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  1. Wow, I didn't even know 9 have been subbed, but yes, there are more than 9... I have episode 10 and 11's torrent files waititng for download =P
  2. Alright, I've looked at this thread enough, I migh as well reply ;) YES! I've read Eerie Queerie ^__^ This manga is awesome, all should praise it! Ok, maybe not go [I]that[/I] far, heh, but when it comes to being funny, this would be up there. I've laughed more at Eerie Queerie than I have at any other comedy manga I believe... but I'm sure that has to do with shounen-ai flying all over the place ^-^ It's like Gravitation, but... different... ._. No shounen-ai fan should go without reading this =P My only wish is that it had a less gay name, like the origional Japanese name, which was simply called [U]Ghost![/U]. I have my dad phoning stores asking to order in a copy, it's not every day I hear my father saying "I would like to order a copy of Eerie Queerie" O_o;; He wonders exactly WHAT it's about... psst, I've told him about Gravitation, but this I think I'll have him keep guessing on this one :D
  3. If I said Sailor Moon would you think I'm insane? It caused me to become the freak that I am today! :D (Ok, so maybe I would've become one anyway...) Sailor Moon was the[I] first [/I] anime series I watched and [I]only[/I] series I watched where when seeing the last episode - after waiting to see the 5th season for YEARS - felt like an era was ending (other sereis have been better, and with better endings, but I've been able to watch them so quickly it wasn't as profound to see the ending to Sailor Moon), I had liked Sailor Moon for about 8 years untill I got to see it's conclusion. ;_; I didn't want it to end! *shrugs* But after that I was able to move on to other anime because the spot Sailor Moon had been in was empty... How about I said Gravitation? It caused me to become the obessive shounen-ai and yaoi freak ^__^ Not only that, but made me even more understanding on the issue of same-sex relationships :) That's about all I can think of... and they weren't really earth-shaking, were they?
  4. I've seen... I believe 9 episodes of Champloo, only 3 of which were subbed ^__^; so to say that I know exactly what was going on while watching them would be an understatement of the year, but I did follow a fair amount... to be honest, I LOVE the first episode, it was amazing, the first episode was the only thing I have ever had my dad sit down and watch without want to leave in 1 minute or stop paying attention in 2, but with that amazing compliment, I have to say since then there has been little to no plot development, I guess that was the plan for the series, but I find it more of a let down, with such an amazing action pack first episodes, the rest are just an observing of their wanderings and want comes about from them.. no continual bad guy, no information on the sunflower guy... just episodes that have nothing to do with the previous one. Disappointing, BUT, even after all I've just said, I still downloaded all those raws, I find the series intriguing in an odd way... yet I'm still waiting for a plot x_x
  5. I think you're covered it... but I think I'll add I'm one of those 'odd' Sailor Moon people ;) hehe, also... maybe adding Inuyasha in there, it's only been around a very short time in America, but it's fan base is HUGE, it's getting a new wave of anime fans as we speak :D .. though I'm not sure if that's a good thing, I see far too many "so-and so is MINE111!!" posts involving Inuyasha all over the net ~_~
  6. Hmm... well what I've been reading recently and what I own are two different stories ^_^; I did just buy [B]Banana Fish[/B] volume 1, I find the ideas in it are very interesting, plus there's the whole oddly twisted and hinted relationships between some of the guys in the series o_o [B]Demon Diary[/B] volume 3 I also bought recently, gotta love the shounen-ai hints in there.. one of my friends who says she doesn't like shounen-ai yet likes Demon Diary was adamantly denying that there was shounen-ai. haha... [B]FAKE[/B] I actually just finished reading this series, but because so many people are listing it, I thought I'd list it to, and add that I not only own all 7 volumes of FAKE, but that I've read online the conclusion chapter that doesn't go with the manga and was published as a side-story in a differnt manga the author did. Anyway, the short chapter was called "[B]Like Like Love[/B]", it's a really nice ending, tying up all the lose ends of who-gets-who ^__^ [B]Gravitation[/B] I bought the 7th volume of Gravitation a while ago, I had read up to volume 6 scanlated a long time ago and never felt the need to go out and spend $100 on something I already had on the computer, but since the series scans stop at the start of volume 7, I thought I better start reading the English translations =P I think that about sums up the manga I currently own and am collecting, I would add in [B]Kodocha[/B], [B]NOW[/B] and a few others, but I only own one or two volumes of them, and can't find the rest in stores, so I can't really say that I'm 'reading' them... just that I want to be ;) As for things I'm reading on the computer! I've already made such a long list, and that's just with the things I own and have read recently.. making a list and giving reasons for the manga I'm reading online would be too much, so I'll just list them... [B]Bleach, Naruto, Death Note, Monster, DN Angel, Tsubasa, Cardcaptor Sakura, 20th Century Boys, Ranma 1/2, Saiyuki and Tokyo Babylon[/B] would be some of the ones I've been reading :)
  7. First of all, I'll be leaving any Dragonball/Z/GT character out of my list, because if I don't anything to do with stupidity would be taken up by them -__- Coolest: A cool bad guy? I must say Sesshoumaru, though truthfully, I don't think he's a real bad guy ^-^ His whole supieriour attitude and cold exteriour are what makes him! Dorkiest: I'll go with Ipalazzo from Excel Saga, no question about that, I haven't seen the much of the series, and I've only read 2 volumes of the manga, but come on!, he's a guy that wants to take over the, huh, city... that lives in his parents basement and who's only employees to aid in his quest are an insane girl and another girl that keeps getting terminally ill... lets not forget the poor dog either :P hehe Best: *read everyone's posts* geez O_o all the best villians are from Inuyasha or Kenshin?! I'll have to think of a different series to be original =P How about umm... errr... Knives from Trigun? That was very random... and not really the best x_x *sigh* Worst: This is a hard one, there are so many, mostly from Sailor Moon -__- (I like the show, I really do) and from them, I'll pick Anne and Allan, they weren't even really evil, what kind of villains WERE they?! o_o Smartest: If this were if it were on manga I'd be saying Raito from Death Note ;) hehe, darn... I'll have to pick.. err.. it's hard trying to be original here... how about Orochimaru from Naruto? No? No.. I don't think so... I really don't know, honestly, they all can't be *that* smart, because you know in the end they won't win, so something went wrong with their logic ;) Dumbest: This is where I really want to say Buu.... but I won't, I'll try and think of someone ever stupider, it MUST be possible! ^__^ *thinks for 10 minutes* How about that 'evil' dude from Dragon Half? I forgot his name... and most everything about the OVA series.. so... yeah... I can't say much except that he was dumb.
  8. Well, to date I haven't cosplayed or even gone to an anime con *sigh* I could see myself possibly doing it if I ever went to an anime con but the idea of dressing up isn't all THAT appealing to me. I love anime and manga but cosplaying as a character isn't that huge of a deal to me, plus being the perfectionist freak I am it would have to look good, which is a bad thing, because I also suffer from severe laziness O__o; I would have to be able to find a character I look similar to... I was actually thinking of cosplaying as Youko from Juuni Kokki in her royal attire this year, but I won't even be able to go to the con, so the idea's off =P EDIT: And now, after watching the first OVA of Otaku no Video, I've decided to NEVER cosplay o.o *shivers*
  9. I have to agree on your thoughts of Hikaru no Go, though I haven't read the entire manga, I do have the entire manga on the computer (I've seen the whole manga though). When I really got into Hikari no Go was the anime was when it was in the top 10 on animenfo.com ... I couldn't believe how captivating and exciting a series focused around a board game -- like chess non the less -- could be so incredible! Anyway, back to your question =P Looking though the list of manga I've read, it's actually pretty small, only around 30 series... and most of which are very popular, or their concepts aren't odd/stupid to me. The one that comes to mind though would be Death Note, the idea at first didn't seem appealing, a person killing people isn't my kind of manga. Not only that but the method he was doing it seemed sort of lame, with a book called Death Note, where once you write a person name and picture their face in your mind, they die within 40 seconds... but so far it's proven me VERY wrong, it's an amazing manga that just by watching the lead investigator and the murderer duel it out in a battle of wits leaves you at the end of each chapter hanging on wondering what will happen next ^__^ Ok, so I know that's not the exactly the type of idea you're going for... but can't really think of anything that has a "core theme that seems truly out of it or just plain pointless", sorry! Plus, you're already reading Death Note, so you already know how great it is :)
  10. [quote name='Dagger IX1]Right you are. [B]Death Note[/B'] would make a spectacular anime. :)[/quote] I just read all 29 chapters today... it's so addictive o__o I NEED MORE! I would love to see an anime made from this once more chapters are out... *sigh* This is why I try and hold off on reading good manga, instead of going and getting caught up in them and ending up waiting week by week, I should just wait till the whole thing is over so I can read it in one go without going insane every week waiting for releases on manga... at least the other way I don't know what I'm missing and am not waiting for anything ALL THE TIME :P
  11. hmmm Inuyasha use to be about my favorite anime series ever... I'm not really sure what happened but I stoped watching the series after 130 episodes, though I still watched the 3rd movie when it came online ^_^; I think the plot got too side tracked and dragged out *sigh* As for the whole who should Inuyasha be with thing, I chose, NO ONE! Haha... yeah the way I see it, Kikyou will die.. the end of her... Kagome will live, but their relationship won't work, mainly because I think Inuyasha will always love Kikyou over Kagome (even though he loves Kagome) and therefor would find it unfair to be with her. I got that idea after watching.. I believe it was episode 126... but that's just my opinion =P
  12. For some odd reason, while I love anime series/OVAs, the movies don't have the same affect on me o.o' I've seen many anime movies but none really stick out as being something fabulous, and if I listed the movies I've seen, I'm sure some people would shoot me for not thinking they are all the greatest things on Earth =P I guess I'll pick ummm... Spirited Away, though I disliked it's ending (did NO ONE else get that feeling of 'that's it?! that's the big mystery?!'), I guess it's still the best...
  13. My list would include: [b]FAKE[/b] - as in [i]more[/i] than one OVA that doesn't even take place at the start of the manga -__- The manga was good, I could see it in a 13 episode series. [b]Legal/Lawful Drug[/b] - It would be a great anime! [b]Eerie Queerie/Ghost[/b] - Why the heck did they have yo give it SUCH a gay name?! What was wrong with calling it Ghost in the English version?!, *cough* Anyway! It would be a nice light-hearted shounen-ai comedy. It's such a funny manga, I've sat alone laughing insanely at parts in this manga.. and, umm, getting odd looks from people on the street ^__^; [b]Demon Diary[/b] - I would like to see this animated. Though I can't say too much on it as I've only read two volumes... [b]NOW[/b] - This seems to a very unknown manhwa, it's published in English by ComicsOne and is really an intriguing story plot and *gasp* I'm saying that about an something with NO referance to shounen-ai at all! This animated would make for a really interesting series, I can't wait to read volume 4! [b]Hana-Kimi[/b] - From what I've read, which isn't much at all, I'd still say this becoming an anime series would be a good idea, I could see it becoming very popular. [b]Banana Fish[/b] - I've only just bought the first volume yesterday - and read it - but I believe it could become a fabulous anime series from what I've read. [b]Tokyo Babylon[/b] - My list is getting pretty long, ne? ^__^; I know there is an OVA series for this, but I don't think it did the manga justice. *evil thoughts enter her brain* How about the Gravitation Remixes? Does 20th Century Boys have an anime series? I'd like Kyou Kara Mao to be turned into a MANGA!! *sigh* The stupid thing is originally from a novel series in Japan, not a manga :( I haven't even READ Death Note yet, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it should be an anime. heh... So, anyway.. I could've kept listing things =P
  14. Well to sum up my parents thoughts on me watching anime... My dad thinks I spend way too much time watching anime, which it sort of true, other than that he doesn't have a problem with it, at first -- years and years ago -- when I first started watching anime he was under the impression I was seriously regressing or something, watching baby shows, it took a while to get him to realise they weren't ALL the same, though he still can't stand watching the stuff, the only thing I've shown him that he's shown any interest in is Samurai Champloo -__- My mom knew I was into Sailor Moon -- long long ago (though I still love the series, out of all series I've seen it's ending affected me the most, it was like the end of an era o_o) -- and didn't think I was regressing, but thought it was ALL kids stuff, sort of like Sailor Moon. Then I asked her one night if she wanted to watch Inuyasha with me (no, NOT on the Cartoon Network - which I don't even get here, on the computer) and she agreed, it was hilarious, she was like "I'll watch one episode, but I may not like it..." after it was over she went running back the the computer and started episode two ^-^; So now my mom has seen around 60 episodes of Inuyasha, around half of Juuni Kokki (The Twelve Kingdoms), around 15 episodes of Full Moon wo Sagashite, some of Kenshin, and then maybe an episode or two of random other things like Kodomo no Omocha & Naruto. So, she obviously has no problem with it :D haha, maybe I should show her Gravitation, I made my dad watch the first episode of Gravitation once, I think he blocked out the experience... that, or thought Shuichi was a female.
  15. Fushigi Yugi: [spoiler]Nuriko from Fushigi Yugi was the only death that's made me cry, I don't cry very often watching anime... I don't really LIKE Fushigi Yuugi... yet... the way it happened was so sad.[/spoiler] Naruto: [spoiler] I think the death of Haku was very sad, though honestly, I found the 'almost' death os Sasuke way WAY sadder.[/spoiler] Any other death I've seen in anime hasn't really made me very sad, that or I can't recall it at the moment... I'm a heartless person I guess o_o
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