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About badjesus

  • Birthday 03/20/1986

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Born in england very mixed racial backround
  • Occupation
    warehouse dogsbody/ student

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  1. actually its true your eyes do change colour its common for poeple with blue eyes its when people have a mix between different genes that are even my dads eyes are deep brown my mums are grey. Its most common in the irish/ germanic race (aryans) wwho have black hair and blue eyes but the previous poster has a point they dont literally change when its dark or clody my eyes are dark green but whenits sunny they are light blue but this is because its like looking at a rainbow, you dont definatly see each colour because of the light. you cant change genes thats impossible by the way the reason its rare is because the race is all but extinct there are only about 6 million people in the world that actully come from that race because their family has to have been in ireland before the 8th century because that when england carried out thier own version of the holacaust on celtic races therfore its hard to find irish race people (and dont say if your american youre irish coz thats absoulout rubbish your'e all FRENCH/ Cornish
  2. well I get really confused ocver issues like this because the only person i was really like was layne stayley I caan relate to him in many ways shared his interests sense of humor and genereal atitude I also love cats like he did but sadly hes dead now (in case you dont know he OD'd on drugs)
  3. the first song I learned to play was hmm let me think...... ah I know, paranoid by black sabbath and then carbonized eysockets by carcass A very british start huh.
  4. [QUOTE=Gothikman]My favorite bands are[COLOR=DarkRed] Old Man's Child :devil: Dimmu Borgir :devil: Emperor :devil: Satarycon :devil: Deicide :devil: [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I take it you like like black metal then, thats cool ive got in the nightside eclipse, live and prometheus by emperor, volcano by satyricon and deicides first album my favourite extreme band is easily Obituary though.
  5. My favourite comedians are Jack Dee (the most miserable man alive), Richard Pryor, Peter (garlic bread) kay and the most cynical comedian ever Jim davidson and also Jethro. Heres a few examples for you: "my friend Denziel penberthy went parachuting once and when he jumped out of the plane he pulled the cord and nothing happened, so he phoned up the main office and said "I just pulled the cord on the parachute and it didn't work" Main office: "pull the second cord" Denziel:"that don't work either" Office: "it does" Denziel: "it doesn't" Office: "it does" Angrily Denziel put the phone away. After a little while falling down, he met a man, on his way up; "do you know anything about parachutes?" "no, do you know anything about gas cookers?" By Jethro The best war joke ever (this is not my joke its Jim's so if youre american, no offence) The many differences between the americans and British armies: Bravery: Colonel (to soldier) : Boy I want you to prove your bravery by going up to the top of that tower and jumping off Soldier: yes sir! (goes up jumps off and gets killed) Colonel: thats sheer American bravery son. British Colonel: really, turns to sergenat major "go up to the top of that tower and jump off" Sergeant major (in scottish accent) Go screw yourself Sir! British Colonel : Thats British bravery. An American war story: an american pilot is busy flying along at the low level bombing altitude of 80,000m when he sees a drunk serb try and launch a missile (the missiles used by Iraq were made in Ireland and are, get this SLOWER than the plane your aiming at!) so the american pilot does what the manuels says to do and ejects, the plane goes off and crashes into a childrens hospital (that always happens) and he lands in iraq and doesent turn his radio on, In america the whole country comes to a standstill Bush:"were going find this brave young man nad bring him home alive" (women children and men crying etc) the entire american military is diverted to find him in the the end they do and he gets sent around the world meeting all the leaders and becomes a hero for forgeting to turn his radio on! British war story: Same situation BUT when he ejects his plane turns around and goes home like lassie; Genreal: oh dear knobbys plane come home on its own (to plane) "wheres knobby" the plane tells the whole story and the man also put his radio on. along comes a helecopter and picks him up he goes to the ship hugs his plane and goes out to war again.
  6. Hey there everybody I want to find out if there are any megadeth fans about and if they have heard the new album (the system has failed). It became one of the happiest days of my life when i discovered they were back together, but more importantly I want to get poeples opinions on their new album.
  7. Did anyone see the taekwondo? one of my teachers is on the british team and i must know what happened.
  8. I think iv'e killed my own creation......
  9. I reallly hate inking them in they always look like twisted shoujo characters. I really hate drawing male charcters my scetch pad is full of beautiful women and very ugly men.
  10. Ill say of the 2000 AD comics the best ever was Judge dredd. I started reading thees long before i got into Manga and anime. I still think that 2000 AD is the best even now they were clever, went against the grain and were politicaly charged (I stil belive Dredd is a vison of the future). not to mention one of the first comics to include adult themes (i.e sex drugs and violence) and theyre still going after thirty odd years, respect!
  11. I have a very strange sound my friend says, its kind of a cross between biohazard slayer and primus ( I was ecstatic when he said i played like the best player ever)
  12. okay, I will say this straight im not really like any character depicted in any story ever. Im kind of like a cross between a lot of different characters I am telling the absoloute truth because even I dont know who i really am my personality is too deep. so, I will give a list instead. Colonel kurtz of apocaslypse now. Vince from cowboy bebop the movie. Tenchi Leilong from outlaw star Jet from cowboy trowa from gundam wing Try hard and think that all those mixed together and youve got me, Or alternatively listen to pearl jams "ten" album thats almost exactly like me
  13. The first drawing ill give 8/10 I think the drawing is good but its better off black and white because i dont think crayons a nd manga go together too well. the second one ill give a 9 its very good but I dont know if its my eyes or something but it seems a bit blurred. Third one; 10 very well done good angles and expressions aswell as good shading im soory i dont know much a bout the mangas theyre from. that picture is [I]sublime[/I]
  14. Give me a chance to get hold of a scanner first for some of my examples but i want to know what people think of combining styles of comic artwork, im currently developing my personal style that combines modern manga artwork with classic british art (i.e 2000 AD style). I want to know if people want to keep using old formulas for drawing or like me they weant to crete new styles through combining stlyes and reworking the formulas.
  15. Born in england of mixed race parents (my dads half middle eastern) and my mums half irish. Go figure why im like this.
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