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Everything posted by Calaya

  1. Heck I've got a few, but the ones that stand out for me are. Count Duckula Dangermouse Old Bear Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (they WERE hero, now its ninja) X-Men Beetlejuice list goes on really, so many of the programs we watched when we were little have been remade (in some cases ruined)...apart from the British ones (thankfully).
  2. I usually prefer Sub over Dub, keeo the original charm and all that, but some dubs can be quite good, Chobits for example. If you get used to original voices its not likely you will prefer a dubbed version, but if you only hear the dubbed version you can't say the original voices would be better.
  3. Well I'm always reading, but at the moment it's [B]A Gathering Light[/B] by Jennifer Donnelly. I havn't got far but the story is about a girl at the turn of the century who wishes to write but has brothers and sisters to care for. She is connected through a murdered girl by the letters she was meant to burn. It's make sense soon to me I'm sure. Oh and just to point, Memoirs of a Geisha is my fave book of all time. I use the name Chiyo on all message boards but it was taken on this one. I love oriental fiction (even if the author is American and male). I love to explore the Giesha world and become involved in the life of Chiyo.
  4. -You sit and laugh when you listen to Tenacious D on your personal CD player. In public of all places.
  5. Ah, The Lord of the Rings. Not going to go into it as you all have already. But it didn't bother me some of the things they cut out. As you say, the Aragorn/Arwen scenes were bad enough, can you imagine the full Council of Elrond :sleep: It's be 3 hours long itself. Lookin forward to the Hobbit I must say. Although it's a childs book (cough) I hope it isn't a childish film, and I doubt it will be.
  6. Well, I'm new, and I have never really spoken to many about anime, so now is my chance. I learn alot on a board. I'm on one other board, dedicated the actor Dominic Monaghan who plays Merry in LotR. I met him, and Elijah, but was a day late for meeting Yu Gi Oh (alright, his voice actor anyway). I want to meet new people, and the internet is the best way.
  7. Oooh, deep thread. Not much really changed my perspective on life, but anime gave me whole new interest that I have stuck by through the years, and will probably stick by for years to come.
  8. Well, to narrow it down to five... 1. Green Day 2. Blink-182 3. The Rasmus 4. Something Corporate 5. Evanescence However I have a seperate Brit list 1. Blur 2. Travis 3. Coldplay 4. Muse 5. Ash
  9. Calaya

    Family GuY!

    I shall stick to my DVD's. I don't have any extra channels so don't get Family Guy. And being across the Atlantic is a disadvantage when it comes to new episodes. Ah well, Stewie will amuse me always, no matter how many times I watch him.
  10. Well, difficult for me to discuss as to start we call the adverts in England. But for universal purposes, the Budwiser frogs got me everytime.
  11. I must say this is all terribly fascinating. You especialy you Mitch. If I ever use big words around guys they stare at me blankly. But my perfect guy would be on the more intellectual side, but not dull or a showoff. Dark hair, not too long. Taller then me, but that isn't difficult. Now I know this is pretty specific and an odd feature, but a low brow I find irresistible. Makes a man look more mysterious. I have low lidded eyes so it would be a perfect match. Oh, and he must make me laugh and accept my love of Anime and Manga. :wigout:
  12. -you watch Dobby the house elf run down stairs and into a wall and find it the funniset thing in the film. :laugh: I know...I did it.
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