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Everything posted by IceRose

  1. well I would be a mix between a horse and a reindeer sort of like the God of the Wood in Princess Mononoke but in pale lavender, with emerald eyes and horns to the back like an antelope. Yeap that would be me, strong legs to run away from anything and anyone.
  2. I'm ashamed to say I actually liked Pokemon :animeswea well it was good for the first 3 seasons. Also I'm ashamed I liked Dragon Ball Z, well I was little and all that seemed new like guys with tails and giant energy balls.
  3. The one thing I would change in my life is my pessimistic point of view at times and my sense of judging people before I know them, that has brought me too many problems in the past and I would not like for things to get out of hand again, I mean now I try to be optimistic and lift everyone's spirits up but there is always that time when you feel like crap and accidentally let it out on others.
  4. For Starwind: Wheter you like it or not there is always love and it doesn't have to do with your stereotype. Maybe you don't get to work out a relationship because you might not one. (ps. do't worry we are all looking for love)
  5. I had a crush on Yuki Sohma, yeah, he was so suave on everything he did and appeared flawless in every aspect of his actions except when he decided to face Kyo while having a cold, bad move Yuki!
  6. I don't believe in either to tell you the truth. Peace achieved by love is the same retrospective hippies had during the 60's and at did not work, its just a foolish idea, I don't mean its a bad idea but throughout history people have tried it and it has not worked. Peace by war doesn't exist, war kills, war brings alienation of people and turns best friends into worse enemies. If people really want peace they have to stay out of everyone's bussiness, let them live their lives without butting in like the big heroes of the movie. Sorry got a little carried away its just that that is the only way to not have wars and reassure the future of the next generation
  7. Living with my parents currently in Durham, North Carolina. My house is about 15 minutes from Duke university. There is a lot of rain and a lot of wind here. I hvae lived though in Garwood New Jersey and plan to go back there after graduation and my dad is moving family again to Fl after graduation to live in Orlando
  8. I'm graduating in January so I'm happy. The fact of the matter is that I regret my last year in high school, I could have done better and I regret ever going to Florida to study I should have insisted my father on staying in New Jersey. Well my thought on my last years have been sad, lonely, hyper, happy, tired, lazy, and the oh so mighty I don't like my teachers. By the way this high school is my fourth high school in four years so I have a variety of experiences from high school I have to say my high school in NJ rocked, Go Crusaders!, my new high school is okay but I'm glad to be leaving, just that I have to take 10 exams because the North Carolina state requires some weird exams to graduate. :animeswea
  9. First: Introduce yourself Second: Find his friends and ask them what he likes but don't seem to foward with the them, drop it like casual conversation. Third: If you now know the info about the guy and still like him ask him to join you with a couple of friends at the movies. Fourth: After the movies ask him if he wants to go for an ice cream or something or pizza whatever the both of you decide Fifth: end up walking home with im and then ask him if he would like to go out with you on a real date. (This advice brought to you by IceRose's friend Isabel who was in the same situation and the plan worked )
  10. I incidentally have a crush on Stephen from Within Temptation. He is so kawaii :catgirl: , sorry got a little carried away but yeah I love him from a far how platonic :animesigh
  11. We don't tell the guys we like we like them because we might be too nervous or afraid of rejection. Have you guys ever though of that?
  12. I would be a person most likely a hunter I would use a Bullpup (shotgun) my name would be Aredhel Vardamir and by the way a hunter in the future, hunter of vampires, demons, werewolfs, witches and other beings that are not suppossed to be there. :animeswea
  13. Well now its official, I have to give up trying to find a boyfriend because my brothers are sick, since both of my parents work all day and come around 10:00 pm I'm left to take care of them, my bad luck again at play :animestun I'll just have to wait until school goes back in session.
  14. I want to go and see it, I've seen almost every version of pride and prejudice including the 2003 remake with Orlando Seale, what a cute Mr. Darcy
  15. That is what I'd like to know, where can I find a nice guy? :animesigh I think all the nice guys are hidden somewhere or already with someone. I mean I know plenty of nice guys but they are already in relationships and I mean they do everything for their girls and stuff which is not fair because they take them for granted. I mean I'm not gonna give up on finding someone I mean there has to be someone out there for everyone
  16. The thing that attracts me to watch anime is the story lines they can be really human circumstances and sometimes the story lines can be about emotions that everyone feels unlike someother animations, american animeations I mean.
  17. Well when I'm not in OB I'm being bossed around by my mom on my house chores so I do them. I also use my record pad to check if my voice still the same, I always loose it when its winter or fall so I make sure nothing is wrong with my voice. I write poems and stories for quizilla and once in a while a quiz or two.
  18. The elevator opened up and inside there was Namiko and Sophie. "If you are here you must be a guest sir, you must register at the front desk" Namiko teleported with Sophie to the front desk. "People, we have more guests coming tonight than we expected. get the rooms clean, the bath soaked and remember to keep a smile" she yelled at everyone. "For all who must not work at the bath for reasons Yubaba is not aware of, please tell me now"
  19. I'm a big MCR fan, gotta love Gerard Way, anyways, I love their music. I used to like Green Day but completely disliked them when they turned punk because in reality they weren't like that, miss their old music and style. Go my boys from NJ.
  20. "Alright then" Namiko put her natural big smile and headed to the dwnstairs of the bathhouse. "Coming?!" she directed to Sophie, "I'm the manager here and if lover boy is looking for you might as well you hang with me, he'll be looking for the manager I know" she laughed, there was a familiar warmth in Namiko, almost motherly.
  21. I rather die than live eternally. I mean one can grow old and see the time go by, one dies and doesn't have to suffer from the fact of seeing everyone else die which could be if one were to live eternally. When one lives eternally the time goes and one sees how all the people one loved just died and stuff.
  22. Well I don't think I'm addicted to anything in the world, maybe pie but only on holydays. lol :animeswea
  23. I had only one internet relationship well I would not call it relationship. I mean its cool to have one because you really get to know the person like someone said before its not purely physical. My ex was from Mexico city, well he was nice and I really got to know him but then college came for him and we lost touch. I would tell that is great to keep trying in an internet relationship, in the long run its great because when u meet the person you really really love them
  24. Yeah I heard the new movie was coming out. I love the fact that Billy Nighty is in the movie so I'm happy. I dont know the story line though. Jack Sparrow is funny, "where is the rum?" I'm happy they decided to make the sequel.
  25. I guess I forgot it was Thanksgiving, sorry. *gobble gobble* anyways Happy Turkey Day to all!!!!!!!! I'm gonna be cooking all day tomorrow because its my mom, my aunt's and my little cousin's b-day too. Well you all have lots of pie *throws pies at everyone's faces* lol happy thanksgiving
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