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Everything posted by IceRose

  1. I like forest green, black and silver. I like green because its nature, something I admire. Black, because of the depth of the color, it means a lot of things, a sorrofull color. Silver is bright, opposite to my liking of black but I like it nontheless.
  2. Unfortunetly I'm a hater when it comes to valentine's day. I mean its just a candy coorporation scam to make people buy lots of chocolate. Hehehe, just kidding. I usually just go around and hug all my friends and send them the usual candy gram, my ex broke up with me on Valentine's day so I don't really care that much for the holiday, I mean there are other holidays for sweets like Halloween or Christmas :animeswea
  3. I like X-1999 by CLAMP and Furuba. They are good and have good story lines. :catgirl: Mostly when in Furuba they actually represent more human emotions, in X they are more liniant towards the fantasy (even though people turning into animals doesn't fall behind)
  4. I rather like it here, I mean people in gaia can easily pass a post as just writing the word "BUMP" which in my opinion makes no sense at all, so to speak. I would sincerely rather make sure my posts are of good quality than just placing spam on our site.
  5. Well I listen to sort of different kinds of music since I have a little bit of everything on me. Japanese: Style of music is very rhytmic and the lyrics are somewhat sad at times and deal with somewhat real situations. Salsa: Lots of movement involved and also the songs tell stories, I mean the old salsa and merenge not the new. Alternative: Somewhat sad and pretty much relates to some parts of my life that are gonne but is good to go back and look at them for strenght, plus I love guitar solos and depends on my mood.
  6. IceRose


    Welcome Umbrella, You seem like a nice person but please read the rule book and see that introductory threads are not allowed because they sometimes take much space. What I recommend and many administrators do also is to slowly introduce yourself with your posts on different topics. Much love, Ice Rose :animeswea
  7. Personatly I like Flightplan better than Red Eye. I mean a woman looking desperatly for her daughter regardless of what people say deserves my praise, even If I do admit it was confusing at the beginning I have to say I like it better.
  8. I got myself up there already, hehehehe, everyone can see where I live, yay!!!!. Anyways, it seems like Rifles and myself are the only NC people :animeswea
  9. Well myadvice to you is to settle the family issues first off, school work; get it done at school. About these two guys, just tell the Andrew guy to understand the situation you are in right now, lay it down clear for him to understand. About your ex bf, just tell him to not make you choose, that is the worst thing to do and he should understand that since he was your friend first, and if he doesn't understand just lay down some of those karate moves on him :animeswea
  10. Nature and wildlife inspires me, you see I can't really draw people and I can draw animal faces and nature landscapes. When I see the light of day catch up with the morning dew is almost heavenly. All nature inspires me, except for cities, so polluted and industrial. :animeswea
  11. I love Tenchi no doubt about it, the only one I haven't seen has been the one with his less fortunate cousin Seina, poor guy I have pity on him. I have also seen Pretty Sammy which is the one about Sasamy being a girl hero. Anyways my favortie character is Washu abd I wish they had gotten deeper inside her plot like What Miosi really her daughter? or what happenned to her husband?
  12. I hate him plain and simple, he's made life for virtually everyone that is not rich and pretty impossible. Hopefully he will not go for reelection a 3rd time, and he has done a horrible job with the Iraqui situation, they were not suppossed to go up againt Sadam they were suppossed to go up againt Bin Laden. This is my opinion and please don't hurt me :animeswea
  13. I rather guys follow the same principles set by the ages, ask the girls out. Is too embarrasing for a girl to ask a guy out, believe me I know, its just so out of usual :animeswea I know my kind is complaining why the guys have to be macho and all but please just think about it, when a guy asks out a girl the girl feels flattered. When the girl asks out a guy is just weird.
  14. Average Saturday: Wake up, complain about everything. Run a lap, look at the pretty day. Do laundry, watch t.v., go online, talk to friends. Perfect Saturday: Wake up at 9:00 am, run a lap, call my friends, go out and eat lunch, go to the beach, come back home, rent a movie, make popcorn, stay in with a couple of friends and family. (as you can see I value both friends and family) :catgirl:
  15. thank you very much, I really appreciate it :animesmil
  16. This is my list: All the sailor moon Dragon ball, Dragon ball Z, Dragon Ball GT Ranma 1/2 Slayers Virtuos fighter Akira Blue Seed Tenchi Muyo, Tenchi Universe, Tenchi in Tokio Lost Universe Outlaw Star Cowboy Bebop Kikaider Big O Inuyasha Card Captors Sakura Digimon, Digimon 2 RRuroini Kenshin Samurai X Fruits Basket Pokemon Wolf's Rain Catle in the Sky Princess Mononoke Saint Seiya Spirited Away Porco Rosso Yu Yu Hakusho Trigun Witch Hunter Robin My neighboor Totoro Pretear Vandread Read or Die OVA and TV BoogieBop Phantom Teen Titans Oh my goddess Vampire Hunter D Vampire Hunter D- Bloodlust Vampire Princess Miyu Tokio Godfathers Naruto Magic Knight Rayearth Kanon 3x3 eyes Kiki's delivery service Nausicca- Valley of the Wind One Piece Final Fantasy the spirits within Ghost in the Shell FMA Well those are the ones I can remember at the moment, the rest I'll put up later :animeswea
  17. Well I would wonder if someone was kind enough to make me an avatar and a banner. The avatar can be of if someone can find a picture of a rose made of ice, that would be sweet. The banner made with this picture and with the phrase: In a garden of roses a silent keeper walks across turning everything to ice. I would really appreciate this.
  18. IceRose

    Dead Like Me

    I liked Mason, such an annoying guy. Roxie rocked, mostly on the last episode. I hated Daisy and I thought George was hilarious, mostly when she got arrested after Trip dumped her. I'm sad they cancelled it. :animeswea
  19. Lol, hitting a guy, I only do that to my guy friends, and yeahI agree with Shinji on the fact that sometimes a girl who hits you likes you, that's what I made clear last year and when I would hug some of my guy friends and then just tapped the one I liked, I know its silly but yeah... I freak everytime I find myself liking a guy.
  20. School for me is annoying, well I'm not saying its not necessary but it can be hell. For example, I sit right next to this annoying brat in Psychology, I truly dislike him, he complains about everything and talks crap. Also my English class is so annoying, they never shut up, they only talk about "their men" and how the math teacher is accordingly hot (not really) I wish I was in college already. :animeswea
  21. One pretty song that I would like to hear at a dance or some sort would be Our farewell by Within Temptation. Our Farewell In my hands A legacy of memories I can hear you say my name I can almost see your smile Feel the warmth of your embrace But there is nothing but silence now Around the one I loved Is this our farewell? Sweet darling you worry too much, my child See the sadness in your eyes You are not alone in life Although you might think that you are Never thought This day would come so soon We had no time to say goodbye How can the world just carry on? I feel so lost when you are not by my side But there's nothing but silence now Around the one I loved Is this our farewell? So sorry your world is tumbling down I will watch you through these nights Rest your head and go to sleep Because my child, this not our farewell. This is not our farewell.
  22. The worst memories in my life have been at hospitals. I'm way too familiar with them since I was always in and out when I was younger. I saw the people I loved die in hospitals and yeah, I don't like them....
  23. Well the weirdest dream I had was just last week. I was in my school but it wasn't my school, it was my old school and then I saw my friend Bobby smiling at me and then the whole place flooded and I was trying to reach for something and I saw a lady and that lady told me to kill one of the people that betrayed me before. Then I shifted into this dream that I found myself at a church and I was wearing this black shirt and pink skirt(something I will never wear) and as I walked inside the church I saw my grandmother alive and it was so real, she was there but then I saw around the church and where the figures of Jesus' walking to the cross and stuff were not there, instead there were water painting with the words Ardo Aqua, someone tell me what it means because it creeped me out.
  24. The Great Gatsby, Murder in the Orient Express and The Purloined Letter are good books if you like suspense. If you like sci-fy and comedy I recomend the Hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy and The Restaurant at the end of the Universe. If you like fantasy I recomend the Lord of the Rings and a Wrinkle in Time.
  25. Alright I'll join, seems like fun Why: I dunno, it seems like fun. Fav Anime: Tenchi Muyo, Furuba, Blue Seed, Ranma 1/2, Outlaw Star. I just love them, I've watched them since I was little. :animeswea Anime to be questioned on: Please let it be Tenchi Muyo and Blue See, please :catgirl:
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