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Everything posted by Delta
[color=#656446]Go for it. It would do well as a subforum under OL. Though it probably won't have as many threads, it can surpass the popularity of the Manga Workshop post for post. If you build it, they will come. Or if it fails to generate enough threads, we can always send them religious threads in said subforum, yeah? PSSSSST: I've a feeling OB's not the kind of board that creates fora out of projected number of threads. A newbie forum would attract a LEGIONS of posters yet we still do not have one.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][b]Why do you think being Mafia would be the best?[/b] Finding exploitable gaps in stories and filling them in with that one perfect lie is good exercise for the brain. Gives me a peculiar, if not perverse, sense of fulfillment ? part warm and fuzzy, and part devious. Besides, nobody loves a well-played ruse more than the slicker, yeah? [b]Why do you think being Townspeople would be the best?[/b] A gullible townsperson is an asset to the detective and the mafia. And I am an [i]extremely[/i] easy mark. Call me a paranoid turncoat, a craven ditz or just plain undecided ? I'll stick to the gullible girl strategy 'cause it just might take me far enough into the game. [b]Have you played a version of Mafia before?[/b] If it's that game where you follow people 'round the campus while looking out for other hitmen... nope, haven't played it. [b]If not, why do you want to try it?[/b] By the sound of it, [i]Mafia[/i] demands a fairly respectable amount of cerebration in exchange for a jolly good time. That alone compels me to take part in this Holmesian affair. Let me in on it, my good sir.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]WORRY NOT, cancer! I COME BEARING ANSWERS TO THINE ASKING! MUWAHAHAHA! [size=1]Ehrm, now that my ego's out of the way, let's get started: Fire up yer Photoshop. [b]Blue and yellow thingamajig:[/b] Judging from the uneveness of the stripe widths near the bottom, I'd say those were drawn/traced by hand with the Pen tool. Bring up the ruler guide, make a new shape layer and start clicking points. [b]Thrashed Design:[/b] (Did I get it right?) The rays look like they were rendered via the Gradient Overlay option in Layer Style. Open it and in the default gradients, you should see the "Transparent Stripes" entry. To get the sharp boundaries, adjust the gradient in Gradient Editor. Make sure that adjacent black and white boxes are set as close together as possible. [b]Glowing Stuff on an Orange Background:[/b] Prepare a layer between the image and the orange background. Get a Soft Round brush, pick a light color and brush around and behind the image. Go to Filters > Blur > Gaussian Blur and mess with the settings. [b]Horror House:[/b] Play around with the levels (Image > Adjustments > Levels) and hue/saturation/brightness (Image > Adjustments > Hue and Saturation, go for a greenish hue) [b]Sclera Art:[/b] If his weapon of choice is Photoshop CS, we're looking at extensive use of the Pen tool, graffiti fonts (warped or set on paths), gradient maps, gradient overlays, grungy/bloodspatter brushes, blend modes, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. *headache* Nothing trial-and-error can't teach you. I shall refer you to Pixel2Life and two of my favorite tutorial sites: [url=http://www.eyesondesign.net/pshop/tuts.htm]Eyes on Design[/url] and [url=http://www.phong.com/tutorials/]phong[/url](
[COLOR=#656446][quote name='Retribution][size=1']Are you forgetting the whole, you know, mass-murder part about Saddam? I mean, I don't like Bush, but I have a problem with people saying Saddam is better than Bush.[/size][/quote]Sorry to hear that, chief. Just to level the playing field for Saddam, kindly Google the Panama invasion of the early 90's or, if you prefer to read about something more recent, what happened to Haditha about a year ago. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]While I know that Saddam was ruling all the way over in Iraq he did indirectly cause suffering thanks to America's very own White House Cowboy. If Iraq hadn't invaded Kuwait in 90' and then we didn't start the Gulf War in 91' then pull out and Saddam hadn't begun threatening George Herbert Walker Bush (George Bush Senior) then George W. Bush wouldn't have decided to add Iraq to his list of things to bomb and invade in 2003.To me it looks like everything is related.[/color'][/font][/quote]Ah, I just want to add the fact that the US government was instrumental to Saddam's acquisition of military and political control over Iraq back when Charlie's Angels was still the "in" thing. It's not a conspiracy theory thing, they favored (and aided in) the transfer of power to Saddam (who had amicable relations with the US then). [center]~*~[/center] I am rather appalled at how the general public was misinformed about the US administration's agenda. Survey says: 1) hunt for al Qaeda; 2) war against terrorism; 3) "liberation" of Iraq; and 4) Bush's compensation for Bush the Elder's, ehrm, faux pas. If history really is "the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon" as Napoleon put it, I wonder how this [i]event[/i] will appear on books printed half a century from now.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Took this long 'cause US Elections' just around the corner and Bush need to put some closure (or at the very least a sense of) on issues concerning the invasion of Iraq to keep his guys in office and his plans from falling apart. [indent]"Hey guys, y'all hate Saddam right? Well we've got him lined up for the gallows. No more criticizing okay? [SIZE=1](And while you're at it, forget the fact that this whole shebang started as an offensive against Osama bin-Laden and al-Qaeda and since we can't gas him out, we got you Saddam and mowed down Iraq instead. lol)[/size]"[/indent] Saddam ain't as irresponsible or sinister as pop info would like you to believe. Even history books printed [i]outside[/i] Iraq will tell you that. It's kinda like the unification of China under the Qin dynasty: political regions came together under Saddam's administration and, since the mid-70's, moved towards progress as one nation. Bush's administration, on the other hand, got US neck-deep into shite that'll take billions of dollars, plus a number of fall guys and rehabilitation of at least 2 Middle-East nations to get out off. Saddam >> Bush, goddamit. For once let the great guys win.[/COLOR]
So how the lemonade would I go about spiking my hair?
Delta replied to a topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=#656446][quote name='The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I heard that egg whites work well...and elmers glue. But i've never tried it myself. Also i know the egg whites stink so you're supposed to use hairspray or something to cover up the smell.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]Yeah, eggwhites. Not only will it make caltrops out of your mane, it's also keep it nice and shiny... like French bread crust (or was that the yolk?). Maybe you could put a drop of vanilla extract just to keep the stink down.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=#656446]Nah, I haven't noticed any drop in junk food quality (taste-wise) in this part of the world. We're not as anal about having healthy alternatives to every damn thing in the market. What we do have are multi-grain chips that are so rough, a handful will deaden the nerves on your tongue and make you want to stop eating, thus limiting your intake to the suggested serving size of approximately one handful. The bland American potato chip ain't a new thing, hon. They were tasteless right from the start. That's why you have them dips, right?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Say I'm an individual/organization who's aiming at dominance over a region, or at the very least build up my rep through means with questionable ethics. One of the last things I would do is let anyone in to what I'm up to during the early stages of my plan. Kim Jong Il did just that. So to answer the thread's title: No. Not a danger to the world. Dear Leader's being an attention whore... again... for the nth time this year. [size=1]The suggested COA in the opening post is something an organization would do out of paranoia. For a lovely example, please look at how Bush and his generals got the US, NATO and UN armies neck-deep in nine kinds of shite.[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#65644]While looking for leads on fish rains, I stumbled upon a presentation about taking shelter under overpasses (link: [url]http://www.srh.noaa.gov/oun/papers/overpass.html[/url]). Well that certainly rendered to waste the hours I logged watching tornado specials on cable. I've yet to encounter a major, newsworthy tornado here in the tropics but I've encountered quite a number of mini-funnels whilst communing with nature and traipsing (lost) in valleys. Last March, me and my teammates got caught in the path of one of these babies and I sure was glad I wasn't wearing a skirt (not that I would; my field instructor would've sent me to hell for it). Swept up dust, chickenfeed and a couple of chickens from the dry earth and left us caked in a really interesting, 100% organic variety of baby powder. So here's your chance to help me finish one of my mock-research posters. In this thread, we share our experiences with and beliefs about tornadoes, and interesting debris that fell out of the funnel. Like fish, for instance.[/COLOR]
Your Favourite Kind Of Alcohol [M for drug use, oooooh]
Delta replied to DeadSeraphim's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=#656446]Due to the location of my residential unit, I can only access a limited array of alcoholic drinks but thank god for [b]San Miguel Pale Pilsen[/b]. No, not the piss that's brewed in Spain; the original Filipino recipe's still the best. It's lovely, cheap, and I can do Motoko Kusanagi impressions with it at the beach. Another adored and affordable aqua vitae would be [b][i]tuba[/i][/b], a variation of coconut wine from my folks' province. Full in flavor, more sweet than bitter. Depending on the "brewer" (I've a got feeling that they just let it stand in the sun), a glass of this stuff could go down like water or fire in the gullet. [/COLOR] -
Art [OBWT] Round 4: Retribution and Boo VS Delta and Kitty
Delta replied to Ellerby's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=#10A494] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/OBWT-Round-4-draft3.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=#D58658][b]Lost at Sea[/b][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]a Kitty and Delta collab [i]So summery~[/i]♥[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=#656446]I found [url=http://www.polykarbon.com/]Polykarbon[/url] while looking for BattleChasers art 100 years ago. It's got easy coloring tutorials for Photoshop that make good use of basic tools like Gradient and Burn. Though the style may be leagues away from the soft pastels that's all the rage right now, it looks [i]fantastic[/i] anyway. Best of luck![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]The pants Kenshin wears is called [b]hakama[/b], I think. In any case, if you need patterns, Google Image Search is your best friend. Oh what the hell, I'll give you the link and save you the trouble: [url]http://kihon.aikido.org.hu/readings/img/hakama.gif[/url] Best of luck to you, chief![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]^ Seconded. Also, maybe it would help if the next round'll be a bit more fast-paced. You know, just to keep us on our toes. Good luck on keeping this tournament interesting, yeah? *thumbsup*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Firefox user here. Switched from IE to Firefox in 2004 because it was new. Tabbed browsing was just a bonus that I found out about hours after I installed it. I could use IE since it already offers tabbed browsing but I can't figure out how to make it load pages faster. Plus, Firefox's Download Manager keeps me coming back. [b]Question:[/b] Many of you say that Firefox is more secure than IE. If I have a paranoid firewall on, will security for both browsers be on a par?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]^ Man o' war floats can be as long as a few inches but their tentacles can reach up to a good 40-50 metres when stretched! At least that's what my diving instructor told me. +++ Not much of a Biology geek but may I suggest two more suspect genera? Try googling for the members of genus [i]Catostylus[/i], more specifically [url=http://www.mbayaq.org/efc/living_species/organism_images/lsl_bluejelly_m.jpg][i]Catostylus mosaicus[/i][/url]. May occur in *very* large blooms and according to [url=http://www.marine-medic.com/pages/thesis/thesisBreakup/appendixF.pdf] this documentation of jellyfish distribution[/url], it can be found floating about East Africa. But since you found it in the Arabian Sea, I figured that your jelly's under "Oman" in the documentation. [i]Carybdea sp.[/i]'s got a good candidate: try [url=http://jellieszone.com/Output/Hydromedusae/bssn1_popup1-7.htm][i]Carybdea marsupialis[/i][/url]. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]While walking past some shops in Hot Springs, Arkansas I saw something I absolutely had to have. In one of the window displays was a pristine movie [url=http://www.posterwire.com/archives/2005/03/24/attack-of-the-50ft-woman/]poster for Attack of the 50ft Woman[/url] which is one of the coolest 50's Sci Fi movies I've seen. The poster itself is humorously awesome- a giant woman destroying a highway in skimpy clothing, lol. Instapurchase! It decorates my desk to this day.[/color][/QUOTE]Awesome. An absolutely marvelous find, I must say. Mmm hmm. My geekiest purchase? Hmm, does a book on Geology count? Or rather, does screaming with euphoria and hyperventilating to the point of losing consciousness at the sight of [url=http://www.prenhall.com/tarbuck/][i]Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology[/i][/url] sound geeky to you? Though a bookworm herself, my sister couldn't understand why I was so excited with said purchase. She could only surmise that it was the geek in me acting up. Also, I remember having weird reactions when I grabbed my first copy of a Danger Girl issue(Yeah, it's not much of a series but what the hell. I like it). It's only when I've got #1-7 plus Preview in my hand that my adolescence will officially come to a close.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#038000][quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I think [url=http://encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Wikipedian]Encyclopedia Dramatic[/url] does a better job of revealing these menaces to society.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote]I concur. Also, many thanks for bringing up the leading repository of absolute truths on the Internet. Everyone [i]must[/i] check it out.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#038000][quote name='dog dancing1']Well they will no...and I pretty sure that if you do that to many times they can just bann your ip...at least I think so. :animesmile[/quote]Yeah, I think they can. Handing out IP bans is easy but I heard it's just as effortless to change your IP so you can go on Wikihacking. I do love it when I check on Wikipedia 'bout news I've just read and find it already up. Tells you how quick and easy it is to edit stuff in there. Not an advisable source of reliable info but it gives [i]very[/i] good leads.[/color]
[COLOR=#038000][SIZE=1]Favorite subjects, huh? From what I've seen of this thread, I'm glad everybody has finally gotten over Lunch. Unlike most of you, I don't like taking language classes. Am quite dull when it comes to syntax and sentence construction and I tend to go by gut feeling rather than consult a handbook for them present perfect verb whatever. But I won't mind learning a new language if it's Persian or a really obscure local dialect of ours. Very cool. I absolutely love taking up [b]Drafting[/b] classes, or any subject that involves dependence on pencils, rulers and compasses for that matter. The way auxiliary views and sections can be projected in different views by using s few simple drafting rules still amazes me. A well-made diagram's worth a thousand words plus a few more that only engineers can catch. [b]PE[/b]'s another subject I'm pretty good at (ergo, I love)... well, only those that require heavy physical exertion anyway. I'm supposed to pass in 4 PE classes in our university but I took 5 'cause I failed the one I took during my second year (it was Bridge! A game of luck, for chrissakes!) So far, I've taken up judo, swimming, basic life-saving (yes, it's PE 'cause it's pure water rescue) and scuba diving. The only water-related course I havent taken up is skin diving. Not bad, eh? Got fins growing out of my sides now. Lastly, I luuuurv [b]Chemistry, Physics and Geology[/b]. I love the first 'cause it's something I've bragging rights on, the second 'cause I find it absolutely practical, and the third...well, let's just say I love it for Love's sake.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Anime What Do You Think of This Anime Dub Theory?
Delta replied to serenayasha's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=#038000][SIZE=1]Yeah, it's true to some extent. I can easily name one proof and a counterproof. But since proofs have been discussed to the point of (our) exhaustion, I'll discuss a counterproof: [center][b]Genjo Sanzo: Japanese vs. Filipino dub[/b][/center] It's been a really long while since I last watched locally-dubbed anime. There was this particular VA with a really nasal voice and a throat perennially coated with a film of phlegm who always gets casted for every cute girl role (Usagi, for one) in every anime (Sailormoon, for one) that airs on every channel (Channel 5, for, uh, one). I swore off watching locally-dubbed anime until she meets her untimely demise which will be dealt by my hands, patterned after a fool-proof plan conceived with my newly-freed time. A hundred years later, I happened to catch a local airing of Gensoumaden Saiyuki while channel-surfing. I listened for a while and said to myself: [b]"This is love."[/b] I liked Sanzo's voice in the Japanese dub: full of confidence, swagger and "Hnnh". Very Sanzo, yeah? The Filipino Sanzo VA, however, had a rich, deep voice that could switch between trashtalk and preaching and still sound right. Plus he had that cigarette-scratched voice I imagined Sanzo had (since the character's a walking chimney stack and all). In the end, this Sanzo VA was able to end my respite from Filipino-dubbed anime and restore my faith in local VAs. Plus he saved that Sailormoon VA's life from her untimely death. [i]That is one hell of a good VA.[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=#038000]Mmm hmm, that revelation was surely something to write home about. With every post of yours Desbreko that I will read from hereon, little voices in my head will automatically perform a frenzied dance shouting "Incest!" The second act, though shorter, is worded more beautifully than the first. The shorter lines also made it an easy read. Easy enough to understand, although I think I caught an intimation of satire (or two) in there. *shifty eyes* I like where this is going, Charles. Will we see an adaptation of [i]Canterbury Tales[/i] in the future?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#038000]Orange and red, just as you ordered: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/eclipse_avi.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/eclipse.gif[/IMG] If you want me to change anything in this set, please let me know. [/COLOR] :catgirl:
[COLOR=#038000][SIZE=1]No two entries this round contrast each other more than what you guys submitted. This should make for an interesting battle. Mmm hmm. [center][color=#F7941D][b]Boo[/b][/color][/center] Your piece reminds me of lightplay on black opals. Even with all those colors and grungy textures, you managed to make the background look vitreous. That's a pretty rad effect; do put up a tutorial about it. *heart* [strike]With such a vibrant background, the dull colors in the foreground look somewhat off. Perhaps messing around with the levels will fix this, yeah?[/strike] On second thought, keep it. Soft colors are good for the eyes. [center][color=#F7941D][b]Ezekiel[/b][/color][/center] Done in a style that is distinctly yours. I like the font you used for "Sabaku no Gaara". That you were able to keep it from disappearing into the background despite the font color is another plus point. The extraction could use some improvement but it's something only anal-retentive people like me rant about. My, my. I can't choose between my favorites: Gmv, [b]both of you[/b].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#038000]Beetroot+garlic+lemon+sweet potato: It's not for treatment of AIDS. [b]It kills sex drive.[/b] [i]Durrr~[/i] [SIZE=1][COLOR=#656446]On a side note: An infusion of avocado leaves works wonders a digestive system beset with loose bowel movement. I guarantee it.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR]