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EVA Unit 100

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Everything posted by EVA Unit 100

  1. This is the worst symptom of Narutarditis: always hoping for the worst. Seriously, it almost seems people WANT Naruto to be butchered up! Want to know the truth? It won't be. Even Zatch Bell despite crappy editting gets away with violence if it affects the plot and ultimately if we get away with all of the plot-affecting violence on Naruto that would actually make Naruto the most violent show on Toonami since Yuyu Hakusho and Kenshin! Seriously, Yuyu Hakusho and Kenshin in their uncut forms were way more violent than Naruto uncut and even some Kenshin EDITTED scenes are on par with Naruto. Seriously, the show won't need much editting! And if you are afraid it will get excess editting, it won't. These are the facts about Naruto's current position: VizPro has Naruto. 4Kids doesn't have anything to do with Naruto. If they did, it would go to 4KidsTV first, but since it isn't, and therefore 4Kids doesn't have it. ShoPro has their hands full at the moment, so Viz will be dubbing it. Everything Viz has dubbed up to now has had a faithful dub with OK actors and minimal diolauge changes. Naruto shouldn't be any different. At the Cartoon Network Upfront, the series was called Naruto. They even showed a commercial they were making for Naruto, which had Peter Cullen call Naruto "Naruto". Therefore it can't be called "Nathan". The show hasn't even announced its cast yet and anything anyone says who doesn't work for Viz is false. The artists who did the soundtrack want their work to be released. Therefore the music won't be changed. That press release you saw was released on April 1st by an American company. That should tell you something.
  2. [quote name='JT Darkfire']But the different series' tend to be recycled from other popular animes.[/quote] [QUOTE=Cartoon Network's Summer Schedule for Sunday Nights] 7:00: The Life and Times of Junifer Lee 7:30: Electric Girl 8:00: Totally Spies 8:30: Atomic Betty[/QUOTE] And you're telling me American shows don't recycle each other? And to show you the variety in art styles of anime, does this... [IMG]http://www.sonicteam.com/atom/images/main.jpg[/IMG] Look like the same style as this... [IMG]http://www.tuttomanga.com/marcoalbiero/18-animeemanga/POKEMON/POKEMON.jpg[/IMG] Or this... [IMG]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00005QCW4.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[/IMG] Or this? [IMG]http://www.solomonia.com/images/august03/spiritedaway.jpg[/IMG] OK, there are some similarites, but do they have much more similarity than the similarity between this... [IMG]http://www.chuckjones.com/catalog/images/LT-1DVD.jpg[/IMG] This... [IMG]http://rosella.apana.org.au/~tjy/renstimp.gif[/IMG] This... [IMG]http://www.cnn.com/interactive/entertainment/0302/gallery.simpsons.characters/gallery.simpsons.family.jpg[/IMG] And this? [IMG]http://www.vegalleries.com/hbopc/samauri2.jpg[/IMG] And now for some extra fun, let us compare this... [IMG]http://www.ex.org/articles/2002/images/2002.01.13-rev_anime-us-the_big_o-vol_4-cover.jpg[/IMG] And this. [IMG]http://www.batman-superman.com/batman/img/newabrlogo.gif[/IMG] Now, honestly, if this was the first time you ever saw the 2 above shows, could you even tell which one was anime and which one wasn't (and the book Batman: Child of Dreams cancels out the "Batman must be an American thing" logic)?
  3. [quote name='JenniKate']Regardless of who and where it was drawn you can usually tell what someone will these days class as 'anime' by looking at the visual aspect.[/quote] The problem with this statement is that most animes look hardly anything like each other. Even if anime was limited to Astro Boy, Pokemon, Cowboy Bebop, and Spirited Away, you could barely see any similarities between them.
  4. [quote name='Dagger]If you want to see a short video promo, just go [url=http://ppgcom.gooside.com/ppgz/ppgz_attack.html][u]here[/u][/url'].[/quote] That was the wierdest thing ever... Bring this show to the states NOW! Also, I noticed the website mentioned Craig McCracken being one of the top-billed people in production. Now you CAN'T complain about this show.
  5. As a huge Bebop fan, I'll have to butt in and say that I disliked the movie. It felt like I was watching "The Idiot's Guide to Cowboy Bebop". Newcommers to the show must have enjoyed it for getting a taste of the ultra-cool style of the series and hardcore fans like it just because it's Bebop, but for everyone in the middle it is a big dissapointment. While the art portrayed the show's coolness I felt that the plot was extremely substandard anime sci-fi material that the usually enigmatic cast didn't put their usual steam into. Only one heart-rendering fight scene (which got a bit too bloody and dragged out), no huge character development, nothing really funny, it was just too average. And that's sad because Cowboy Bebop TV is far from average.
  6. [quote name='AzureWolf][COLOR=blue']While it may not be a valid comparison to make should they be going for different things (i.e., comedy vs. action), it's certainly going to be the relative judgement most people will pass down and therefore make this version a flop.[/COLOR][/quote] How do you even know that they will be going for different things. I hate it when people think "anime=action" and vice versa:animeangr. The original American PPG was actually a pretty good combination of action and comedy. It could tell very action-packed stories but add in natural humor from the characters' personalities and the random refferences and innuendoes. I was in fact pretty annoyed when the last season or two went for obvious flat-out gag stories as opposed to action and subtler humor. And PPGZ seems to be continuing the spirit of the earlier PPG episodes. If PPGZ was trying to be serious it would probably have some dark and detailed designs. Instead we got a bunch of wacky retro-'70s anime designs, which not only shows the comedic spirit being continued but is the perfect stylistic evolution given that PPG's design was mostly '60s-ish Tezuka-styled stuff. Besides, if this is even going to be produced Craig McCracken must approve of it. He was furious about the PPG movie's ad campaign and the recent PPGTeens ads. CN has to play it safe with an entirely new spin-off if they want to keep the success of Craig's new show Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends not delayed by production difficulties caused by Craig being mad at CN for ruining his first baby.
  7. Satoshi Kon has to be the most underrated genius in all of anime history. Anyone who can make something as sweet as Millenium Actress or as scary as Paranoia Agent is definately awesome, and being able to do both just incredible! Other than Kon, Miyazaki and Otomo are the obvious great ones, with Shinichiro Wantannabe up there by sheer value of cool.
  8. Some good news: AoD confirmed that the director of Fullmetal Alchemist will be doing this project. Now the part of me that was scared this was going to suck is now scared of which girl will be turned into a chimera by Mojo Jojo and if the new Professor is a humunculi. In semi-related news, I also read that the manga-ka behind Gravitation is working on a shonen-ai manga about Colin Creevy's obsession with Harry. Now I love Harry Potter, and like Gravitation, but that idea seems more than just a bit disturbing. Luckily that rumor is 99% likely to be an April Fool's Joke.
  9. Don't think this is an April Fools joke. This was announced in Japan, where it just so happens to be April 2nd, and thus anyone thinking this is a joke is wrong. 1 of CN's 3 anime co-productions has just been reveal at the Internation Anime Festival in Tokyo. Want to know what it is? [IMG]http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/av/docs/20050401/taf32.jpg[/IMG] Part of me thinks this will be awesome... The other part of me is scared out of my mind.
  10. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] I thought that it was the Jews who believed in the Torah and that the Christians were the ones who followed the NEw Testement with the gospels and the acts and the Psalms and so forth. At least that's how I learned it. I don't have enough time left on my computer card to read through 9 pages of replies so I'll just say this and then leave it at what I said: All religions believe that their holy books are from God. Except that the Bible was written by Saints who had been around Jesus and the Torah was written by the prophets who predated Him. I'm just going to say that no one religion is right and no one religion is wrong. Leave it at that and try to check my mail tomorrow.[/color][/QUOTE] This is how it goes: Jews believe in the Torah and the other books of the Old Testament. We believe the Torah was Moses's transcript of the word of God, but the rest of the Old Testament was written by the prophets or annonymous writters in their own words. Christians also believe in Old Testament, but they believe in the New Testament as well, which they believe was written by Jesus's desciples. And Muslims believe in the Quaran, which somewhat rewrites the Old and New Testaments, and where they believe it came from has been the topic of this thread. BTW, the Psalms are part of the Old Testament, not New.
  11. [QUOTE=Dagger]Mm, I'm not too sure about that. One of the episodes on the second disc (I think it might be episode 6) shows a young girl discovering that [spoiler]her father has installed cameras in her bedroom and has been taking pictures of her undressing and so forth.[/spoiler] It's not very graphic, but the implications are pretty bad. And episode 8 pushes the line in a number of respects, as it turns [spoiler]multiple suicide attempts[/spoiler] into comedic material. It's not that I don't have faith in AS, but I'd be surprised if that remained unchanged. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I've only seen the first disc, so I don't know everything that goes on later on in the series. As for the scene in episode 6, if it doesn't affect the plot they could just cut it and if it does then just put a warning. As for episode 8, it sounds like average Aqua Teen/Sealab fare, and thus they could probably get away with it.
  12. OK. If anime girls are sexist, Betty Boop is pornography. There, I just had to say it.
  13. [QUOTE=Haze]I think that [i]Naruto[/i] belongs on AS rather than Toonami. If it goes to Toonami, a lot of stuff is going to have to be taken out and reworked. Toonami has this thing about no blood (definately a problem because [i]Naruto[/i] revolves around some fairly bloody fights) and no cursing (another problem for [i]Naruto[/i]). I could see a lot of problems with it becomming a Toonami show. It stands a better chance with AS. Also....I can't wait to see what they do to [i]Paranoia Agent[/i]. They are gonna have some trouble with that if they try to edit it too much. *dances about*[/QUOTE] Toonami has gotten away with blood in the past. They've slipped in a lot with Kenshin, or for that matter Justice League. Ultimately blood doesn't really matter much as long as they can get away with violence, and seriously the violence in Naruto isn't all that worse than the violence in Gundam SEED or Yuyu Hakusho. Cursing: who needs it? It doesn't help the plot and would likely be mostly editted on AS anyway. Also, assuming CN makes deals with companies 6 months in advance before they are announced, that would make Naruto the first show 100% geared for primetime Toonami, allowing less edits. And seriously, despite the content the show just isn't adult-oriented enough. As with Paranoia Agent, they'll need digital bikinis and mutes on curses of course and episode 3 would have to air with a special warning like the one episode 10 of GitS got. Other than that, AS has loosened up enough to allow most of the content.
  14. [quote name='Bloodseeker']And what about anime's general view on war? If you've ever watched any Gundam besides G, you know that it portrayes war as some clash of human emotions, just causes, and revenge. All I've got to say is SENSE WHEN?! War is just a bloody and expensive business transaction. The rich guys use their influence to send a bunch of soldiers to kill people so that they can gain what the targets have. Every war that I can think of was either a grab for power, influence, and territory and/or a grab for another nations rescources. WWII was Hitler's attempt at gaining control of Europe, the Crusades were the church's attempt to expand their influence, Desert Storm was Iraq's attempt at gaining territory and rescources, the American Civil War was a the attempt by a few men at snatching territory for their own country. In the most recent case of the war in Iraq, America wants oil deals and another foot hold in the Middle East. To glorify war as something more than one entity's attempt to gain profit is stupid and a show of just how gullable people are when it comes to the forked silver tongues of politicians.[/quote] Funny, I felt most Gundam series did a good job explaining the truth about war. Sure, the leaders of both sides of the war were supporting it with reasons. So were many of the soldiers. But the thing is that in reality the different sides of war do come up with cause-and-effect reasons for war, even though those reasons are just bullsh**. In Mobile Suit Gundam, Amuro knew that the war was just pointless violence. In Gundam SEED, Kira did so as well until Flay started to brainwash him. Life has many angles, many truths and falsehoods, and Gundam does a good job of portraying that. If you think anime generally glorifies war, go watch Grave of the Fireflies, one of the greatest anti-war films of all time. Remember to bring a box of tissues with you, though. It pulls no punches showing the grim reality of war.
  15. [quote name='Dagger']Eh? Based on what I've read elsewhere, I'm pretty sure s-CRY-ed is coming to AS... how does that relate to Toonami?[/quote] Bandai pitched and pitched and pitched the show for Toonami to hell and back. Sean Akins, the creator of Toonami, said it would be "The Perfect Toonami Show" just about a year ago. Now that it is on AS after so many years of trying to get the show on Toonami makes me worry that Toonami won't get any faithfully dubbed anime for a while (Naruto will hopefully prove me wrong, though).
  16. [quote name='gundampali23']when will this schedule air? because im a big gundam fan and i want to no what date will this start?[/quote] Look a page back to find out. Anyway, things look good, but wasn't Sean Akins describing Scryed as "The Perfect Toonami Show"? Yes, I know Toonami has the rest of YYH, Naruto, and Bo^7 up its sleeve, but given 2 out of the 4 new animes Toonami aquired for this year are Americanized and Toei has a knack for screwing up dubs, that makes 3 out of 4 highly likely Americanized animes and if majority rules (hopefuly it won't, given that Perriot seems to be more respectful to their properties than Toei, but it easily could happen) then Scryed might end up being the last nail in the coffin for faithfully dubbed anime on Toonami once YYH ends. By the way, [B]D[/B]amn [B]I[/B]t [B]C[/B]artoon [B]E[/B]xecutives (a.k.a. DICE) seems to have been canceled, skipping ahead to episode 24 this week and ending two weeks later. Bandai must certainly be in need of consolation for a new way to sell mecha toys. Coincidentally, the timing syncs up pretty well with the end of a certain show in the graveyard shift. ;)
  17. Here's an idea for a project that I came up with. For the next 3 months, people will be able to post their Top 10 lists of their favorite anime TV shows (no OAVs or movies) and their reasons for the choices. Once that period of time is done, I'll construct a Top 50 list of the animes with the most points (animes in the #1 spots on people's Top 10s equal 10 points, animes in the #2 spots equal 9, etc.). Also, if people want to change their choices, please edit your original posts instead of making new ones as to avoid clutter. My personal Top 10: 1. Samurai Champloo (The anime for people who like anime, and then some. Being able to make a story rooted in Japanese history while not throwing off American viewers is quite a feat. Add in some stunning action animation and a good dose of comedy and you have yourself the greatest anime ever!) 2. Full Metal Alchemist (Tragic-sociopological-military-pseudoscientific- religious- philosophical-psychological-coming-of-age-action-adventure-soul-redemption-commentary made fun for kids!) 3. Cowboy Bebop (It's just so classic! Violence, satire, emotion, character development, jazz, this show had it all! There may be some animes that have surpased it in recent years, but Shinichiro Wantanabe's space drama masterpiece will always have a place in my heart. Let's jam!) 4. Paranoia Agent (They're going crazy... And you see inside their head... And that kid attacks them... I'm scared, and I'm loving it!) 5. Fruits Basket (I'm almost embarassed to put it on this list. It seems to be almost worshipped by the "INU-Y4SSHA IZ MIEN!!!!!!1111!!11!1!" crowd, and when I watch it with people it is hard for me to discuss the show's greatness when everyone else is discussing whether Yuki or Kyo is cuter. Still, a moving storyline and excellent characterization is still a moving storyline and excellent characterization, so it deserves to be on the list!) 6. Neon Genesis Evangelion (It isn't the greatest thing ever. It is seriously flawed in places. Sometimes its even painful to watch. And for all its problems, it is one of the most incredible, uplifting, meaningful stories ever put to film!) 7. Azumanga Daioh (Everyone needs a bit of laughter in life, but sometimes our troubles bog us down from finding it. This series finds the humor in even the smallest of nuances, and a brilliantly understated "show about nothing" certainly has everything going for it!) 8. Rouroni Kenshin (Mostly for the Kyoto arc really. Tokyo was overall mediocre and Meji was an abomination, but the excellent fights and deep drama of the Kyoto arc alone push it up onto the list!) 9. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (The animation is amazing, the choreography near-perfect, and the story manages to enthrall me every time I get the chance to watch it, even if I sometimes don't understand what the hell is going on!) 10. Gundam SEED (You can't really have a list of the greatest anime without at least one Gundam series, and Gundam SEED is the cream of the crop of what Gundam shows I've seen. Granted, I'm not following the show on CN and have a limited DVD budget, so I'm just getting to the good part, but virtue of characterization and political intrigue make it a good series I'm sure will get even better!)
  18. Personally, I never understood the appeal of the genre. From what I can gather major appeal is fanservice, but ultimately I don't think I could enjoy any show for fanservice alone. I don't have anything against shows with some shonen-ai/shojo-ai elements in them as long as they have more to back it up. I enjoy Gravitation, and I actually shed a tear at [SPOILER]Shinji's final confrontation with Karou[/SPOILER] in Evangelion. However, most of the shonen-ai/shojo-ai I've seen/read bits of seems to be mostly just fanservice with very shallow, angsty plots. For anyone who is a fan of the genre, why do you enjoy it?
  19. [QUOTE]it is not the abstinence of food that brings great glory to the Almighty, but rather the expression of genuine love for God and fellowman![/QUOTE] The laws of Kashrut aren't done to bring "great glory to the Almighty". They are done out of environmental respect for animals.
  20. What the hell is this show that Toonami will be airing? Is it any good?
  21. [quote name='MillenniumChaos][B]Witch Hunter Robin[/B']: Didn't they end this before the series was over? And it was getting so good. :( I wasn't too keen on it at first, but it got soo much better. And then school started and staying up until the wee hours of the morning was no longer feasible.[/quote] Cartoon Network didn't end the series. There just wasn't any ending to speak of. ;)
  22. With Naruto, Samurai Champloo, and Paranoia Agent all on TV by the end of the year I can't really say there are many animes that desperately need to be on TV, though Bleach and SGT Frog would be nice and if WETA wants their EVA movie to be a success it would be smart to get the series on network primetime or at least Adult Swim. Also Fruits' Basket deserves some TV time with it being the biggest word of mouth succcess outside of Naruto (which is going to TV anyway and thus shouldn't count now). As for returning shows, Gundam SEED Season 2 should get a chance on Toonami again with a good ad campaign and no gun edits if possible and could lead into Destiny eventually.
  23. Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop) Sakura (Naruto) Lacus Clyne (Gundam SEED)
  24. The '50s and earlier sound crazy. All those rediculous standards for men and women and children must have been really annoying. I somehow doubt that 80% of this board's members were even alive at the time, so why is the '50s suddenly "the golden age of morality"? As for rebellion? It's nothing new. The '60s had hippies, the '70s and '80s had punks and rockers, the '90s and '00s have goths, and now rebellion might be taking other forms. Remember, everyone's morals are different, so morals can't demoralize, only change. Certainly stuff like anorexia and STDs that can form from celebrity worship and premarital sex can't be good for people's health, but all those stonned hippies couldn't have been in the best of health either, and most people in the '50s and earlier with their outdated medical treatments must have been in as bad, if not worse, shape. As for the gay issue, gay people deserved to be accepted even before the current rebellion. Of course, since they mostly weren't before then the rebellion is only helping. Remember, it was "immoral" to let blacks and whites segregate back in the '50s. Long story short, good and bad things can both come out of rebellion, but different good and bad things would still be there without rebellion, so everything is overall OK.
  25. [quote name='marking time']This was the climax of the series and to call it a disapointment is very very sad. I feel the disapointment came when the fans could not get over the creator's ending the series the way he felt it should and, making him create a movie that leaves more unanswered questions than answers. Yes the movie is good too but its sad that it was done as revenge for all the death threats and complaint letters Anno recieved. Let the genius do his work he knew what he was doing and the movie is nothing but revenge for hate mail.[/quote] Sorry that I didn't believe Anno was God. I never realized that every choice he made was the right one. Never mind the fact the last two episodes were boring, flat, annoying, and represent everything negative anyone had to say about the series, if Anno said it was the real ending it [I]must[/I] be good. You must pity me and my foolish concepts of personal opinion.
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