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About So-Seductive
- Birthday 11/20/1985
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Island Kisses xx
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Hmmm ill think about it...
I am a fulltime college student and a instructor for children at the ymca
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I also have a manga in the works called Kiss of Redemption: The Reincarnation, its about the rebirth of a 3 dragon races...that where at war with one another...I am still at work on this...this is but a fragment of what the story will be about...I have so much more that I want to add...and im still trying to develop the perfect charactor to carry this out [b]They have three stages of tranfomation 1. (stage one human figure, still more advanced then human...faster,can see father,senses thing, 10x stronger) 2. (stage two, almost demonic form, fangs,long nails,wings,eyes change color. They are able to use 20% of there true hidden powers ) 3.( stage three, full dragon form, can use 100% power very rear tranformation only the strgong will be able to do this)[/b] [Dragons of the Ancients] Ancient Dragons are the second largest of the dragon race. They're 12x's stronger then the dragons of heaven. They have been around for centauries and are very peaceful race. Ancient dragons are known for there demonic gold, red and silver eyes. They have black scales and large black feathered wings. They have the Ability to transform into humans at will; they also have the ability to cast powerful dark magic spells and can do instant teleportation. [Dragons of the Celestial] Celestial Dragons are the second strongest in the dragon race. They are smaller then the Ancients and have been around several centauries, But not as old and wise the as the Ancients. Celestial Dragons are know for there pearly white scales, large transparent bat like wings and bright colorful eyes .They have the Ability to transform into humans as well, They also can cast powerful white magic spells and can fly at impeccably fast speed. [Legend of Dragons of Earthen] Once a peaceful race, they believed in the beauty of the earth. They believed that the earth,rocks , trees and every living creature had a pure soul. They had the power to grow and restore life. They are as old as the ancients and as powerful. Centuries past they lived in peace until the earth opened and called to the. They followed the voice and ended up at the gates of hell; King Aka-mura was drawn into its powerful aura and touched the forbidden gates. The gates opened and a black plague formed the around the isles of the earthen. The plague tainted the minds of each dragon with its evil oracle. The dragons of Earthen now are now known as the Dragons of Forsaken a race known for death and destruction. [Legend Dragons of the Forsaken] Once known as the peaceful Earthens, the Forsakens are race of Dragons tainted by the evil oracle of the gates of hell. They desired only power and hatred for one another. They killed each other off until the race was almost extinct. They are slightly larger the then Ancients and are a little bit stronger. No one has ever seen what they look like but legend is that they are prehistoric looking red scaled dragons, with black eyes and medium sized red demon like wings. They have the power to shape shift to different forms and manipulate others powers. They are enemies to all and wish to see the world in chaos. [The wandering Saints] They are wandering souls of saints who were sent to earth by the gods to find the guardians of the blessed keys. They must find the guardians before the forsaken do and recollect the keys so the holy gates won?t be opened by the wrong hands. They want all the dragon races extinct. [The blessed Keys of the holy gates] They are three Keys filled with the blood of the gods. Each key was divided up between the dragon races. The first key ?key of the past? was given to the Ancients, the second; ?Key of the present? was given to the Earthens and the third ?key of the future? was given to the celestial. The keys can only be used by the hands of a dragon. [The Holy of Gates Heaven] the holy gates are linked to the heavens, once opened the world will be revolutionized to womb ever desires it to be. Meaning it will be destroyed and rebuilt by the hands of the key holders. If they are opened by the wrong hands the world will be destroyed and rebuilt in pure chaos. [The Forbidden Gates of Hell] The gates of hell are linked to pure evil that wishes to rule the world and the heavens. The only way the gates can be opened is if the world is destroyed and rebuilt in chaos. The keys of the holy will turn black with dark energy and form the keys of the damned witch will enable the forsaken to open the gates. [u]some of the characters in the works[/u] The Forsakens Aka-Mura(Male) Prince Seji -Kamlyn(Male) Maiya(female) Akeno(Male) The Ancients Prince Tansei Ryuujin(male) Ichiro Keiji(male) Hara Shoda(Male) Toyo Haru(Female) The Celestials Princess Hisa-Takara Princess Hisa-Kohana Hira-Renjiro Ichi-Makoto Was gonna use this for a role playing game...but my mother said I should make a comic out of it...personally I don't think its good enough...neither is my art work...i will post the cover of it up...I don't plan on having it publish because I don't think it would sell...this is being done for fun... [b]HERE A LIL BIT ABOUT HOW THE MANGA WILL START OFF[/b] [i]The gods weep convulsively for their beloved Ancients, tears of blood spilled from the sky and the world shook with their sorrow. The walls of the holy towers crumbled and the marbled floors cracked. The world shall soon end and once again be reborn?Flash... I shall heal all that once was destroyed with my kiss of redemption?let the gods fall from the heavens and redeem all that was once at chaos; flourish the world with seeds of beauty and tranquility. No longer shall the darkness corrupt the minds of the innocents, for the light of the holy gates pours upon us in a blanket of solace?.Flash?.[/i] Darkness filled the room rapidly discarding all what little was left of light. There he lay silently in dormant, thick strands of unruly purple black hair lay in a disarray along the cresses in the duck down feathered pillow. His fine carved features softened as his thin yet long lashes flutter slightly. He tossed and turned restlessly in his sleep, as disturbing images recollected upon one another creating a world he traveled to each and every night. The moon shown brightly threw the darken skies as each star lit up with each step he took. The wind swept pass him caressing the long stands of his unbound main, whispering gently in his ear as it passed threw him. You have finally come back to my sweet...how I?ve missed you so. Dominic came to a sudden halt as his slanted amethyst eyes narrowed, and his lips parted with distaste. The breeze washed elaborately over him once again like strong wave crashing into the shore. His throat was seemingly dry; but it still did not oppress him for what he had to say, his voice was deep and lifeless.?Who the hell are, you show your self...? He demanded, as his violet hues scanned over the vivid green scenery searching for any sign of life or movement. A ghostly figure of a women formed before him, she reached out to him lovingly letting her fingers seep threw his warm skin. A chill ran down his spine like electricity running threw a wire, he turned his gaze meeting her pale eyes and abnormally translucent face. She was strikingly beautiful despite her crystalline form. She tilted her head to the side and smiled delicately ,?You have come back to me my prince? she mutters with eyes shining brighter then diamonds reflecting light off the sun . His eyes widen momentarily flickering with a hint curiously. His thin but well shaped lips began to move with out thought, as he reached out to her uttering soft words.? What are you...? he rasped watching as his fingers glided threw her limpid form. She laughed light heartedly and smile at him seductively ?fallow me my love and ill show you...? she replied gingerly. Dominic was enchanted by her silky voice, he felt weak and venerable. He couldn?t move is body and his mind lay in a daze, she motioned for him to follow her and he did. His body staggered threw the dark forest, the only light he could see was that of the moons and her silverily aura guiding him along the shrubs and large bushes. His body ached as it he had been traveling for several days. The women glanced back at him with a reassuring smile ?soon you shall see what the gods have in store for you my beloved? her voice was laced heavy with deceit. The forest was unnaturally silent; all that could be heard was her soft humming and twigs snapping under his feet from his body weight. The scent of fresh water and pine trees flooded his senses. Dominic?s body came to a abrupt stop, his violet colored orbs narrowed to slits as he dropped to knees. A pool of dark purple hair spilled around his shoulders and hung in his delicate face, his long bangs tumbled into view as his eyes down cast to the dirt. His body broke out into a cold sweat and jolted in fear. He griped at the earth, letting his nails dig deep into the dark soil as if to brace himself. Each breath he took was shallow, and striving desperately of air. The ghostly figure smiled smugly to herself, she had accomplished what she was sent out for. Dominic rolled his eyes back up to the translucent figure with hate. ?*****...? he spat out with anger, ?WHAT HAVE YOU?VE DONE TO ME...? he demanded. She gazed at him momentarily before letting her head roll back into shrieking laughter. Dominic gritted his teeth with rage, he still couldn?t move his arms in legs. She began to move towards him in a slow stride her eyes never wavering from his. She knelt before him bringing her face close to his ear. ?Sh... my pet you will soon be set free? she whispered, pulling back letting her lips brush up against his. There was no warmth or physical feelings in the kiss, just a cold tangling feeling nipping at the flesh of his tender lips. A strong gust of wind swept pass them taking her airily form with it, she swayed with the breeze lifelessly her eyes closed basking in it. Dominic watched wide eyed as the wind washed out into the center of the lake coming to a stop. Her body began to glow brighter then before, as she floated inches from the surface of the water. Leaves and random flower petals streamed around her twisting and turning around her translucent figure. She began to hum once again, her voice carrying out each note with such elegance. Her eyes shot open and every thing ceased, the leaves and flowers fell like a halo around her. Both her arms reached out and her head lolled back, as her body plunged backwards and bursting into little sparkling orbs before hitting the cold water dissolving. The large lake lit up with a mysterious white glow, as one ripple multiplied into several spreading across the water like a plague. Dominic let out a ragged breath as he watched the lakes cryptic glow begin to wan. His body was still very tense but he was beginning to get feeling back in his legs and arms. The ripples faded out as well and the lake once more became placid as the surroundings around it. Dominic managed to stand up fully, his body weight shifted on his right foot to steady him self. His arms lay at his sides and his head sank; he felt heavily sedated and could barely hold up his own frame. His body wavered slightly as he tread towards the lake. He gazed into the calm water as if to search for the women?s ghostly figure, but none came to sight. The water reflected his handsome sullen face, his hair lay matted and plastered to his pale skin. His violet colored eyes were slanted and brimmed with long lashes, his lips thin but very well curved were clamped shut. He stood there fleetingly his eyes screening over every inch of the lake. He still didn?t find anything to his liking, he turned his back on the lake and began to head back towards the dark forest. TO BECONTINUED....grammer/spelling is bad...I know...this is just a rough draft!!!
The long term tortures endure by your kiss. Sending fiery chills across my lips; Basking in your pleasurable whims I surrender my self to cradle in your carnal sins. This feeling manifesting deep in my heart Seethes in my soul; soon tearing me apart.
Wow that was good mamas :catgirl: you are talented
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Georgia][N]ame: Nevaeh Baptista [N]ame meaning: Nevaeh: meaning heaven backwards [P]osition: Snow White [A]ge: 20 [T]ype : Angel/Dreams [L]ocation: Red Rose [H]eight: 5?6 [W]eight: 125 [B]ody structure: Tall. Curvy full figure. Large bust [P]ersonality: As a child Nevaeh was severely abused. She grew up with low self a steam And doesn?t believe in her self or abilities; but keeps these feelings locked up deep down in side blocked by a fire wall. She keeps her self distant form all, and rarely smiles. She has a deep longing to know what love feels like but is afraid to act upon it.She is known as the perfect perfomer on stage. She has a strong will and can be some what saracastic at times. [A]ppearance: Nevaeh is strikingly beautiful, but does not realize it. Her warm caramel complexion is bronzed with a body glitter tint, giving her more of a radiant glow to her smooth flawless kiss. Her fine carved features are much defined; her lips are full and painted with a soft pink shine. Her eyes are large yet slightly slanted; she has copper colored hue that stand out vividly under her long feathery lashes. Nevaeh has long straight white hair that falls to the center of her back like a steam. Her bangs a simple and cut straight across (meaning no parts). She keeps her hair pined up to the left in a large bun, and large banana curled sideburns dangling just above her supple breast. She wears a white corset out lined in black thread; and rimed at the top with white gemstones and black feathers. The center of the corset is cut like a diamond, exposing her skin behind the loose black shoe lacing. The bottom of the corset is shaped into a v and rimed in white gemstones and black feathers with a large diamond crucifix in the center. Her skirt is also white and tight; it?s short in the front but lengthens out as it head towards the back. The back of the skirt fades from white to transparent black with white gemstones and black feathers and trailing behind her like a wedding gown. Her legs are covered in black net stockings and knee high white boots stiletto boots. Her arms are wrapped in black silk ribbon and tied at the wrist in long dangling bows. She also has a black ribbon wrapped around her neck and tied at the left side in several bows, a medium sized diamond crucifix looped in the center hanging just above her collar bone. On the left side of Nevaeh?s eye she has two white snow flake tattoos that look like tears falling down her cheek. Last but not least she wears a white top hat with black ban and two large black feathers pin to the hat by a diamond cross buckle. The hat has a black net veil thats cut on an angle covering the right side of her elegant face. [O]ff Outfit: She wears tight black pants and tank top under a leather jacket that buckles up, with plan black boots. [B]iography: Unknown PS:Eikou your a very talented writer who ever doesn't wanna join your rpg is crazy this sound like its gonna be good[/FONT][/COLOR]
Sadeijah stepped from the dais with grace. The white gown flowed behind her, the thigh high split on her right exposed her long curvy leg with each step taken. The dress clung to her body like a second skin and draped dangerously low at the breast. Her hair was pined up in a braided crown upon her head why the back lay out and flowing like stream down her exposed back. Helios couldn?t take his eyes off her she was truly beautiful. The way her hips swayed with each move she made, and how she held her head up with such a high stature and elegance. They paced down the barren halls in pure silence, the sound oh her heels clacked against the marbled floors was all that could be heard echoing in the empty halls. They came to a stop at a pair of large doors, Helios waved his hand before them, the twin doors began to open with a loud squeak. A strong gust of wind swept pass them. ?These were the doors to the mortal world, they have not been open for several centuries? thought Sadeijah, her large hues relished in the beauty of the sky. It was evening already and the sun was setting into a pool of oranges, pinks and purples. Sadeijah smiled wistfully at Helios, he gazed at her momentarily before smiling back at her bitterly. He didn?t want he to leave but it was Surays orders to. Sadeijah now stood before Helios, she glared up at him with concern in her eyes, she threaded her slender fingers in his corn silk red hair. ?My sweet Helios don?t be so gloomy? replied sadeijah with a pout, a small smile embellished Helios lips. Sadeijah tilted her head to the side letting her long bangs fall into view as she ran her fingers from his corn silk hair down to his flaws skin across his warm lips. ?Ill be back before you even notice im gone? she whispered gently, as she stood on the tip of her toes and let her lips graze his bottom lip in a fleeting kiss. Blush washed over Helios olive skin tinting his skin with crimson glow. She stepped back and winked at him, he stood their in awe before winking back at her. ?Well its time for my departure?, ?will you not be seeing me off?? she implied gazing at the still blushing Helios. Helios nodded and paced over to the large open doors, he glanced down into the vast scenery blow. It was simply breath taken, Sadeijah stood before him once again and gave him a warm embrace ?I entrust you with my throne Halios...guard it will beloved? she whispered into his ear before letting go of the embrace. She stepped back from him at the edge of the twin doors the breeze brush pas her combing threw her hair and riffled her white gown. Both her arms reached out and her head lolled back, her body plunged backwards into the calm sky. Her white gown spread out like a parachute and her long hair broke free from its bonds and washed over her in a stream of dark blue waves. Helios watched her attentively his green eyes narrowing sightly.?If you should ever need me, visit me with in my dreams I shall guild you from their!? She exclaimed then blew him a kiss and waved goodbye. Her body twisted into a back flip and bursting into cluster of beautiful white doves scattering a cross the sky.
?We gotta cut threw these woods to get to the village so I advise you to keep your guns? replied Kane pointing at the large dark forest. ?Damn? Malaysia sighed , ?can?t a girl ever get a break...? she muttered rolling her eyes. Kane smiled smugly at her and shook his head, ?I doubt you will around here?. ?Alright lets get a move on it, im still tired and half sick from that hell ride?, Kane nodded and they began to walk threw the woods. The woods was oddly silent for Malaysia taste, she griped at her guns as she scanned over the scenery. ?Be on guard old ma..I mean Kane? she trailed off giving him a fleeting glance. The bushes rustled as dark figure past threw them with impeccable speed, he jump up into a large branch looming over them. He gazed down at them with grin spread across his pale face. ?Did you hear that? questioned Malaysia as she pulled out both guns and pointed them before her. Kane stopped in his tracks and glanced at her, he shifted his weight back on his left foot and stepped on a twig. Malaysia acting on instinct, targeted both guns at the old man. Kane swallowed back hard before murmuring a no, Malaysia let out a loud sigh and rested both her arms to her side. ?This is going to be a long night? she spat out, bringing the handle of her right hand gun to the top of her hand and tapped it lightly in irritation. ?Sorry?apologized Kane politely, Malaysia gazed at him with a soft smile ?Save your apology for when you really need it old man?. The dark shadow in the tree licked his lips in delight, this next victim will prove to be more fun then he thought. ?Let keep going Kane, before it get any colder then it is out hear?, ?I agree? replied the old man with a sheepish grin.
Natalia gazed out the large over view window, her fingers laced in between strand of lime green hair. It was beautiful tonight none the less still cold, but beautiful. The sky was like a canvas, stars were painted every were and the moon shown bright behind the few clouds crossing it. Damien stood behind her in awe, his lip parted as if to speak but no words came to mind. He watched her in daze, with longing filling his dark brown eyes. Natalia let out a low sigh her soft gray eyes narrowed as she felt a strong pair of arm wrap around her slender waist. ?Damien...?she trailed off, Damien pulled her into a deep embrace his chin rested on her shoulder and his lips came a inch from her earlobe. ?Shhh...Natalia just for a little while?he whispered gently then kissed the tip oh her ear. Natalia clamped her mouth shut and closed her eyes basking in his warm touch. Damien took a deep breath of her lime green hair, it smelled just like melons the way he remember it. He rested his head on top hers and gazed out the window.
Sadeijah sat silently on the her throne, eyes the color turquoise blue sparkled with a ting of silver; as she watched the small children play tag threw her large crystalized ball. Her head tilt to the side as a smile grace her supple lips. She simply adored children with a passion, their love was the purest of all. ?Milady it is time for departure...? came the strong but gentle voice of a young man in his mid twenties. Sadeijah lazy turn her gaze to him, her eyes softening at the sight of his handsome face. ?Helios?she muttered , he smiled at her wistfully. She still loved him dearly, but they could never be. He offered his hand in a courtly gesture, she grasped politely and stood up. Her long gown fell with slosh and pooled around her, her long dark blue hair trail behind her back falling inches from her thigh. AN:kinda short next post will be longer
[FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed]Natalia stood motionless as her gray eyes flamed full of fury. That bitch was gonna pay for what she did. But before she could get her revenge she had to figure out how to get out of this block of ice she was stuck in. Maybe if I cast a fire and healing spell together I could rase my body heat with and melt the ice and use the healing spelling to make sure I dont burn my skin.She cringed at the thought of casting the spells, what if they back fire on her she really wasn't to good at fire and healing spells as it is. Her throat suddenly went dry, there was always a 50/50 chance, but she had no choose it was either stand here and wait till her barrier spell wore of, and the ice suffocated her or get burned half to death by her own flames."I rather die by my own hands then die by the hands of someone else's..." she muttered under her breath. Natalias body began to glow a silvery red, and the sound of boiling water and stemming vapor rose from the ice. "Its working..." she thought as the ice began to melt down.Natalia gasped for air franticly as wiped her damp bangs from her face. She glanced up at her watch she and noticed it stopped working. Her eyes widen "NOW SHE REALLY GONNA PAY FOR THIS...I JUST GOT THIS WATCH" she screamed at the top of her lungs :flaming: [/COLOR][/FONT]
Natalia stepped back, her soft gray eyes widen as her face flushed over. She ran her fingers over lushes? full lips and glared at Damien with mixed emotions. She hated him so much yet couldn?t help but still love him, it was driving her insane. ?Don?t you ever?touch me like that again you son of a bitch?, a smug look embellished his fine cut features. ?And what do you plan to do if I do Natalia? he replied letting her name smear across his tongue like a dirty word. His eye roamed over her body like an animal ready to attacks it pray. Natalia fumed at his comment; she was sick of his childish little games. She rolled her eyes at him and turned her back to him. ?Well let?s just say?once im done with you, you?ll be leavening in an ambulance? she snapped back sarcastically and glanced over her shoulder with a seductive smile and winked at him. She knew he hated when she did that to him. ?I see you missed another meeting Natalia?, ?Your becoming quite irresponsible?. Natalia turned back around and faced Damien with a frown. ?Who are you calling irresponsible, if anything Damien you?re the one who irresponsible? replied Natalia with a grunt. ?Look im not trying to argue with you right now, all I wanted to say is the leader wants to speak to that?s all? replied Damien casually.
[FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#DF5591] personal note to Eikou : your charactor is very well made.... Position: Goddess of love and beauty Person you left in charge: Helios, her former lover? Name: Sadeijah Human Name: Thalia Perez Nick name: Cookie Age: 20 Occupation: She Takes College classes during the day, and works in at a very popular café during the evenings as a baker. Appearance: Thalia is very exotic looking. She is half African American and half Cuban American. Standing in about 5'5 and weighting about 115 lbs, she has a soft Caramel skin Complexion and a Very Curvaceous figure, with large breast. Her large but somewhat slanted turquoise blue eyes that holds a mysterious silvery glows, with thick long black lashes. She has long glossed midnight blue curls that fall to the center of her back. She the right side of her hair half way corn braided and the rest pined to the left in a thick halo of curls framing the side of her face and spills over her shoulder. Thalia is into urban styled cloths. She wears light blue jean hip huggers that have large cuffs that come to mid calf on each leg. She wears a pink and white colored top that hangs of her shoulders and halts mid sleeve on her arms. It stops short in mid of her stomach and shows of her belly ring. She wares simple accessories, such as pink colored heels that buckle at the ankles, and a white choker with a large golden ring in the center. She has two piercing in each ear, small hoops are in the top whole and large dangling heart earrings in the bottom. I plan on drawing and scanning a picture of her so you guys can get a better view of what she looks like. Personality: Thalia is somewhat quite and shy when you first meet her. She is very sweet and caring. She loves the beauty of humans and believes even the coldest heart can learn how to love. She is very bubbly at time and love to joke around and laugh. She loves anything and every thing that?s romantic. She speaks her mind freely and is not afraid to fight for what she believes. Bio: Much is not known about Thalia?s past. She seems to keep it a secret. [/color][/FONT]
Natalia glanced at her watch with distaste she had missed another meeting. Her gray eyes narrowed as she glanced around her surrounds. James was gonna kill her, this had been the third meeting she missed this month.one she missed tonight was oodly quite and to put it quite frankly she found it very disturbing. A cold wind brushed pass her, combing threw her unruly lime green hair with a powerful gust. Her lips parted as she ran her tongue over them to moisten them a bit.It dark already, how she loved the dark with a passion. Its vast beauty painted endlessly across the sky. The sudden urge for a large cheese pizza came across her mind, and a cup of ice cold coke would be nice.She reached down in her pocket and pulled out some lose changed and a five dollar bill. "Shit, looks like imma have to settle for two slices and a small coke" She muttered. Natalia began crossing the street when she spotted Damien with a young blond. "That ass hole never changed" she murmured as a hint of jealouy flashed over her sullen features. She was still in love with him despite the fact she kept telling her self she wasnt. They have only been broken up for two months and there he was already screwing other chicks like nothing ever happen.
Name: Natalia Bates Nickname: Taliy or lia Age: 19 Gender: Female Nationality: Jamaican/Irish mix Race: Witch Group: Crimson Shadow Weapon: Twin Daggers Power: can cast powerful ice spells [max 3] Personality: Natalia has a real bad attitude and is very selfish. She is very tom boyish and can?t stand when people underestimate her because she?s a girl. She can be real loud at times and loves to joke around especially and pull pranks on other people. As a child she was a banned by her family when was about ten. She grew up in a foster home and never learned really to trust or love anyone other then herself. When she gets scared she distances her self from everyone. Appearance: Natalias about 5?7 and 127 lbs. She has mocha colored skin and large gray eyes. Her hair is lime green and long in the front and goes shot in the back. She wears tight dark denim jeans with a hole ripped at the knee and back pocket. White wife beater ( for those who don?t know what that is it a mans tank top) tied at the waist in a big knot so she can show off her belly ring. White sneakers and a retro looking jacket .She also has two ears piercing in each ear, she has medium sided hoops in her first whole and small ones in her second.
What was the most embarrassing moment you had in public...
So-Seductive replied to So-Seductive's topic in General Discussion
I have not posted here in a long time but anyway,Lucifer i have no comment on your post lol,and yeah you got lucky that is if she still dating you -
I think it would be a good Idea if you ask me i used to be obsessed with the series when i was like 12-14 i even had times were i made my own sailor scouts so if you make one ill join you .......