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[COLOR=#656446]Ah, this piece reminds me of . . . No worries. It doesn't remind me of anything. [size=1]Well, turbulence and GATTACA maybe, but not of anyone's work in particular. XP[/size] Awesome work, Hatake-now-called-Ninjah! Love the colors; methinks the plane should stay as blue at is because I am fascinated with rich shades [size=1]and your piece is perfect for people with short attention spans[/size]. But maybe, just maybe, you could try fixing the tail end of the plane 'cause it looks a little, ah, stunted. Ijou![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][font="Book Antiqua"][b]RIDER Name:[/b] Nerissa Lohmeyer [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Resistance:[/b] The Sapiens of Nidorram [b]Appearance:[/b] Hardly taken for a dragon rider at first glance, nor even someone who could throw a good punch at the very least, Nerissa looks her position as a lady of high birth. Her skin is fair and unblemished, as if it knows nothing of labors under the sun. Her bearing is distinctly noble and do not show signs of toil nor strain. Her long russet hair cascades down her back in soft waves that are tied into a loose braid with a velvet ribbon. Ash-colored eyes offset the dullness of their color by the intensity of emotions they are able to convey: bright and clear even when Nerissa is but slightly amused; and dark and empty during hours of pensiveness. Ears with arches slightly higher than what are found in humans identify her as a distant elven kin. In battle, Nerissa wears no plate nor helm to arm herself. What she has is a mail of closely-linked mithril rings, lightweight and durable, that she wears over a short, off-white tunic. Thick stockings in the color of desert sand protect her legs from unsteady temperatures of her dragon's hide. Her slim, knee-length boots help her jump (and land safely) or add leverage to her already-potent kicks. [b]Weapon:[/b] Layers of soft leather stitched together into a glove and bound to her forearm with strips of red, gilded cloth arm her primary melee weapons, her fists. [b]Spells:[/b] The line of geomancers from her mother's side gave Nerissa a strong affinity for earth-based magicks. Though her element had the most potential for defensive capabilities, she figured that with her careful nature she could go with the tenet ?The best defense is a good offense,? the basis for her third spell. Her spells can be only be called up through chants. Once, she had accidentally incorporated one chant into her speech and had more than once unintentionally casted a spell. She then developed a seal for her spells, which can only broken by uttering [i]?Spring, spring meets the tiger?[/i]. A full chant would then require her to unseal her magic and then calling up one of the following lines:[indent][i]?Like a tiger that does not tread on flowers?[/i]: The chant calls up a dust storm that will hide allies and temporarily blind enemies. Where grains are coarser, the enemies may get their skin sanded off. Drawing power from her dragon while casting this spell will set up a moving barrier of earth around a target. [i]?Like a flower that on grows on the precipice?[/i]: Rock fragments break away from the ground and embed themselves into the target. Depending on how Nerissa finishes the chant, the rocks could either pierce through the target's body, or explode. When linked with her dragon's power, leaves shoot up with the rock fragments and behave as blades that cut and slice across the surface of the target. [i]?Open the path of greatest danger?[/i]: Not an actual spell but coupling this with unsealing chant lets her magic break its second limit. Though the strength of her spells will be amplified significantly, everything within their effective range will experience full blasts of their offensive properties, including the caster herself. [/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] The Lady of Lohmeyer prizes congeniality and astuteness above other virtues. People who know her remark at how easily she can engage people in conversations about their lives and views, and how open and receptive she is to them. She is honest to a fault, and courteous even in the midst of heated arguments. Though she has adapted to the ways of commonfolk, she still shares the eloquence, the solemnity and the commanding aura of other nobles. [b]Bio/Snippet:[/b] ?How strange it is, my lady,? the knight began. ?...that I now despise the rapture that sprung forth from my bosom when we met under the birch boughs many moons ago. That in rejoicing, my heart was clouded from the measures of bitterness and longing this sundering now incurs from it.? ?Though I did not expect our parting to be so soon after we pledged our troth.? He laughed bitterly as he held her hand, its familiar softness he relished as he pressed his palm on hers. The string around one of her fingers was still red, vivid. It was not long ago that he tied it with a promise of a real ring once all of their barley was reaped and sold. But the battle with the Empire drew near. It would be fought under the harvest moon and would place him far away from their fields, from his home, and from her. This had troubled him ever since the army messenger visited their manor but it is only now, when he was about to leave, did the possibility of breaking his promise seemed real. His thoughts were broken by the dulcet tones of his maiden's laughter. He looked at her wondering. ?Why do you laugh, Nerissa?? ?Because what you said, Mereas,? she said as she placed her other hand on his. ?...was absolutely ridiculous. How does the worth of a season's parting measure with the twenty-four years we have spent as youths unacquainted?? She brushed the flaxen strands off his face and looked straight into his eyes. The way they shifted reflected his faltering resolve. She knew then that she should not keep him any longer. [b]DRAGON Name:[/b] Muscat [b]Color:[/b] Green [b]Appearance:[/b] Muscat 's long, serpentine body is marked with a line of iridescent bronze dorsal fins characteristic of the Qin dragon breed. Her tailfins and claws are also of the same color, albeit more metallic than shimmering in terms of light play. Red and russet strands on her snout form what look like a thin moustache that extends well beyond her nape. Dragonhide from this breed becomes more vivid in color as the dragon gets approaches the fullness of age; her verdigris scales identify her as an extremely young dragon, perhaps no more than fifty years in age. [b]Personality:[/b] Around her rider, Muscat is plays the part of the spunky motormouth who would gladly share her day's new discoveries with Nerissa. Like a child, she is extremely inquisitive, gets easily excited and often shoots a series of questions when she encounters an unfamiliar object. Though precocious, Muscat is very much aware of her juvenility and may withdraw in the company of older dragons. [/font][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]More avatars for the Final Fantasy category: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26070&stc=1[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Name:[/b] FFXII: Rasler [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26078&stc=1[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Name:[/b] FFXII: Ashe [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26073&stc=1[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Name:[/b] FFXIII: Lightning [b]Comments:[/b] Feel free to change this avatar's name if Squenix decides to name this character otherwise.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]This is a really good idea, chief! Do count me in! One question: The piece has to be about myO only or the whole theOtaku network?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][quote name='Adahn][size=2']First of all, I would probably have to get up an hour earlier than normal, because I would actually have to spend time getting ready to go to my classes.[/size][/quote]Or you could be like me: wake up at pretty much the same number of minutes before class and arrive late. Really, Adahn, not all of us university ladies fuss about our hair and makeup everyday. When I'm feeling really ****** or I have more important things to do than check how I look, I just waltz into class in my unprettified form. XP I honestly do not understand why you feel that women pay more attention to how they look than men do. Perhaps it's because we're living in really different environments,yeah? Over here, men are very particular about their (physical) appearance. Of all my male acquaintances, I know a good number of them have these kits packed with moisturizers, hair mousse and facial wash. It's also not uncommon to see men getting manicures and pedicures and facials and all that jazz. I think if I become a man here, in my city, the only thing that will change is the way I dress. Everything else, from my shopping habits to my daily routine, will probably stay the same.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]You know, if it's social skills you lack, you could always try to, you know, talk to people. It ain't something you're born with really.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Whether it's RL or IM, I guess it really depends on the person. Some who feel comfortable with the degree of anonymity the Internet offers may opt to communicate online while other people (like me) find it hard to keep up a conversation when there's no body language nor eye contact they could go by. Ah, I guess the only thing positive I see about talking via IM is that it connects you to people in places you can't easily get to in real life. Say, Tunisia.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]^ Truer words have never been spoken in the Lounge. [quote name='taperson][size=1']First of all, have you yourself ever struggled with a self image/esteem problem? In other words, have you ever seen yourself as too fat/ugly/etc until it got to the point that you obsessed over it? Have you ever known someone go through this? Feel free to share stories.[/size][/quote]Ah, from what I can remember, the only time I had a major image problem was when I saw how fat my thighs looked when I sat down. That lasted for like 10 minutes. [i]Just 10 minutes.[/i] How was this image problem resolved so quickly? There was this freaky chemistry question my professor threw at me while I was bumming about my thighs (I was drawing these stick figures with huge ovals for thighs in my notebook). Her calling me meant that every student she calls couldn't give the correct answer. I, as the dutiful "last resort" student, gave her the correct answer. And I got an applause from my classmates. Nothing like a good round of cheers to keep one's self-esteem up. [quote name='taperson][size=1]Second of all, do you have any advice for overcoming it? Did you tell your parents [and if you did, HOW']? What steps did you take to overcome this?[/size][/quote]I absolutely DID NOT tell my parents ANYTHING. *gah* Knowing them, they would have enrolled me in a spinning class the moment I tell them that I think I have weight issues. Call me conceited but I can say a hundred things that's good about me. I've this list in my head where I take note of things I like about myself. Whenever those bouts of low morale set in, I remind myself why I have every right to say that I'm an exceptional being. Works everytime. If you can't help but notice those flaws, the best advice I can give you is cheesy but is a real gem if you take it to heart: try to see it in a more positive light. You keep looking at them anyway so why don't you associate them with something good> For example: I now realize that having thighs as plump as mine actually makes one's *** look awwwright! :3[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']Who are the freaks I've met? Who scares me? All of the people like you.[/COLOR][/quote]Paranoia's perfectly normal. DON'T PANIC. [size=1]On topic: I met the scariest pair of soldiers one time my friend and I were mapping a road. They took us for a couple of them rebels up in the mountains and interrogated us for a good thirty hours. Of course we were scared; far too many accounts of the horrendous things they do to rebels have reached our ears by then. My friend and I acted really [i]really[/i] clueless (we looked the part anyways). They bought the act and were even kind enough to correct the map we had on hand.[/size][/COLOR]
[color=#656446]Ah, [spoiler]even Hollows in the Karakura can go to Soul Society. That's what Rukia said after Sora Inoue slashed himself with Zangetsu.[/spoiler] What I mean was, [spoiler]since Hueco Mundo's neither in Soul Society nor in Ichigo's world, will the souls inside the Hollows/Arrancar go to Soul Society after being cut up by a zanpakutou?[/spoiler] What do you think?[/COLOR]
[spoiler]Naw guys. If worse comes to worst, she won't have to kill him -- there's such a thing as "soul burial", yeah? ...Ah wait. Does konsou work on souls in Hueco Mundo?[/spoiler]
[COLOR=#656446]Again with false hopes and Rukia. Gin and Aizen sure think alike.[/COLOR]
[color=#656446]BTW, I thought the OB Graphics Tournament was going to be a yearly thing.[/color]
[COLOR=#656446]^ Possibly. It's not unlike Aizen to overlook the fact that [spoiler]Orihime can restore the Hougyoku to a point before its creation. He just might have something in store for Orihime to keep her from destroying the Hougyoku.[/spoiler][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Fellow fans, let us take comfort in the words of Sorachi Hideaki: [i]Sometimes Weekly Jump comes out on a Saturday[/i]. In a few day's time, we will see closure on this new development. o o o Unless, of course, Kubo decides to focus on another fight. :3[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]After watching 18, I feel that it is my duty to report to both the critics and the curious alike: [b]Pumpkin Scissors has officially gotten better.[/b] Episodes 14-17 features the 908-HTT Arc where [color=#E0E0E0]the Corporal meets one of his comrades, Hans from unit 908. No 901 nostalgia, no dog bites and most definitely no tanks in this arc -- although by Fasterisk's drinking game, I say you'll down half a mug per episode for the government bureaucracy alone. Also, Alice does not pull her sword out anywhere in this arc (what she pulls out, though, are a couple of special surprises).[/color] As I watched 14, [color=#E0E0E0]I got the feeling that the arc will not focus on our merry band of soldiers but rather on the people they're up against. It started building up the plot, piling on scenes and accounts from the military, the waterworks guards, 908-HTT's Hans [i]and[/i] the Kauplan Institute. When Kauplan appeared, I knew right then that the plot's going in the right direction: deeper. Add to that the appearance of the Silver Wheel organization and you're guaranteed that Pumpkin Scissors is going [i]somewhere[/i]. [/color] The arc culminates in [color=#E0E0E0]the Section I/Section III standoff at episode 17, where Oland, Machs and Alice are pitted against the Claymore unit of Section I (they're introduced as the special attack unit of S-I but after seeing how they fight, I.just.don't.know.). Oland god-modes really well in this episode and Machs is out of his usual self - as he was in the previous episodes- but Alice, Alice is just SUPERB.[/color] All this action in the 908 Arc leads one to ask: [spoiler]WHERE IN THE WORLD WAS THAT GOOD-LOOKIN', STREET-FIGHTIN' PUNK ORELD AT?[/spoiler][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]I would advise you to go with [i]Option 2: 'Obtain' fansubbed episodes of the shows I paid for, burn them to a CD, put the burned CD's into the ,purchased cases then give them to my friends.[/i] and then use the money you're supposed spend on [i]Option 1[/i] to spread (black) propaganda about the site. But since we're not supposed to talk about torrents, fansubs or alternative ways of acquiring copies, forget what you just read and buy them licensed copies next time.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Yay! *intama! I am not ashamed to say that [b]*intama is my current obsession[/b]. Never have I laughed so hard at any anime for reasons other than cheesy plot and bad voice acting! Perhaps watching *intama right after finishing The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya was one of the best anime decisions I've ever made: Kyon's voice actor also did the voice characterization for *in. I can't imagine a more suitable voice actor for a character who makes more side comments than plot-related lines.[/COLOR] P.S. Ah, I'm learning more about anatomical terms in this anime than in my Japanese books. [i]kintama, ketsu, chin...[/i] It really ain't for kids, you know?
[COLOR=#656446]^ Also, be nice to the other participants. [center]~o~o~o~[/center] [quote name='kalon']Also, I'm a pretty big girl, which mean I can't exactly pull off a little school girl uniform (nor would I want to).[/quote] This could work to your advantage. You could cosplay as [b]Tsunade[/b]. Yes, I know, you said no Naruto but all good Tsunade cosplays I've seen so far were by big ladies. Why Tsunade? [list]She wears enough material to cover her arms and legs (problem areas for us big girls) and the cut of her robes redirect focus *elsewhere*.[*]Her costume is pretty easy to make. Heck, every department store carries tons of pants with similar cuts as hers.[*]You won't have to construct wieldy weapons. [*] You'll save up on hair styling mousse.[/list] If Naruto reaaaally isn't your thing, how about cosplaying as Matsumoto Rangiku from Bleach instead. Again, a really easy costume to make. [center]~o~o~o~[/center] PS: Can you give us a more accurate description of yourself?[/COLOR]
[color=#656446]The pooper is a mini-ecosystem of worms and germs. Enjoy.[/COLor]
[color=#656446]^ I wouldn't get my panties in a bunch if I were you. There's always e-mail. BTW, I've got a feeling that the single, unread, unreachable message in my Inbox is a glitch that resulted from this "database error." [/color]
[COLOR=#656446]I can't say I like DeG but I love "higeki wa mabuta wo oroshita". Group Tamashii's such an eccentric band that I have doubts about them being labeled J-Rock. But then again, there were J-Rock icons with even weirder tastes (say, X-Japan). Speaking of X-Japan, does anyone know which band did Kiyoharu and Shoji (the ones who covered "Beauty & Stupid" in [i]hide TRIBUTE SPIRITS[/i]) come from?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Naw, Boss. It's just that many people nowadays think that philosophical debates are things done by quasi-intellectual people with nothing to do, and that talking about philosophies is pretentious...and corny. If not for biases and laziness, I think we can engage anyone to a round of intellectual masturbation.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]It seems that after two years of training, you still sustain injuries of considerable gravity. I could offer two conclusions: 1) you do not know how to properly receive a hit/strike; or 2) your body's not made for wrestling. Either way, it would be best if you stop wrestling [u]for the mean time.[/u] Also, remember that broken bones, no matter how healed they may seem, do not regain the same strength they had before injury. Unless you do something to minimize impact from all the throws you receive, you WILL get them broken again. You do realize that shattered ribs can poke holes into your lungs, do you? :\ Give your body a rest, love. If you really can't get contact sports out of your system, replace wrestling with a low-impact substitute. [b]Judo[/b] would be a better alternative than tae kwon do.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656466]Because it was such a nice experience, I want in on this NF banner-making gig too. (But I can only do about three or four banners. Is that alright?)[/COLOR]