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EVA Unit 100

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Everything posted by EVA Unit 100

  1. I liked it. In terms of production quality (music, acting, animation), this show is pretty much perfect, and in terms of story and characters, I found it surprisingly entertaining. Definately a show I'll keep watching. B for the first episode, A- for the second.
  2. Steamboy's animation is amazing. You can easily tell that it took over a decade to make it. Ghost in the Shell (all forms of it, but particularly Innocence) is almost as good in terms of animation, but I prefer the more old-skool style of Steamboy over the Matrix-y stuff in GitS. In terms of character design, Shinichiro Wantanabe's stuff (Bebop, Champloo) takes the cake. His characters don't really look like the stereotypical anime style, but they're different from everything else being made in America and aren't too realistic. It's the mix of styles that makes his shows good-looking. I don't even need to explain why I consider Studio Ghibli to be the best animation studio around except for maybe Pixar depending on how Cars turns out. Honerable mentions for TV series go to Gankotsou, Otogi Zoshi, BONES stuff in general, and if we're counting co-productions between American and Japanese studios, the upcoming IGPX looks very good as well.
  3. [quote name='IceRose']I agree with animekid, its nice to have someone positive around here who doesn't critize.[/quote] WHAT IS WRONG WITH CRITICIZING THINGS!?! I LOVE a good anime, so if I see an anime which I don't love I basically need to criticize it. I'd never insult people who like those shows, but I have the right to express my opinion. I also have the right to express an opinion on shows that I DO love. That is criticizing as well. This is a free country, and you have to realize that all coins have two sides: if people can say things they like about stuff, they have to be allowed to say things they don't like about stuff as well. I really don't know why this thread is still open. Most of the people who have posted in this thread express that someone else's opinion can't change their own. If you're that strong, why aren't you strong enough to post your opinions in more fitting threads (which don't contain bashing, but allow people to speak their minds).
  4. [quote name='meka2003']some people are not used to their style and it just doesn't appeal to them. If you were to ask a japanese guy "Why do you not like simpsons" im sure he'll say the same thing[/quote] From what I've heard The Simpsons is quite popular in Japan. So is The Powerpuff Girls, X-Men: Evolution, Tom and Jerry, and South Park. I wonder if this is because these shows are aired on, you know, non-cable and non-satelite networks that everyone gets in primetime timeslots. ;) *knows that Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex would be so much bigger if it was shown in primetime on network TV next to some other cop show*
  5. Japanese One Piece: "One Piece of Manna" 4Kids One Piece: "One Piece of Crap" Dubbed Naruto: "Believe It!" Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: "Ghost in the Shell: Complex Stand Alones, Even More Complex Complexes" Fullmetal Alchemist: "Half-Metal Midget" Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo: " 'Snot For Sanity" Gravitation OAV: "Quack Experimental Shonen-Ai" The End of Evangelion: "[spoiler]Rei Gets Eaten by Lilith and Becomes a Naked Mutant that Pops Everyone Into Goo Except for Shinji who Becomes God Via EVA-enduced Self-Suicide and Goes Crazy and Asuka who's Somehow Alive Inside a Rotting EVA Corpse and Stuff Goes Boom[/spoiler] and Your Brain Explodes and Everything's Over Until the Next Ending Redo" [color=red]Come on, now. You know enough to spoiler that. -Lore[/color]
  6. [QUOTE=animekid17]I disagree I think inuyasha is a great show,be as negative as you want. my view isn't changing it's possible but how.[/QUOTE] I don't want to be negative about Inu-Yasha. I just found it hard to enjoy the show after the first season. I'm not trying to say that you can't like Inu-Yasha. I'm fine with you having your opinion. I don't even think Inu-Yasha is bad; I just don't like it. You shouldn't be offended that I don't like the show, since I'm not bashing and I didn't even say the show was bad objectively. Are you about 15-16 years old, female, Jewish, live in Massachusetts, generally very happy, have a younger brother, rented a kimono for Halloween, and babysit for some anime-obsessed kids occasionally? If so, I know you and you know me.
  7. [quote name='Delta][COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]"Bashing", huh? I've always wondered why some people carp on anime like Inuyasha, Naruto and other series of their kind.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Maybe it's because those actually have flaws and aren't perfect? Seriously, I enjoy Naruto and 10 episodes in, I can already say that the 2D characterization (Naruto and Kakashi are cool, but Sasuke and Sakura don't really have much purpose other than to assist in the development of Naruto) and overusage of flashbacks could probably piss certain people off enough to make them dislike. I think Inu-Yasha is merely average: there IS no plot development and very little character development, so while it has its entertaining moments and has never insulted my intelligence like certain animes I won't name in this thread, it just isn't that good. OK, I just heavily criticized two popular shows. THIS IS NOT BASHING! Bashing is insults given with either no reason whatsoever or with a reason that is completely illogical and/or just plain dumb. Statements such as "anime suxxors" is bashing. Statements such as "the anime industry is in decline due to oversaturation, not enough originality in style, and the increasing trend of having shows produced with little-to-no involvement with the artists" portray negative opinions but aren't bashing because they are clearly explained and don't try to be as offensive as possible to people with different opinions. What is the point of this thread? OB is a good board with excellent moderators who usually are able to prevent bashing in ALL of the threads and still allow people to express their opinions, be they good or bad. (keep in mind that a lot of the reasoning behind making this post is because I think I know who animekid17 is)
  8. [quote name='Delta][COLOR=#656448][SIZE=1]As for parents disapproving of anime, it has to be something about the generation before us. Perhaps some thirty years ago, anime wasn't as known in the West was in the East. Disney and Warner Brothers still dominated the animation genre and catered to the 12-and-below audience. Your parents were raised with these cartoons, yeah? When they grow older, that 12-and-below preference sticks and watching anime will seem childish (so they don't watch it).[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] The artists at the classic WB studio in the '40s and '50s had a target audience of themselves, meaning that demographic-wise the Looney Tunes would be intended for 20-and-30-somethings. However, they were censored heavily (YGO-style fingers and everything) when they aired on Saturday mornings 30 years ago, so people from 30 years ago were simply only exposed to hackjobs of "dominant" cartoons that were made 30 years before their time.
  9. [QUOTE=Noodle][SIZE=2][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Verdana][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana] I know, Yu Yu Hakusho was MUCH better on AS. So was Tenchi and Outlaw Star.Stupid Toonami :cussing: :angry2: [/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Um, Outlaw Star and Tenchi on Adult Swim were the EXACT SAME EDITTED VERSIONS THAT AIRED ON TOONAMI! STOP BEING SUCH A ******* NARUTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: (OK, maybe I need to chill...) Here's my rankings of AS shows from best to worst: ------------GOOD-------------- 1) Fullmetal Alchemist 2) Cowboy Bebop 3) Futurama 4) The Venture Brothers 5) Paranoia Agent 6) FLCL 7) Neon Genesis Evangelion 8) Space Ghost: Coast 2 Coast 9) Samurai Champloo 10) Family Guy 11) Aqua Teen Hungerforce 12) Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 13) Home Movies 14) Harvey Birdman: Attourney at Law 15) Lupin III 16) Yuyu Hakusho 17) Case Closed 18) The Big O I 19) Trigun ------------BOARDERLINE-------------- 20) Kikaider 21) The Brak Show 22) Inu-Yasha 23) Robot Chicken 24) Wolf's Rain 25) Witch Hunter Robin 24) Scryed 25) Sealab 2021 26) The Squidbillies 27) The Big O II ------------TERRIBLE-------------- 28) American Dad 29) Strooker and Hoop 30) Sealab 2021 31) Blue Gender 32) Super Milk-Chan 33) Tom Goes to the Mayor 34) Reign: The Conqueror 35) The Ripping Friends 36) Pilot Candidate 37) 12oz Mouse I'm guessing I'll like Boondocks and Lucy and hate Minoriteam and Saul as far as upcoming shows go.
  10. [QUOTE=Lafleur][COLOR=DarkRed] So than you burn witches and stone gays? Because if you don't you go againts the bible. Because if its God's will that so much intolerent ******** happens, and not the creation of man, than I'm happy somthing so dispicable doesn't rule me. If you want to challange me to give you examples of outright intolerence in the Bible, just ask.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] People seem to always take parts of the Bible out of context either to back up doing bad things or to make it look like all religious people do bad things. If you look at things in context, along with trying to find ways for the meaning of things (not the literal word itself) to fit into the context of modern day life (it also helps to study Hebrew, the language most of the Bible was originally written in and is often hard to translate given how words often have different roots and meanings that are only made more complicated given the obvious differences between the Bibical and modern-day contexts), you'd find that the Bible actually preaches tollerance and that most of the small pieces of text that can be interpreted as racist or homophobic were written simply to clarify ritual and cultural sepparation from other Pagan religions 3000-2000 years ago and don't mean anything in current day religious context. Anyway, I'm Jewish. I'm surprised there doesn't seem to be that many other Jewish members of OB. Well, I guess it just means I can sit back and enjoy the show of the constant Christianity vs. Islam vs. Athiesm/Agnostism arguements that always somehow occur in threads like these.
  11. [quote name='kuroinuyoukai']It's not just silly, stupid crap olike some cartoons! :catgirl:[/quote] And some of those silly and stupid cartoons happen to be anime. ;) Man, I just love to mess with everyone's popular opinions.
  12. Bobobo's afro. I PWN YOU ALL! I HAVE EVERYTHING!!!
  13. [QUOTE=dposse]I personally highly doubt that the censorship of Evangelion will be bad. AdultSwim has gotten better and better at censoring animes. Just look at what they did for Paranoia Agent and Samurai Champloo!! The editing of those animes was brilliant. Don't worry. Even if they do edit it, its not the end of the world. The entire series is out on DVD.[/QUOTE] Could you people PLEASE stop talking about the show as if it hasn't aired? It's already shown 2 episodes!!!
  14. Fruits' Basket is the only anime out there that desperately needs a sequel (I can think of some American shows such as Samurai Jack and MEGAS that need sequels, but they don't really count as anime, and there is some shows like Hellsing and Inu-Yasha that have ended without conclusion, but Hellsing Ultimate looks better than the original could ever hope to be and we all know that if they continued Inu-Yasha it would just be more repetitive crap without any actual plot or character development). I'd love a Cowboy Bebop prequel (NOT a sequel) ala Batman: Year One concerning Spike's early days, Vicious, Julia, Gren, and the formation of the Bebop or a few more "midquel" movies that filled in the gaps between episodes, but I don't need it to happen, and it would ONLY work if Shinichiro Wantanabe was directing it. I get to beat up the first person who says "SPIKE ISN'T DEAD!" and/or suggests more episodes of FLCL. :p
  15. Admit it: Dragonball Z is the most popular anime and that isn't going to change for a long time no matter what shows are good and/or trendy.
  16. I've had a pretty interesting history of Halloween costumes. I'm probably the only person in history to have ever gone trick-or-treating as Leonardo Da Vinci. My personal favorite costume I've had was when I was Cosmo from The Fairly OddParents, with Shigure Sohma from Fruits Basket (of whom I was at Anime Boston as well) also being up there (I was talking in-character for both of them all day long on those respective Halloweens, which managed to both entertain and disturb anyone brave enough to come near me). This year I'm being Beast Boy from the Teen Titans, and my younger sister is being Raven (I'm trying to convince my dad to be Mad Mod, though he's reluctant for some odd reason). Every year for the past 5 years my mom has been Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter (often dressing up while giving out candy to trick-or-treaters and singing various self-written song parodies such as "Voldemort is Coming to Town"). I'm probably going to go with a bunch of my friends who are all dressing up as insurance salesmen. And now, I'll post the new, book 6-friendly lyrics to "Voldemort is Coming to Town" (please sing along to the tune of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town"): You better not breathe, you better not move, You're better off dead, I'm telling you, dude, Voldemort is coming to town! He's drinking Unicorn blood, he's drinking it twice! He's never good and he's never nice! Voldemort is coming to town! He likes to talk to snakes And he likes to drink their venom! He makes a lot of Horcruxes, And he doesn't look good in denim! (don't ask me what that line's about) You better not breathe, you better not move, You're better off dead, I'm telling you, dude, Voldemort is coming to TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. [quote name='XxZeroxX']I.E. I belive Adult Swim is gonna ruin Evangelion because to much contrvirsal & sexuality on that show but that's what makes it good[/quote] They already started airing it. Cross explosions, violent Angel vs. EVA fights, Misato nudity, and everything. There's pretty much nothing they can edit given what they've shown already except some cursing, Rei's nipples, and some of the blood in episode 18 (not including the movie, which goes way beyond the series in terms of content, though if they cut out the masterbation scene, reanimated the destruction of Unit 02 (the Naruto hand-stabbing scene was reanimated for Toonami, no reason they couldn't do the same for the EVA movie on AS), and did a lot of cover-ups on naked Rei/Lilith they might be able to get away with it on their psuedo-TVMA rating).
  18. [quote name='duoikari']Anyway to some it all up, Yaoi good, hentai not so bad, yuri bad VERY BAD,[/quote] So exactly what makes a genre about hooking up two girls so much worse than a genre about hooking up two guys?
  19. I'm not dating age yet, but if I was a year or two older and Fuu existed (and this was the Edo period, given that if Champloo somehow fits into any real historical timeline, in 2005 she'd be 150 instead of 15 and I obviously wouldn't want to go out with some creepy old lady) I'd go out with her as soon as possible.
  20. There is only one true pairing: [COLOR=SandyBrown][SIZE=4]GlUTTon7 "n tUccre $eVAh!!111!!11!!!11!!!1![/SIZE][/COLOR] That pretty much sums up my feelings on yaoi fanfiction (although I like some boy's love anime and manga such as Gravitation, which I refuse to call "yaoi" since it doesn't contain any sex scenes or dirty stuff).
  21. [quote name='RedMoon']flcl should be put back on :animeangr and make more episodes while your at it too :grumble:[/quote] Um, FLCL IS on every Saturday at midnight (no this week though, since they're showing a Halloween special). And the making new episodes idea wouldn't work since, you know, they finished the story. :rolleyes:
  22. [quote name='kayutori_sama']I we all did, life would get boring.[/quote] Funny. In my experience, anime fans tend to be more angry, opinionated, different from each other, and just flat-out more interesting than most other people.
  23. [quote name='duoikari']I totally agree with having Johnny Depp playing kaji he would so suit him, the hair, the face just everything!. but i don't think they should have kids play shinji and Asuka and Rei, it just wouldn't work, i mean think about it shinji is going on 16 in the series, now is the moive going to be set after the series or suring? we don't know. Also is it going to be a completely different saga, or are they going to take bits from the series and put them in the film. But you have to remember that Asuka is german, so they should get a german or german looking person to play her and a japanese boy to play shinji, now that i think about it some of the guys from the japanese film avenging fist might be good, if any can find out about the film i think maybe Kong or iron could play shinji. but that just going by looks.[/quote] The movie is going to be a retelling of the series, seeing as the concept art includes images of characters who died in End of EVA and (more importantly, given that they could easily disgard the End of EVA finalle entirely and create their own ending) the cube Angel from episodes 5-6. So shouldn't it be fitting for teenagers to play the children (as they are 14 years old in the series). If Halley Joel Osment, Dakota Fanning, and the Harry Potter kids have tought us anything, it's that kids and teenagers are able to act in movies as well as adults can, so there's nothing to worry about casting people the same age as Shinji and Asuka as long as they find someone who can play the part.
  24. Well, going by Lunox's definition of what makes an anime fan, I guess then you could say I hate anime or that anyone with taste hates anime become 90% of all anime is ****. Then again, 90% of every wide catagory is ****. However, because I love the remaining 10% of anime more than almost anything else in the world, I do actively seek out anime that sound interesting to me (although I often get dissapointed :animeswea ), so I guess that would qualify me as an anime fan. I think the reason some people avoid anime is that they haven't been exposed to the good stuff and thus think it's all ****. That's understandable, because if the only American live-action movies you ever saw were stuff like Son of the Mask then you'd probably loathe all of American cinema, regardless of how good the stuff you never saw was. Long story short, the people who hate anime are the people who thought Spirited Away was "that dumb horse movie". :p [QUOTE]This one guy I know, makes fun of what he sees on Adultswim and calls it retarded, like FullMetal Alchemist ("I'm the only one who can use alchemy without drawing a circle on the ground! Whee!"), Paranoia Agent and some others; but he stills watches it all. I just find that kinda funny.[/QUOTE] Making fun of something does not equal hatred (if it did, then Matt Groening would hate himself :p ). The way I see it, most people watch AS because they get ENJOYMENT out of the rediculous stupid-for-the-sake-of-stupid humor shown in AS's main attractions (Family Guy, Aqua Teens, Robot Chicken, etc.). While AS's anime can be enjoyed for deeper reasons, they often pick stuff like FLCL, Lupin, and Paranoia Agent that have crossover appeal to the comedy viewers. So that guy must be getting some enjoyment out of AS if he always watches it, it just isn't the same enjoyment you get out of it.
  25. Is there anyone other than the Red Comet himself? [SIZE=4]HAIL ZEON![/SIZE]
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