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- Birthday September 14
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Request Vampire Knight Banner Request
Dragons_Bait15 replied to Dragons_Bait15's topic in Creative Works
Oh thank you its awsome,I like the way it kinda looks like it's saying Fools speak wiser. Yeah, among is what I meant sorry, I tend to do that. Thank you . -
Sorry about the title, I kinda changed my mind after it was too late but I'd really like a banner with a dragon that says Fools are ones who speak umong wiser company. Font and style doesn't matter, just make it as simple as possiable or have fun with it. Thanks.
Thankee's both for your time and effort, they look great. The banner doesn't have to flash or have words just so long as it has all three pictures on it. I'm planning on using it on Otaku and on Quizilla, just an after thought that, shoulda said that before. And Dream, yes...yes he is.
[COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Comic Sans MS]^_^ I'd like a banner that contains the pictures below and if possible the text,in red on a black background, What could go wrong, then ..er..that text fades to, when stuck with, and that flashes(?) to one of the pictures and it says, an Angel, a Dark Angel, and a Vampire on the respective pictures. Well that would be what I'd like it to look like but if it wouldn't work or proved to much a problem I'd be happy with just the three pictures on a stationary banner. Please and Thank You.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Vampire[/COLOR] [url]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c283/Gazonc/anime%20and%20other%20pictures/purple.jpg[/url] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Dark Angel[/COLOR] [url]http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a86/lexycutie69/anime/guys175.jpg[/url] [COLOR=SandyBrown]Angel[/COLOR] [url]http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e241/Yuki-KK_Lemon/Anime/Boys/Angels/Angelguy.jpg[/url]
The worried look is replaced by a smile, "Oh, good." She turns her attention to the surrounding trees and misses Sazuroth's barked orders to Dred and looks at him confused until Scary pushes her after Dred. "Sazuroth said he'd take care of the rangers." Scary says loud enough for her to hear him while running. The three run for a while until Dred stops in a hollow, the only characteristic a rotten log leaning against a large oak. Dropping her bag and sitting Indian style by it she shakes her head and looks at Dred. ?Any reason we shouldn?t have stayed?? Dred smirks and nods, ?I?m not one to argue with a beam sword, even if it?s wielded by a slake.? He looks into the forest around them then at Scary questionably, Scary nods and both of them ready their weapons. Ash glances at them and stares at the log smiling a little in thought. A screech comes from behind them accompanied by the sound of something large moving through the forest; Dred and Scary turn to face the large worm. The copper glint from the shadows behind them warns Ash of more worms approaching. As they come out of the shadows her attention focuses on the large teeth. ?You might want to stand up and fight.? Scary says calmly, Ash looks back at him and smiles distractedly but stands and draws her weapon. ?I take it we each get one.? Dred says casually smiling and glancing at the others. ?Sounds good.? Scary says ?Just remember to come save my ass when you two get through with your worms.? Ash says before focusing on the task at hand. Scary and Dred charge their worms weapons drawn and attack Dodging the head and striking the where they can gouging flesh and causing the green blood to cover the ground. Watching for a few seconds Ash turns back to her worm and does the same, the worm pulls back suddenly yanking the sword out of her hand. Freezing she looks up as the worm attacks, she crouches down and covers her head as something heavy hits the ground. After a moment Ash looks up again and sees the worm dead several hole riddling its carcass, looking over at Scary and Dred, who each hold one of the guns from her pack, she stands and brushes herself off trying to look dignified. But doesn?t succeed ?I don?t think that was good,? she walks over to where her sword sticks out of the side of the worm, ?Thank you, both.? Standing on the dead worm she tries to pull her sword from the body and falls backwards when it comes free. Dred and Scary see the tip of a sword that has green goop on it from the other side of the monster, ?Hey, call me Ash. Could we like stop here for the night?? The thought of a fire made her want to take back her question. Sazuroth appeared and looks around at the scene a look of annoyance replacing the worry, ?Come on. We will move on before we make camp there?s still some light left.?
Ash looks at the two teams a bit confused but keeps her feet planted a few feet behind Sazurothz. They would be here for days if everybody didn't decide where their loyalties lie. Looking back at the forest she smiles, it fades when she hears Dreg's footsteps joining Sazurothz's party. Picking at the bandage around her hand she looks quickly at Kanya. Catching her eye Ash states, "The woods are a bad place for some," her gaze turns to Dreg," but the people you travel with can be worse.? Dreg glare at Ash in warning. Kanya looks at her like she?s crazy and Ash sighs,? Go with Tyr, three Slake minds are better then any amount of runes." Looking at the two groups, Sazurothz waiting for her decision and Tyr making his way to the edge of the forest, Kanya waves and hurries to join Tyr. Ash looks at Sazurothz expectantly and shrugs. ?We might want to get to that place before them.? An impish gleam brightens her eye and she smiles looking at the ground, ?I know my mind is sound enough but I don?t think either of you tow?s is.? Growling Sazurothz pushes past her followed by Dreg and Eskari. Ash falls in line behind them watching the forest approach.
Ash sits cross-legged on the ground across form the inn waiting for them all to walk out. Her pack lies beside her and a sword rests across her legs and her eyes closed, a child silently walks up to her grinning. She opens one eye and smiles big, ?Thad.? Thad grabs her bag, ?What happened to your hand?? he nods to her bandaged covered left hand then his smile widens, ?What did you make this time?? Ash winks and pulls out a black snake from her pack, ?Presto, it?ll scare the pants off anybody.? She hands the snake to him and ruffles his hair, ?Go scare you?re big brother.? Looking at the inn she sees the others walk out and waves at Thad, ?Take care of Thak.? As Sazurothz comes out she throws an arm over his shoulder and ignores the other?s confused looks, ?Where we going Ambassador?? Sazurothz tenses, ?Ashcraft please get off me.? He shrugs her arm off and shakes his head, ?This is Ashcraft,and I had asked her to help me before but...who was that kid you where talking to?? Try glances at Ash, ?Are you going to kill him? ? he shakes his head. ?The Ambassador? No why would I want to do that?? Ash waves at Tarma and Leviiril, ?Hey, Brindle, Leviiril.? The Mahrim beside Tarma looks at Tarma questionably but she just shakes her head and smiles. She then throws an arm around Eskari, ?I don?t believe I?ve had the pleasure of meeting you,? she offers her hand, ?Ash.? He shakes her hand shyly, ?Scary.? Without letting him go she looks around smiling, ?When are we going?? Try shakes his head and turns heading off the street, Sazurothz sends her a scathing look and she winks. Leviiril smiles at Ash?s antics and pulls her off Eskari. ?Don?t make a scene, just try not to do anything stupid.? Ash nods silent for the moment.
Ash watches everyone from her seat in the shadows, she cleans her gun silently, a nice family reunion was a good thing but it was too sappy for her tastes. A Slake that wasn?t part of Sazuroth?s little army leans agents Fela?s building near the door, he watches Tarma?s cling on as he socializes. Sazuroth?s small band is gathered on one side of the street. Leviiril sits on the steps of a building not far from them. Jar and Kanya where talking and Tarma and Nana was with Dred, Tyr and Sazuroth. The large Thuma slides down the wall nearly sitting on her, ?Careful there.? He looks at her a bit surprised but mostly annoyed, ?Is this city the breeding grounds for lizards?? ?Lizards?? she glances sideways at him and reaches for her bag,? More then probably, but I wouldn?t know. I?m more snake then lizard.? ?Lizards are better then snakes, I think.? He says neutrally, ?Snakes are more likely to stab you in the back.? ?Never knew a Thuma to think.? Giving up the search she picks the big gun back up, ?Drink yes, but think no.? He watches her shaking his head , ?What are you going to do with that?? ?Stab some one in the back.? Aiming it at Sazuroth she braces against the kick and smiles, ?Ambassador, tell us what you?re thinking of doing. ? The Thuma looks at the gun and smirks, he knew so much of those guns to know it wouldn?t work. The Slake was bluffing. Sazuroth?s band came to attention quickly reading their own weapons as Tarma and Felas emerge from the shop. ?Ambassador?? she inquires he wasn?t so discomforting [I]if[/I] you got used to the calm look he tend to wear.
Ash watches the commotion from the roof of a three-story building shaking her head in disbelief. [I] What where trolls doing in this city? [/I] Thorkell takes out most of the trolls with the assistance of Nana. From her height she sees more on their way and starts digging through her bag, "Now the time to test those new components." Missing most of the fight while trying to fit together several parts she sees the Nørdwolves Then Drago looms above Kanya and Ash stops stunned, [I] this might get interesting. Why magic? [/I] Several more Trolls advance, Drago and Kanya taking out one, Thorkell charging another. Ash takes her cue from Kanya and aims for the wolves. The crosshair on the head she fires and falls flat on her back, getting back up she sees the wolf limping a charred line on the backside of its front left leg. Aiming again she sees Tarma and another Mahrim take on the handicapped troll. [I] Kicks good, powers not, and it takes a while to recharge [/I], she pulls off the long barrel and aims again bracing for the kick. Down below Thorkell beheads the Troll he was fighting and rushes another. She watches him while trying to keep an eye on everyone's backs, push comes to shove she would have to use one of the others. Kanya and Drago already have one down and Thorkell working on his second yells something incoherent at his opponent, who yells back. Her attention is drawn to where Tyr and Sazurothz stand a rider less wolf attacking them from behind. They both turn in time to see a bright red beam hit the wolf in side, the wolf leaps at them Tyr throws a black fire at the wolf. It goes up in fire quickly, Ash shivers at the sight and waits for the recharge. A Troll tumbles to the ground nearly knocking into Tarma and Jar, Jar turns on it without hesitation but Tarma sees the wolf it was riding a large but shallow hole in the side on its head. She looks around at the surrounding buildings and sees Ash waving her hat in the air in a salute. Pulling the cap down low on her head Ash aims for the wolves.
[I]I am paying[/I], the statement disturbed Ash deeply. He knew her and the two Wilders that approached the table; she looks up at the female Wilder recognizing Fela?s prodigy. She sits still a quiet while they talk listening and trying to control the uncomforting feeling this slake brought. Sazurothz backed down from the vanguard. The two leave and Sazurothz turns back to her. [I]Might as well take my chances. [/I] She stands, ?Thanks for the offer but I think it?s late and I?m going home.? She picks up the rune and smiles warmly, ?Thanks.? ?Wait a minuet, Ashcraft.? He stands too, ?Too many people have been hostile since I got here. Many have been afraid. You could be a great help.? ?Come to the gates of this city with a band of armed Slakes? A lot of people don?t like Slakes, some like us less then they do Wilders. But you?re from the government also, that?s a double strike. You?re lucky they haven?t decided to hang you.? She takes a few steps past him pocketing the rune. ?You wouldn?t be thinking of walking out the city gates?? He smiles when she stops. ?Of course not I?m gonna fly on a bright pink parrot. I?ll be seeing you Ambassador.? Ash shakes her head and leaves. Ash waits a few minutes outside the tavern frowning, the moon lights the streets and people still walk them. Even if she had to join his group to do it getting out of this place would be a good.
Ash walks into the Highroad silently still a bit creeped out by her encounter with Sazurothz. The bartender greets her with a mug of beer and the mesh bag Jic had handed her in The Black Craven. She looks up at the Thuma questionly but her shakes his head, "Good man. Thaks." Ash nodds moving to a table in the corner. "Hello Leviiril, please sit down." she doesn't look up from the pile of feathers and metal. The Mahrim sits and watches silently, "Who was the Slake that stoped you?" Leviiril sees Ash shiver and the screwdriver slips from her hand. "Did you know there are nearly fifty fires that destroy building in this city every year. Out of those almost half of them are fatal in some way." Ash picks at a scale on the back of her hand, she looks up at the Mahrim and smiles big, "I doesn't matter though." "The Slake in the armor?" pries Leviiril, the scale comes off. "Do you want some thing to drink?" Ash waves to the bartender. "Ashcraft! Tell me who he was." she watches as the Slake examins a peice of metal. "He has something I want. I have something he wants, I think." she smiles at Leviiril as the beer arrives at the table, "Please drink,"She goes back to tinkering with the pile of scrap, " Would you mind waiting with me? Or we could always head to my place." she thinks of the burnt out shell of her late parent's house and smirks. Right. Leviiril watches silently as the pile gradually turns into something resembling a bird.
Ash shrugs the Mahrim off and takes a few steps away from her. Another one stands facing the one who had grabed her. She brushes imaginary dust off her shirt and smiles, "I didn't know we were having a tea party! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO!" The two Mahrims look at her a bit blankly, then the brindle one speaks up, "Why are they after you?" she points a sai at Ash whose smile widens. " I really have no clue what your talking about lady." she turns and searches the ground around the garbage for something. "Why would they be chasing after you and why did you run?" asks the cream colored Mahrim. Ash kneels and pulls at something, "My guess some one might have found something to incrimante me," she looks back at the two. "My name's Ashcraft. Who's this Scary person?" "He said you were important to the Slake in the tavern." Tarma states watching the slake's unusuall actions. "Err.. you can call me Leviriil." says the cream colored Mahrim. Ash nodds and pulls again not really paying attention. "You can stop that Ashcraft, if you're planning to run you'll die." Tarma steps closer to the Slake. Ash looks at her and sits crosslegged on the ground, "Fine, but if you won't give me your name I'm gonna call you Brindle." she looks up at Tarma, "So [I]Brindle[/I] how bout the three of us get a drink in a tavern I know." "It beats getting shot in the head by that sniper on the tower." Ash makes a puppet out of her hand. When both Mahrims are distracted she takes off again, but they catch up to her quickly. Levirill grabs hold of her arm and stops her, "We'll be staying with you until we find out what that scene was all about." Ash shrugs off her hand muttering under her breath and starts walking twords the plaza.
Ash runs along the edge of several roofs following the progress of a police officer she had been targeting since early this morning. He had suprised her before she had a chance to stash her latest victory. A very expencive gold chain with a ruby the size of her fist on it, ok so maby she was exagerating a bit but that was her first chance to eat in a couple of days and would provide money for her to get out of this town. She smirks and fingers the runestone in her pocket she had found it the last time she was in the river. She loses the cop under a bridge that connects two buildings and curses. A commotion rises in the plaza a few houses away but she doesn't pay any attention to it. Might as well cash in some favours, she thinks and heads twords the river. The noon sun glints off something on the tower nearby and Ash stops and looks up at it sweat trickling down her neck. Squinting she shakes her head and looks again, something lands near her feet burning a hole into the roof. "Jic, theres someone up on the tower with a beam gun." she shouts into the head set under her hat. "Get you Slake ass down off the roofs now, Ash. There was a band of Slakes spoted near the gates." comes the staticy reply. Another beam hits nearer and she takes off counting the building till the river. "Why did they come here?" Three building left. " I don't know but meet me at the tavern." Jic voice is clearer but the mike squeels as she jumps off the building and onto a stack of crates. They tilt and then tumble with her into the river. The splash brings a crowd of people hoping to grab some free stuff. Ash climbs onto a dock down the river and looks around, the tavern was infront of her and she smiled thinking of a good drink. "Jic you better have a glass waiting for me." she mutters under her breath while wringing out her shirt. A few people are gathered a little farther down the dock and she glances at them before entering the tavern, a Huma in the corner hails her ands he joins him at he table. A large glass of amber liquid sits infront of him and Ash grabs it, downing it, Jic looks at her horror struck. "That was mine." She only smiles in response and looks around. Several people sit at the counter an da few of the tables are full, Jic pushes her bag acros the table at her and she pulls out a red tuft of feathers. "They say that the Slakes are looking for two people. A girl named Nana and you." She shrugs working with the tuft, it uncurls and turns into a red bird that hops on the table a mechanic whircoming from it. Ash watches the toy and lays her head down, "Night Jic I think I have a sunburn." she laughs a bit and closes her eyes. Jic shakes his head and watches the people who walk through the door. "Ash you might want to wake up!" his voice breaks through her sleep and she looks up in time to see a large beam ax comeing down on the table. She pushes back and smells burnt feathers, Jic jumps on a large T-rex looking Slake and points to the door, "Ash run. The Highroard." One last look at the Slake and the remains of her toy and she heads twords the door hopeing that Jic got away. The Highroad was another tavern in the plaza that was hidden underneath the ground in the tunnle ways below.
Name: Ashcraft ?Ash? Age: 19 Sex: Female Race: Slake Alignment: Secret Society Technolyte Class: Mech, She loves to work with her hands and her mind, although it doesn?t pay much she picks up the lag with her skills as a thief and sometimes diving for lost items in a popular lake or river. She doesn?t like magick at all but tries to hide that fact. Weapon of Choice: Though she has some beam weapons she prefers to use a katana and her hands. Personality: Bubbly she loves to have fun and if she can annoy or mentally scar someone in the process all the better. The fact that nearly no one likes her doesn?t faze her at all. Outgoing she?ll tell you what she thinks and probably add in a sarcastic comment with it. Appearance: Stands a little over six foot and is thin and willowy but graceful. She usually wears a large loose blue shirt that nearly reaches her knees under that is a pair of pants that are snug but a bit loose tucked into a pair of knee high boots. She has no hair but instead a row of short spikes about a two inches tall on the top of her head give the appearance of a mow hawk that runs down to her shoulders. The rest of her is covered in black scales that are spotted ash grey in places her eyes are a light blue and around them are graceful dark red lines leading back to her ears (kinda like the Egyptian eyes). Her ears are pointed like an elf?s and have about 5 earrings in each, more then usually she wears a hat and has a silver choker around her neck and a few silver bracelets and anklets when she dives. Bio: Though she works for the Technolytes she could care less for them. They accepted her into their group after they found some of her works with several gangs. Before that she had mainly relied on her thieving abilities. She only learned of the ruins after they accepted her into the society and decided to grab them for herself.
I talked to Lyuann about the Elf chari and she agreeed to it. Name: Kirvin Yurza Age: looks 17 actually about 115 Gender: Female Apperance: [URL]http://neondragonart.com/Art/2002/Elf_warrior.jpg[/URL] Wears a cloke to conseal her ears. Bio: She grew up surrounded by elves and the way they thought, by the time she was 80 she had learned all she could about the the Dragon Riders. Kivrin had always been secluded and didn't really talk to the others in the city she usually went off by herself. By accident she stumbled upon a cave when she was climbing cliffs, in the cave she found the gold egg of Garjzla. Wondering why it hadn't been found before she took it home but couldn't make herself give up the egg. By morning the egg had hatched and Kivrin woke up to the little gold dragon staring her in the face. After that Kivrin waited until Gar was big enough to fly and they made their way out of Du Weldenvarden and have been traveling since avoiding towns and people along the way. Garzla advised the human disguise. Personality: She doesn't act like an elf at all. Not at all the most rational at times she tends to go off into her own little world. Kivrin is a clown and an all around air head most of the time she is cheerful and happy and loves to laugh and have a good time. Although she is mostly annoying she has her moments where she can be serious and calm but that doesn't happen often. Side: None yet Weapon(s): Long sword and four daggers. Dragons- Name: Garjzla Apperance: [url]http://neondragonart.com/Art/2005/the_call.jpg[/url] Personality: Kind and fun loving she is much like Kivrin although she is serious more often then not. She can be a little blunt at times but she tries not to hurt anyone. Gar and Kiv almost always arguing about something for the sake of arguing. She is very touchy about her color saying she is gold not yellow.