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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#656446][size=1]Now before you click the link below, understand that my submission falls well into the 13+ viewing category in [i]my[/i] area, at least. The presentation of the subject is legit, as ads done in a similar style with similar subjects do appear in major dailies and teen magazines.[/size] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Untitled-1-1.png]Spica 2[/URL] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#656446]^ Not really. Whoever finishes first decides the theme. The numbers are just for us to know whether one's claiming the left (1) or the right (2) half of the worm. I'll be putting up my piece in an hour. Please wait for it.[/COLOR] :animeswea
  3. [COLOR=#656446]You, 2007DigitalBoy, are my type of character. [b]1. Do You Eat Lunch? If so, how do you usually procure it?[/b] Yes, I do eat lunch. Lunch has been the first meal of the day ever since I traded breakfast for more sleep a few months ago. That's why I never skip it. At 9:30 AM sharp, me and my mates start talking about where we'll be taking lunch 2 hour from thence, and thinking about that gets me through laboratory classes. When school's out and I don't feel like eating whatever our help plans to cook for lunch, I drag my brother to the mall and eat there. [b]2. What did you eat for lunch today?[/b] Fried noodles, fried fish in coconut milk, pork spring roll (more pork than "spring", I guess) and of course the ubiquitous rice. First time I pigged out in weeks and I absolutely loved it. [b]3. Do you plan ahead for lunch on further days?[/b] I used to when I was in college. There are a lot of cafeterias and restaurants on and near the campus so I really had to think about what and where I wanted to eat to make most of my 90-minute lunchbreak. [b]4. Have you ever had a lunch date? How did it go?[/b] Lunch dates always go right for me. Far more than dinner dates, at least. One, because I (and the lucky guy/girl who happens to be my date) make it a point not to get inebriated; and two, because I think lunch is the best time to try a new place out, and when we're running out of things to talk about, we usually end up ranting/raving about the service, the ambiance and the food. [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#656446]Ah, just a clarification: The deadline for everything is on next Sunday. Whether it be your first theme or your third, all of them have to be in by the 27th. Also, those who have completed their first theme can already claim a second (Yay!). Everyone, thanks for signing up![/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#656446]Oh shoot. I thought I could get #10 again. Ah, I guess 12 ain't so bad. #12 please.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#656556]No, we don't need another [i]thread[/i]; your project calls for a new [i]subforum[/i]. :animesmil If we keep them tutorials in one thread, I think it(the thread) will become a confusing tangle of questions and follow-ups regarding the different tutorials posted. However, if a 1 tutorial/thread format was observed, not only can we keep questions in one thread but also compile links in one subforum sticky. I do love tutorials. I'm game.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#656446]I've taken the initiative to compile a list of popular movies and their expected ratings after the rule in question is enforced: [indent][size=1][b][i]Snow White and the Seven Dwarves:[/i] R[/b] Can't have Doc and the Queen's cauldron get away with it now, can we? [b][i]An Inconvenient Truth:[/i] R[/b] Shots of smokestacks, emissions and every conceivable incinerator in the world: Check. [b][i]The Lord of the Rings:[/i] XXX[/b] Meritous show of smokers, the most notable of which include Gandalf, Bilbo, Sam, Frodo, Aragorn, and the whole of Minas Morgul [b][i]Sin City:[/i] NONE[/b] If they edit the cigs out, I doubt there will be enough film left to even stand in for an infomercial.[/size][/indent] Ah, and I think Snake will have to do without his smokes for a while. We want the movie remake of [i]Metal Gear Solid[/i] to sell, yeah?[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#656446]Oi, just a friendly reminder: I hope the you won't let your debate mirror the shitestorm that's raging over the issue. Ah, I suggest you use only arguments based on the natural sciences and the current laws in your area so you can set a limit on the paths you can take your debate. I find that discussions on the moral/ethical aspect of stem cell research are akin to bull sessions on which capital sin has the most gravity.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=#656446]Just use the address of this image, okay? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/avatars/hitsuzen_avi.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR] :catgirl:
  10. [COLOR=#656446]No prob! Is this okay? [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#656446]Hi! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/hitsuzen_avi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/hitsuzen.jpg[/IMG] If you want me to change anything in this set, please let me know.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#656446]I so want a copy of the [i]Honey and Clover[/i] DVDs. Not for the the episodes themselves, but for the extra items packaged with each DVD. It would be pretty cool to own the fanbook with those pages of real-life Honey and Clover wardrobe. And a replica of Hagu's notebook. And the Hagu papercraft that comes with the 6th volume. And I want a complete set of Sailor Moon Live-Action DVDs! I'm a fan of j-drama and of Sailor Moon so this set's purrfect. (Plus the girls and the Shitennou look really cute. And the special episode is just hilarious. It's the type of episode that I can watch until the disc bursts into flames.)[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#656446][QUOTE=Jeremiah][color=black][/color] These fossils are not enough to prove beyond any reasonable doubt, that evolution [color=black]did happen in fact. There is no complete set of transitional fossils that show the complete transition from one species to another. [/color][color=black]Fossils are not conclusive that these objects existed millions of years ago either. There exists a [/color][url="http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v17/i3/fossil_hat.asp"][color=black]fossilised hat[/color][/url][color=black]. The hat was fossilised onyl about 50 years ago, which lends ot the idea that fossilisation can be rapid in the right environment.[/color] [color=black][/color] [color=black][/color] [color=black]If you're interested in the evolution of the horse, [url="http://www.carm.org/evo_questions/horsevolution.htm"]check out this alternative explanation[/url][/color] [color=black][/color] There is plenty of counter-argument at CARM.org regarding evolution if you are interested in really putting evolution theory to the test.[/QUOTE] That fossil hat article was really cool! I'm glad that they actually found a fossilized urban artifact to show that fossilization is not all burial and millions of years. The mammoth they recently brought out of the ice is another example of rapid fossilization. In other words, [i]fossilization can either be rapid or gradual[/i]. However (and as I stated in my previous post), it isn't by the hardness of the fossil or the type of fossilization that we determine those million year ages. There is still this whole range of techniques geologists use to date rocks and fossils. Ah, I'll try to explain it without getting too technical. The earth's atmosphere wasn't always like this compositionally-wise, and the chemistry of the oceans is one that changes pretty rapidly when put against the geologic time scale. This is because there is this whole range of processes that have occurred and are still occurring both on and beyond this planet. Changes in the atmosphere's chemistry, violent volcanic activity and even the change in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit are but a few of these processes. Rocks are able to record these changes in the earth's atmospheric and marine chemistry. For example: [list][*] Igneous rocks may trap gases in their crystals (like zircon crystals! got a lot of those in Australia) as they cool, thus creating a sort of "time capsule" of the earth's atmosphere. [*] Many rocks/crystals, when pulled out of their stable environments, morph. Iron oxidizes into iron oxide when there's enough oxygen in the atmosphere, that's why we don't find any large-scale, unoxidized iron formations that were formed after the Archaean (was it? roughly 3 billion years ago). [/list]Then we have isotopes. No, not the Carbon-14 archaeologists use (pre-empting that *facepalm* article about C-14 dating being really faulty); its half-life is but an atom compared to the the geologic time scale. We use potassium-argon (plenty of that in clay), rubidium-strontium(igneous and metamorphic rocks) and other isotope pairs to date those gases in the crystals or fission tracks in zircon or atoms trapped in the crystal (cages). The horse evolution is the posterboy of textbook transitional series, mostly because family members exist to this day. However, the therapsid series is perhaps the most studied transitional series. [quote name='National Geographic, from carm.org']Fossils of the three-toed and one-toed species are preserved in the same rock formation in Nebraska, proving that both lived at the same time, strongly suggesting that one did not evolve into the other[/quote] First up, a formation can span millions of years. One formation in my thesis was deposited in the course of some 3-4 million years, and that's just in a really unstable environment. The Ellis Formation of Yellowstone, at its shortest range, may have been deposited some 10-15 million years. So, formations do not necessarily equate to a certain number of years. With ranges like that, it's not that hard to imagine several species from the same family (genus even!) to be found in the same formation. Finding them in the same formation doesn't imply that they lived side by side. And if by chance they did live side-by-side, remember that evolution does not happen in a straight line, from one species to another. Hence the "evolutionary tree"; branches of new species from an ancestral species may arise at the same time and may even co-exist with each other (National Geographic also did a TV feature on this, with the primates of Africa). These new species are tested and pitted against themselves and the environment, thus the role of natural selection and all the related jazz. The one who has the best features, or has the adapted to the new environment will prevail. Rinse and repeat. ... Oh, and I just found that both horses were from the genus [i]Dinohippus[/i]. It was from 1981 Nebraska find that these two horses were spotted. Read more about it in [url=http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fhc/dinohippus1.htm]this article[/url]. It seems that it was actually a transitional species between three-toed and one-toed species, that later species exhibited single toes, and that those single-toed horses became the [i]Equus[/i] we know today. Thank you for bringing those points up.[/color]
  14. [color=#656446]Welcome aboard, everyone! Ah, the thread is already up so you can already submit your work. Remember: you have to wait 'til next Sunday to claim another theme and then 4 days after that for a third. Enjoy![/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#656446]Sorry for the delay, chief. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/fyxe_avi.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/fxye.png[/IMG] It's been a while since I made a set so it looks kind of rough. :animeswea If there's anything you want me to change here, just give me a PM and I'll see what I can do.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Man, I didn't even realize that it's already past 4 AM in Kiribati. Alright, fellas. We will submit our entries in this thread. This post will serve as an index to our pieces. And just to keep this thread clean, signups and discussions (regarding claims, submissions, and possibly critiques/evaluations) still go in the Underground thread. Post away! [/size] [size=3][b][color=#DE288E]The 50 Themes of Art Studio [/color][/b][/SIZE] 1) [url=http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/2063/introductionce4.jpg][color=#DE288E]Introduction[/color] by cancer[/url] 2) [url=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b269/MetalSonic700/spamstick.jpg][color=#DE288E]Half-baked plan[/color] by 2007DigitalBoy[/url] 3) [url=http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/781/pastelgh1.jpg][color=#DE288E]Pastel[/color] by indifference[/url] 4) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/lit.jpg][color=#DE288E]Literature[/color] by Dagger[/url] 5) Gold 6) [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26136][color=#DE288E]Melancólico[/color] by han ki-tae[/url] 7) [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26143][color=#DE288E]Otakuboards[/color] by Delta[/url] 8) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/mikkrish/Eternity.jpg][color=#DE288E]Eternity[/color] by Whiteblaze[/url] 9) [url=http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07215/50theme9v2.png][color=#DE288E]Cat[/color] by Lunox[/url] 10) Black and white 11) [url=http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/2255/justasplannedvb4.png][color=#DE288E]Just as planned[/color] by DeadSeraphim[/url] 12) Horoscope 13) [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26142][color=#DE288E]Unlucky [/color]by han ki-tae[/url] 14) [url=http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/9308/thatsloveua1.jpg][color=#DE288E]That's Love[/color] by Rachmaninoff[/url] 15) [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Envy3.jpg][color=#DE288E]Envy[/color] by Cat14[/url] 16) [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26116][color=#DE288E]Sweet[/color] by han ki-tae[/url] 17) [url=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/scan0013.jpg][color=#DE288E]Rage[/color] by Disenchanted[/url] 18) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/AzureImi/summer.jpg][color=#DE288E]Summer[/color] by Ezekiel[/url] 19) [Url=http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/2792/delta50copygu4.jpg][color=#DE288E]Paper[/color] by White[/url] 20) [url=http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/2145/kanamejx1.jpg][color=#DE288E]Tranquility[/color] by Keyblade Wielder[/url] 21) [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/WallpaperSexDrugsRocknroll.jpg][color=#DE288E]Sex, drugs and rock n' roll[/color] by Cat14[/url] 22) Spica 1 23) [url=http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/3007/evilhh9.jpg][color=#DE288E]Polar Opposites Part 1[/color] by cancer[/url] 24) [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/NightTime.jpg][color=#DE288E]Nighttime[/color] by Cat14[/url] 25) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/inmediares.png][color=#DE288E]In media res[/color] by Ozymandius Jones[/url] 26) [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26138][color=#DE288E]Letters[/color] by White[/url] 27) Lust 28) [url=http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m146/scifinerd/Celestial.jpg][color=#DE288E]Celestial[/color] by medafunk[/url] 29) [url=http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07225/febf3.png][color=#DE288E]February[/color] by Lunox[/url] 30) [url=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y170/retri_trib/newsfromfront.jpg][color=#DE288E]News from the front[/color] by Retribution[/url] 31) Downpour 32) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/good-full.png][color=#DE288E]Polar Opposites Part 2[/color] by Delta[/url] 33) [url=http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/5043/citragl8.jpg][color=#DE288E]Citrus[/color] by Jeremiah[/url] 34) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/siberia.jpg][color=#DE288E]Siberia[/color] by Dagger[/url] 35) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/mistake.gif][color=#DE288E]Mistake[/color] by Delta[/url] 36) [url=http://a499.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/15/l_6d4b4dd9a517ea6d82a8d6c5967fcf8a.png][color=#DE288E]Pride[/color] by Vicky[/url] 37) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Pattern.jpg][color=#DE288E]Multiplicity[/color] by Delta[/url] 38)[url=http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a252/BrideofDo0m/sorathehero.png] [color=#DE288E]Heroes[/color] by The Heart[/url] 39) Inertia 40) [url=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Zeitgeist.png][color=#DE288E]Zeitgeist[/color] by Sandy[/url] 41) Water 42) [url=http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/6753/popmusictj2.gif][color=#DE288E]Pop music[/color] by James[/url] 43) [url=http://otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=77539][color=#DE288E]4:3[/color] by han ki-tae[/url] 44) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Untitled-1-1.png][color=#DE288E]Spica 2[/color] by Delta[/url] 45) [url=http://i19.tinypic.com/6fijpjq.jpg][color=#DE288E]Ouch![/color] by cancer[/url] 46) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/BrainDamage.png][color=#DE288E]Clouds[/color] by Ozymandius Jones[/url] 47) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/ef.jpg][color=#DE288E]Divine[/color] by Dagger[/url] 48) [url=http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/7968/eggs01vt5.jpg][color=#DE288E]Eggs[/color] by SunfallE[/url] 49) [url=http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/6020/quiltvt0.jpg][color=#DE288E]Square[/color] by Aaryanna_Mom[/url] 50) [url=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Artwork/ArtStudio.png][color=#DE288E]Art Studio[/color] by Keyblade Wielder[/url] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#656446][QUOTE=Jeremiah]It is a thory that cannot be proven. To prove something scientifically, it needs to be observed, studied, if you will. Since no-one is going to be able to sit for millions of years and observe the evolutionary process, it will rmeain a theory. Just like creationism. No-one is going to be able to witness God creating the universe (or how he went about this spceifically.)[/QUOTE] I must disagree. We don't need to [i]directly[/i] observe these things in order for them to be true. See, we do have what we call 'indirect' measurements, meaning you're not observing the target property itself, but a related property. Think of them high school experiments where you use density to come up with the mass, or temperature and dimensional changes to get the coefficients of thermal expansion. The reason why we do these experiments because they're more or less parallel to how we get data that we can't see or are not in our scale. In our field, the relationships between these properties are taken so much further that we end up with interpretations like gravity lows for underground cavities, or low seismic velocities for a liquid mantle. As for evidences of evolution/creation(-ism?), we cannot directly observe them but we sure have tons of data that gravitate to one of those ideas (and fossil records are just one of them). As Sandy mentioned, we do have fossil evidences that show gradual morphological changes that lead from an ancestor species to a new one. Roughly, species that exhibit traits from both the ancestor and new species are what we call [i]transitional species[/i](although, really, all species are transitional). [i]Archeopteryx[/i] is one, the therapsid series is another. Also, for transitions at the the family-genus-species order, please look up the evolution of horses or giraffes; those are pretty popular examples too. Ah, I've heard some people say "There are morphological changes, yes, but those doesn't debunk creationism. What if the creator actually intended to make these transitional species in the order we now interpret as 'evolution'?" [i]And I sincerely salute those people for pointing out what most miss yet remain within the confines of logic. I hope all creationists are like them.[/i] What we do have to back up the theory of evolution are the [i]other[/i] rock records of the past (geochemical signatures, for one) and the experiments of the present (those about mutation due to environmental factors, specifically). Link those two up with uniformitarianism -- the present is the key to the past, roughly, and the only tenet I will stake my life on -- and you've got pretty solid ground right there. Sorry for the long-*** post. This one's right up my alley. P.S.[quote name='Jeremiah][size=1']btw, that garfield GS banner of yours rocks.[/size][/quote] Agreed. XP [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#656446]I've updated the opening post to include the new claims and your questions. Thanks for joining![/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#656446][QUOTE=Shy][size=1]Question: Do we have to make banners/wallpapers/whatever? Can we use other media, like paper mache, quilting, or cat painting for these pieces? -Shy[/size][/QUOTE]Pictures of those would be wonderful! Feel free to use them. Oh, wait. Before I forget: we can only start submitting our pieces on Sunday (again, IDL!).[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#656446][size=3][b][color=#DE288E]The 50 Themes of Art Studio [/color] Underground[/b][/SIZE] Hello, fellow Spartans! It is I, Delta, harbinger of headaches and missed deadlines. I hope no one got banned while I was away. Alright, on to business. I swiped the idea from AngieChild's dA (Delta, no swiping!) and tweaked it a bit just to up the fun factor. I have right here 50 themes that need to be interpreted into 50 unique and tangible pieces: 1) [url=http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/2063/introductionce4.jpg][color=#DE288E]Introduction[/color] by cancer[/url] 2) [url=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b269/MetalSonic700/spamstick.jpg][color=#DE288E]Half-baked plan[/color] by 2007DigitalBoy[/url] 3) [url=http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/781/pastelgh1.jpg][color=#DE288E]Pastel[/color] by indifference[/url] 4) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/lit.jpg][color=#DE288E]Literature[/color] by Dagger[/url] 5) Gold 6) [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26136][color=#DE288E]Melancólico[/color] by han ki-tae[/url] 7) [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26143][color=#DE288E]Otakuboards[/color] by Delta[/url] 8) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/mikkrish/Eternity.jpg][color=#DE288E]Eternity[/color] by Whiteblaze[/url] 9) [url=http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07215/50theme9v2.png][color=#DE288E]Cat[/color] by Lunox[/url] 10) Black and white 11) [url=http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/2255/justasplannedvb4.png][color=#DE288E]Just as planned[/color] by DeadSeraphim[/url] 12) Horoscope 13) [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26142][color=#DE288E]Unlucky [/color]by han ki-tae[/url] 14) [url=http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/9308/thatsloveua1.jpg][color=#DE288E]That's Love[/color] by Rachmaninoff[/url] 15) [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Envy3.jpg][color=#DE288E]Envy[/color] by Cat14[/url] 16) [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26116][color=#DE288E]Sweet[/color] by han ki-tae[/url] 17) [url=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/scan0013.jpg][color=#DE288E]Rage[/color] by Disenchanted[/url] 18) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/AzureImi/summer.jpg][color=#DE288E]Summer[/color] by Ezekiel[/url] 19) [Url=http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/2792/delta50copygu4.jpg][color=#DE288E]Paper[/color] by White[/url] 20) [url=http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/2145/kanamejx1.jpg][color=#DE288E]Tranquility[/color] by Keyblade Wielder[/url] 21) [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/WallpaperSexDrugsRocknroll.jpg][color=#DE288E]Sex, drugs and rock n' roll[/color] by Cat14[/url] 22) Spica 1 23) [url=http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/3007/evilhh9.jpg][color=#DE288E]Polar Opposites Part 1[/color] by cancer[/url] 24) [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/NightTime.jpg][color=#DE288E]Nighttime[/color] by Cat14[/url] 25) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/inmediares.png][color=#DE288E]In media res[/color] by Ozymandius Jones[/url] 26) [url=http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26138][color=#DE288E]Letters[/color] by White[/url] 27) Lust 28) [url=http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m146/scifinerd/Celestial.jpg][color=#DE288E]Celestial[/color] by medafunk[/url] 29) [url=http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07225/febf3.png][color=#DE288E]February[/color] by Lunox[/url] 30) [url=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y170/retri_trib/newsfromfront.jpg][color=#DE288E]News from the front[/color] by Retribution[/url] 31) Downpour 32) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/good-full.png][color=#DE288E]Polar Opposites Part 2[/color] by Delta[/url] 33) [url=http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/5043/citragl8.jpg][color=#DE288E]Citrus[/color] by Jeremiah[/url] 34) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/siberia.jpg][color=#DE288E]Siberia[/color] by Dagger[/url] 35) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/mistake.gif][color=#DE288E]Mistake[/color] by Delta[/url] 36) [url=http://a499.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/15/l_6d4b4dd9a517ea6d82a8d6c5967fcf8a.png][color=#DE288E]Pride[/color] by Vicky[/url] 37) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Pattern.jpg][color=#DE288E]Multiplicity[/color] by Delta[/url] 38)[url=http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a252/BrideofDo0m/sorathehero.png] [color=#DE288E]Heroes[/color] by The Heart[/url] 39) Inertia 40) [url=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Zeitgeist.png][color=#DE288E]Zeitgeist[/color] by Sandy[/url] 41) Water 42) [url=http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/6753/popmusictj2.gif][color=#DE288E]Pop music[/color] by James[/url] 43) [url=http://otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=77539][color=#DE288E]4:3[/color] by han ki-tae[/url] 44) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Untitled-1-1.png][color=#DE288E]Spica 2[/color] by Delta[/url] 45) [url=http://i19.tinypic.com/6fijpjq.jpg][color=#DE288E]Ouch![/color] by cancer[/url] 46) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/BrainDamage.png][color=#DE288E]Clouds[/color] by Ozymandius Jones[/url] 47) [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/ef.jpg][color=#DE288E]Divine[/color] by Dagger[/url] 48) [url=http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/7968/eggs01vt5.jpg][color=#DE288E]Eggs[/color] by SunfallE[/url] 49) [url=http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/6020/quiltvt0.jpg][color=#DE288E]Square[/color] by Aaryanna_Mom[/url] 50) [url=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/CloudsOnly189/Artwork/ArtStudio.png][color=#DE288E]Art Studio[/color] by Keyblade Wielder[/url] Easy, right? I thought so too; the task of completing all 50 pieces ain't daunting enough for the prolific artists of this forum. So I'm setting a deadline: 2 weeks. [color=#DE288E]In two weeks every item in the above list should be linked to an artwork.[/color] And not just any artwork. We need a recently-completed piece made especially for this challenge. [color=#DE288E]Why can't we submit old pieces?[/color] Because what we want to accomplish is a compilation that will more or less represent our current collective level of expertise, and the dominant style prevailing among the artists of OB. Think of it as Art Studio's version of "[color=#DE288E]What's in store this season?[/color]". I want your photo manipulations, drawings, and digital paintings. And don't worry; you are given complete creative freedom. The only rule is to follow the theme you selected. Ah, there are no prizes, kisses nor cookies to be won. Just for the heck of it, let's try completing another project, yeah? The challenge will start on Sunday, IDL reckoning. I encourage you to post your questions, comments, and suggestions in this thread before then. [center][b][i][size=3]Letters[/size][/i][/b][/center] [color=#DE288E]So basically, its just a drawing or whatever, based on the theme? So for gold for example, if you draw a gold coin, than that is acceptable?[/color] 1) Yes; 2) That's one way to interpret the theme. Even a piece inspired by Spandau Ballet's "Gold" is legit. [color=#DE288E]Do we have to make banners/wallpapers/whatever? Can we use other media, like paper mache, quilting, or cat painting for these pieces?[/color] Yes. Pictures of pieces done in non-digital media are welcome. [color=#DE288E]Are we only allowed to call one?[/color] As of now, yes. Just one. You can choose your second theme a week after the start of the challenge, and then a possible third three days before the deadline (if the list is still incomplete by then). [color=#DE288E]Do we have to put the number of the piece?[/color] No. You don't even have to put the name of the theme in. If you feel that the connection between your piece and the theme is vague, then please include a brief explanation. [color=#DE288E]Is there any limit to the dimensions of the actual picture/piece? Could I do a wallpaper graphic?[/color] There is no size limit. Hehe. Irregularly-shaped entries are also accepted. [center][b][i][size=3]Mini-Worms[/size][/i][/b][/center] There are 2 mini-Worms in the list. These work in the same way as the OBGW: the pieces should fit seamlessly when placed side by side. [color=#DE288E]#23, #32 Polar Opposites series[/color] is a mini-Worm should be completed by 2 different artists. Two linked works featuring 2 opposite/contrasting ideas or items. [color=#DE288E]#22, #44 Spica series[/color] is again a mini-Worm that should be completed by two different artists. Unlike the first mini-Worm, this one should feature either of these two: 1) the same item/idea or 2) a 'canon', non-opposite pair of items/ideas (i.e. thread and needle, peanut butter and jelly, etc.) [/COLOR]
  21. [color=#656446][size=1][center][IMG]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/th_pac.png[/IMG] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/pac.png][color=#E30089]#66 Just as planned[/color][/url][/center] Don't mind me. Just taking the initiative to feed the Worm.[/size][/color]
  22. [COLOR=#656446][quote name='aoi_hikari']And then there is Ryotaro Okiayu, the voice of Byakuya from Bleach (^//////^), Shigure Sohma from Fruits Basket, and many other roles. He was SOOOOOO cool as Byakuya!!!! [/quote]Shigure [i]and[/i] Byakuya?! Wow... That is just... wow. I pay little attention to voice actors but there are a few of them whose voices I've become familiar with: [b]Miki Shinichiro:[/b] Urahara Kisuke from [i]Bleach[/i], Allen from [i]The Vision of Escaflowne[/i], Asato Tsuzuki from [i]Yami no Matsuei[/i], Kurtz Weber from [i]Full Metal Panic![/i], Leonir Taylor from [i]Pumpkin Scissors[/i] Is he versatile or what? I was used to hearing him as the gullible Tsuzuki so when I first heard him speak Allen's lines I said "No...It couldn't be him. He doesn't sound like yaoi fodder!" So there you go. A voice that can go yaoi, goofy or serious. [b]Sho Hayami:[/b] Muraki Kazutaka from [i]Yami no Matsuei[/i], Aizen Sosuke from [i]Bleach[/i], Meister Kirisaki from [i]Yakitate!! Japan[/i] Ahh, that wonderful, deep, deep voice. How does he do it? His voice has this air of elegance and calmness, something that always rings through in every line he speaks. Even if he is turning 50 next year, his voice still drips with everything R-18. [b]Tomokazu Sugita:[/b] Sakata Gintoki from [i]Gintama[/i], Mayama Takumi from [i]Honey and Clover[/i] I love his Gintoki more than his rendition of Kyon. It's probably because of how much life he injects into the dialogue, and how his voice fits them serious characters who should not be taken seriously.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#656446]I haven't been following fads lately--[i]ah, wait. Rewind.[/i] I'm currently on my second month of skipping a local fashion mag I've been following religiously for years but I think I have a pretty good idea of what's currently in. Espadrilles are back again. So are slingbacks in peep- and closed-toe, and really, really colorful flats. I'm still seeing remnants of last year's flip-flops hype, but mostly on people who look like they didn't have time to think about the day's ensemble (thus resorting to the ever-safe jeans+shirt+flip-flops). And oh, the skinny-skinny jeans movement did reach our shores... but it was shot down by the alliance between tulip skirts and cropped pants before it ever came in sight of our malls. It really bugs me that while women's fashion is going in 101 separate ways, men's fashion seems to be stuck in the same place it has been for the past, oh, ten years? The only differences I saw since the decade started are: 1) graphic prints; 2) tighter tops; and 3) the death of over-sized shirts (yay!). BTW, location: Manila, Philippines. P.S.: Color, color, color. P.P.S.: A recent picture of me and my university mates reminded me of [i]Honey and Clover[/i]. Just a thought.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#656446]For some strange reason, this reminded me of that cheesy opening movie from the first Resident Evil... Ah, one thing I've learned from watching films is that you can't judge the quality of a movie based on the nationality of the cast...or the director, for that matter. Just take that Harry Potter movie directed by Alfonso Cuaron. I mean, how different was that from [i]Y tu Mama Tambien[/i]? I really I'm not looking forward to an all-Japanese cast, just a good bunch of actors who can bring Kaneda and co. to their disturbed/-ing selves. And oh a good TETSUOOOOOOOOOOO!!! is a plus.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#656446]I am subscribe to the school of thought which proposes that masks help hide faces that can distract a thousand fangirls/boys, thus effectively rendering useless whatever plot the mangaka has in her/his mind. This theory is supported by the masked charmers:[list][*] Meister Kirisaki of [i]Yakitate!! Japan[/i] [*] That Silver Wheel masked guy of [i]Pumpkin Scissors[/i] [*] Tohda from [i]Yami no Matsuei[/i] [*] Zechs Merquise of [i]Gundam Wing[/i] [size=1]Anime, yes, but it works into the theory. [/size] [*] Oh and with #3, perhaps we can add Quattro Bajeena and every masked man in his long train of incarnations in other series. [*] and maybe manga (read: hentai/yaoi) adaptations of the Phantom[/list] [quote name='GTK']I think there was a rabbit mask in an issue of Count Cain/God Child that the killer in that particular story wore, but I don't remember much other than that. It actually did hide the identity of said killer though....at least for a little while~ [/quote] I believe that was the Alice-Tea Party thingy. Yeah, and it was the [spoiler]spoiled kid's father, right?[/spoiler] Ahh, that was a good manga. [/COLOR]
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