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Everything posted by Iman

  1. do not rely on the realistic ways of life in Dragonball Z. Its one big fantasy, and nothing like real life. and i like nameks. but if you are looking in real life at a-positif creatures, like chickens, not every chicken has the EXACT same looks as another chicken
  2. no way dudes, Krillin is the strongest human, on earth!, or Tien?.....i dunno, Hercule is fake, but hilarious :D:D:laugh:
  3. I tottaly agree with Syk, i have drawn DBZ a long time too, now look at my own original work "Kagemusha" thx to DBZ i am developing my own style now, and just works out finely. BTW Youta has an excellent style, luv it!:D
  4. I have the same prob at school, with people that give you a strange look when you talk about DBZ or other manga, but its just that (i live in Holland), its just not well-known to most younger generation over here, i watched manga when i was 9 years old, cause my brother loved those things, and when i compare manga to lets say spiderman or X-men the american cartoons, i find that the story`s and the originality has far surpassed those american or european cartoon/comic books/movies. And the action is far more intense, if go look at the saga`s of Majin Buu of DBZ, the fightin in those anime is amazing even when its 10 years old. though there are guys who like DBZ too and others who find it childish but i don`t care. the can kiss my ***!!!
  5. i dont get it, why dont they make these games online?! it would be so cool to have an international ladder of best fighters. And making clans of fighters you know. and with who i play the most, Jin, hes just so cool with his outfit and the traditional karate makes it even more an original fighter, and i really like the teakwondo of hwoarang, but i find it hard to learn his moves. And doesn`t anybody fight with heihachi??? I think he can make the most damage with combo`s but he`s slower I think. GET THESE GAMES ONLINE!!!!!!!!!! BTW i play Tekken 4
  6. I want to hear your opinion of you forum people, I wonder if it is any different than the voting system
  7. shiiiit that site is amazing!!!!!!!, this will surely boost up my skills ThX dude!
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