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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] It's the combination of amazing animation and a great story that can make me watch a certain anime. It's pretty hard to decide on what anime to watch if you base it on the art alone; with every anime studios release, the movement of the characters get more fluid and the art, more beautiful. The plot is equally important. It's like the [i]brain[/i] of the anime. Without a good deal of it, the anime degenerates into a rolling film of pretty pictures. A lovely way to waste the studio's money. Love and Peace! :love2: [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] I think Creative Uncut doesn't allow direct linking. It would be better if you just attach the file to your post. Ah well, here it is! Neat enough? XD Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Hmm... You should probably put a counter at the end of each chapter showing how many days left and more beings he has to kill ala Battle Royale. Something like: [indent]Lance Whatsisname, status: Dead 3 murderers left 1 day to go[/indent] Open the story up with the death of the first murderer then insert Nicholas' death as a flashback immediately after. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [b]Name:[/b] Thalion [b]Age:[/b] ?? [b]Agenda:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Heaven Angel [b]Personality and Abilities:[/b] Being the almighty King of Heaven, he could probably obliterate Ravenlon if he felt like it. But he won?t. He?s very indulgent with Humans. Fellow Kings view this as his biggest fault. He is all-wise and faultless, save for the times when his daughter, his [i]other[/i] weakness, has a favor to ask of him. [b]Element:[/b] Light [b]Weapon:[/b] [u]Ruin?s Fate[/u] ? Legend has it that a powerful monster is sealed within this ranseur. It was crafted by Thalion himself and hangs in the sky as the constellation Ruine. [b]Appearance and Bio:[/b] [i]?Ere odes of old were ever sung, the Lord of Light commands Eternal Blue that was the sky, the Heaven with His hands Whose robes shone with the brightest day and hair of moonless nights Who sits upon a golden throne with Reason on His right Of old they sang of Ever-white, the star upon his brow From which was wrought both Sun and Moon and Light of land below And all was good in Ravenlon with Light evermore nigh His host of stars forever set upon the raven sky Yet in His lofty halls resides the brightest of them all His daughter-fair, His Desery, the dearest to his soul They sang of chains, of chains of gold that bound Him to the sky Lest Heaven split, He must not leave, ?til ever-years pass by And from His lofty halls He watched the mortal?s Ravenlon All these they sang of Heaven?s King, the mighty Thalion[/i] [b]OOC:[/b] I'm not much of a poet, am I? Thought it befitting for my character to have a sonnet for a signup. PM me, Heero, if there's something wrong with my signup. Love and Peace! [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1] [b]Project Name:[/b] Project Houha-5 [b]Name:[/b] Maria Luisa Lago [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] The first thing one notices with Maria is that the irises of her eyes are of different colors: the right one?s ocean blue and the other is grey. They strike such a startling contrast with her black hair that those who see her will immediately think that she?s not normal. So as to not attract too much attention, she wears a patch over her grey eye. She?s always in white; her favorite ensemble being a white sleeveless top and white leather pants. [b]Transformed Appearance:[/b] Hmmm? nothing special. She just grows feathered wings on her back. [b]Personality:[/b] Swigs alcohol for water. The girl drinks a lot of liquor even though she?s still a minor in some parts of the world. What the heck; if you don?t get drunk then you won?t get into trouble. Thanks to the super-efficient artificial enzymes that immediately break alcohol down, she can drink all day and still stay sober! She compensates for this inability to get drunk by putting on a cheerful, bouncy (and sometimes annoying) character. [b]Home Colony:[/b] Spain Zero [b]Battle Specialty:[/b] Long Range [b]Weapons: [/b] [u]Sagittarius[/u] ? As the name suggests, this is a range weapon. It looks like an obsolete flintlock pistol. Custom-made to fit her hand perfectly, this baby could synchronize with her whole body to fire off that perfect shot. [u]Aquarius[/u] ? A pair of silver bracelets. On each band is a solitary blue gem believed to increase water?s affinity to her. Properties still unknown. [u]Ophiuchus[/u] ? the bastard of Sagittarius and Aquarius. Only with this weapon can she use Water Decends and Winterfall. [b]Physical Ability:[/b] Top speed: 85 mph Max Arm Strength: 2.5 tons Max Leg Strength: 2 tons [b]Special Abilities: [/b] [u]Accuracy Up[/u] [u]Speed Up[/u] [u]Water Descends[/u] (cloud activity manipulation) [u]Winterfall[/u] (a variation of Water Descends. Crystallized water manipulation) [u]Angelic Transformation[/u] [b]Spirit Partner:[/b] Hyogahouha [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [i]Intercom on.[/i] "We'll be arriving at Babuga shortly. All crew members prepare for docking...erhm... Wedge! Come here! NOW!" "Beatrice, don't shout in the intercom." [i]Intercom off.[/i] "What's up with Wedge? I've been calling him for ages!" "Didn't you know? Wedge left." "I kno---HE WHAT?!?" "He's probably in a pub looking for a job that will get him far, far away from you." "That Wedge!" Ah, Babuga. The only place for miles around with a proper docking area. It was because of this that Beatrice liked this city very much. [i]Only a nitwit gets lost in Babuga.[/i] Through the numerous creatures in its crowded streets, Beatrice trudged her way to the pub. Wedge?s disappearance meant that she had to find another character to replace him. She?ll have to hire someone [i]from the pub.[/i] And she wasn?t crazy about Babuga?s pub either. [i]Wait ?til I get my hands on him. I?ll skin that twit ali?[/i] The Pub?s swinging doors flew open and hit her squarely in the chest. A girl from the other side of the doors jumped in surprise. ?I?m sorry! I really am.? She started a continuous chain of bows that showed no sign of stopping. Looking around, Beatrice saw a piece of paper lying on the ground. She picked it up and examined it. ?Hmm? Is this yours?? she asked. She handed the map back to the girl. The girl stopped bowing and nodded briefly in reply. The Viera?s eyes narrowed. ?Are you planning to follow that map?? ?Oh, yes. I?m heading for Aisenfield.? ?Tell you what, um?? ?Meiko.? the girl answered helpfully. ?Meiko. I really hope that you didn?t pay for that [i]thing [/i]?cause it looks to me that you?ve been fiddled.? ?What? What do you mean?? ?See this?? Beatrice pointed at the squiggle of lines near the bottom right part of the map. ?It says ?ESTHAR?. Now, now. Esthar is nowhere in Ivalice.? ?Really?? The Viera nodded. ?Surely, you were looking for a job? Well, how would you like to be a part of Highwind 21?s crew?? [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [b]Name:[/b] Jill Valentine [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Occupation:[/b] S.T.A.R.S. member, resigned (1998) [b]Starting Weapon:[/b] M92 F S.T.A.R.S. Special, nickname: ?Samurai Edge? Made by Robert Kendo of Kendo Gun Shop. [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment (courtesy of [url]http://www.angelfire.com/games4/theresidentevil/Resident_evilR_ss.html[/url]) [b]Mutagen:[/b] Not infected with the DR-strain. It seems that she developed an immunity to Umbrella's viruses since taking the vaccine Carlos synthesized in 1998. [b]Biography:[/b] My name is Jill Valentine. I was once a S.T.A.R.S. member like Barry and Chris. RPD-S.T.A.R.S? Alpha and Bravo Team. We were the best. In the 24th of July 1998, we were sent to Spencer Mansion in the Arclay Mountains. Bravo went in first; Alpha would only go in for support. One by one, we lost contact with all the Bravo Team members: Captain Marini, Kevin, Sullivan, Forest, Richard and the rookie Rebecca. Albert Wesker the Alpha team leader, [i]our[/i] leader, ordered a search and rescue for Team Bravo. But we were too late. In Spencer Mansion, Richard died. So did Forest, Sullivan and Kevin. Even Marini died. Only Rebecca was spared. And Wesker left. There, we disintegrated. ...A month later, Chris showed me a file that mentioned a virus research project simply named ?G?. ?The nightmare still continues,? he said. ?It?s not over yet.? He and Barry were leaving for Paris in a day?s time to investigate. Would I go with them? I declined his offer and instead volunteered to stay behind and look into the connections between RPD and Umbrella Corporation. There was no concrete evidence, no lead nor witness. None of the other RPD officers believed me. They said I was distraught with the recent loss of my colleagues, that I was on the downward spiral of ruin. So I resigned from RPD. But then, ?they? attacked. [i]September 28th, daylight The monsters have overrun the city. Somehow, I?m still alive...[/i] I escaped the city on October 1st with a UBCS member named Carlos. Shortly after, a nuclear bomb wasted the city and the surrounding forests, decimating the Arclay mansion and the vile creatures within it. The threat was gone. Raccoon City was gone. And all was well. Paris, November 1998. I headed for one of the main laboratories of Umbrella Corporation. When I got there, the place was already deserted. No sign of Chris or Barry. Where could they be? For a year and a half, I followed a number of leads. Everyday, I become more aware of Umbrella?s clandestine connections with different military organizations. Their bio-warfare research was extensive and their aim was to create the ultimate bio-weapon: Nosferatu, Tyrant, Nemesis... and now Project G. [i]July 15 An interesting lead to the whereabouts of Chris! I found a file addressed to a Dr. Robert Golian from the Umbrella Redwood facility: [indent]??Indeed, the creation of these γ-Hunters is another major landmark in our bio-weapon research. Consider Project G a success.?[/indent] To Redwood, then. I?ll find them there. That?s when my real battle begins?[/i] [b]OOC:[/b] PM me if I need to change anything or if the post's not good enough. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Book Antiqua] In the din of the captive?s screams, Vanilla closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. She was thinking of something very important (probably composing another song in her head) but the sight of Valo beating the daylights out of the Zerverian commander was disturbing her line of thought. Vanilla sighed deeply and clucked her tongue. "Love, stay your weapon. His relentless bawling might wake Kai up." Valo turned towards the prince. Without taking his eyes off Kai, he cracked the captive?s shinbone. It set off another thunderous howl from the captive; still the prince did not respond. ?Well I guess he won?t wake up.? ?How barbaric.? ?Ah, then have you taken a liking to this bastard?? ?Are you jealous, my dove?? ?No. I?m doing my job.? ?Do it properly then. My knight, all you?ll get from him with [i]your[/i] method are sore arms and a bloody heap.? One of Vanilla's eyebrows was raised, goading Valo to rejoin. OOC: PM me if you find anything wrong this post. Love and Peace! [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Ah, yes. It is a Viera. Based it on numerous sketches of FF12's Fran. Yunsung's RPG is called "Final Fantasy: Eternal Dreams". I think the sign-up's still open. Thanks for your comment! Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] [quote name='satan665']So this is in a way what we all have wanted, a FF7 game based off a cool character from the series. He's got guns and can turn into monsters so that if done right are cool gameplay options.[/quote] Now that you've mentioned it, how will they incorporate that ability into the game? Will it be like Rue's in Threads of Fate/Dew Prism or Dante's Devil Trigger? Or will they come up with some totally innovative system? Is that screenshot of Cait Sith for real? What a teaser! Love and Peace! :love2: [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Hmm... the Stand Alone Complex was somehow related to the movie. [spoiler]The Puppet Master arc was concluded in the last parts of the series. I remember Motoko saying something about "the Puppet Master incident 6 years ago". Funny thing is, GITS:SAC was released in 2002, exactly 6 years after the 1996 movie was released![/spoiler] On the basis of screenshots posted practically [i]everywhere[/i] (37,100 results from Google!), I say it's a lovely piece of eye candy. Animation-wise, it looks very much like SAC. I wonder, is the broken cyborg on the poster Motoko? Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Hey, hey! It's a Viera! Something I came up with after signing up for Yunsung's RP. It's kind of rushed so the ears may look a bit off. XD Suggestions? Raves? Constructive criticisms? Go on, tell me what you think of it! Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] Are you serious? You've never heard of Hikki's "First Love"? Ah well. Look it up then. (Is this spam? Then I've another song for you, noelmvilla: L'Arc-en-Ciel's "Jiyu e no Shotai". Watch the video. And I've to warn you: stay away from the boy band Arashi) Love and Peace! :love2: [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] My, my. What an abominable old lady! Hire a cleaning lady for her. Well, that's what I would do. Perhaps your husband would like that, too. The idea sounds thoughtful! Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Would you ever date someone that your best friend dated?
Delta replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] Most probably. I mean, it's just a date, right? Nothing serious about it. XD It happened once and my friend didn't get jealous. Finally, someone to take that obnoxious jerk away from me, she said. I ended up hating the guy rather than loving him. Ah, well. Love and Peace! :love2: [/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][Size=1] A note though: If you're going to listen anything by Boa, "Duvet" is the way to go. It's from the British band Boa, not "Atlantic Princess" Boa. AP Boa can't sing that well in English. XD You might have heard of "Automatic" (It's automatic, dakishimerareru to...). That's from Utada Hikaru too. "First Love" is a very sweet song. Heard it ruled the Japanese hit charts for months! (it's just a rumor though) Love and Peace! :love2: [/Size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua] [b]Name:[/b] Beatrice Silvermoon [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Viera [b]Appearance:[/b] White-haired and clad in a revealing black armor, thus the nickname Silvermoon. (think Fran from FF12) [b]Starting Class:[/b] Fencer [b]Starting Weapon:[/b] Joyeuse (rapier type) [b]Starting Abilities:[/b] A-Abilities: Swarmstrike, Nighthawk S-Ability: Shieldbearer R-Ability: Reflex [b]Bio:[/b] (will edit this in the near future) Beatrice is a condescending lover of beautiful things so naturally, she holds an unfounded pet hate against those from the race of Bangaa. Engineer Cid hired her to pilot the Highwind XXI and has been the crew?s resident egghead ever since. Extremely skilled in navigation and map reading, this dexterous Viera has steered the ship away from storms, freak gales and the occasional anti-aircraft fire. With Beatrice and Cid onboard, it?s smooth sailing all the way for the Highwind XXI! [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Book Antiqua] Lovely! I'm signing up for the role of a male vampire, if that doesn't bother you. :D [COLOR=DarkGreen] [b]Name:[/b] Vega Monochrome [b]Age:[/b] 98 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Character:[/b] Vampire [b]Appearance and Bio:[/b] On the seventh day of the seventh month ninety-nine years ago, a baby boy was born into the Monochrome clan. They named him Vega for his eyes were grey and shone like the Shepherd Star. His hair seemed to be wrought from fine filaments the firmament from which the stars are hung. The boy Vega arrived at New Napier to set up a coffee shop at the corner of Fourth Avenue. One particularly dreary night on the twenty-fourth year of his life, he got into a heated argument with one of his customers. It was already closing time yet the patron refused to leave. No one saw the customer sink his teeth into Vega?s neck. Since then, the Fourth Avenue Cafe opened only at night and started harboring beings of questionable character and drunkards out of liquor money. [b]Hobbies:[/b] ?Hmm?hobbies? I?ve a fetish for poisons and good coffee. Not that I drink both. I?ve always preferred fresh blood over pretty much anything.? [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Book Antiqua] For a long time, only the sound of tapping fingers echoed in the room. The captive felt her eyes boring straight through him yet all that he could see on her face was a dreamy smile. ?Such a lovely expression?? Vanilla gushed. ?A vixen with a flute! I think I?m falling for you.? ?Heh. Never was a woman this loose and devious... Perhaps if I handed you a dagger, you?d slit my throat at once." ?And ruin your beautiful neck? My nameless knight, I can think of a myriad of things to slit with that dagger but your throat is not one of them? your clothes, maybe?? Vanilla laughed riotously. A dragon whisker twitched. [i][The woman's an absolute lunatic! What were the Riders thinking?][/i] ?I wonder how long you can keep this charade up. Go away. I tire of your prattle.? ?Can?t leave you yet, love. The battle outside?s not over yet,? the lady Rider replied. ?And besides, I like watching beautiful men sleep.? [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Hey, don't think that you are the one making things difficult! For all we know, things have already taken a turn for the worse and you were the only one who noticed it. Doesn't it make you feel insightful? Be positive when you feel positive and be downbeat if otherwise. Maybe if you stay true to your feelings, people will understand you more and will give you that coveted shoulder-to-cry-on! (A lovely example is this thread. See, someone posted!) Tell Will and Shane whatever it is you want to tell them (except, of course, the part where you want them in bed :D). Whatever their replies may be, you'll feel much better after! Hoom hmm... how uncharacteristic of me to give advice! Ah well. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Ah love, those who appear in the signatures of noobs and members alike are not really what I'd call "friends". They're more like...let' see... family members (thus, the OB family!). Some you know very well and some you see only at Christmas. A fewer still you're not on speaking terms with. Yeah, friends are nice things to have. Especially if they come in neat packages like...me. Ohohohoho! Sure, I'll be your friend! Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Please help me solve my problems,I am much too dim.
Delta replied to chobit's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Hmm... Your problem lies with J. She/He/[b]IT[/b] hates everyone but you. Don't worry about what your friends think of your boyfriend; that's not the problem. Talk to J and if IT doesn't want to make friends with A and accept your boyfriend, leave IT. Replace J in your circle of friends with your boyfriend. You don't need problem-makers like IT. I may be cruel but I'm deadly serious. Love and peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed] Amazing! A Vincent Valentine game! Finally, a move that'll pick up the loose plot thread that is Vincent. As Zidargh said, Vincent Valentine is easily one of the most interesting characters in the Final Fantasy series. Hoom hmm... maybe they thought that Vincent won't be as popular as Cloud so they didn't give him a lot of exposure in the game. It's an interesting move by Squenix to attach an action title to the Final Fantasy name. I hope they don't abandon the project. [u]Sage[/u]: There is a game where Tifa could [i]actually[/i] tussle with Cloud, Sephiroth and Vincent. It's a fighting game called Ehrgeiz (1998). [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Wah! It's Mousse! It's even prettier than what I see in the animated series! Your style reminds me of [i]Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure[/i] with the narrow eyes and the well-defined clean black lines. Great job in coloring his skin. It's so Saiyuki! The the outline is very even; I like that. And that lovely pose! *swoon* Just one thing though: Maybe you could darken the top piece of his hair, that way his bangs could blend in. As for the title of this thread: You can draw (really well!) Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed] Hmmm... Maaya Sakamoto's [b]Mameshiba[/b]. (which was used in Earth Girl Arjuna) I sooo love her voice! The song never fails to give me a sugar high. The arrangement's light so even the acoustic version of the song sounds good. (and I like the lyrics too) A friend told me that [i]mameshiba[/i] is actually a breed of toy dogs! I listened to the song and realized that the title (sort of) fits. [/COLOR]