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Everything posted by Blade15
Aaron saw Luna approaching. "Nice of you to visit." Aaron said Sarcastically. Luna seemed to be keeping out of arms reach of the cell. Aaron found it quite embarresing for Luna to see him behind bars. "In case you're wondering, I got in a bar fight. Guy across from me got me pissed, and well, you can see what happened to him."
Aaron sat in the cell, with Peter across from him. Aaron smiled at the sight of Peter. His good looks were totally ruined. His nose was broken, his face was bloody, and he had two broken limbs. "What are you smiling about?" Peter asked in upmost contempt. "You. You should see how you look." Aaron laughed. Aaron had been stuck in this cell for twenty-four hours now. One of the Authorities came wlking by. "So, officer, when do I get out of here?" Aaron asked. "As soon as someone pays your bail." Replied the officer. "I'll tell you what. You go to the vampire princess Mina's castle and let her know that you arrested a friend of her's; name of Aaorn. Send her my regards while you're at it." "You can't fool me." Said the officer, although he was physically shaking with fear. He walked out of earshot and turned to a constable. "Go check out tha castle." "But sir...." Replied the constable, evidently full of fear. "Just do it." Replied the officer in a cold voice. "Ye.. yessir." Replied the constable reluctantly.
Yeah tha'd be good. Oh, and sorry for causing this whole off topic descusion. I guess we don't need more Crimsons.
We need more crimsons
After confirming the price with his ex-boss, Aaron decided to head to a bar. He went to the counter and ordered a drink. As he waited for the drink he heard a familiar voice. "Hello, Aaorn." He turned around quickly. There stood a ragged loking man. "Hello peter." Aaron said politely. "When was the last time I saw you? Was it stranded in the middle of the dessert? Yes that was it." Aaron said sarcastically. "Yeah, that was it." Peter said. "What brings you here?" asked Aaron. "You." Peter replied with hatred. Peter drew his sword and attacked him. Aaron drew his and countered. Eventually, the swords were lost and they ended up fist fighting. Aaron had broken Peter's nose with a left uppercut. Needless to say, the Authorities showed up and through both of them in jail.
[COLOR=DimGray][U][B]Name:[/B][/U] Aaron Vera [U][B]Nick Name (if any): [/B][/U] Pheonix (To Crimson Shadow Members) N/A [U][B]Age: [/B] [/U] 26 [U][B]Gender:[/B][/U] Male [U][B]Nationality: [/B][/U] 75% Irish; 25% mutt(From Chicago) [U][B]Race:[/B][/U] Fire/ thunder Worlock (Male witch, and assuming I can still have mixed elements) [U][B]Group:[/B][/U] Crimson Shadow [U][B]Occupation:[/B][/U] He works for Crimson shadow almost full tim,e however he has a coverup in Chicago in a restaurant that happens to be secretly owned by Crimson Shadow. He works with information distribution during the day, but only in secret. He does the required dirty work at night. [U][B]Weapons:[/B][/U] Broadsword in particular, but is skilled in any and all kinds of blades. He also carries around a pistol. [U][B]Personality: [/B][/U] Cocky and self assured. He is confident in his skills and it's a wonder he hasn't gotten himself killed yet. [B][U]Appearance:[/U] [/B] He has short, jet black hair. He wears a black trench coat with a grey longsleeve shirt and grey pants. He has black leather gauntlets. His eyes are also grey, unlike the rest of his family. He is tall and muscular. When on Crimson Shadow buisiness, he wears a smooth, glossy black mask made of ebony. He also wears a black hooded cloak to cover the rest of him. [U][B]Bio:[/B][/U] Leya's brother, he secretly is a member of the crimson shadows. his siter doesn't know. He is forced to wear a mask to disguise his identity from those who would recognize him. Only the extremely high ranking officials in the Crimson Shadows know his true identity. As a child, he was taught amongst some of the most skilled swordsmen of the time. He left his family for four years when he was sixteen to trane. He then returned to his home at the age of twenty-two. He became a mercinary for two years when he met up with a member of the Crimson Shadows. He believed in their logic and joined almost instantly. He is attracted to Natalia.[/COLOR]
Aaron looked at her for another second. "I understand. He has promised me he would not harm any of your people. If he does, [i]I'll[/i] take care of him." Aaron bowwed. "I figure I have bothered you enough today, so godbye. I hope you get asome sleep. You aren't looking to good." Aaron said sincerly. He turned and left. He walked down the hallway and towards his room. When he got there he decided to go look for his fellow human in this complex. He just hoped she hadn't left. He browsed the halls for her.
"Well..." Aaron started. "It is kind of high." He cursed himself. HE knew why he was being so evasive. He didn't want to upset Mina. "How high?" She asked. "Oh, ahh...... somewhere around four million gold. I know that [i]I[/i] have never worked that high."
Mina hadn't come to the door. She must have been quite tired. He turned and began to leave when teh door opened behind him. He turned to see Mina. "What is it Aaron?" She asked. Aaron turned and moved closer. He cleared his throat. "Well, I spoke to my guild leader, as you wanted." "And..." Aaron cleared his throat a second time. "He said he would help, for a price." Aaron stood, waiting for her response.
Aaron approached mina's door. He had been wondering if he should actually disturb her, but in the end he felt it best to tell her imediatly. He had been told she was resting. He knew she needed her rest and wanted to save it until later. However, He realized it couldn't wait. He finaly made a discision and took one more step. He knocked on Mina's door three time. HE stood, waiting to see if she would come.
Aaron had forgotten how wonderful it was to be umongst his own kind in his short stay at Mina's palace. He cherished the moment for a while, then went to the Drunken Master's Inn, a bar actually. There he met his contacts and went throught the costumary ritual of locating the new guild hideout. He was admitted into the leaders chamber by a velvet clad servent. "Aaron!" THe boss was happy to see him. He went and embraced Aaron. "Jordan!" Aaron returned the embrace. "How have you been?" "Oh, you know, killing vampires, getting rich." Jordan smiled wickedly. "The usual stuff. I haven't seen you around recently. What happened?" "Huh. You'll love this. I was [i]caught[/i]." Jordan laughed hartilly. Aaron decided to keep the fact that he got caught on purpose to himself. "So, how are you not dead?" "I suppose that Mina took a liking to me." Aaron smiled. Jordan laughed. "And who doesn't? That's why your so good at what you do." "I know. However I have a slight favor to ask." "And what is it my friend?" Jordan was still laughing. "I need you to order your guild to help Mina. She is being targeted by assasins. I sense a war coming, however I am not always acurate with these things." Jordan looked at him sternly, all signs of mirth gone. "Why should I help her?" "Because I asked you to." Was all Aaron said. "And how is that incentive?" Jordan asked. "Trust me, jordan." Aaron looked sternlyinto Jordan's eyes. Jordan clapped. "Okay then. She has my guild. However I won't do it for free." "Of course not. I shall see her and make arrangements." "Then hurry." Aaron turned and left.
"Mina! Wait!" Aaron called after her as he followed her out the door. " have something I wish to speak with you about." He wasn't sure if she would isten to him, but he sure hoped that she would. This idea had come to him with Mina's last statement. She turned. "What is it?" Aaron looked at her solidly. "First, my sword will always protect you. I just thought I should say that now. Second, I think I have an idea. You spoke of having a hunters guild help you in this fight." "Yes." She said. "Well, I don't know if you know, but I happen to be quite an acclaimed vampire hunter. I also happen to be a member in good standing in a hunters guild." He smiled, hoping she would except his offer.
Aaron was still wandering the hallways. A vampire walked up to him. It was the same one that had been so rude to him earlier. "You, human." He said, with a note of upmost disgust. Aaron turned and looked at him. "Yes?" He asked politly. "Lady Mina wants you. Although I don't know why she would want the likes of you in her prescence." As the vampire started to turn to walk away Aaron drew his stake with lightning speed and had it pointed at the vampires heart, against his chest, before he could move. "If you have not forgotten, you wouldn't be the first vampire I've killed." Aaron made references to MIna's father in a low, threatening voice. "I demand some respect. Now, thank you for letting me know she wanted me. Where might I find her?" "Innn.. In the council hall." "Thank you. That wasn't so hard was it?" Aaron sheathed his stake and patted the vampire on the cheek. He walked away, happy with himself.
Aaron left his room to find that someone had tried to kill mina. He had not thought that anyone would strike so soon, but he seemed to be wrong. He quickly hurried to find mina. After several minuets he pulled aside one vampire who was hurrying along the corridor. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find mina?" He asked. The vampire pushed him away. "I do not talk to your kind." He hurried off. Aaron was tempted to draw his crossbow and send a bolt in the general direction of the retreating vampire. However humorous the idea was, he thought better of it. He turned and continued his search.
Aaron sat down, being sure he was out of site of Luna. He placed his head in his hands and silently cursed himself. He could kill vampires, werewolfs, harpies, you name it. However, it seemed that he just couldn't talk to Luna. He didn't know why. It all seemed unreasonable. He sat there for several minuets, and then noticed it was getting dark. He stood and made his way towards the castle. Once inside, he went straight to his room. He lay down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He was lost in thought until a knock at the door brought him back. He turned as a servent of Mina's entered. "Time for dinner, sir." The servent left. Aaron continued to lay there, thinking.
Aaron hesitated for a moment. He didn't understand why, however. He couldn't quite place how he felt about Luna. He considered her highly ubnoxious at first. He then realized that there was something more earlyier that day when he looked into her eyes. He stopped altogether. He looked at her for a second. She, too stopped and looked at him. Aaron couldn't decide what to do. He had planned on asking her where she'd been, but now saw no real purpose. He nodded and turned to his left, walking to no particular destination.
Aaron saw her approaching. Luna seemed happy, almost. He went out to meet her. He didn't know why he felt he needed to, but he did anyways. He made his way through the castle. It took him quite some time. It was a spacious building. He noticed that many of the vampires looked at him with a look of contempt. He knew that he could kill at least half of them, but he let it slide. As he exited the castle, he saw luna and went towards her.
(Alright thanks. I hope I don't sound picky or anything. I just don't like to swear. I appreciate it. Thanks again.) Aaron went back to his room. He lay there thinking. First, mina refuses to kill him and instead tells him to live umongst her people. Next Luna shows up there. He had heard of Luna. She was a great vampire hunter, only second in reputation to himself... and just barely. That's why he was so startled to see what he saw in her eyes. She said she was undergoing some changes. She had been right. In those bueatiful eyes he saw the eyes of a vampire. If he had not had so much experience, he would have missed it entirely. He lay down on his bed. He began to drown himself in his thoughts.
(While I don't mind you putting thoughts into my character, I would appreciate it if you didn't make me swear. Thanks.) Aaron put his other hand under luna's chin and turned her face towards hers. He gazed into her eyes. He almost shivered, but managed to suppress it. He saw somehthing there that scared him. He had seen it so many times before. He brought himself together and took his hands away from her. Luna looked puzzled. "I must admit I wasn't straightforward with you. There is another reason I am sticking around mina." Aaron hesitated. He did not wish to go on. At last, he was able to speak. "Please don't make assumptions." He turned and left her standing there.
Aaron had resumed wandering the castle now. He felt he had nothing better to do. He had seen just about everything and knew were just about everything was in relation to each other. He easilly found his room. He went in and settled down on his bed. He lay there, drifting into sleep. Suddenly, however, a certain thought drifted into his mind. Luna was quite a merited bount hunter. What was she doing there? Aaron stood and made his way out in the castle to find luna. He did find her. She was standing, looking out a window. He approached her silently. He was quite sure she did not know he was there. He waited until he was right behind her before he spoke. "What are you doing here?" She turned around, startled.
Mina ran past Aaron. He quickly moved out of the way. He had heard the conversation in the room, and he could not understand why she was so sad. She seemed to take the death of her father much more easily. Aaron decided it best not to follow her. He began to wander the halls again. AS he was lost in thought, he bum,ped into someone. HE quickly looked up. He had bumped into Luna, who had evidently decided to enter the building. "I'm sorry. I should have been paying attention." Aaron said distractedly.
Aaron felt he was being left out. As mina ran back towards the castle, Aaron noticed the girl on the roof. He recognized her as a fellow vampire hunter. He was quite curious why she was there. He had no time however. He quickly followed Mina.
Aaron turned to go back to his room. It was then he reallized he didn't know where his room was. This castle was quite bigger than anything he had been in before. He decided to continue to follow Mina. There was nothing else better to do, he figured. He followed the two for about ten minuets. Then they stopped. They began to talk and he strained to hear.
Aaron awoke an hour before. He had heard his door open and realized mina was in his room. from there he procedded to follow her. Whethear or not she found he was there was still unknown to him. He had followed her until she stood, talking to a certain... TJ, was it? They were reminiscing about the past. Their childhood. Aaron only wished he had someone to do that with. He felt an appology was in order, seeing how sad mina was to have lost her father. Aaron understood. He stepped out of the shadows and approached the two... no wait... three vampires that stood there. He almost did not see the third. He had cowared away into the shadows. Smotthly, aaron adressed mina. "I see I have caused you great pain. For this, I am sorry. Let me assure you I had my reasons." He continued to stand there as mina turned towards him, startled. "I see have have interupted you. Again, my appologies, milady."
Aaron lay awake in his bed. He could tell that mina was worried about him trying something. [I]She did nothing to me. I have no reason to kill her.[/I] Aaron thought. He slowly drifted off to sleep.