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EVA Unit 100

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Everything posted by EVA Unit 100

  1. I'm looking forward too it. It's early reviews seem to be less excited compared to Spirited Away and Mononoke, but then again most critics skimmed over Laputa, so I guess I can have hope this will be one of Miyazaki's greatest. I liked the book it was based on, and the trailer looks beautiful, so I'll definately go see it. I guess any skepticism I have is just due to being spoiled by Steamboy.
  2. [quote name='Sora']I'm the first Mormon on here to post that I know of (and I'm free to question I can answer because from what I can tell from friends at school Mormons are put down alot for things we don't believe in but other churches say we do) so extra cool for me. I have a question for you bible goers though. If you read in Moses about him freeing the people, does it not say the God said "I will harden his (meaning the Pharaoh) heart" (can't quote the rest so this is my atempt) "that he shall not listen and you will (blah blah whatever it is that he does with the staff and the snake and the other things) and ye may tell your children what I have done". Basically what I see that as is God is doing that plauge (however you spell it) thing and killing a whole bunch of innocent children just to prove to future generations that he exists and we now see that it had no lasting effect and I'm sure God would have seen that if (as I am leaning on the believing side) he has the abbility to see and understand everything, thus allowing him to know it would happen that way. What's up with that? That's like the only thing I have against any Christian things. I still believe in God and worship him and stuff so I put that question behind me but now that this is open it brought it back to my mind. Any thoughts?[/quote] From my understanding of it, God was causing the plagues to free the Israelites, not to prove his existance. The part about telling the children was so they'd understand how painful it is to be a slave and how thankful they should be that God was able to protect and free them. Also, although we should be happy about freedom, we aren't supposed to be happy about the plagues. In fact, on Passover (a Jewish holiday commemorating the Exodus), we purposefully spill 10 drops of wine from our second cup to respect the innocent Egyptians who suffered in the plagues. I hope that clears things up.
  3. Steamboy... Wow... That was AWESOME! No offense to Pixar, Miyazaki, or Oishii, but that was the most beautifully animated film EVER! I was just amazed from the first frames, and was hooked for the next 2 hours and whatever minutes! Fluid, realistic, and expressive 2D combined with intricately detailed 3D added up to an amazing work of cinema! As for TV anime, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex has the best effects and layouts, but Cowboy Bebop has the best character design and boarding. It's a pretty close call. I fully expect Samurai Champloo to have better animation than both of these, given it has both IG and Wantannabe behind it.
  4. [QUOTE=Panda]I am not sure but maybe the school has to follow HIPAA-type laws which will not allow them to discuss the heath status of students. In my home state you cannot discuss anyone's health history without their or their legal guardian's (if under the age of 18) written approval. If the school were to send out a letter telling everyone the health status of a student they could be liable to lawsuits for disclosure of confidential information. More than likely the school could not legally put health information like that into a letter being sent to the parents. Just something to take into consideration.[/QUOTE] My parents have been campaigning for a neurology unit in class that would explain AS ever since 4th Grade. The school refused to commit their requests. I don't even know why.
  5. [quote name='Darktigerpack17']It is increasingly popular because it lets people enter complex worlds of anime, unlike the Amerime, where it is regulated and kept clean and simple, not to metion redundant, so all people can see them.[/quote] Amerime... Hey, I like that term! Let's try to make it official! However, what you said there has some innacuracy to it. First of all, you act as if the Japanese have no regulations. They do. Looser than American regulations, but they still have pretty firm regulations. For anime, it's a win-loose situation in terms of the censorship. On one hand, there's hardly any differentiation between a "kid show" and a "family show" in Japan, and thus shows such as One Piece, Sailor Moon, etc. which would have to be butchered to pieces by American Saturday morning standards end up with reasonable ammounts of violence and content in Japanese early primetime. On the other hand, it's harder to sell anime geared for exclusively teens and young adults to Japanese networks, and so we either end up with shows getting cut to pieces in family timeslots ala Cowboy Bebop or keep those shows exclusive to satellite TV and home video. Also, not all Amerime is regulated that much. Have you even seen South Park or Family Guy, or even something slightly tamer like Justice League Unlimited or Invader ZIM? If not, watch one of those shows and if you tell me it's "clean and simple, not to mention redundant", then you either have bad taste or are whacked in the head.
  6. In case you were wondering, my parents know. The school knows. However, for some odd reason the school doesn't want any kids other than to know that I have AS or that it even exists. Really crazy if you ask me, and seems that the school is just trying to *** kiss to stupid and intollerant parents. So I'm not worried what my parents think, but what other uninformed parents think. And by the way, Candyland sucks!
  7. [quote name='Naota ?????']He also said Teen Titans was anime because they show the emotions like in other anime, so just wondering if any one around you was like that. [/quote] In Grave of the Fireflies, they show their emotions like real people. That must mean that *GASP* REAL PEOPLE ARE ANIME!!! :D :cool: :p :rolleyes: ;)
  8. 1. Age: 12 2. Gender: Male 3. Where are u from?: Boston Area, Massachusetts, United States of America 4. How did u come across anime?: Being forced to see Spirited Away 5. Do you think Anime influences u as a person?: Except for taking up a lot of money, no, anime hasn't done much to influence me. 6. Research shows that anime is increasingly popular with the western world. Why do you think this is so?: Because timeslot filler anime in the '60s and '70s (ala Astro Boy, Speed Racer, Voltron, G-Force, etc.) was actually better than most of the prime Saturday morning shows, creating a generation of fans who grew up to create the Toonami and Adult Swim blocks and release anime movies in art house theaters and on video and DVD. They showed the rest of the market that anime was profitable and slowly everyone tried to contribute to the craze in some way or another. Plus James Dobson thinks it's evil, and everyone hates James Dobson. 7. What attracts you to anime?: The same reason I'm attracted to any other form of expression: It allows people to tell meaningful and deep stories in beautiful, unusual, stylized manners. Also, it's interesting to learn about a different culture and because Japanese animators seem to be more comfortable taking risks, probably because anime has never been in a "dark age" while American animation seemed to be virtually dead from the cancelation of The Flintstones up until The Simpsons and Ren and Stimpy livened things up and still the dark age stigma is attatched to most animators. 8. Is your interest in Anime, in any way related to an interest in Japan or to learn about Japenese society?: I wasn't that interested in Japanese society before I became an anime fan, although I loved karaoke and sushi. However, throughout my anime experience, I've noticed cultural details that intruiged me. I discussed them a lot at first with my family, and now I know quite a bit about Japanese culture and have several books on the topic. 9. Have you taken a Japanese language class or been to Japan?: No, but I want to. 10. Have you learned anything about Japanese culture, and if so, give 3 specific examples?: 1. Slurp. 2. Burp. 3. They basically praise anything in American pop culture as long as it's kawaii.
  9. Since now I'm having Spring vacation, now would be a good time to ask for help with an issue at school. One thing I want to make clear in this thread is that I have Aspergers' Syndrome, a social communication disorder on the milder end of the Autistic spectrum. It's not that bad, but it's hard for me to control my emotions sometimes and to read other people's social cues. Because of this challenge, I only have about 6 or 7 friends outside of this and other message boards. This year a lot more kids have been nice to me, but I didn't really know them well. As a plan to get to know some of them, I decided to arrange a party. This is where the problem started. When I was trying to get people's contact information for the party at lunchtime, two of the meaner boys were begging to go to the party even though there was no room for them. Since they sat at my lunch table, I got out of my seat and walked around the other tables. However, when I was asking one of my friends to come to the party and that friend said no, another girl volunteered. I didn't know her well, but I though she seemed nice. However, everyone else knew she was one of the meaner girls, and she gave me the wrong contact info. When I found out she gave the wrong information, I was upset and walked up to the teacher to ask for help. The teacher told me to go back in my seat. Since the mean boys were sitting with me while the mean girl was teasing me while I was out of my seat, I got really angry and had a fit. I didn't hurt anyone, but the fit was loud and scary and the lunchroom had to be cleared. The school then decided to send a letter home to the parents explaining that something happened at lunch, but the letter had two vital flaws: it didn't say what happened other than that the lunchroom had to be cleared due to a fit and it didn't say that I had AS. The sheer slopiness of the letter gets me worried that when Spring break ends next week that the parents will be against me without knowing the whole story and that the kids who I didn't know very well wouldn't want to be friends with me. I feel loney and scared, and I need some help badly. Is there any advice someone could give me to make my situation any better?
  10. Well, we're sort of doing something like this with our "Official Top 50" thing. However, if we count movies and OAVs in this, this could be pretty interesting indeed. Anyway, my nominations: Best Anime: Castle in the Sky. There's just something so classic about it. Best Comedy Anime: Azumanga Daioh. Possibly the most underrated work of brilliance in the anime world. Best Romance Anime: Millenium Actress. Uncoventional storytelling at its best. Best Drama Anime: Grave of the Fireflies. You simply have no soul if you weren't moved by this movie. Best Action/Adventure Anime: Cowboy Bebop. Sheer value of coolness alone gives this series some of the best action seen on TV. Best Mecha Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion. Possibly the most meaningful and confusing anime ever. Best Fantasy Anime: Spirited Away. Trippy, dark, sweet, and one of the most beautiful works of animation. Best Horror Anime: Paranoia Agent. More disturbing than any other TV show, or most movies at that. Best Male Character: Alphonse Elric. Who'd have thought a soul inside a suit of armor could be so sweet? Best Female Character: Flay Allester. Psychotic hotties are always the coolest. Best Soundtrack: Cowboy Bebop. Yoko Kanno owns all! Funniest Character: Shuichi Shindou. Any grown man who wears a banana suit deserves some credit. Biggest ***$hole: Shou Tucker. I just want him dead! Biggest Badass: Hiei. Just plain awesome. Best Villain: Lord Shishio. [SPOILER]Him bitting Kenshin's shoulder off[/SPOILER] scared the crap out of me. Hottest Chick: Motoko Kusanagi. Ladies, if you could chose and specialize your own cybernetic body, this is what you'd chose to look like, right? Most Well Dressed/With The Best Style Character: Seshomaru. A villain with style. Best Death: [SPOILER]Setsuko's death.[/SPOILER] It had me crying for hours. Best Anime Movie: Castle in the Sky. A bit of everything from the great Miyazaki. Best Anime OVA: FLCL. A whole new definition of "mind-warp". Best Anime Music Track: "Obsession". Best part of the entire .HACK//sign show, IMO.
  11. [quote name='iluvsasuke']dub sucks[/quote] You haven't even seen the dub yet! How do you know it will suck?
  12. [QUOTE]As expected, a large portion of questions revolved around the live-action version of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Greenfield confirmed that the project was very much alive, and they were currently in the process of finding a director. While naming no names, Greenfield did confirm that interest has been shown by several major directors, including one who has won an Oscar. He also mentioned that the probable location of the shoot would be New Zealand, the same country where WETA, the studio slated to create special effects for Evangelion, is located. When asked how soon the movie would be finished, Greenfield indicated it would be at least a year, most likely 3 or 4.[/QUOTE] An Oscar-winning director, eh? Sounds like Peter Jackson. He could do an OK job, but personally I think that Alfonso Cuaron would be the perfect director for an EVA movie. His work on Prisoner of Azkaban has shown he does a good job with teen angst, creepy monsters, mysterious settings, and dark action, and all of those talents would translate perfectly to an EVA movie. Also EVA is a very personal story, and while Peter Jackson does great jobs with huge epics, a very different kind of director would be needed to tell what is essentially a very simple father-and-son story that just happens to occur at the end of the world. Well, they said it was being shopped around to multiple directors, so my choice could be chosen. ADV Theatrical will be one of the distributors for this movie, right? Would they be the ones to try to contact to submit a script for the EVA trillogy? I have some scripts that are really good. Damn awesome, in fact. Should I submit the script to ADV Theatrical, or should I try to contact them before sending the materlal? If the latter, what should I say in my contacts that will convince them the script is something worth looking at?
  13. [QUOTE=Dagger]Nah, FUNimation and Manga Ent. use different dubbing studios. But I agree that the characters are definitely very similar--I immediately thought of Yomiko when I saw the girl in FMA. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I wouldn't be surprised if she was a parody of Yomiko. It would make sense; obviously they needed to put in a crapload of comedy into the episodes (I think it was like 9-18 or something) to get you through after the sad fate of Nina (which still makes me sad sometimes :animecry: ) and into the nightmareish state the show is going through now and from what I can tell will last a very long time (I've heard that episode 25 is actually more depressing than the Nina episode, if that is scientifically plausable).
  14. [quote name='marking time']Its Just my Opinion too. no hard feelings. I Personally like the last two episodes others may not. It was my bad to go off like that.[/quote] It's OK. I was just being sarcastic in that post. I just have a different (and common) opinion from yours and you saying it was "the climax of the series" seemed to null out the greatness of everything else the show had to offer and I was making an exaggerated claim to show how rediculous you sounded. I might have come off a bit mean, though. Sorry if that was so.
  15. One thing to remember: no OAVs in this competition. Your votes for ROD OAV, FLCL, The Animatrix, and so on will not count. Neither will movies, so the people who voted for Spirited Away and Akira don't get those votes counted either.
  16. [QUOTE=Dagger]EVA: Can you think of any way to combine this with the other favorites thread that recently started floating about? I don't know who brought that one back from the dead, as it's much older than your thread. If that's not feasible... well, no worries. It's just that this thread is a) more recent and b) is significantly higher in quality. So I'd prefer for it to be the dominant favorites topic. If you can come up with a way to merge them which wouldn't screw up your scoring system, let me know. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] It wouldn't really work, given that this thread is part of an organized survey while the other thread is just people blabbing about whatever shows they like.
  17. [quote name='Dragonboym2][COLOR=Blue']I want CN to bring back "Samurai Jack" Dammit![/COLOR][/quote] Me too! Samurai Jack was the most awesome kids show of all time (slightly behind Futurama, The Simpsons, Paranoia Agent, Cowboy Bebop, and Fullmetal Alchemist on the list of greatest shows period)! It won 3 freakin' Emmies for cryin' out loud and yet Cartoon Network doesn't even give the show a single damn timeslot! Luckily, I hear that Tartakovsky is trying to "conceal secret plans". This might mean that we'll get a Samurai Jack movie (which would ROCK)!
  18. [quote name='Dagger']Does anyone know what version of One Piece is going to air on Toonami? I mean, at this point I'm just going to assume that it'll be the regular 4Kids dub. But it'd be really awesome if they... uh, de-censored it or something. I mean, it didn't get very good ratings on the 4Kids block; I can't see something with edits significantly worse than those in Zatch Bell gaining a big following among Toonami viewers.[/quote] I'm guessing it will go the way of DBZ: 2 seasons of massacred episodes, whose success leads to a bunch seasons of merely heavily-editted episodes and then once the show seems to be dead a redub of the first two seasons.
  19. [quote name='QuincyArcher']Hmmm i have to pick just one series? thats kinda tough... If i had to pick one i would have to go with Neon Genesis Evangelion because thats the anime that got hooked on anime, and i mean real anime. I've watched stuff like Dragonball since i was an infant, but after watching NGE i learned that there was much better stuff out there and it opened my eye's to some really great series' that i probably wouldnt have found out about or gone searching for otherwise. I really like NGE because it has everything: Action, Drama, Suspense, a bit of Romance (though not much) and its a real Mind-bender. I've watched the entire series through several times and i still don't quite grasp everything about the series.[/quote] Sorry, but Dragonball is real anime. While it's quality is debatable the fact it's a cartoon from Japan makes it anime. However, I would say that if an anime is forced through Americanization (not editting) in the dubbing, I'd say it wouldn't count as anime. Since Dragonball Z/GT and the Saban dub of Dragonball are all fairly Americanized, if those were the shows you meant then I'd agree with you. However, the FUNi dub of Dragonball is very faithful to the original with no big changes and if that was what you meant, I'd disagree with you. Luckily, I likely agree with you since you'd have to be around 5 or 6 if you were a toddler when the FUNi dub of Dragonball was on, and I don't think a 5 or 6 year old's parents would appreciate their child watching EVA. ;)
  20. [quote name='dposse']Adult Swim can never air uncensored versions of anything as long as they are on the same channel as Cartoon Network. Turner Legal is the people who control what goes on in Adult Swim. Until Adult Swim gets its own chanel, nothing can be uncensored. We all want uncensored animes on Adult Swim, but its not going to happen. Will Adult Swim get its own channel one day? Maybe, but they need more content. They dont have enough shows for a 24 hour tv station.[/quote] They have aired uncensored versions of animes. About half of Bebop got off uncut. Char's Counterattack aired uncut. Lupin III aired uncut. The Big O aired uncut. Witch Hunter Robin aired uncut. Case Closed had only one edit in the entire series. 7 of the 9 Animatrix chapters aired uncut. Wolf's Rain aired uncut until the OAV. ROD aired uncut. Ghost in the Shell has only had 3 footage edits so far. Fullmetal Alchemist has only had one act of violence editted. And Samurai Champloo, Scryed, and Escaflowne will all likely air uncut or near-uncut (less sure about Paranoia, though). However, they shouldn't air uncut versions of DBZ, YYH, or RK. DBZ is pre-teen testoster-action eye candy no matter how you splice it, and just a bit of blood and nudity (and nobody wants to see little boys nude anyway) doesn't make it any more AS-worthy. YYH started on AS but the number of kid viewers outwieghed the number of adult viewers, so a Toonami run was smart. RK, given that Scryed is considered AS material, might actually be considered AS material to an extent but the show actually had pretty loose editting on Toonami and CN doesn't have the rights to it anymore and doesn't want to spend millions of dollars on renewing new tapes of a preexisting show they don't even know if it gets ratings from people over 17.
  21. [quote name='Lunox][color=darkslateblue]This is like someone re-creating Dexter's Lab...[i]which shall never happen, because if it does, I will personally go to the idiot who wants to and beat him up.[/i'][/color][/quote] It already happened. After the original series aired its final episode in 1998 and the movie "Ego Trip" in 1999, the show was supposed to be canceled from production. Genndy wanted to clear his slate to start work on Samurai Jack and Craig was being streatched thin between Dexter and PPG, so they had good reason to end the show on a high note. Then in 2001, Chris Savigno, a Ren and Stimpy dropout who had been doing the Dexter comic books, decided to make a new season without Genndy or Craig. The results were extremely mediocre, and the Savigno version only lasted for 2 years. Luckily Genndy was able to direct the Dexter short that premiered with The Powerpuff Girls Movie, and it was one of the best of the series. And PPG was essentially brought back from the dead a while back. After The Powerpuff Girls Movie, Craig was basically fed up with Warner Bros. treating his sharp action-comedy as little girls merchandise fodder and moved on to the Samurai Jack comedic episodes and Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends. Chris Savigno took over PPG from 2003 to 2004. The results were better than his Dexter work, but still felt rather bland. Since Craig McCracken is actually working on PPGZ to an extent, I actually expect it to better than PPG's last 2 seasons.
  22. I'd say 4Kids' One Piece edit. It's only gotten worse and worse. It changed from merely removing blood, cursing, and alcohol (AKA the usual stuff) in the first episode to transforming guns into bizzare ACME hammers and rice balls into cookies to removing death, destroying character development, scene-shuffling, and (worst of all for all us pathetic fanboys) evened out Nami's figure! I want it to succeed on Toonami but only if it allows an uncut release to come to DVD and a more reasonably edittted version on TV. However, there's also another one that would come less likely to people: the Japanese Bebop edit. They basically cut out half the episodes and left it on one gigantic cliffhanger! Most of their choices of what episodes to air barely made sense! Not only does Jupiter Jazz not make much sense without Ballad of Fallen Angels airing before it, but airing it, a very violent episode of Bebop, while not airing Mushroom Samba, which had a pretty clear message not to do drugs and had very little violence or stuff of the sort, seems a bit odd.
  23. [quote name='ladyarianrod']I heard that Viz often works closely with 4Kids entertainment (Shaman King, One Piece), so I wasn't sure.[/quote] They only have the manga licenses for SK and OP. They have both the manga license and the anime license for Naruto.
  24. [quote name='ladyarianrod']Anyway, I wasn't sure if Viz was going to dub Naruto or not. Apparently, another company may acquire the show.[/quote] It's already on their official website. Why would you doubt [URL=http://www.viz.com/news/newsroom/2005/02_naruto.php]the proof?[/URL]
  25. When The Batman leaves the line-up then Yuyu Hakusho would be able to return. Dragonball Z's redub will be taking up the 2nd One Piece slot in May so July is the earliest it could premiere. The timing actually works out quite nicely because without interruption the remaining YYH episodes would run up until about the time the license expired so the show might end in a big marathon ala Dragonball Chronicles. Currently Toonami's schedule is stuffed. A lot of what it is stuffed with may be crap but it is crap that companies are paying big bucks for to air. We're extremely lucky DICE is actually leaving the block. Currently Toonami is in a slump but as long as they keep airing Duel Masters, Justice League Unlimited, and Zatch Bell and Teen Titans returns to premieres soon I still have some reason to watch the block and come fall we get Naruto (which WON'T be a hackjob), Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, IGPX, YYH, the possible return of Gundam SEED, plus the announcement of if MEGAS gets new episodes (hopefully done by Madhouse since they rock) and just maybe unhacked episodes of One Piece, so we'll be getting good stuff later in the year. Adult Swim is rocking harder than ever with Ghost in the Shell and Full Metal Alchemist plus Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, Scryed, some movies, 2nd Gig, and the likely acquisition of Chromartie High coming later in the year so AS has nothing to worry about, especially since Milk-Chan will likely be off the air by the time every episode has been repeated once.
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