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Everything posted by IceRose

  1. Well there have been many profesies that say that there are gonna be natural disasters continuosly before the world ends well not completely end and all but still. the end of the world as we know it. Man, it makes a person think, all the bad thing sone has done, all the good people one has met all the people one loves.
  2. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust has the best music (sorry, fan girl of Do s infinity). I love Inuyasha music too. Its cool. Well the next good music is I think the music from Cowboy Bebop, cool sound to it.
  3. Well I like romantic comedies, I know, also known as chick flicks. They are alright, well I mean after getting your heart broken is not natural for a person to watch a movie that reminds them of their passed relationship but I love them. My favorite movie is a walk to remember, I know....people don't have to tell me that they hate it, I already know
  4. My first crush was well in my eight grade, well it was one of my best friends now. He was my best friend's best friend, not confusing. Well I told him I liked him in the eight grade dance and well you know what a guy might say, "Only like you as a friend", well I guess its okay now. It was a serious crush people not love.
  5. IceRose

    The Crow

    They made 3 crow movies. I like them all, my favorite is the crow city of angels. Gotta love the movies,the story was sad, they killed his son :animecry:
  6. I guess its gonna be fine for Square Enix to release FFXI to X-box 360 but they also have to look at all the facts, final fantasy has been and will always be connected with Play Station, second, FFXI was a set back for the creators since it didn't have a wide audience since once you bought the game you had to pay to play it online(which sucks) and mostly above all things, final fantasy was cool because you didn't need to have an internet connection for it, much people that own Play Station have low internet connections which doesn't help anyone. If X box can make FFXI a game on which no internet connection will be needed I will bow down to them
  7. I think some people don't like anime because they see it a childish thing that should be left for kinds and only kids to watch it, at least that is what my nonbeliever older brother tells me. As for my younger brother who is only a year from me, he tells me that some anime are worth watching and some are not and that most people only see anime as pokemon and Dragon Ball Z, its part of the media putting anime as a kids only activity.
  8. Well I have two embarrasing things that have happened in my life. #1 was during the spring concert in NJ I was playing my clarinet I'm not as good playing it than my flute but still, what happenned was that I didn't notice that I was making squeaks and high pitched noted when I wasn't suppossed to and everyone ended up blaming me for the failure of the concert. #2 was during AP Biology when I got into a discussion with my teacher of what was first, the egg or the chicken and then the principal walked in the classroom.
  9. Sorry I guess I got sentimental :animeswea overreacted, sorry people Its one of those days that are very emotional, I got a C on a paper sorry if I just yelled out.
  10. I like this one better than the other one, maybe because it deals with feelings. Good work. On the other one I liked the word use and the imagery.
  11. I'm sorry of people view that I post here because I'm afraid of been critizized but its not true, I've been picked on and pretty much been somewhat laughed at for liking certain shows and I thought that at least I had found a thread where others respected each other for what they liked and not say mean things about it but I guess I was wrong. I love Inuyasha, I love Vandread, I love Cowboy Bebop and I love Sailor Moon.
  12. Name- Namiko Age- 16 1/2 Race- wind spirit Job- keeping things in perspective, also known as hotel manager after the manager was swallowed by NoFace and quitted the job. Personality- Kind, caring, likes to make her employees like her by giving them candy every Friday and raising their salaries every 6 months without Yubaba knowing. Appearance- long straight black hair tied in a half a bun, thin glasses, slim, 5"00, long white dress and high heels. Bio- She is very kind and she was raised bu Grandma Zaniba, she is cool. She learned her skill in white magic defence from Zaniba and got to work for Yubaba after Chihiro left the bath house. Abilities- can make protective spells out of everything, conjured up candy and can teleport
  13. [quote name='ThoraxtheImpaler']Wow... that sounds like it sucks pretty bad XD. But hey, at least you have some pride in the place you live. I would like nothing more than to fly into outer space and fire a huge laser down as Virginia and laugh as I watch it burn to the ground. It's not that I particularly hate this state its just a total Mabase (for non FLCL fans I mean to say that nothing exciting ever happens here).[/quote] Try living in North Carolina, nothing happens at school nothing happens anywhere, the town its dead for all sakes, the most action I've seen is the little japanese kids from upstairs jumping up and downs and waking everyone up at 4:00 am :animestun
  14. [quote name='ThoraxtheImpaler']I wish someone on OB would date me... but no one is. I don't think anyone here really knows I exist despite being here so damn long :animeangr[/quote] We can be friends if you like, sorry if I didn't notice. Well going to the topic about dating in OB , well I like this guy who shall remain nameless but I don't think he would like me as a girlfriend, anyways, I'm a better friend than girlfriend.
  15. My username came from the song - Ice Queen by Within Temptation. It kind of reminds me of the past and how I shut from the world a long time ago, my aunt always said I was a sweet as a Rose but always made sarcastic comments therefore meaning the thorns in a rose. So the Rose froze and the Ice overwhelmed it making it a statue of what it once was. I had other names before like Namiko which is my fifth name it mean daughter of waves like the ocean not sound waves. Momiji is my theotaku username because is my fourth name it means maple leaf, I guess my mom was trying to make a point with all the nice things. I've been Doctor Namiko because back then I liked medicine. Also Demonofthehair because I liked the character Yura from Inuyasha
  16. Born: Guayaquil/Ecuador Raised: Guayaquil/Ecuador Lived: Garwood/NJ Bradenton/FL Sarasota/FL Durham/NC I've been on a continuous road trip accross the east coast of the United States. I'm currently living in Durham,NC, a town which I call the dead town compared to the other towns I have lived in before.
  17. Well I really liked the design in the first time I came and that got my attention. The fact that most sites that support anime are less organized got my attention too. I really liked the otaku.com so I saw that they had a forum and by the way this was the first web site I joined and Its great. Barely any spam, people are great and mods are not mean :animeswea
  18. Mighty Morphin was the best amongst all of them, well Power Rangers initially was a copy of a Japanese show which contained characters that used giant robots to efend the earth. From mighty morphin the show kind of lost its content, the characters were still a bit nice looking but....I mean its like Pokemon, they made far too many series of it that people lost interest
  19. Double posted! since we are on the topic the anime I think has the best art work its Oh my Goddess!, pleas don't double post. Another anime can be Princess Mononoke.
  20. I like anime, it doesn't matter what age group your from, if you like it good for you, if you don't that its personal decision and no one has the right to put down a person for that. I agree with animekid, its nice to have someone positive around here who doesn't critize.
  21. I've watched Spirited Away more than 8 times, its cute, romantic, adventurous, good plot and all. I think its the best.
  22. I would take Washu, reason #1, she can make an instrument out of anything and second reason, she can get us out of the island with the portals she makes even if we end up in Tenchi's bed like she usually ends in.
  23. Anyone is allowed to cry once in a while I mean if you don't then you have a problem. I wouldn't worry, maybe during the Algebra problem you didn't get the problem right away and got streessed, its about the subconscious at times, maybe its just hormones(I know its not prudent for someone to say it). We act at times without our own approval. :animeswea
  24. WOW, a million bucks. That is enough to pay for my coolege tuition but I would give it to the Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Wilma founds, they need it, I mean I'm from Florida and luckily I moved before I could get trapped by the hurricane.
  25. I really don't know what kind of music I prefer, I mean I don't know how most of the groups I listen to are depicted as....I like Nightwish (they kicked out Tarja *cries*), Within Temptation, Apocalyptica, Gackt, Malize Mizer, Do as Infinity, My chemical Romance, Fall out boy, Andrea Bocelli, Linkin Park and Alter Bridge. I really like the bands from outside the United States, I guess its because its different and not the usual lyrics.
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