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    21, Female, Bisexual
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    College Student

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  1. [quote name='Gelgoog Pilot']*shakes head at Delirium* That really hurts...I don't know if you just called me gay or a bad guy.[/quote] Are you talking to Me? O.o; What are you talking about? [QUOTE]YOu shouldn't judge us on only a few observations.[/QUOTE] Why not? What's fit for the goose is fit for the gander. [QUOTE]We don't go around saying how girls are eather carpet-eaters or justworthless sluts.[/QUOTE] And neither do I, so... what's your point? [QUOTE]Sorry Im getting heated up.[/QUOTE] What the hell is wrong with you?
  2. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I hope you weren't saying that to make him feel better. True it would increase his chances, but what if her friends find out that he bonkied her in the head on purpose and tell her? I've honestly never had a good relationship foprm from a lapse of judgement which is why I try not to meet guys in bars. [/color][/QUOTE] You're way too literal
  3. Too Much Information? Sweet Heart, if you think that is too much information then well... heheh... we'll just leave it at that. Ruining the experience Inuyasha my boy? Sorry, the truth sucks I guess, better to learn it now before you're let down during the actual act. Sorry for no warning, but you could have stopped reading at any time and I personally didn't find it that extreme, but what do I know... sigh... I'd edit my post to remove that info but since it has already been quoted, there's really no point, lol.
  4. Well yes, 14 is debatebly too young for sex, but the whole idea behind friends with benefits is that of a circle of friends who don't have sex outside of that circle and experiment with one another in a safe and controlled environment. Many people have started using the terminology of "Friends with benefits" a little loosely in more recent times, even using it as a euphamism for sleeping around.
  5. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]The sky may fall, but I'm going to go with what K-9 said above. Just as long as the beginning of your conversation doesn't have anything to do with accidentally on purpose hitting her in the head with a basketball in order to get her attention everything should be just fine. Actually, the fact that you have something in common is good enough for an ice-breaker you can only move up from there right? And hey if she says she's not interested all you lost is a few minutes of your life, but you gained some experiance in talking to someone you're attracted to. Basically it's a win win situation.[/color][/QUOTE] Actually, hitting her in the head with something would probably increase the likelihood that she'd go out with you, cranial trauma does wonders for lapses in judgment.
  6. It's interesting comparing these theories (most of which sound like reasonable dead on observations of reality) to those of our parents, hehe... My mom just shakes her head and says I am "Just confused" when she use to find me with a girlfriend making out, lol. I honestly don't think my parents care what I am as long as I end up with a guy and make babies, tee-hee. Which might be the case seeing as 98% of all physically attractive bi or homo females are insane or fake. Experimentation is fun, but I often found myself more satisfied with males as the penis is a very very wonderful thing. And trust me people, threesomes... they're horrifically overrated, don't buy into the hype, just be content with the one on one experience... Every threesome inevitably becomes a twosome with one very angry person on the sidelines. Some more advice... Sex underwater, not fun, eh, well just let me put it this way, a woman's lubrication is water solluable, think about it people... And Anal Sex? I was never dumb enough to even try that. Unless you're two guys without anyother options, it's just unecessary and quite unhealthy for many objective and undeniable reasons, but hey, whatever floats your boat, I'm just sayin'.
  7. I've read that most women have in someway or another either experimented with or fantisized about another being with another woman at one point in their lives. This being the case, I mean, such a phenomenon being so common place, encompassing almost, if not the majority of women, does it really constitute the finite label of bisexual? I know I've done my share of experimenting with girls, but I consider myself bisexual as a result of my inherant sexual preference not what few acts I've done in my past. I tried talking about this with a couple friends of mine and they're convinced that if you experiment at least once you're bi so I was curious what you guys thought. I know guys like to think all girls are bi and that those who deny it are just embarassed, but I'm not so sure, if I was a normal girl I might be content with my own opinion, but obviously having a hightened libido I'd much rather rely on the views of others here rather than just playcate to some social dillusion of all women being freaky. Are we all inherently bisexual?
  8. [quote name='HoT LaVa 904']I got a question. Theres this one girl at the basketball gym and my team always practices with hers. I really want to go out with this girl but I don't know her at all. I want to talk to her but I don't know what to say or how to start a conversation with her. So what should I say to her?[/quote] Just find an excuse to talk to her, about anything, just be casual and use your own discresion from there. You are more of an expert than you think you are and will benefit more from your own gut instinct than any number of words that can be put on a forum.
  9. three words... FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS It's way better than limiting yourself to just one person. And at your age, experimentation and practice is more important than commitment. Make the rest of your life worth living and don't sell yourself short so early in the game.
  10. I was merely stating that each has its place, not that its impossible to have one without the other or that one takes presidence over another. God you people read into things way too much for your own good. Sigh... Allow me to go more into detail... First let's get the facts out of the way.. We are animals, nothing more and nothing less. Though we possess emotions, awareness, and the illusion of free-will we are all still very much the products (by no matter of how many degrees removed) of biological algorythms, animals instincts and conditioned habituations which from there have structured our more complex upper strata of consciousness making us sentient beings. Now onto the more philosophical side... There is nothing wrong in falling in love with someone because of the way they look and then later falling in love with their personality and there is nothing wrong with falling in love with their personality in spite of or before falling in love with the way they look. Love is an emotion, which is a biological chemical reaction, which is a motivator (stimulus) that drives us, love is a chemical cocktail that is nature's way of giving us incentive to find a mate, someone to be with, and from there, eventually copulate and propogate. This does not mean that love's ultimate end for us, as we have become, is simply making babies, but it still is a reminder to us of where this emotion, that we now prize as being something more, came from and what purpose it was originally meant to serve. In other words... Just because we can now, as humans, indulge in such emotions for more than what they were originally intended for doesn't change the fact why they were there in the first place and why we are still driven to achieve them. This being the case, Love is love no matter what envokes the emotion, whether it be love at first sight, a beautiful body that draws you in to learn more about the person or a charming personality that drives you to meet the individual in person, love is love. Everything beyond that is subject to personal preference and our own individual ideals.Just know which one you want and as long as you find happiness, all else is irrelivent in hindsight.
  11. I'd suggest dating girls instead of boys, but girls are generally more messed up in the head then guys are when it comes to relationships (at least the ones that lean more towards the same sex persuasion). Damned if you do and damned if you don't I guess...
  12. [quote name='Vash IDK]Personally, I like to get to know the guy first before I accept anything. But for the record, I'd want them to get to know me [i]first[/i] before they [I]saw [/I'] me and thought of asking me out. Not the other way around. ;)[/quote] True True, that's what everyone woman wants, proof that we're desired as an individual and not just as an interchangeable member of the oposite sex. But humans are fickle things and looks are indeed important, it's only natural, not that appearance can't be made secondary to personality (as lord knows we girls make tons of compromises in the appearance and personality of our boys), but still, knowing he is the real deal, there are few girls who wouldn't want to be found physically attractive by their boy. Sigh... all this talk has me wanting a boy of my own now... It's been so long since someone has held me in their arms... arghhh! Just wish it didn't look so bad for girls to take the initiative, but never mind that, I'm getting off topic.
  13. Women are individuals and therefor don't really apply to any universal formula for courting. As cliche as it sounds, be yourself and just ask them out as casually as you can, if that doesn't work then that doesn't work. Be creative and don't be afraid to be persistent, some women enjoy the chase and like playing hard to get, they want to feel you really really want them as an individual and not just as the most conveniently available item on the shelf. Blow up dolls are the yuck, no girl has respect for a guy who has ever used one. Trust me, the real thing is better, we're soft & smooth on the outside and warm & goey on the inside, trust me, we're worth the trouble.
  14. I called my teacher mom once, in fifth grade! Oye! Was daydreaming in class once and as I played out a mock argument in my head I unknowingly started mumbling it out loud. God I felt like such a psycho. When I was 17 I was caught by my mom using her vibrator... A part of me died a little that day *shudders with embarassment just thinking about that moment*
  15. This could be a sign of insecurities in your boyfriend, I don't mean to scare you but it sounds like the same mentality of many abusive men. Try having him hang out with your friends and see that they're not a threat to you. Also, be lovey dovey with him to show him that he's the only one for you.
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