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Everything posted by sakura18

  1. Yeah...All I can actually say is to tell him to trust you. Even though you he may have some doubts ......okay....what i'm about to say is gonna be REALLY dorky.......but.. Tell him to listen to what his "heart" tells him.....ewie.....i can't believe i said that...i sound like my mom now...well! Good Luck!!!!!!!!
  2. okay....now i don't wanna sound perverted or anything when i say this....but mangas keep in the stuff you normally can't see in animes,like in AI LOVE YOU and Love Hina and such. Sometimes the art of manga can inspire people.....like me and many others. You hardly see anyone walk around drawing Western style art anymore. Mangas just keep in the unwanted details that are left out in animes. So to wrap things up.....Animes are the ...uh ..edited version of mangas. ^-^
  3. I don't think Shoujo manga would be read a lot by boys thatn the girls do. If for any reason, a boy WOULD read a shoujo manga, it would be only to either giggle and tease at the nudity, or to laugh in the faces of the dramatic and heart-breaking situations os the shoujo's main character....at least that's what i believe.
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