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[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Book Antiqua] [b]?Ah, love. Widows, you say... Have you seen me kill anyone from your ranks??[/b] Zeddrick opened an eye. The angry look from Vanilla?s face had yielded to a softer, more gentle expression. ??Be not so swift in dealing out death as punishment for many of the dead deserve to live and many who live deserve Death.? I cannot grant life and so I refuse to kill anyone.? ?Are not your hands stained with the blood of those you?ve tricked to their deaths?? the captive rejoined. Vanilla?s silver hair glinted in the candlelight as she shook her head. ?It wasn?t my hand that guided the spear or wielded the sword that took their lives. I choose to battle with only a flute, love, and nothing more.? His lips curved into a smile. This must be where her weakness lies, Zeddrick thought. ??And so they sent you to guard a debilitated captive. Don?t you feel? [i]useless[/i]?? With his mordant smirk, he aimed to effect a silent derision to the lady Rider. Still he saw her eyes twinkle through the gloom between them. Her face wasdevoid of emotion and he wondered whether this apparent nonchalance was a form of defiance against his mind games. At last, Vanilla?s lips broke into a smile, ?On the contrary, I find this arrangement most agreeable. Go to sleep, my raven-haired knight. Allay your thoughts, love.? Then Dulcet sang to the captive a honeyed lullaby laden with the finest notes of a repetitive hum. Zeddrick?s consciousness gave and he fell into a serene slumber. [/FONT][/COLOR]
Sign Up La Guerre de Sang Part One: The Underground [[M-V]
Delta replied to mononoke_man's topic in Theater
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed] [B]Name:[/B] Altair Adroit [B]Age:[/B] 203 [B]Description and Bio:[/B] On the seventh day of the seventh month two hundred and three years ago, a beautiful baby girl was born into the Adroit clan. And so they named her Altair for her eyes were grey and shone like the Weaver Star. Her hair were fine filaments of polished ebony, the color of the firmament from which the stars are hung. She grew up to become a very bright woman, brighter perhaps than most of her kin. At age 16, she mastered compounding herbs and venoms and has since then formulated numerous poisons and antidotes. Seven years later, she finished the blueprints for the castle?s defense system. It delighted the elders so that they ordered for its immediate implementation. Because of this, she was allowed to become a vampire through a blood ritual with her immortal kinsmen. Against numerous attacks from the other clans, Adroit castle proved impenetrable and stood as a testimony of Altair?s skill in engineering. [B]Clan:[/B] Adroit [B]Weapon:[/B] A flintlock pistol named Vega that she made out of twice treated ebony and wrought platinum. The grip is bound by two obsidian plates, one of which bears the inscription: [CENTER]?May Death come sweet for those doomed to die.?[/CENTER] [/COLOR][/FONT] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Dearest, I need not imagine that I like Porno Graffiti. I've long considered the group a craving since I first had a taste of them in "Melissa". Sadly, I haven't the resources to fund my addiction. I bought the Full Metal Alchemist soundtrack and found (or heard) a glut of songs like "Melissa". L'Arc-en Ciel's "Ready Steady Go" and "Undo"by Cool Joke are but two of them. I'm thinking you like songs similar to "1/3 no Junjou na Kanjou" of Rurouni Kenshin so how about songs from Pierrot? Glay? The Hong Kong Knife? ZONE? Hope that helped. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][Size=1] Asato Tsuzuki and Kazutaka Muraki from Yami no Matsuei both wear trenchcoats. (Do lab coats count? Yutaka Watari from the same series wears one.) Aoshi Shinomori wore a trenchcoat-like thing during the Kyoto arc of Rurouni Kenshin. Maria Tachibana of Sakura Taisen did too. Hoom hmm... You know what I think? Trenchcoats make the character look more archetypal. I mean, a lot of characters who do wear them have dark histories. It acts like a modern suit of mail and makes them look more enigmatic so you would follow the series to learn more about the characters. Only old sayings become clichés. Trenchcoats are stylish. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed] GetBacker's Dr. Jackal has got some very unique weapons. He has these glowing scalpel-thingies that just pop out from his skin! There's another version of this weapon: a red flame saber (quite different from from Shishio's) that he uses in the later episodes. Now there's another character who'll pass through airport security unhindered. :D [/COLOR]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkGreen] Having the best brew in town made The Prancing Pony the rowdiest tavern around. Nightly were drinking contests and arm-wrestling matches held, most of which ended in short-lived brawls. Inside, Vanilla sat in the company of her fellow patrons and was swigging her way through the first drinking contest of the night. One by one the contenders fell into a drunken stupor around and by the 17th shot, only the lady Rider remained. ?I thank you boys for that lovely game,? she said as she collected a gold piece each from their hand. ?Nice doing business with you.? She left the pub, swung onto the back of a waiting black steed, and galloped away. Vanilla arrived at the castle grounds with the faint sweet stink of wine trailing behind her. The horse halted at the arched entrance and was led away to the stables by a knight. Half an hour later, she was dressed for the ball? well, sort of. [i][Have you nothing else to wear?] Oh come on. It?s very tasteful isn?t it? [Ah, yes. Very tasteful indeed if you were going off to battle.] Hah, a lovely surprise that would be. [Where?s your knight?] Over there, talking to Brielle. [Yes, I can see that. The Captain, where is he?][/i] ?The ball started an hour ago.? said a voice from behind her. She turned around and found herself face to face with Nauross. The Captain bowed deeply. The woman before him was in an ensemble unlike the other lady guests? dresses. Her silver hair was set into a long braid down her back. Instead of a dress, she wore white riding pants paired with a dark blue top. She had no accessories nor adornments on her save for brown leather boots and the gloves he gave her. He smiled at the sight of this light item and offered his arm to her. ?Riding off to battle, lady Rider?? ?No, I dressed to match your attire.? she replied with a grin. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkRed] Do look up Full Metal Alchemist if you're into songs with, um, happy beats (like me!). Think [i]1/3 no Junjou na Kanjou[/i] from Ruruoni Kenshin. I especially like [i]Melissa[/i] by Porno Graffiti and [i]Ready Steady Go[/i] by L'Arc-en-Ciel It's been months since I first heard Gackt's "Tsuki no Uta" from Texhnolyze yet I never grow tired of hearing it. It starts with a lone acoustic guitar and as the song progresses, other string instruments join in. The song starts and ends quietly, most deserving of its title which translates to [i]moon ballad/song[/i]. [/COLOR]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkGreen] [B]A silver streak raced across the fields of Celebrynn and closely followed by a red blur.[/B] ?Vanilla! Let me lead! You?re going too far west!? Nauross shouted through the whistling wind. Sensing that Vanilla couldn?t hear her fellow Rider (she was busy shouting curses at the Riders who were leagues ahead of them.), Caramel let Flamberge pass them. Countless hours spent in silence passed; the highwinds made communication between the two Riders impossible. Only when Flamberge squealed at midnight did the Company slow down. Vanilla chucked a loaf of bread at Nauross. ?Where are they?? ?Hmm? The princess said that they were heading for this region.? ?Don?t tell me we?re lost.? ?I know these lands and assure you that we aren?t. Yet we must abandon the search until later. Not far from here is the River Anduin; let us alight on its banks." The knight patted his dragon. "I?m afraid Flamberge is not as hardy as your dragon.? [B]The light of the moon went out as a thick cloud rolled across the sky.[/B] Lightning flashed ahead and a low rumble followed shortly after. The dragons swooped low and landed near the watercourse. While the dragons drank from Anduin, their Riders were busy examining a piece of cloth they picked up at the river?s edge. ?One of the Riders must have been here,? Vanilla concluded. ?It?s a cloak from Celebrynn--- What are you doing?? she asked as she raised a well-shaped eyebrow at her companion. Nauross was bent to the ground and was running a handful of dirt in his fist. ?Have you fallen in love with dirt?? ?Tracks. That Rider must have been hauling something heavy into the woods.? He pointed at the marks on the soft mud. There was a channel-like depression that lead away from the river. Flanking it were footprints that dug deep into the earth. ?Come.? Vesta, Nauross? sword, flashed as it hacked through the thickets. Vanilla was close behind, swatting the pelting branches Vesta cast (and because of this, the knight scolded her: ?The gloves I gave you are not for swatting branches.?). They stopped only to check the tracks. A quarter of an hour into the woods, they caught sight of a dark figure trudging on the narrow forest path. Nauross called out to it: ?Rider!? The figure stopped moving. Its features were briefly illuminated by lightning that streaked across the sky. Vanilla made her way towards the Rider. Nauross tightened his grip on Vesta and followed her. Vanilla's eyes narrowed. ?Heero?? ?None other.? With a sigh, Heero?s knees yielded and he lost his grip on his burden. Nauross knelt beside him and assessed his wounds. ?You must be Nauross.? ?Well met, Rider.? the knight replied. He tore of a piece of his cloak and wrapped it around the largest gash. Vanilla, meanwhile, was poking the bundle the Rider had dragged into the forest. ?What?s this?? she asked. ?That... that is Branit. He is needed alive by Valo so quit poking him--? At this point, the bundle stirred. A groan escaped from it and Heero promptly replied with a heel on Brandit?s face. [B]The three Riders went back to the riverbank.[/B] Vanilla assisted Heero in walking and was bugging him with questions about his date with Brielle. Nauross followed, carrying the bundle on one of his shoulders. With Heero as their guide, the company (and the bundle) made their way towards the rest of Riders. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Not to mention the occasional anime episode based on "A Midsummernight's Dream" (Ah! Megami-sama) and "Cinderella" (Sakura Taisen). "Alice in Wonderland" and "Romeo and Juliet" was adapted for 2 story arcs in Count Cain. A Canterbury Tales-based manga would be very nice! Love and Peace! :love2: [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]As always, I recommend you read the manga first before you watch the animated series. GetBackers does get a bit ecchi in some places, especially when Hev'n (or Heaven?) enters the scene. There are also a lot of odd pair-ups among the characters (including the questionable infatuation of Dr, Jackal over Ginji). The manga art is cute. The characters look younger in the manga than in the anime. (They look so young that sometimes Ginji looks like a girl with very short hair!) [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] I've a Cait Sith keychain... sans the pink Cat Mascot. The mascot's too heavy so I detached it. [quote name='wiccansamurai']I'm currently keyless, so it's pretty dumb to have a actual keychain thing going on.[/quote] You can attach it to the zippers on your bag, like I do. :D I once made a Tonberry keychain from a figurine I bought but his lamp broke off! Now it's too fragile to carry around. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] Hmm... I wonder if Shugo's [b]Twilight Bracelet[/b] is considered a weapon. You know, the one from .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet? Though it's useless (and not to mention [i]virtual[/i]) in the "real" world, it's practically invincible in The World. It kills most of the monsters and even other players get affected by it! One sword stands out in the whole Rurouni Kenshin series: Shishio's [b]Homura-dama[/b]. The steel's re-tempered everytime Shishio sets it ablaze and it feeds on the oil of its victims (eeew...) to stay as sharp as it was the day it was made. It fits Shishio perfectly! Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Anime Ending that makes you want to strangle the director
Delta replied to Okita's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed] Ah, Neon Genesis Evangelion. I was really hoping that they'd kill Shinji so that the series could advance and focus on more interesting people like Rei Ayanami. Dying would be a very archetypal end for a character like Shinji. [SPOILER]Maybe that's why they ended the series in another way: they gave the character's internal conflict a resolution then ended the series.[/SPOILER] Ah well. At least it was a happy ending. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]It's a very nice anime. I think the same people who drew GateKeepers made Vandread. At first it seems as if it doesn't follow a definite plot but it develops later on in the series (more so in the Second Stage. There's even a rumor about the existence of a Third Stage). Every episode's different from the others; some are funny and doesn't contribute much to the whole story, and some are vital but are presented in an entertaining way. You should watch [Spoiler]"What a Wonderful World" (episode 6, I think). Meia's history is narrated around the song by Louis Armstrong of the same title.[/spoiler] Buy this anime. It's worth it. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] [QUOTE]And it seems like he's still playing Neo. Some dude even said it looks like Matrix 4 with Christian metaphysics...[/QUOTE] I totally agree! It's as if the trailer was edited by the same persons who worked on the Matrix Trilogy. Are the producers are cashing in on his "Neo" image? Hrmm... probably, but that didn't work for Viggo Mortensen's [I]Hidalgo[/I] now, did it? [QUOTE]I also think he's too good looking to portray a "bastard".[/QUOTE] Hmm... yes. Though he was able to portray a hacker dead to the social world, I think his "bastard" look is tad too nice and well-groomed. Love and Peace!:love2: (Good bye, New Member status!) [/COLOR][/SIZE]
Writing What Flows With It (Writing & Reading Fanfiction)
Delta replied to asian_tofu's topic in Creative Works
[quote name='Blade911']There are the cliché ideas that are used over again and again with almost no variations, and the annoying use of random Japanese words (especially when the meanings aren?t correct) when the author does it often. [/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]You mean clichés like [I]"..And he woke up and realized that it was only a dream"[/I]? (which, I think, is a trite excuse for a lousy plot) Fanfics written in English get even weirder when characters like Count Cain start saying "Baka!" or "Hidoi!" That's neo-Victorian era for you. Ah well. Maybe their use is an allusion to the anime's/manga's Japanese origin. Forgive them obsessive, hyperactive fans. Love and Peace! :love2: [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1] They say that a long long time ago, people weren't baptized into Christianity until they were old enough to know what it's actually about! I think the practice started in the Dark Ages, when children died at infancy and people thought that those who die unbaptized will not go to Heaven. We should really thank them people from the Dark Ages for screwing up Christianism. :D Just don't do anything rash because she might think that your recent deviation from her rules has caused your attitude to turn foul. Tell her, or better yet, [i]show[/i] her that you're still the same old you, only happier and wiser. I believe religion is just a guide towards the attainment of spiritual bliss. Never mind if you have chosen a different guide, what realy counts is the strength of your faith. Love and Peace! :love2: (did I make sense? o_O) [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkGreen] Meanwhile, some of the Riders who stayed behind and were still able did a last sweep of the capital. Enemy Riders caught were imprisoned and the fallen dragons were hauled off. Amid the trudging gray-clad Riders who lead their dragons-turned-beasts-of-burden, emerald silk shone in the midday sun. ?I must soak this dress really soon,? sighed Vanilla. ?Dried blood doesn?t look good on green.? ?Yet it [i]does[/i] catch the attention of men,? said Caramel, who was dragging a dragon attached to her tail. ?Here comes one now.? The defense?s company commander jogged towards the pair followed by a majestic red dragon. She heard Caramel gasp behind her. ?That? that is Flamberge.? ?Huh? Who?? Vanilla and her dragon stopped; the commander and his dragon have blocked their way. ?Good day, Vanilla.? greeted the commander. ?Hmm, yes. Lovely day, isn?t it? Now that you?re here?? A naughty grin spread across her face. After clearing his throat, the commander handed her a package wrapped in brown paper and red twine. ?I understand that women need to be given gifts before they are asked out.? ?What?? ?I wish to see you tonight.? For a longish time, Vanilla stood staring at the package, dumbstruck. [i]A man this brazen? Could it be? [You may finally met your match.] Caramel! My heart flutters so! [Do not get any ideas, Vanilla? There is still the possibility that he just wants to see you for business.] Hmm? but still? *giggle*[/i] When Vanilla finally regained her composure, she straightened her face and acted blasé towards the commander. ?Sure.? :love2: [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1] Yes, I agree. Cool Water is a nice scent. It may sound strange but I love the smell of women's cologne (not perfume!) on my boyfriend. :love2: [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] It's just a nod to anime, really, not a [i]tribute[/i] or anything. Yeah, but it's amazing how Tarantino was able to mix all those genres (including anime!) into one film! :love2: [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I sooo love [B]Seymour[/B] from FFX! Don't you think he's cute? And he's got this adorable bedroom voice! No, seriously, I love him. He's pretty-- ie, scratch that... he's so darn strong! He cares a lot for his people (in a twisted sort of way) and he's got this amazing aura around him. It's as if things around him eagerly bend themselves to his will. which makes me wonder why Yuna, Rikku and Lulu doesn't swoon when he's near. Hmm... maybe it's because of his webbed hands. Don't hate him. He's not evil; he's just twisted. The boys of FFX-2 (Gippal, Noojie-Woojie and Baralai) are noteworthy too! They make great leaders plus they look [i]really, really, really[/i] nice! [/COLOR]
[FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DarkRed] Hey, do I get Bandit #5's part? I'll update my bio [i]really[/i] soon because I find it a bit lacking... don't you? :love2: [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]The streets of Celebrynn were deserted by the time the first war trumpet blared.[/B] Hovering above the castle were a few Dragon Riders who stayed behind. Vanilla squinted her eyes against the morning sun. The horizon was darkening with the approach of the deformed dragons. She sighed. [I]I told you so.[/I] The Riders stirred and straightened up as the orders were called yet their faces were marked with anxiety. ?Do not give battle!? ?Hold them off until the others come back!? ?Ready the archers!? The misshapen dragons were quickly closing the gap between them and the capital. Caramel swept her tail impatiently as she fixed her eyes on the defense?s company commander. [I]He?s cute, isn?t he? [SH!][/I] He nodded. At once, the silver dragon roared. The ground shook. Mighty gales swept around the capital and formed a swirling barrier around it. Most of the dragons were unable to breach the barrier and drew back but a few exceptionally misshapen dragons managed to break through. Bowstrings sang but the arrows bounced harmlessly off the dragon hides. A shrill melody resonated through the ranks. The deformed dragons came to a halt; Dulcet?s melody had taken effect. The incapacitated dragons started smiling idiotically while swaying their tails to the music. Archers and spearmen flew in and targeted the dragons? undersides. Dragon blood spilled onto the streets of Celebrynn. Yet as the slaughter went on, the defense barrier got weaker. Those who hovered above the castle advanced and joined the mêlée as more dragons broke through. [I]You may rest, you know. They can handle this. [Do not worry about me; I am not yet weary. Just saving my strength.] [/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]?I?ll have to disagree.?[/B] Vanilla walked up to the crowd forming around the injured Rider. ?Then what do you propose we do?? ?If in doubt, never send the whole force out at once. As they say, ?a set trap is injurious only to the prey who takes the bait.? I think we should call for the evacuation of the outer towns instead. Get them in a smaller, more manageable area near the capital. Then we send the swiftest scouts to bring us news from the borders. [I]Defense[/I], loves. We must not fight in skirmishes we can avoid. But do not take my word for it. Zerveria?s king is witless but its generals are wily. Our leader should have the final say.? [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkGreen]Suddenly, a large shadow swept across the garden. Some of the Riders resting there seized their weapons and looked up. A brown figure alighted near the princess and faced the Riders. A merry voice called out from beneath the damp cloak: "Tadah! I'm here!" Vanilla cast her russet cape off and looked around. ?And a good morning to you too!? She bowed at the Riders and the spears and broadswords pointed at her were lowered. When she caught sight of Brielle and her brother near the entrance to the castle, she smiled and bowed deeply. Vanilla walked up to Brielle and clasped the princess? hands. ?Thanks for your help yesterday,? she said. The princess felt a cold object slip into her hands. Vanilla winked at her and smiled. ?A token of my friendship.? And she walked away before the princess could even reply. Kai looked over her sister?s shoulder. ?What is it?? The princess opened her hands and held the item up. It was a small leaf-shaped pendant fashioned from gold and set with flashing emeralds that reflected the sunbeams as warm green light. [/COLOR][/FONT]