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  1. who else besides me thinks that they should use the Cowboy Bebop manga to create a new series of this already great show?
  2. last night I was watching MTV2oons and saw this cg anime movie called "Galerians: Rion." It was pretty awsome because they had current metal songs as background music during fights. The fights were pretty intense people were being lit on fire, thrown threw buildings, killed by mind control... Anyways this anime looked a lot like resident evil even the music during periods of calmness sounded like the music from resident evil. Most of all the building were grungy and falling apart just like in the game. Despite the sense of resident evil influence it was very original and I would recomend it to anyone. Warning: sometimes the talking gets monotonous, but the fights are well worth it. Some of the voice acting for the characters is weak ( meaning their mouths might not move when they talk). People who really don't like sci-fi/fantasy movies won't really like it. The movie is about a boy Rion trying to find a girl Lillia so that they can activate a virus to destroy a computer Dorothy that has declared itself God over the humans and has created its own race of obedient humans Galerians.
  3. I watched the first episode of the new series of Ghost in the Shell called Stand Alone Complex and really liked it. The new episodes seem more understandible and have a lot more action. Within the first ten minutes a guy has his foot blown off by kusanagi. Alog with the change of material in the episodes Kusanagi has gotten a make over. She appears much less robotic and more feminine. Overall I like all of the changes, I find myself much more entertained and less confused. Does anyone besides me like these changes or would you preffer it stays the same as it was.
  4. I pretty much like all of the Cowboy Bebop episodes including the movie equally, which means I like all of them a lot. I was just wondering what episodes are peoples favs. So if you're a fan of CB and want to express your love for a particular one feel free.
  5. J-Bird

    Best Death

    2 deaths I feel were cool were in Cowboy Bebop and Ninja Scroll. In the Cowboy Bewbop episode Peirrot La Fou I thought it was hilarious that the psyco demented guy was killed by the giant animatronic bear that stepped on him. :laugh: In Ninja Scroll I thought that the first guy they encountered and killed by impailing him with his own weapon was awsome. :eek:
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