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EVA Unit 100

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Everything posted by EVA Unit 100

  1. Also, though not anime, I almost always rooted for ZIM to enslave all humans. Then again, Dib's pretty bad himself. In fact, this post makes no sense! Everyone on ZIM is evil! Except for GIR. He rocks.
  2. [quote name='Dagger']I like Evangelion's ending better than the rest of the show put together, personally. But maybe that's just me. Seriously, though, if you think about the kind of expectations created by Eva's most rabid fans, it becomes clear that no series (no matter how amazing it might be) could ever live up to them.[/quote] It's just you. Maybe a few others liked the TV ending, but not me. I hated it. Now don't go saying that "Oh, you don't understand it properly!", because I did understand what happened. You want to know what happened? All the characters complained a lot and Shinji decided that the only way to be happy is to live in his dreams and not face the world around him. And they expect us to agree with Shinji and consider it a "happy ending". The first 24 episodes and movies of EVA might have been tragic, but they within all of the doom and decay there was a deep and moving message about how you can make a difference and that while you might not always like the world around you, your decisions on how you live in the world can change it. Whereas the "true series" as we'll call it (as Anno intended it) was a biting criticism of the otaku lifestyle, the TV ending embraces it. Interestingly enough, I agree with the people who say that the two alternate endings are different sides of the same story. The TV ending is trying to put us into Shinji's mind, the movie ending lets us annalyze the events from an outside perspective. Shinji isn't the protagonist of the story of EVA, we are the protagonists! The true series doesn't force us to take sides other than our own on how we follow the story, the TV ending forces us to take Shinji's side. And taking Shinji's side entirely destroys the power of EVA's message. And by the way, there is a series that lives up to those expectations. That series is called Fullmetal Alchemist. ;)
  3. I always found myself thinking of Zeon/ZAFT being like the North Side of the Civil War in terms the Gundam shows, while the Earth Allience is the South Side. Sort of the reverse of how the supposed "good guys" on those shows preach.
  4. [quote name='dposse']And now the "all action saturday" is gone too.[/quote] Trigun has been rerun to hell and back. It's not much of a loss at this point. And since when is Paranoia Agent an action show? Or FLCL? Or Case Closed? Or Lupin? Futurama actually probably has about as much action as all of those shows and despite being way overreran unlike other AS comedies it actually has a continuing plot and character development so it fits to some extent with the animes. The one problem I have with the new schedule is Paranoia Agent at 1 AM. Honestly, Inu-Yasha will pull in ratings at any time no matter how awfully late... And do we even need Scryed?
  5. [QUOTE=Roflocopter][size=1][color=darkred]Eva, quick question, do you like NGE? or are you just using that screen name? Another question, does the Otaku Boards have a chat room or something of that sort so I can make firends with some people on here? Its sort of dull conversing with people you dont know :
  6. [quote name='Sol-Blade][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3']But to be honest, consider that Adult Swim, which does tend to air *some* good shows from time to time, has one of the largest, yet most...I'm trying to think of a good word here...idiotic, fanbases ever.[/quote] It's mostly only the Inu-Yasha obsessors and the "anime iz teh s uck" people who are idiotic in AS's fanbase. Most of the casual fans and the TZ/AI-type people are generally of average-to-above-average intelligence. I personally love most of AS (with my favorite shows on AS being Champloo, Paranoia, Fullmetal, Futurama, Family Guy, Birdman, Aqua Teens, Bebop, FLCL, Home Movies, Ghost in the Shell, and Venture Bros.) and I'm one of the smartest kids in my school.
  7. [QUOTE=Kiba_the_Chosen]1. Loveless 2. Fooly Cooly (FLCL) 3. Bey Blade There vote for one and we will change number 45.[/QUOTE] Loveless didn't exist when this poll was taken. FLCL is an OAV and doesn't count. Beyblade is worse that Pokemon. Number 45 is not changing. I personally hate Sailor Moon and Wolf's Rain but you don't see me bitching. THE LIST FOR THIS YEAR WON'T CHANGE! END OF STORY.
  8. Paranoia Agent is severely underrated, IMO. While it might cause other series to be underlooked, it is underlooked itself, at least by the non-otaku crowd. How can 2 AM Inu-Yasha reruns, 1:30 AM Trigun re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-reruns, and Scryed be beating it in the ratings? It seems most casual AS viewers will only watch either nonstop action shows (Inu-Yasha and Scryed, with Champloo being one of the only shows of high quality that fits the catagory), stuff that looks like a nonstop action show (Fullmetal Alchemist), or stuff that has built itself a positive reputation long ago (FLCL, Trigun, GitS, and the like) and will dismiss anything that is openly intellectual as crap. And I have to blame this problem on two extremely overrated shows: Witch Hunter Robin and Wolf's Rain. Two of the most pretentious, poorly-paced, undeveloped wastes of what could have lead to good shows. It seems that if these shows say "OMG I'm liek SOOOO InTelLecutAL!!!11!1!" the otaku crowd and those interested in joining the otaku crowd will believe the statement, even if the show that is saying that is, well, mostly boring. They aren't the worst shows in the world (the middle portion of WHR and the first few episodes of WR are actually fairly compelling, and they do have many technical merits), but they don't deserve quite the fanbase they get (although WHR doesn't really have much of a fanbase and thus I can't fairly call it overrated; WR seems to have a much bigger crowd for it *guesses it has to do with the bishie gimmick and those into it just for the sake of Yoko Kanno worship*). Also, nearly every show with 100+ episodes is highly overrated, especially Dragonbal and Inu-Yasha, with Naruto fairly high up there as well. Except for Lupin. That show is way underrated. And outside of the Heii/Kurama fangirls who generally overexagerate things, YYH generally gets a deserving ammount of praise/criticism. Mobile Suit Gundam is very overrated. While I respect it for its contributions to traditional anime plot development, the character development left much to be desired. Zeta was better than MSG in every way, and is very underrated. Wing is overrated, simply for being the first Gundam to come to America and thus having every new release, especially those on Toonami, being forced to unfair comparisons (I completely DISPISE it when fans of Wing talk of it as "the original"). And while SEED has a rather large unknowing fanbase who've probably only seen G or SD before seing SEED who will discriminate and yell out "SEED IS THE ONLY GUNDAM WITH ANY DEPTH TO IT AND EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST SILLY FIGHTING STUFF WITH NO PLOT OR CHARACTER OR POLITICS OR ANYTHING OF THAT SORT!" (Wing has the same problem, though to a lesser extent nowadays), it also seems to get a lot of crap from people who claim it to be a "rip-off". Well, I don't see anyone calling EVA a Gunbuster rip-off, so it is unfair to call SEED a "rip-off" of MSG/Wing/whatever.
  9. [quote name='Dagger']He was most likely referring to the fact that the show's animation is done in Korea. At least that's what I'm assuming.[/quote] Actually, the show is also directed, storyboarded, and composed there. The creator and the writers are American, but that's it. That puts it on the same level as The Animatrix, which had some Asian and some American people working on it. So if you consider The Animatrix anime (which I assume most of you do) and you consider Korean cartoons anime, it is only right to call Avatar anime.
  10. [quote name='katanagirl']let us not forget the american rip offs! such as: avatar- nick's attempt to catch up with the popularity of CN. first couple eps were ok for me. i thought it was gonna be ok. wow was i wrong. the whole thing has left my interests.[/quote] Avatar isn't an American show. It is a Korean show made for American audiences. And considering people consider Korean stuff like Sky Blue "anime", that makes Avatar anime and not a rip-off. And it isn't fair to call American shows "anime rip-offs". Tezuka was inspired by American stuff, and since anime is a word that applies to many styles of art, nothing can be considered a rip-off of anime. Some shows can be rip-offs of other specific shows, but you can't rip-off an entire medium. If anime was something you could actually rip-off as a whole, how could you rip off this... [IMG]http://www.dailycollage.com/collages/gits/01-ghost-in-the-shell-thumb.jpg[/IMG] This... [IMG]http://www.sandcastlevi.com/images/movies/m-lupin.jpg[/IMG] This... [IMG]http://flakmag.com/film/images/tokyogodfathers.jpg[/IMG] And this... [IMG]http://www.madman.com.au/deadleaves/i/dl_picleft.gif[/IMG] At the exact same time?
  11. [quote name='Revue][COLOR=#7C0201][SIZE=1]Like #45, for example?[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Pokemon, Senkaiden Houshin Engi (whatever the hell that is), Zatch Bell, Gundam Wing, Vision of Escaflowne, Hellsing, and Mobile Suit Gundam were all ties. Putting them in order is where by biases came into play. ;) And don't blame me for Pokemon being on the list. Blame the people who voted for it.
  12. Finally, what you?ve all been waiting for! After tallying your votes, combined with personal biases for tie-breaking, I?ve made a list of the top 45 favorite anime at OB (a 6-7 way tie prevented the 50-46 slots from being filled). Here it is: [B][U]The Official Otaku Boards Top 50, erm, 45 Anime Series[/B][/U] 45. Pokemon 44. Senkaiden Houshin Engi 43. Zatch Bell 42. Gundam Wing 41. Vision of Escaflowne 40. Hellsing 39. Mobile Suit Gundam 38. Prince of Tennis 37. Gundam SEED 36. Dragonball 35. Outlaw Star 34. Monster 33. Wolf?s Rain 32. Magical Shopping Arcade Abenoboshi 31. Lunar Legend Tsukhime 30. Excel Saga 29. Full Metal Panic 28. Paranoia Agent 27. Shaman King 26. Azumanga Daioh 25. Gad Guard 24. One Piece 23. Great Teacher Onizuka 22. Beserk 21. Sailor Moon 20. Revolutionary Girl Utena 19. The Slayers 18. Fushigi Yuugi 17. Elfen Lied 16. Gravitation 15. Bleach 14. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 13. Samurai Champloo 12. Last Exile 11. Dragonball Z 10. RahXephon 9. Fruits Basket 8. Inu-Yasha 7. Yuyu Hakusho 6. Naruto 5. Rorouni Kenshin 4. Trigun 3. Neon Genesis Evangelion 2. Cowboy Bebop 1. Full Metal Alchemist
  13. [QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][/size] [color=#503f86]Generally speaking, any animes with old-style animation doesn't appeal to me[/color][/QUOTE] Um, there's a difference between old-style animation and bad animation. Very few animes have the simple visual charm of something like, say, Castle of Cagliostro or Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Dragonball has bad animation, but you can't attribute lack of quality to age.
  14. [QUOTE=Dagger]Interesting comments, Lunox. I actually prefer Boogiepop Phantom to Paranoia Agent; it's a lot more consistent in terms of style and atmosphere, and I thought the way in which the characters' stories tied into each other were more interesting. Boogiepop [i]does[/i] make sense (contrary to popular belief, haha), but it's much harder to figure out than PA, which for me meant that it had a lot more replay value. In PA, everything falls together almost too neatly--I'd watch it again, but mainly to see if I missed any huge clues the first time around. It also felt more like an "experiment," if that makes any sense; while the setting-heavy episodes were enjoyable, I thought they made the show weaker in a structural sense. [/QUOTE] Well, I liked the experimentalness of Paranoia Agent. I felt that the variety of Paranoia's many styles made the show stronger; the fact everything about it was entirely radically different while being tied to the exact same plotline made it more emotionally involving for me. I guess since PA is the FLCL of its genre, and you don't like FLCL, you wouldn't be as obsessed with Paranoia Agent as I was. Also, if anyone caught the AS broadcast of the first episode, did you notice that it featured the second uneditted "sh**" in AS history (the first being in the last Space Ghost episode)? This could mean that the editting for the series will be minimal. The fact AS now allows TV-MA (although it's less of jumping up in the level of content and more of the FCC going cookoo about preexisting content) might given PA more space in terms of what they can get away with.
  15. [QUOTE=Dagger]Big O III? What on earth would that consist of? :animestun On a different note, I'm wondering where/when Hikaru no Go will show up. Apparently Viz has its TV dates listed as "TBA," so presumably that means they have made some kind of deal. And I can only assume the series is going to air on CN, since I can't imagine any other channels (barring The Anime Network) taking a gamble on Go. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Well, the last episode of Big O II didn't make any bit of sense whatsoever (if you could explain it to me, it would be appreciated) so a Big O III could be a replacement ending or at least make earlier events more comprehensible. Although The Big O III could be replaced by something else. I'm thinking Fafter since I'm in the mood for some quality mecha and Raxephon and Evangelion are completely out of range for AS (though EVA might air if the linear Anime Network expands to another provider, which could very well be later this year, but if it did air it would be finished before my schedule could happen). My idea for the change will come to me when it comes. EDIT: Oh yeah! I know what should go in Big O III's place: Cowboy Bebop Remix! How could I have been so stupid to ignore it? Sorry, but Hikaru No Go is a no-go for Cartoon Network. Lack of marketability already has that working against it, but if the show is anything like the manga, have you ever considered that it's... boring? It'd put most people to sleep, and those who could stay up through it would probably find it tedious and annoying. Remember, Flame of Recca was also supposed to come to TV, supposedly on CN, and whatever happened to that show anyway?
  16. The hard thing about Bleach and Destiny is that both shows are stuff that AS wouldn't go near for obvious reasons but would recquire massive editting on Toonami. I guess since AS is trying to do TV-MA (we'll see if they've been able to get away with it come "Double Lips") Toonami might be able to jump up to TV-PG (since they've faked TV-PG with some TV-Y7 shows like Justice League, they might even be able to fake a TV-14 in a TV-PG) and Bleach could get away relatively clean. Ultimately by the end of 2006 this is the Saturday night schedule I would like for Cartoon Network: (Toonami) 7.0: SGT Frog 7.5: Zatch Bell/Eureka 7/Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (whichever one is airing new episodes by then) 8.0: The Fantastic Four/Legion of Superheroes (whichever one is ready by then) 8.5: Star Wars: The Animated Series 9.0: One Piece (redubbed by FUNimation, less edits) 9.5: Something completely experimental like Eyeshield 21 or Fruits Basket 10.0: Naruto 10.5: Bleach (Adult Swim) 11.0: Cowboy Bebop: REMIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(awesomest thing ever) 11.5: BECK 12.0: Monster 12.5: Chromartie High 1.0: Inu-Yasha (last full run) 1.5: Samurai Champloo That would be awesome. :cool:
  17. [quote name='Dagger']I've heard reports that Naruto's music was completely changed for the preview, which may very well bode ill for the actual show.[/quote] Toonami makes their own music for promos, even for American shows. The only time I can ever recall them using a show's actual music for a promo was for MEGAS and the individual episode TT promos. If they actually showed a sequential chunk of an episode with changed music, I'd be worried. However, they showed random 2-to-10 second clips in a 1 minute montage, and thus there's nothing to worry about. If anyone thinks this will affect the actual show, I advise you to become One Piece fans so you can do all the female dogging you want without having to try so hard to ruin every bit of news. As for the actual preview, I have no reason to believe it will be a hackjob. Quite the opposite; it seems they are giving it the Gundam Wing/Kenshin golden treatment in terms of editting, perhaps being even more lenient. The preview contained unaltered weapons (surprising, given all the crap CN went through to disco-fy all the guns in Gundam SEED), splatters of blood, and a bit of nudity. If they can get away with all of that content it's likely there won't be too much editting in Naruto. The presentation of the promo reminded me of the promos for Toonami's other unbutchered animes, as opposed to something relatively Americanized like Zatch Bell or downright massacred like One Piece. Also, from the minimal ammounts of diolauge I could make out over the narration it sounds like it's being dubbed by Ocean, and while Ocean's actors are pretty weak the scripts don't do much to alter diolauge and don't Americanize things at all. It seems they are pulling out all the stops on Naruto. Also, IGPX in the preview was beautifully animated (this combined with huge ammount of time and effort from all over the world it took to make it and Quentin Tarentino's supposed involvement means the series will likely turn out amazing), and Bo-7 looks absurdly hilarious. As a fan of TT and JLU I was impressed with the clips they showed of those shows as well. No Wulin mentioned whatsoever (just supports my theory that CN didn't really buy it)! I'm disappointed with no YYH news, but I think they're just waiting for all the DVDs to be released before they finish up the series on Toonami. Just give us Destiny, YYH, and a One Piece redub on top of what they announced and by the end of the year we'd have the greatest Toonami ever (and next year will be even more awesome with Eureka 7, Legion of Superheroes, the new Star Wars cartoon, and the likely acquisitions of SGT Frog and Bleach)!
  18. Yui is included in the opening. I think she's shown right inbetween the shot of the [SPOILER]dead Rei clone[/SPOILER] and the portrait of Kaji, Misato, and Ritsuko in college.
  19. [quote name='Bloodseeker']I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the first (and only) guy to respond to this topic. (And I'm responding just for the reason of saying that.)[/quote] Sorry, but you've been beaten to it.
  20. [quote name='Raina][COLOR=Blue']First of all, Pokemon is an anime, not a cartoon! :animeangr [/COLOR][/quote] Anime and cartoons are nearly the exact same thing. Anime is just another word used to describe cartoons made in Japan. So all animes are cartoons, but not all cartoons are anime. Simple as that. [QUOTE]Most people who get huffy about people discrediting anime haven't seen enough of it to know those "pr0n!!!" guys are mostly right.[/QUOTE] No, they aren't right. Yes, there is hentai, but it takes up a very small pecentage of anime. While there is a sizeable amount of hentai, there's just as much, if not more pornography in American media. And people who think nudity equals pornography are wrong. There's a big difference between the statue of David and Playboy Magazine. Seeing Ranma bathing or Goku running around naked is more on the statue of David end of the spectrum than the Playboy Magizine end. So those "pr0n!!!" guys are hardly right at all.
  21. [quote name='Bloodseeker']"I hate DBZ and I hate Pokemon!"[/quote] That isn't an insult. Now if that was "DBZ and Pokemon are the spawn of Satan which will corrupt our children's and our own minds to lead to the appocalypse and anyone with any interest in them or anything made in or slightly related to Japan is a demon! Now on to burning down Sony!", THAT would be an insult.
  22. Um, that article you found was refering to moving FMA up to an earlier timeslot 4 months ago. Anyway, the new season will likely begin around fall. The two main options are for it to either replace Inu-Yasha premieres or for Champloo to have a midseason cutoff. But it will return, and the reruns are airing at 1 AM from Monday-Wednesday.
  23. [quote name='ShadowFaintZero']I personally think the simpsons is as funny as ever. Just that, sometimes your right. The episodes have been slowly getting worst. But just remember, the creator of the simpsons has been using helluva lot of material on his other shows like "Family Guy", & "American Dad". If you don't like the simpsons anymore, just watch the other shows, your bound to still love the creator :P.[/quote] Family Guy and American Dad were made by Seth McFarlane (who also wrote for Johnny Bravo and directed a few of the shorts for The Spike and Mike Sick and Twisted Film Festival), whereas The Simpsons was made by Matt Groening. The only other things Matt Groening has made were the TV series Futurama and the comic stips Life in Hell and Heroes Annonymous (supposedly he's now working on a show about a rock band for Adult Swim).
  24. The Simpsons has been going downhill since Season 8. Before then the show was actually steadily going uphill in terms of satire, random humor, and character development. Then things started to seem to run dry. Homer started acting more jerky and less funny, Bart's rebeliousness was toned down immensely, Lisa came off as more of a ***** than an honest intelligent kid, and Marge suddenly went wacko. Season 8 actually had a few funny episodes, but then when Ian Maxtome Graham and Mike Scully suddenly took over the show from David Mirkin and Bill Weinstein the show suddenly jumped from being a brilliant satire edgier than your average sitcom to being an average sitcom itself. A few good episodes were scattered around (Behind the Laughter was actually one of the show's best episodes), but 95% of it was dreadful. Then Al Jean retook the position of executive producer and suddenly things started looking like they were improving. The characters started to feel more like themselves, and some episodes even tried to develop them further. However, the fact that nearly 80% of the writing staff had worked in the Scully years prevented a complete return to quality. This season the series seems to have dragged itself to a point where nothing is offensively bad but the show is in a state of sheer mediocrity. The only episodes this season I've geniunely found funny have been some of the "controversial episodes" (i.e. the same-sex marriage one, and the 2nd Coming riff) and maybe the flash-foward episode. I don't want the show to go on much longer, but yet at the same time I do. I think it could go up to 20 seasons and then end with a movie. That would be a good way for the show to go out with a bang instead of a whimper.
  25. [QUOTE=Dagger]If he were to direct a brand new anime... hm, well, he's already done mecha and high school romance. I guess I'd like to see him do a magical girl series. It would probably turn out something like Utena, haha. Or maybe a straightforward fighting show (a la Bleach or Yu Yu Hakusho). That would be interesting. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] He is currently doing The New Cutey Honey, which is a magical girl series. Not exactly the type of magical girl series you were expecting, heh. ----- [QUOTE=Dagger]Just wait until you get to volume 7. :animesmil Well, that's assuming you're buying the Platinum version. If you're collecting the old singles (which actually might not be a bad move--sure, they're one disc longer than the new release, but it's also possible to find them being sold very cheaply), wait till volume 8.[/QUOTE] Volume 7 of the old releases was pretty freak-crazy and more solidly entertaing than Volume 8 IMO.
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