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Everything posted by So-Seductive

  1. To Me I think Gay men are not as accepted as Lesbians, Yes you might see them in mores show but people treat them way worser in real life. Lesbians seem to have it more easy, plus it seems like a fashion trend for women to be lesbian or BI.
  2. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#DF5591] Malaysia Johnson leaned back propping her elbows up against the smooth marble surface of the bar. Her head lolled back causing her beaded braids to fall effortlessly over her shoulder to the center of her back. She let out a low groan in frustration as her ecstatic pale blue eyes narrowed in annoyance. She had been waiting at this bar for almost a half a hour now, waiting impatiently for that old coot to come out from his little meeting. She closed her eyes momentarily and rolled her head clock wise stretching out the aching muscles. She was well aware of the roaming eyes of several strangers stagger over her body like a starved dog drooling over a peace of meat. Malaysia's thick long lashes fluttered open meeting the dim light of the lantern just above her head. A particular pair of eyes were especially pissing her off. She lazily turned her gaze from the light to a broad figure inches from her. Her pale blue hues came in contact with pair of lustful gray eyes and a smug smile. Her full glossed lips parted and her eyes flicker with anger. "Do you mind if I can get my face back"she spat her voice full of venom. The young mans smile broaden, as his eyes marvel over her exotic features. "Sure love as soon as im done admiring it..."he drawled with British accent, his eyes slowly moved from her eyes downwards stopping at her lips. Malaysia snorted at his comment and rolled her eyes at him. The man let out a low chuckle as he took another swig of his rum and coke. "So love what's a attractive women like your self doing in a bar around these parts", "What I do is none of your damn business". She now stood up from the stool and straightened her denim jacket. She had been waiting here for more then half a hour now and what-ever that old man was doing in that backroom was bullshit, it doesn't take almost a hour to get plane tickets to up north."Awww... love your leaving so soon, I was hoping to buy you a drink"said a the young man with amusement laced in his husky voice. Malaysia glared at the him now her pale blue orbs narrowed with anger "save your money for one of them disgusting bar flies that come in here"she retorted sarcastically . She turn around fully and began to walk past him with out even the slightest glance. Anger now spread across the strangers sullen face, his mouth twitched with fury as he narrowed his eyes to slits. Malaysia could feel the rage radiating from him but paying it no heed, and continued to the bars exit. The man let out a loud snort, acting on sudden impulse he grabbed her roughly by the arm. His grip tight and forceful pulled her slender frame up to the side of his. Their faces only a inch apart from touching. His breath hot and heavy lingered of strong liquor, his eyes intent with hers. "How dear you refuse me you bloody whore" his voice slurred with every word. Malyasia gazed at him momentarily her harden features softened as a seductive smile embellished her full curved lips. Malaysia firmly held her 1911 Smith & Wesson in her free hand, she had a feeling this ass-whole was going to be trouble. His grip tighten sight of her smile, "now that's more like the spirit love" he mutters as leaned in to capture her lips. Halting his actions, he frowned as he felt the tip of cold metal at his temple. Malaysia's smile widen "If you ever touch me none the less call me love again ill blow your damn brains out. "Ah...Malaysia I see you have met good old Percy" the voice of an old man chirped in her ear. Malaysia gave him a fleeting glance, "Percy quite a ladies man" he continued. "You know this lowlife" she replied in turn. Percy lessened his grip on her arm as a boyish grin graced his thin lips. "Nice to see u too, Kane" , Malaysia pulled her arm from his hold. ?So are we on for the trip to North or what old man? she question. ?Yes indeed we are? sad the old man with a grin, ?alright...and he better no be coming with us? her mentioned at Percy. ?Oh heavens no my business with Percy is over?, ?Good because I work alone...now lets get a move on it? replyed Malaysia sliding her gun back into her gun strap( I thinks that?s what its called)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. OMG silver i feel so bad 4 u, aleast you didnt have to pay for all the china. Captain Iuno i would have felt stupid to but look at the bright side you got to see a celeb i never got to see one :frown:
  4. What was the most embarrassing moment you had in public? Me: OK, I was getting dropped off to school by my mom(I was in 8th grade at the time). I was all dressed up with my sister heel boots so I was rushing up the stairs and I missed the step and my boot got caught and I tripped and fell. Now normally I wouldn't be embarrassed because at the time it was first period and all the classes started. Well, let me get to the point. My gym teacher had the gym class out jogging around the school and they saw me fall and like 25 or more girls started laughing at me, I never been so embarrassed in my life I wanted to just smack my self for trying to run up the stairs all cute like an idiot and almost busting my face on the steps. :flaming:
  5. Ok let see there was one i seen in the mall it said: Nobodys perfect... but im a nobody so i guess im perfect somthing like that i thought it was cute.
  6. [center][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#DF5591]Halanas jade green hues scanned around for any signs of life. She had been traveling for days on end and was exhausted. For the past two days she had this strong feeling she was being followed. Her eyes softened at the sight of the desolated forest. Its beauty had been destroyed years ago by Tylrians army. They burned down every thing within their path, all that stood now was scorched trees and barren land. ?Whoa... Konsetsu? she whispered gently petting the horse like creatures soft main. The beast came to a halt, its nostrils flared taken in a deep breath of the steal air and snorted. Halana griped her Double edge moon blade tightly as she slid of Konsetsus saddle. Her eyes flicker over with anger. The sound of broken sticks crackled a few feet away from them. ?Who the hell are you?, And why have you been following me?? her voice laced heavy with distaste. She tilted her head to the side slightly, letting her thick bangs fall into view. Her red glossed lips twitched with annoyance. The demon behind her let out a loud chuckle, his red eyes glowed with amusement. This wench would prove to be more fun then he thought. [/COLOR][/FONT][/center]
  7. My personality varies im more of a Kagura, Megumi Takani mixed with lina inverse type of person.
  8. [FONT=Georgia] [COLOR=Black] Name: Malaysia Johnson Race: Human Age: 19 Gender: Female Height: 5'6 Weight:122 Rank:Vampire Hunter [b]Appearance[/b]: Malaysia Johnson is a beautiful young Africa-America women, She has smooth mocha brown skin with pale blue eyes. Her Soft auburn brown hair falls to the center of her back in corn braids. Her body is curvaceous, and very busty on top. She wares tight hip hugging denim jeans. Each side of the pants legs are slit to the hip and laced with black lace. She wears Black bikini top under a black fish net top that hangs on her shoulders with a matching denim jean jacket that stops short from her belly button. She wares large gold hoops with danging crosses in the middle of them and a small bless cross around her neck. With large punk rock belt that hangs slanted at her hips. black stiletto heels that strap at the ankles. Her appearance is very urban and simple.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray] [b]Persona[/b]: Ever scents the death of her sister Malayisa has turned cold hearted. She trusts no one and works stickily alone. She shows no mercy when it comes to putting someone to death. She?s bold, blunt, sarcastic and seductive. She knows how to use her beauty and body to advantage. She loathes vampires and everything that?s connected to them. Her only weakness is her deep love for last remaining family, her grandmother and her 6 year old sister. She would do anything for them even end her own life just to save theirs.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#DF5591][b] Background[/b]: Malayisa grew up in a broken home in the slums of new york city. Her mother died after the little sister Shanti was born. She and her oldest sister Candy were only little kids at that time. They was taken in by their grandmother. Years passed and things seemed to get better for the girls until on night candy was coming home from a party and was attacked in a alley by a creature. Days passed and Candy didn?t come home. on the fourth day the police came to there door and reported the incident. Malayisa was devastated to the point she wouldn?t talk and eat for days she just couldn?t expect the fact her sister was bleed dry with no trace of blood around her body to prove murder. Word around the block was vampires were killing off people randomly. At first she didn?t believe it until one night she and her best friend got attacked and dragged into a alley. She watched in fear as the vampire drained the life from out her friend. ( Malayisa trained her with several defensive skills for three years stright and teamed up with a man named Leon whos study vampires for 20 years, he helps her with infomation and supplys her with all her weapons and ammo...)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#DE89B2] [b]Weapons[/b]: She carries two Smith & Wesson?s 1911 Resolvers strapped in her jean jacket with blessed bullets. A silver cross that pops open to a dagger, strapped to her right leg I hope im not to late guys [/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Black]Name: Halana Name Meaning: (Halana in Arabic means: Halo Around The Moon ) Race: Half Human / Half Demon Age: 19 Gender: Female Height: 5'4 Weight:115 [b]Appearance[/b]: Halana has Medium bronzed skin, with Jade green eyes that glow demonic energy. She has long Silvery White hair that?s thick and curly, falls to the center of her lower back. She keeps it pined to the side in a half way bun with curl spilling over the bun .Her bangs are wavy and come slightly pass her eyebrows. Her body is very curvaceous, and slightly busty. She could almost pass for human , except for the fact her eyes hold a beautiful demonic aura. As a child she was also branded with the mark of a demon on the back of her neck. She?s Stunningly beautiful and desired by human and demon alike. At the last day of every month she turns full demon. Her ears grow to a point and her eyes turn gold, long Fangs form. Large black demonic wings. (Picture of her will be coming soon as I scan it!)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][b]Persona[/b]: Halana first comes off as cool, calm and collective. She keeps her self distant and rarely shows her feeling. She hates Humans and Demons alike especially men. She Despises the fact of the war between them and all the blood shed from it. Halana?s not violent in any nature, She doesn?t kill unless its mandatory to do so. She?s sarcastic and doesn?t hold her tongue for anyone. But this in a shield from who she truly is. She keeps her true self locked away. The only time she ever shows her real feelings is towards children and animals. She?s very caring and gentle towards them. She cherish them, their beauty and innocent reminds her of what she?s fighting for.( In Halana Demon form she become blood thirsty and down right vicious)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#DF5591][b]Bio[/b]: Halana Mother ?Hasana? was a beautiful Priestess, one day she went in the woods to gather some rear herbs she came across a powerful demon named ?Shikyo?. He was enticed by her exotic beauty and wanted her for himself. She denied him, and that angered him a lot. She did her best to ward him of but his power was greater then hers. He ravaged her severely and left her for death. On of the villagers found her and taken her back to the village thus saving her life. 9 months later Halana was conceived. She was beautiful little girl none the less but different. Her large jade greens eyes glowed with a demonic aura. Her mother tried to keep her demonic heritage hid for time well being ,but soon the word got out she was half demon. All the villgers panicked in fear she would harm them. The head of the village reassured them she was harmless and allowed them to stay. Withing the 11 years of her of staying with the villagers she was treated like a outcast and mad fun of. Her mother fell ill on her 11th birth day and die shortly after. ( To make a long story short) the men in the village tried to rape her at her weakest time she fled from the village and came across a old man and women who took her in as there own. She lived them for two years...they were slaughter by a demon. Years passed she learned to fend for her self and has been a loner scents then. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#DE89B2][b]Weapons[/b]: [Double edged moon blade] It?s a staff with a sharp crescent moon shaped blade at each end. It has the ability to disassemble apart and form two different blades called ?Deadly Twin blades? [b]Spells[/b]: Has ability to call on the wind and do small healing spells Sorry if the profile is to long lol i got kinda carried away here but ummm im going to post a picture of her soon so keep a eye out[/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Name[/COLOR][/B]: Ayana Suki [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Name Meaning[/COLOR][/B]: Beautiful Flower Of Beloved One [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Age[/COLOR][/B]: 19 [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Gender[/COLOR][/B]: Female [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Class Type[/COLOR][/B]: Angels are Gods messengers.( She delivers massages from god, saves souls and protects humans) [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Weapon[/COLOR][/B] :Chain of holy discipline and Heavens Silent ([I]Feather ear-rings that turn to daggers when thrown[/I]) [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Description[/COLOR][/B]: [COLOR=Plum]She's half African American and half Japanese. She's about 5'4 and 117 lbs. Caramel Complexion. Very Curvaceous figure, slightly busty . Eyes the color of crimson red that glows when she's angry. She has long glossed black curls that fall to the center of her back. She keeps her hair pined back in two braided buns, neatly entwined with white n black ribbons. her bangs are long and layered, that falls inches short from her upper breast. She wears a jean skirt that comes to mid thigh , white halter top with matching jean jacket that comes mid way of her stomach. She also wears open toe stilettos that lace up to the knee in white ribbon, Large feather earing and a lose chain belt the hang on her hips[/COLOR]([I]this is her earthly appearance only...her heaven attire is different[/I]). [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Personality[/COLOR][/B]: [COLOR=Plum]Ayana is a very caring person and can be quite dizzy at times. She like to laugh a lot and joke around. She enjoys the beauty life and despises anyone who dear to take it for granted . But despite all that is good about her she has a bad temper and hates to take orders from anyone accept god. She's sarcastic , bold and blunt she not afraid to get right down to the point of what she thinks of you or how she feels.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Weapon-Description[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Plum]Chain of holy discipline : is a chain she wears around her hip.when taken off the chain glows pure white with holy energy. Once hit the chain it electrocutes the enemy untill they diminish into nothing.([/COLOR]Note: [I]this only works on lower class demons, and on medium class demons it only has the power to make them pass out[/I]) /// ([COLOR=Plum]Heavens Silent: Feather ear-rings that turn to daggers when thrown. Once hit with a dagger, enemies loses all there power and movement in there body. (Note: This attack works best on low and medium demons) Ayana his a new recruit heaven so all her powers are slowly developing [/COLOR] ([I]meaning she not that good at using them yet lol[/I]) [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Powers[/COLOR][/B]: [COLOR=Plum]Has the ability levitate and teleport at will. She also has the power to reflect her enemies attacks back at them. The attack is called [/COLOR] ([I]Shield of purity[/I])It only works on lower class demons. :angel:
  11. :D Im new to Otaku boards and i really need help, Can some one please tell me how to post pictures and banners i dont know how to do it....do i just type in the url for the picture or do i have to upload it on here or im just lost here people :(
  12. You did pretty good for your first time CGing is very hard and takes so much time to do lol me im new at it my self and for the adobe photoshop tip lol i never used it i used open canvas and psp7.02 :( i would show you one of my works but i done know how to post pictures on here and to be on the constructive criticism side :p you need to put a lil more work in your high lighting,Out-lining and put some color in Inu-yasha eyes lol but stick with it you will get better :love:
  13. Ok..ok I noticed that some people are really taking this thread serious:rolleyes: and its sad to put it blunt. If you read what I originally posted "This topic was made up out of boredom!!!" nothing more so stop getting your panties all up in a bunch, im sure everyone in here is well aware of it against the law people are just playing around so calm down and relax people.:love2:
  14. I agree with FirePheonix727, KnightOfTheRose your no fun :( , stalking people is a necessity to life....well my life that is im sure you thought of doing it once or twice lol :laugh: let me stop be4 u flame me or somthing :nervous: :bawl:
  15. I must say Orlando bloom is so...mmmmm lol :tasty: who cares if there is I million fan girls it always fun to beat them off with a stick :bash: , oh thank you for the warm welcome me feel so speical:love2: oh and 4 the others i really dont know who they :sweat: are lol but judging from your taste im sure they are well worth the stalking :luv:
  16. Ok...ok Im new here I dont know if this has been done before so don't bite my pretty lil head off :smirk: anyway its late im bored and wanted to try this thread thing out so my topic will be IF YOU COULD STALK ANYONE HUMAN ,ANIME ETC WHO WOULD THEY BE? And why would you stalk them :love: To start it off with I would stalk let see hmmmm....Sesshoumaru ooo he's so damn sexy :tasty: i would hide behind bushes with binoculars, then pop up out of know where and start asking him a million annoying questions just to see how long it would take him to kill me :love: ok....blame it on the boredem :devil:
  17. hmmmm lets see...what can i say about school :eek: oh i dropped out and got my G.E.D didn't have to go threw all that bull-ish lucky ol'me, oh by the way Sad Angel I think your a hottie :luv: i been stalking you scents 7th grade :flasher: :love2: so when we gonna hook up...oh sorry for my rudeness let me introduce my self Im kibas wify Oh talking of drama There was this time in 7th grade when me and my friend had to take this kids book bag upstairs :flaming: . Normally that would be no problem but we hated this kid he talked so much *Bleep* we wanted to get him back so we started kicking his bag down the halls and up the stair and....and oh let me stop, thats not drama oh well i tryed :love:
  18. I too love Inu-yasha, Im real obsessed With the pairing Sesshoumaru x Kagura I cant wait to see some more interaction with them two :devil: oh by the way im a newbie-------->:wigout: showing love to all :love: .But as i was saying im Obsessed I even had i web site dedicated to them but it got deleted :confused: , im rebuilding it now.....
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