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EVA Unit 100

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Everything posted by EVA Unit 100

  1. I'm going to get the opportunity to go to Japan as part of an exchange program next year. As far as I've seen I've shown the most enthusiasm of all the kids my class so I think they'd have to pick me but my mom is scared that I couldn't go because of my special needs issues (which in all honesty I don't think would be a problem, given that Japan has the highest otaku population on earth :animesmil ). Do you think they'll let me go?
  2. [quote name='arc angel envy']the series was just so great i wish they would make another season yet sadly they will not :animecry:[/quote] Well, there is the movie. And they could probably find a way to continue the story beyond that. Even then, you still have the manga and the ending to the series was actually a very good one. I'm less sad that this show is ending and more sad that I don't think I'll see a show as wonderful for quite some time (Eureka 7 might fufill that requirement, but it won't be out until a month from now).
  3. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Hmm thank you but i still want some more oppinions on edens bowy and happy lesson.[/quote] Well, this is the same person who gave his thoughts earlier, but instead of telling you that they're good or bad I'll ask you exactly what your interests are. Do you prefer long, slow-moving adventure shows or wacky harem fanservice shows? Becuase Eden's Bowy fits the first description and Happy Lesson fits the second.
  4. Peacemaker is OK. A bit too Kenshin-esque to really seem like anything original, but it seemed to be a well-made show from what I saw of it. Keep it. Everyone seems to love Chrono Crusade as well. You can keep that one as well. You can throw out all the other ones. I haven't heard anything about Ai Yori Aoshi Enshi or Sakura Wars, those could be decent, but Eden's Bowy put me to sleep. I gave it several chances, but the outcome was always the same. And Happy Lesson is possibly the worst excuse for comedy to ever come out of Japan short of The Fuccons (and yes, Milk-Chan is better than Happy Lesson). Please Twins looks like a generic fanservice anime, so return them and save your money on a show more deserving (Paranoia Agent, maybe? Gunslinger Girl? Kino's Journey?).
  5. [quote name='kayutori_sama']If it was not already brought to your attention, Toonami will be airing Princess Mononoke next Saturday (March 25). Ask anybody who's seen the movie and they'll automatically tell you how graphic it is. My question is, what is are the chances of Princess Mononke airing uncut? Suprisingly Spirited Away aired uncut several weeks ago (likewise with tonight's airing), and those are both primetime slots. I would be ecstatic if Princess Monoke were to air with editting, but in my opinion, the chances of that are slim....or are they?[/quote] The commercial said it would air at a TV-14V and Miyazaki doesn't allow edits to his films. It'll either air uncut or not air at all.
  6. That... was... AMAZING! Fullmetal Alchemist might not be the best TV show ever, but it was certainly the most "OMG! MUST SEE NEXT EPISODE!!!" TV show in recent memory. People have complained about the show deviating from the manga, but I don't see what's to complain about. I never saw what was so great about the manga. It just seemed to rush from plot point to plot point with not much real depth to the characters. And the characters certainly are the best aspect of the FMA TV series. They have very funny personalities (Edward's Napoleon Complex, Al's driving of the phrase "don't judge a book by it's cover" to rediculous extremes, Hughes' obsessiveness over his daughter, Cheska's obvious charicature of the manga author, etc.), but none of the characters are there simply for comic relief. You can relate to them (not that you really want to relate to all of them). They have a real dynamic. In particular, Ed's feeling of responsibility over Al while Al is feeling utterly worthless provides tons of sweet moments. If this show can make you cry over the death of a character whose defining qualities are greed and soullessness, then the writers of this show must be doing something right. Plotwise, the show is by far the strongest of the "shonen" genre (although I personally consider FMA to be more of a seinen show or at least in the much older segment of the shonen audience), although not without its flaws. Some of the more episodic first season episodes were a bit generic, while the inconsistant pacing in season 2 made some plot twists like the story with Wrath too predictable compared to some real shockers like, say, Al becoming the stone. However, no episodes of the show were completely pointless filler, all of the loose plot ends were resolved in the end, and you always had a reason to watch. Compared to, say, One Piece, an excellent series in its own right, where there isn't much to grab you until around episode 31, FMA gets going right at episode 3 and keeps you hooked for the remainder of the series. As for the episode in particular, what an ending! I have no complaints whatsoever. I actually teared up a bit throughout it. The last few minutes, which seem to be criticized as a "see our movie!" ending, I didn't find to be that inconclusive. I know this is a wierd comparison, but it reminded me of Voices of a Distant Star in that it forces you to imagine what happens afterward. And any show that can provoke imagination after it's over has to be worth something in my book. One question, though: why does AS decide to make special disclaimers for some shows (this, GitS S1) but just use an MA rating for others (EVA, GitS S2)? It seems a bit inconsistant. This episode gets an A+, and the series as a whole gets an A. Now I must find a new obsession...
  7. Some of the most memorable scenes in anime: -The train scene in Spirited Away. Everything about it is perfect. -The climax of Nausicaa features some of the best effects animation ever done. -The duel at the clocktower in The Castle of Cagliostro. Fast, funny, and with tons of action. What more could you want? -All of the plot-focused episodes of Cowboy Bebop, but Hard Luck Woman and The Real Folk Blues Pt. 2 in particular. -When [SPOILER]the detective breaks out of the paper cut-out world using the Maromi keychain[/SPOILER] at the end of Paranoia Agent. Maybe it's just me, but I found it extremely cool. -Episode 4 of Kino's Journey, for the reasons explained in previous posts. -End of Evangelion. The whole thing. Nothing has f***ed with my mind that much in my entire lifetime. -I don't even know if I can consider this memorable yet, given it's been so recent since I first saw it, but the whole [SPOILER]death of Ed[/SPOILER] in FMA shocked me A LOT.
  8. I like Fuu a lot. She's really adorable, and has an appealing spunkiness about her. Motoko Kusanagi wins in any contest based purely on sexiness, but if she were real I'd never be able to speak to her without getting my head blown off. If Batou can't fully handle her, I sure as hell couldn't.
  9. Unfortunately, most anime worlds I probably wouldn't last 2 seconds in without errupting into a sea of blood/angst/LCL/whatever. I guess if I had to choose one anime world to live in, it would either be Miyazaki-style Europe (as seen in Lupin III, Laputa, Kiki's Delivery Service, Porco Rosso, and Howl's Moving Castle) or just simply modern day Japan.
  10. [QUOTE=Dagger] [b][url=http://www.ntv.co.jp/nana/]NANA[/url][/b]: I disliked the anime adaptation of Paradise Kiss. Perhaps Nana will fare better. [/QUOTE] Funny, I thought the Paradise Kiss anime was one of the better shows of the recent season (Blood+ being the best), but I just could never get into the Nana manga. I don't know what to expect the show to be like.
  11. [QUOTE=EevilJ][B]Here is a list of new anime which will premiere in Japan in the Spring of 2006. The number of new shows will mark a record high in the history of Japanese animation.[/B] [size=+1][b]A. TV Anime[/b][/size] 04/07 [b][url=http://www.sunrise-inc.co.jp/keroro/]Keroro Gunso (Third Year)[/url][/b] / TV Tokyo / Fri.17:30 / Sunrise (continued on the next post)[/QUOTE] This is all that I need. Too bad it won't be fansubbed (or better yet, licensed) for a thousand years...
  12. Samurai Champloo's first episode is actually better than half of the series. Comedic animes such as Azumanga Daioh and SGT Frog are usually easy to warm up early because there isn't the worry of getting exposition out of the way. Comedies like Milk-Chan which don't impress at all at the beginning generally never ever impress me at all. I found the first episode of Paranoia Agent to be good fun as well. And then there's Rumiko Takahashi's shows, which all start off excellent but devolve into formulaic crap after a season or two. I wish that woman would at least learn how to write endings...
  13. I think a ninja would win. Pirates are awesome but their loud, over the top-ness, while good for battling an opponent at sea, would make them too easy targets for a stealthy ninja, and if you actually look at the real definition of samurai you'd know that a samurai is essentially a "dog of the military" to quote FMA, and if his lord was bored with the fight he'd probably sepukku himself. A ronin, on the other hand, I actually think could have a chance at winning the melee. Go Mugen!
  14. [quote name='Miyuri Akisato']On the otherside though I can't see "Wallace and Gromit" making anyone think about life/war either. I would have liked to see Howls Moving Castle win in hopes that America had increased interest in anime which is good for all of us. The more interest in anime, the more assecible it becomes - less expensive and more variety. :)[/quote] Howl's Moving Castle tried to be deep and thought-provoking, but didn't succeed entirely. Wallace and Gromit tried to be something entirely different and succeeded 100% at its goal of being just silly and funny. I personally wanted Howl's to win the Oscar despite it's faults, but I wanted it to win because of its overwhelming beauty, inventive concepts, and loveable characters, not because it was anime. Just because of one loss doesn't mean America hasn't "increased interest". Hell, the fact that it got nominated at all means that it gained more interest than at least 95% of all movies released this year. If you want an anime movie to win so badly, just hope that FUNi Films picks up Mind Game and makes it become a surprise hit. Now if THAT movie lost the Oscar, I'd get pretty damn angry (I still think that Tokyo Godfathers was better than The Triplets of Belleville and Brother Bear combined and on-par with Finding Nemo and am furious that such a masterpiece didn't even get nominated).
  15. [quote name='Dagger']Is it a classic compared to Touch, Mobile Suit Gundam, Saint Seiya, Urusei Yatsura, Ashita no Joe, Rose of Versailles, Galaxy Express 999, all the Masterpiece Theater series, etc.?[/quote] Well, yes, given that EVA holds up just as well, if not better than those series. Something like FMA I wouldn't classify as a classic but that's because I still haven't finished the series and in order for something to be "classic" in my opinion it has to have repeat value. It's a gripping storyline, but once I've seen the whole thing I don't know how much I'd enjoy rewatching it outside of long marathons of big chunks of the series and/or certain outstanding episodes (then again, I feel the same way about Mobile Suit Gundam, but MSG gets classic status due to it's positive historical significance). It's great entertainment, but I just don't get the feeling it would gain anything beyond simple praise if it hasn't already gotten that level of greatness (being a few years older in Japan, I can make a pretty good estimate of what the general thoughts on the show are). EVA is possibly better on second viewing and was already making huge waves in the industry while it was still airing and has been making waves for years after that so I'd consider it to be a "true classic" just as much as I'd consider Urusei Yatsura one.
  16. [QUOTE=Dagger]Don't mind me; I've been following an Eva vs. Rah thread at another forum, so I had it on the brain. Ah well. Honestly, though, it's ten years too early to call Eva a classic. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I'd say that the fact that EVA is still causing controversy a decade after it originally aired means that it's a pretty safe bet to call it a classic. I associate classicness less with age and more with timelessness. For example, Spirited Away is only 5 years old, but all of the 50 or so times I've watched it, it feels just as fun and exciting as it did when it came out, so I consider it a classic. Something like, say, the Transformers movie, though 20 years old, was crap even when it first came out and certainly doesn't hold up today, so I wouldn't consider it a classic.
  17. Best song ever on the whole "clique" thing: [url]http://karlrolson.com/soy/nerdcorelife.mp3[/url]
  18. [QUOTE=Dagger]Not to jump the gun, but could someone tell me which episode Sanji first appears in? It's just that I don't want to be on the lookout for it if he won't show up for a while, heh. I've learned not to expect much from the female characters in this type of series, but so far, Nami seems fairly cool. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Sanji first appears in I think either episode 20 or episode 21. If you like Nami now, wait until after the Aarlong Park arc is over. By then she's arguably the most interesting character in the entire series (unless you get severely annoyed at the fact that her breasts get bigger and her waist gets smaller over the course of the show, though I sure as hell know I'm not annoyed by it :devil: ).
  19. I think there's some rule against making list threads on this forum. Then again, I could be mistaken, and I'll write my list anyway: Spirited Away Princess Mononoke Castle in the Sky Kiki's Delivery Service My Neighbor Totoro Grave of the Fireflies Ghost in the Shell: Special Edition Tokyo Godfathers Millenium Actress Voices of a Distant Star The Place Promised in our Early Days Kino's Journey thinpack collection Cowboy Bebop: Volumes 1-6 Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Fruits Basket: Volumes 1-4 Gunslinger Girl: Volumes 1-3 Neon Genesis Evangelion: Volumes 1-5 Neon Genesis Evangelion Director's Cut: Ressurection/Genesis Reborn Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth The End of Evangelion Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex: Volume 1 PlanetES: Volume 1 Paranoia Agent: Volumes 1-2 Doki Doki School Hours: Volume 1 Rumiko Takahashi Anthology: Volume 3 Fullmetal Alchemist: Volumes 1-2
  20. Well if "stoned" can be replaced by "half asleep" and "book" can be replaced with "movie", then there's always my friends review of the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: "Man, that movie sucked! Yeah sure Dobby was in the trailer but he's not in the film and Harry for some reason frees Ron with a sock and Fawkes dies and the Sorting Hat does kung fu and they totally f***ed the whole damn storyline up! Take this, Peter Jackson!"
  21. You want horror? Here's the definition of horror: [URL]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgR-HSUvOhA&search=doozy%20bots[/URL] What's the point in living when I've seen firsthand a disaster on par with the holocaust and Son of the Mask?
  22. [QUOTE]Japanese man: Godzilla!Godzilla! Man: No...not exactly... Japanese man: No Godzilla? Man: It's not godzilla. Japanese man: Then what? Man: Errrrr...Ummm..I...(zips up pants) Japanese man: Wow...that awkward...inded, very awkward... Godsilla has been concealed by a pants shaped shield... Man: Um...no...It wasn't Godzilla, it was my... [/QUOTE] Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint: Lollypop! Man: Exactly, and a happy Alan Rickman Chirstmas to you all! Japanese man: Oh! I've heard you've been filming the Leopard-Walk-Up-To-Dragon movie! Tell me how shooting's been going on it! Daniel Radcliffe: Should you- Rupert Grint: Oh bloody hell, Harry. Of course I am! (shoots Japanese man) Weekly World News Reporter: And in other news, Ron Weasley just reaffirmed his stance with the allies in the ever continuing struggle of World War III. We'll be back with Bigfoot's review of the Leopard-Walk-Up-To-Dragon movie in a few minutes. (gets shot by Rupert Grint) I admit it! I WAS a... TO BE CONTINUED...
  23. [quote name='Nomura']Oh yes, it does deserve to be checked out.[/quote] Only if you want people to rip their eyes and ears. Because in all honesty you'd really have to do that in order to somewhat appreciate The Fuccons's brand of mindless babblings and genericness that it calls "humor". Also, this show isn't anime. This thread should be moved to "Movies, Music, and TV".
  24. [QUOTE=moogle claire]:animestun Sorry didn't mean to offend you! :animestun Ok and I am NOT new to the "anime scene" I grew up with it! I would do research but I have better things to do, and the Cartoon Network over here is different and has never shown any CB before. Sorry to have made you burst a blood vesel :animenose[/QUOTE] Oh, I didn't know that you weren't from the US. I'm very sorry about making a post that could be interpreted as rude before. You didn't offend me at all.
  25. [QUOTE=moogle claire][COLOR=Orange]Is what I read on the very first post in this thread right?! COWBOY BEBOP on Cartoon Network? All I can say is: "It's about time!!!!!" :animesmil and... "When?!?" :animestun[/color][/QUOTE] The "when" was starting five years ago and has been almost nonstop for all of the following years. I understand if you're new to the anime scene but please try to do a bit of research on this type of stuff instead of posting with random questions that can be answered in one sentence.
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