapes into a tsurumaki halfway across her chest. [b]Weapon:[/b] [u]Frost Arc[/u] ? A cherry wood bow covered in deep blue lacquer and tied off at the ends with spider silk. A special core material called Cerulean Tear reacts with Julia, releasing both the bow?s and the user?s elemental might. [b]Element:[/b] [u]Water/Ice[/u] - Magic born of Shiva, has control over Ice and Water [/COLOR][/size]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Ah, love. If I were you, I wouldn't tell him that I love him. "I love you." sounds awkward, crude and unromantic. [b]Show[/b] him that you love him. [u]Question 1[/u]: When could I tell him that I love him? [u]Answer 1[/u]: When he asks you if you do (in that case, you should answer "yes") [u]Question 2[/u]: Is this a tried-and-tested technique? [u]Answer 2[/u]: Yes. It worked for me. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [b]Wolf's Rain.[/b] If anime series could be songs, WR would sound like a quiet ballad. The colors are subtle and blend very well together. Also, the animators paid close attention to the way things should move (just watch the running wolf in the ending sequence). Beautiful yet uncomplicated. [/size][/color]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] The use of contrast and unique imagery really appeals to me. It sounds like a tanka eventhough the poem carries a 6-7-6-7 structure. The third stanza deviates to a 6-6-6-6 syntax; but no matter. It doesn't disrupt the rhythm. XD It sounds like a graceful restrained poem. Very ancient Oriental! I give it a 9/10. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Ohkami][COLOR=Navy] A princess is kidnapped by her cruel uncle, who has planned for her to marry one of his two sons. He gave her an ultimatum - she was to make a solitary statement. If what she said was true, she was to marry her elder cousin johans the Vain, however, if what she said was false, she was to marry the younger son Derek the Dismal. What did she say which allowed her to remain a single girl and explain why? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]A paradox maybe? Something like [b]"I am lying."[/b] or [b]"What I am now saying is false."[/b] See, if she was really lying, then what she said was true statement but it contradicts the fact that... Oh shoot. I'm lost. My answer remains. [QUOTE=O-Ushi]4) By adding 1 line, make 10 10 11 into 10:50[/QUOTE] Is it "10 110 11"? Then it will read "10 to 11" or 10:50. Oh, what a lousy answer. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Lovely! I agree with Cyriel. You painted a most vivid imagery with just a few lines! Hmm... I've a suggestion. Since the piece sounds like a song, maybe a more structured poem could work. Not necessarily rhyming words but a strict syllable count for each line at least. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [i]Ano...[/i] "Confessions of a/an [u](insert noun here)[/u]" is pretty overused, don't you think? I tend to overlook titles like this when I browse through fiction. Your title sounds pretty dark for something about a girl, a ghost and a dog. Do post a more detailed description of your project. (I'm looking forward to it!) Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Book Antiqua] [i]Incapacitate the Rider? Nick the dragon under the jaw line. [Sounds simple enough.] Hmm? yes, but? [Come now. Recall what the captive told you.] Well? Dulcet won?t work on the dragons. [And?] And should one of his Riders die by my hands, the Captain?s life? Can he really do that? [Hrmnh? The man knows how to deal with you.] No, no. That?s not it. If those dragons have Riders then they could be tamed. I wonder? [Vanilla, you can?t possibly reason with those dragons.] Yes, but I can hold their Riders under my sway. [You think so? What if you fail? What then?] Caramel, I didn?t say ?I think so?, I said ?I can?.[/i] Around them, everything was still. The eastern sky started to glow, illumined by the morning?s first rays. Caramel sighed. She knew she couldn?t convince her Rider to back out from the flawed plan. Soon they will ride out, give battle to another host of enemy dragons, and come back with a dragon in tow. As she watched Vanilla against the pale sky, an ominous feeling rose in the pit of her stomach. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] ?The signs trouble me. Such restlessness Ravelon has not seen since Razendis was defeated a hundred years ago. Though the Enemy is bound, His will remains unrestrained. It has become the shadow that moves across the land. It seeks Him and wishes for nothing but the hearts of men. You may well have noticed the growing unrest in the land below; this recent turn of events, I take as a sign of his growing power. Thus, before His might is reaches its prime, I enjoin you to rid the land below of this malevolence. Go there at once and meet with the angels of Hell.? [/FOnt][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna][b]Name:[/b] Selphie Tilmitt [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Height:[/b] 5' 1" [b]Weapon:[/b] Nunchaku [b]Birthday:[/b] July 14 [b]Blood:[/b] B [b]Special Attack:[/b] Slot Originally from Trabia Garden, Selphie Tilmitt transferred to Balamb for the SeeD field examination. She was with Squad A during the Dollet examination but ended up completing the mission with Squad C. Only four candidates passed: Zell, Squall, Nida and Selphie. Her cheery disposition and almost limitless energy makes her a very good PR-person! [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Mm! Red! Brings out the color of his eyes! The outline accentuates the mood of the picture (did that make sense?). Very Kacho Oji! Just one thing though: since the picture already has heavy dark lines, try using a light-colored background (e.g. gray) instead of black. Love and PEace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Far north, there is a great hall surrounded by eight clouds that rise up and build an eight-bar fence to keep the hall in. It is from the Hall of the Eight Clouds that the Lord of Light observes Ravenlon. In a balcony overlooking the Northern Sea, Thalion stood conversing with the great lion named Reason. [i]?Can you not feel it, Thalion??[/i] ?The deep blue has become restless. He is astir.? With a wave of his hand, Thalion summoned one of the waiting angels to his side. ?Elendil.? The angel produced a scroll from his sleeve. ?Yes, Lord?? [indent][i]A hundred years has passed since a great alliance was forged between the hosts of Light and Darkness. Fate has been kind enough to guard this covenant of confederates, allowing not enmity to cause estrangement. And now that the time when the Enemy breaks loose is hither, I call upon this pact with hopes that the Alliance shall be renewed. May it be that our greatest ally heeds the call of the Heavenly Host.[/i][/indent] ?See that it reaches the King of Hell.? ?Yes, Lord.? The swift-winged angel dove from the balcony and made his way to the Underworld. ?Elumiel.? Another angel went to his side. ?At your service, my Lord.? She genuflected and waited for her orders. [indent][i]The King bids Heaven's adherents to make haste for the Hall of the Eight Clouds. [/i][/indent] [/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal] [i]Girl who has come from afar, who has been brought from afar Sometimes you give a fleeting look that sparkles under the sky *[/i] Maria looked up at the sky, an expanse of blue so vast that it seemed to contain the sea in the horizon beyond. The sea breeze flowed into the docking ports of Zanzibar, trailing in its fingertips Maria?s ebony hair. [i]Beats the view in Titania by a long shot. Sure wish I brought my camera along.[/i] She wove through the crowd, her head buried in a guidebook. ?Galapagos was declared a UN [i]whatever that is blah blah[/i]? Most of the city?s underwater, the terrestrial part being the prime spot for vacationing visitors.? A sigh escaped from her lips; the guidebook was useless. [i]I?d better ask the locals.[/i] Ten minutes later, Maria entered a gift shop. It housed an amazing number of curios and had everything from fuel cells to funky flip-flops. She approached the clerk and asked for a camera as she watched a brooding figure at the corner of her eye. [b]OOC:[/b] * A lousy translation of a verse from Neruda?s Poeme 11. In need of a Houha to play the part of the "brooding figure". [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Book Antiqua] [b] ?What a mess??[/b] Perched on top of the highest tower were Vanilla and Caramel. The Dragon was curled up, apparently sleeping, while her Rider stood on the edge examining the vicinity. Indeed, the castle was a sight to behold. The grounds reflected the dull grey of pulverized stone in the fading moonlight. Carcasses from the night?s sortie dotted the garden. In a corner convened three Elemental Riders. Before she could observe what was going on, her view was blocked by the massive body of another dragon. ?Lady Vanilla! The captain?s ---? Vanilla waved the Rider off. ?Yes, yes. Tell him to wait.? [b]The Rider lead Vanilla through the maze of ruins.[/b] Two figures were huddled together behind a chunk of ornate ceiling; one Vanilla recognized as the captain and the other, a doctor. She greeted the doctor who nodded in reply. ?You wanted to see me?? ?Where were you?? Nauross snapped. ?I was with the Princess?s captive. Lovely character, that man ---? ?You were guarding an incapacitated prisoner whilst a battle was raging outside?!?? ?Something like that,? the lady Rider replied. ?Just following orders.? ?What kind of imbecile orders something like that?? ?Captain, do keep still.? the doctor interrupted. Clearly, the captain was in a very foul mood. He tried to swat the doctor away but Vanilla held him down. ?Now, love, let the good doctor do his job.? [b]The moon had rolled behind the horizon yet Vanilla remained beside the captain.[/b] Nauross conversed with a few men gathered around him. His voice was a quiet song lulling the lady Rider to sleep. Then the voice stopped; silence woke her up. ?Vanilla.? ?Hrmnh?? ?We?ve a favor to ask of you.? A hush came over the group as they waited for Vanilla?s reply. The lady took her time shaking sleep off before replying. ?Go on.? ?The researchers need a live enemy dragon.? ?That was blunt,? Vanilla muttered. The grim look on the captain?s face told her that he was not in the mood for shooting breezes. She turned to the doctor and asked ?Research? Since when?? ?Since the attacks started.? ?And?? ?Truly amazing. We were able to find some very unusual modifications in their anatomy. To learn the purpose of these variations though, we need a living specimen.? ?Can?t you just, you know, figure that last part out?? ?Ah, if only it were that easy,? the doctor sighed. ?You see my lady, my team ?s having trouble accepting certain implications of these ?unusual characteristics?. For example, these dragons hyperactively secrete GH-releasing hormones, ergo, they [i]may[/i] exhibit incredibly accelerated growth.? ?What?? Nauross shook his head. ?What he means is the enemy may have altered the dragons in ways previous studies have deemed impossible.? ?Thus, the need for a living specimen? I see? If we did capture a live dragon, will you be able to contain it? Surely, you need special restraints to hold the nasty buggers down.? ?Yes, the holding facility is ready.? Vanilla stood up and brushed her pants, muttering ?Oh, my life is [i]so[/i] exciting.? She turned to walk away. The doctor cleared his throat. ?Well, Lady Rider?? ?Alright. We?ll get you your dragon.? [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Line art? You mean you [i]actually[/i] trace your drawing with the Pencil command? *whistle* There's your problem. I suggest you do the art with heavy black pens. Scan, open with Photoshop, convert to Grayscale and fix the Levels until only the white background and black ink art are visible. Quick and easy. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
How is one to dance w/out looking like one's being electrocuted?
Delta replied to klinanime1's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] I attended a school dance dateless (by choice!). I didn't want to leave the dancefloor when a slow ballad came on so I urged my friend to join me weave through the sea of couples in an interpretative/ballet/whatever dance. When the song ended, the Interpretative/Ballet/Whatever School for Slow Dancing had gained 6 disciples. My point is: [b]Go crazy[/b]. I believe only professional dancers should care about dancing well. For us not in the business, all that should matter is how much fun we will have. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Dagger IX1] Anyway--on the manga side of things, CLAMP obviously deserves a mention; I'm not personally a huge fan of their work, but the anime based on CLAMP manga are often [i]very[/i] good. [/QUOTE] The studio that released Cardcaptor Sakura and Yami no Matsuei? Ah, yes. They [i]are[/i] good. They're so good that their version of YnM's Asato Tsuzuki looks way better that the manga-ka Matsushita Yoko's Tsuzuki. Falling cherry blossoms, flowing hair, good-looking men, you name it! They can make it look better. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]