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Everything posted by IceRose

  1. [SIZE=4]So you are telling me that my favorite band in the world just dismantelled like that!!!!!!!!![/SIZE] I can't imagine it. I mean I know the band were on rocky situations from the beginnings because Thuomas said they were going to break the band after the first cd went out but this is nonsense, Tarja would never do that!, I'm upset right now, how could this happenned? :animecry:
  2. Well it depends on the both of you people. In my case, my friends were the ones that became a couple (only 2 friends, caught in the middle), well they broke up after a while and then they are back to being friends. If I were to have a best friend who would turn into my boyfriend and then we broke up for some reason I would try to be his friend again
  3. Well on my christmas list there are only a few things that will probably will not come to happenning but I still hope, the first thing is for my parents to send me back to Ecuador, I miss my home, my friends and my life before I came to the States 6 years ago. The Second thing is a material thing, I saw this pretty necklace with a green heart and I love it. The Third thing I want is for my back to stop hurting, the doctors haven't got back to me on why it hurts so much but I just hope I would know by Christmas. The last thing is that my friends will stop fighting with each other (not likely to happen)
  4. I have a fear of snakes, lizards, darkness, silence and ghosts. Well that is about it, I'm not afraid of anything else, I love heights and extreme sports and I love all animals, even if they bite me (except for lizards and snakes of course)
  5. My perfect man, well here it goes: Looks: Nice straight hair, any color(I'm not picky), preferable white or japanese, he has to have a nice body, not muscular but not skinny as heck. I don't mind the bad boy look as long as he has the nice guy personality. Personality: Optimistic, a little sarcastic, intelligent, he knows what is going on around the world, is happy with his life (really don't like people who complain about every single thing). Likes: traveling (as much as I do), anime at some extents, some sports, archery and hand to hand combat. Doesn't like: confrontations, football,or drinking. Overall: I just want a nice guy who is able to have actual conversations with me. He has to be kind and well mannered. He has to have the perfect balance, be funny when funny is needed and serious when serious is needed.
  6. My dad and my mom went to Japan, my grandfather is from Japan. My bad luck is that I haven't been there. I wanna go to anime town(I saw it i the Inuyasha DVD). My dad said he liked Osaka of most placs. I want to go see the golden statue of Buddha. Good luck in Japan TigerFantasy, post pictures when you get back. Man I wish I could go!
  7. IceRose

    Gorillaz Movie

    I didn't know they had a movie/DVD, all I knew was that they were making in a tour in 2007. The tour is gonna be holographic, so when we will be able to see how they look in reality?
  8. All viruses once fought will come back, being able to kill the viruses is not completely successful as the left over bacteria, virus, etc mutates and becomes ineffective to past cures. People might be able to control the virus for a while but is not gonna be enough to keep people from getting contaminated. The Bird Flu and all those have wiped out millions of people back in history, there have always been diseases like that, and Asians contract those viruses for their living conditions, Europeans and Americans get them because they rely too much on Asian made products.
  9. I agree with you Hell Fire, those shows just need to end and also Digimon add to the list, the first and second season were sort of good but people will not get the point that they are boring. Also to add to the list put "The Batman" how many times are we suppossed to be reminded that he lives in Gotham and fights the Penguin and the Joker?
  10. I think the best would be Tenchi from Tenchi Muyo, he is brave, from a rroyal family and has good looks.Of course he would have an stampede of fan girls following him around everywhere
  11. Japanese music is cool, I like BoA, The Gospellers, Hyde, Gackt, DOI, Megumi Hayashibara and Ryuichii Sakamoto. I must sound like a geek but I'm half japanese and I grew up listening to japanese music somewhat.
  12. My chemical romance is one of my favorite bands, my favorite songs from them are Ghost of You, Give them' hell kid, Vampires will never hurt you and Helena. I just love them, Gerard is my home boy from New Jersey, well he was from upper NJ I was from southern NJ but still
  13. Well I'm gonna be Yoda from Star Wars. I am really that short!. Well that is the costume I can actually pull off, I tried to be a witch once but it didn't work out, dark make up doesn't apply to me, I was once President Bush, it was hilarious but I don't think it'll be a goodidea this year. SO I'LL BE YODA!
  14. Well I believe there is a certain level of liking anime and getting obssesed with it. I mean I like anime, I have manga at home but I don't dress up like an anime character or act like a neko or any other animal like I've seen fan girls act like. I think that is ridiculous, that is degrating themselves to a level where people have no respect towards them and ridiculize them. In the matter of fan fictions, they are writing a novel, just that using someone else's characters, its perfectly healthy.
  15. Shippo served purpose in the Inuyasha movies, mostly in the second one when he helped Kagome get free from those branches to help Inuyasha get out of his possession. He does have a purpose a weird purpose but a purpose
  16. I agree with yamisfiregirl, Tea has no purpose, she is like a the damsel in distress, the character that ends up making it worst for the main characters, I think the creators of Yu-Gi-OH just put her to annoy everybody
  17. I am well too many things. My mom is Japanese/Brit/Chinese/Saudi Arabian. My dad is Spanish/Ecuadorian/Huarani(south american indian). I have way too many names including Namiko Momiji and Sunserei(which I hate) My other names are spanish.
  18. My family would be. Mom- Gagscogne Reinghau(vandread) reason: She is cool and calm and always takes care of everyone. Siblings- Hibiki Tokai(Vandread), Washu(Tenchi Muyo) reasons- Hibiki is a blast and he gets annoyed easily so I'll have the perfect role of little sister. Washu because she is so cool. Dad- Hughes (FMA) reason: Who else, he loves family so he cares and is loyal and the whole deal. Pets- The cute cat from Banner of Stars and Alexander from (fma) Boyfriend- Goh from Pretear.He is cute, heart-warming and a bit of a clutz
  19. My mom can speak and read and write japanese, I barely can speak it.
  20. I have seen the first stage and the second stage. Vandread has proven to me that is a great anime to watch. My favorite character is Gagscone she is cool and very helpful mostly in the ending episode. I do get annoyed by Paimei and her obsession with takin pictures of everything including Hibiki in the bathroom. I can see the connection that the male characters develop with the female characters towards the end of the series. Pharfeit and Duero look so cute together but they can't really understand what they are feeling because men and women are suppossed to hate each other. Dita and Hibiki understand each other pretty well and finally Hibiki has to admit he likes Dita.
  21. I used to be Catholic but then turned Buddhist and now I'm turning back to catholic. Is crazy because I changed religions more than 9 years ago and the fact that my mother is Buddist helped but there are not so many people that believe in the same principles and well not so many guys that will like a Buddhist girl.
  22. My three favorite movies are: The Princess Bride: I just love Indigo, he never gives up to avenge his father's death, even when they stab him more than 5 times. Kill Bill: Love the fighting scenes and the styles. Plus, is just so cool watching the nonrealistic effects it adds humor to the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas: I love Jack!!!, I even named my rabbit after him. The storyline is cool, and I'm a big fan of Tim Burton.
  23. I love Ranma, well he/she is cool. My favorite character is Ryoga, well I relate to him, I have no sense of direction, believe me, I once got lost in my own town, and the town is only 2 blocks long. Well anyways, Akane is cool, has anyone seen the actual last episode?
  24. Well I hope all of them will turn real. I think the hottest is Yuki Shoma from Furuba. Another good choice can be Roy Mustang from Full Meatl Alchemist
  25. I like the story line of Corpse Bride, it kind of reminds me of Nightmare before Christmas just that this time is not a holiday but a wedding. Can you imagine a guy running away from a girl who he is to be married to, to be followed later by a skeleton. Dude!!!!!
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