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EVA Unit 100

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Everything posted by EVA Unit 100

  1. [quote name='duoikari']I don't understand what your talking about, the Toonami we have has lots of stupid action cartoons like Juctice Legue and teen Titans.[/quote] Um, what is stupid about Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans? They're actually some of the most intelligent and well-written shows on television.
  2. [quote name='fizerin']All true anime will move your heart.[/quote] Define "true anime" for me, please.
  3. [quote name='fizerin']Inuyasha. Made me realize how cruel life was.[/quote] Unless you are extremely sensitive to violence and conflict (as you seem to be), the only cruelty InuYasha can put the viewer through is the fact they constantly shove in your face the Kagome-Inuyasha-Kikyo love triangle and have Inu-Yasha and Kagome constantly making high-pitched screams of each other's name. :p Anyway, the first anime I ever saw was Spirited Away. As for how it impacted me, I'm here now, aren't I?
  4. [quote name='algazaleen!']Miguzi can't really be called anime. Toonami was anime, I don't know why they took it off, it was awesome.[/quote] Toonami is on Saturday nights. It's not all anime, but outside of Transformers and 4Kids Piece it's more awesome than ever. Without the later timeslot I doubt they could have gotten away with all of the violent content on shows like Naruto and Justice League Unlimited. Miguzi has been unwatchable ever since they took off Teen Titans, and since that show has premieres exclusively on Toonami anyway there hasn't been any real reason to watch Miguzi since they showed MEGAS. And since that was for only 3 weeks, I doubt they'll become any better in the future.
  5. [quote name='duoikari']I I would like Frodo to play Shinji[/quote] Elijah Wood is now out of college, and Shinji is barely past puberty. It wouldn't work whatsoever. Shinji, Asuka, and Toji should have unknowns between the ages of 13 and 16 playing them. I was thinking of having Rei be motion capture and having her actress make a cameo as Yui in one of the later films in the trilogy. I'm thinking similar to Tiffany Grant on having Hugo Weaving play Gendo and Jennifer Garner play Misato. Liam Neeson could probably make a decent Fuyutski after his Batman Begins performance, and given his history of playing confused characters Johnny Depp could do well as Kaji. Any other thoughts on casting?
  6. [quote name='duoikari']I think that Naruto is just a knock off version of Dragonball z[/quote] You could say the same for nearly every contemporary Shonen Jump show, with the exception of Bobobo.
  7. [quote name='fizerin']There is no real seriousness, sadness, or violence.[/quote] While I understand and agree with your hated of Mew Mew, that reasoning gives off the impression that you are one depressed guy. Doctor's recommendations: watch an episode of Azumanga Daioh. If you aren't able to at least appreciate that it attempts to be funny (it will help your case a lot if you actually laugh a few times during it), you have some issues.
  8. [quote name='XxZeroxX']Easy One Piece soooo stupid that's what I think[/quote] Dubbed or subbed? Because subbed One Piece is actually a very moving and compelling show, but the dubbed 4Kids Piece is one of the worst disgraces to the name of entertainment.
  9. News on Naruto's ratings: [URL]http://www.animationinsider.net/article.php?articleID=856[/URL] [QUOTE]Naruto (Saturdays, 9 p.m.) Tweens 9-14 delivery (572,000) increased by 20% and ratings (2.3) by 21%. Kids 6-11 delivery (575,000) expanded by 15% and ratings (2.4) by 14%. Tween boys 9-14 delivery (443,000) and ratings (3.5) both surged by 25%. Boys 6-11 delivery (432,000) jumped by 16% and ratings (3.5) by 17%. The Saturday night replay of Naruto (10 p.m.) was the highest-rated program of the week on Cartoon Network with tweens 9-14 (2.8/700,000) and tween boys 9-14 (4.7/594,000).[/QUOTE] Good news that Naruto is a big hit! Does anyone know what DBZ's premiere ratings were? If they were close to this, that could mean good things in the future.
  10. [quote name='Eva10']My friend told me that he saw a commercial on adult swim saying that they will soon show evangelion. Im not sure if this is true but if it is I bet that it will be edited with all the good stuff cut out. New fans will not have the full experience. Let me know what you guys think.[/quote] OK. So even though Adult Swim can show blood, gore, dismemberment, decapitations, skinnings, murders, shootings, gruesome deaths, suicides, child abuse, rape, pedophilia, incest, beastiality, implied sex, prostitution, sexual innuendoes, drugs, alcohol, smoking, cursing, political jokes, religious jokes, crotch jokes, anti-PC jokes, and virtually everything sort of a "Sweet Zombie Jesus", yet still can't handle Evangelion? I don't follow you.
  11. [quote name='Souryuuha']I should actually take the time to watch it one day.... since I've heard it was good.[/quote] Wait for the Disney rerelease next spring, the FOX version is ironically one of the worst DVD releases ever for one of the best movies ever (I only bought it because I wanted to complete my Miyazaki collection and found it ultra-cheap at a mere 9 dollars). As for any anime derived from Totoro, there is some short film about the film's characters they show along that they show tacked on to other movies at the Ghibli museum's theater. No other animes that I can think of are based on/inspired by/riped-off of Totoro (unless you count parodies), and I think it's best like that. Miyazaki's career at Ghibli was essentially to try to go against the grain of traditional anime, and if Totoro somehow started a flood of similar animes it would probably create an slew of unbearable crap that would disgrace the original film. It's best to leave Ghibli making Ghibli movies, because ultimately (with the possible exception of Brad Bird) they're the only ones capable of making those movies and doing them right.
  12. [quote name='Ima][SIZE=1']My advice to you is..... Become a Atheist. I do not believe in god I am not weak minded... Its that simple. People believe in god because people say he is real.... Well why do you need to believe in god?[/SIZE][/quote] You're treading into areas that might be offensive to religious people in this part of your post. Personally, I'm Jewish and entirely believe in God, but not because people say "He" is real. And I don't need to believe in God. I don't have to play sports or do extra credit homework either, but I do anyway. Why? Because I feel that it's good for me, and if it makes me feel good and doesn't hurt anyone else, why shouldn't I? Actually, I'm not so sure I'd want to call God a "He" or a "She" at all, for that matter. In my understanding of it, there has to be some reason the universe exists, and since we don't know what that reason is (yes, we do know that the Big Bang started the universe, but we don't know why the Big Bang had to even happen), why not refer to this unknown theory of purposefulness as God? Maybe I'm thinking wrong, but in unknown territory, we could all be thinking the wrong thing. Maybe the universe is all just a toy of a bunch of rubber alien socks who are illuminations of a brain trapped in a vacuum of nothingness. But that idea just doesn't fit with me, and the theory of God does. I can deal with everyday life, but I'm a thinker who needs things to think about. And religion gives me those things to think about. BTW, my tutor from my synogauge loves Harry Potter and we play rock music at Bar Mitzvah parties. Also the guy who leads the childrens' services considers Spirited Away to be a good movie and I think one time somebody did a D'var Torah on The Da Vinci Code. No problems there for me.
  13. [quote name='Ryo the Tactician]Personally, I do not consider Avatar and Teen Titans anime, because of this:...it now refers to...[B']a distinct drawing type/style.[/B][/quote] [IMG]http://x111.com/anime/pics/reviews/TheSuperMilkChanShow/MilkChan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://data.over-blog.com/lib/5/8/28485/pics/tokyogod.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.uni-koeln.de/studenten/kino/indac/images/ghibli/yamada/250x145__family.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00008G8QC.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[/IMG] Just trying to make a tired point...
  14. [quote name='Ryo the Tactician']They kept Gundam Seed's japanese ending, why not Naruto's?[/quote] I think it has to deal with Tofu Records' special negotiations to promote their artists. If this holds up, I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with some Asian Kung-Fu Generation (I think they own the contract to them, right?) later in the course of the series!
  15. [quote name='Ayokano']But hey, I bet in 30 years people will look back at shows that are hits now and just luagh at how stupid they are to their advance shows.[/quote] I laugh at how stupid most of our "advance" shows are now. However, something like, say, Cowboy Bebop will be considered a classic 30 years from now, just like how Lupin III is considered a classic 30 years since it aired. Quality doesn't degenerate over time. Its been over 50 years since The Lord of the Rings was first published, but people still love it now. If something like that can last in popularity for 50 years, why couldn't Princess Mononoke last for 30?
  16. T EH AWESOME! Honestly, I've been waitng at least a year for this show to get on the air, and all of my waiting has paid off bigtime! TV-PG-V (and this is Toonami, not Adult Swim)... All of the original music kept (except for the opening, and I personall thought this new opening was awesome and actually thought it might have been a shortened version of one of the later intros I hadn't heard)... And it's actually a really good show to boot... I can't wait to see what all of my friends at school are going to think about this (believe me, if a bunch of kids at my school who don't have any experience in anime stayed up past midnight just to watch Samurai Champloo, if they haven't watched it already I can turn them on to it very quickly)! May the Revolution commence!
  17. I'd want to be Luffy. Able to get his own way pretty easily, helpful to the people he meets, capable of defeating bad guys with his Gum Gum powers and he has the ultra-badass Zoro with him as part of his crew. What more could you want?
  18. [QUOTE=Dagger]I think [b]Texhnolyze[/b] is more deserving of excitement than Eva. That aside, it's nice to learn that [b]Peacemaker[/b] has managed to worm its way onto a channel which is (at the least, I suppose) more mainstream than The Anime Network. At any rate, may both series see heightened success. :animesmil ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] One problem: how can a channel be mainstream if I don't even have it? Because if I have Boomerang and Anime Network (albiet the On-Demand), I have a lot more channels than the average TV viewer. Damn, and I was actually very interested in seeing Technolyze but not certain enough to get the DVD! It could have been at least G4... :mad:
  19. [quote name='Souryuuha']I agree with you.I really dislike Duel Masters... although, It was just the dub that made it so horrible. The Japanese version is VERY different. [/quote] The Japanese version was an unwatchable Yu-Gi-Oh rip-off. I'm stumped on why you liked it. The dub version at least tried to be funny and actually succeeded for the first 10-20 episodes (the joke got old and almost painful very quickly after that, though). As for the cheesiest show, I'd say DICE. I honestly can't stand that show whatsoever. Of course, being my rebellious self, I could also put Gravion/Zvei up there as well just to go against the grain of mentioning childrens' animes and show that several adult animes are total crap as well. Or even better, say that the slight cheesiness of the original Gatchaman actually adds to the enjoyment of that show.
  20. Cowboy Bebop, a 26 episode series, was spliced into 13 episodes when it first aired. I guess I understand where it was coming from, even if I disagreed with it, because that was in the ultracensored era right after EVA. But now, 10 years after EVA where Japanese censorship has started to ease up more, another wierd thing has happened: the new Bebop game has had all cigarettes removed from the anime cutscenes and replaced with various random objects for its initial Japanese release. They say this is to keep the game within a T rating, but the T-rated One Piece: Grand Battle contained lots of smoking in it's Japanese release an other. It seems that content Japan is fine with in other animes gets heavily censored in Bebop, while it seems to be almost the exact opposite in America. Any reason for this? Perhaps it has to do with lack of SD in Bebop (shows with a lot of SD seem to be a selling point in Japan, but more of a turn-off in America unless you're advertising to young kids or eccentric hardcore otaku).
  21. [quote name='ShonenSamuraiMugen']Yes actually, Teen Titans is an anime... Most of this discussion is about Avatar really... The majority of TT is japanese folk, including one of my favorites. Ami and Yumi!!! You guys do know that Code Lyoko is an anime too right?[/quote] This is actually false. Teen Titans has a Japanese pop group doing the theme song, but the animation is done at various studios in different locations around the world and everything else on the show is done by Americans. It might be a bit confusing given the fact the creator of the show (Glen Murakami) and I think several of the writers are of Asian ethnicity, but they're all American citizens and therefore the show isn't anime. Code LYOKO is a French production. It just happens to have the inbetween animation outsourced to Korea (as nearly every cartoon on the air that isn't CGI or Flash does).
  22. [quote name='ShonenSamuraiMugen']I guess you're right too though... I admit it...I watch spongebob and garfield! LOL, but I can even use a good laugh everyonce and a while.[/quote] No shame in that. Spongebob is one of the most awesome things on American TV currently. It's no Fullmetal Alchemist, but it's downright hillarious, and since being funny is all the show ever tried to be I'd consider it a good show.
  23. [quote name='nika2999']Anime and American cartoons are on two diffrent levels in my book . The story lines and everything are diffrent. Personaly I think anime stories incorporate alot of meaning, and morals that american cartoons don't.[/quote] American cartoons can be very meaningful as well. Ignore the obvious, just-for-laughs examples like Spongebob and Family Guy (and remember, anime has its decent share of Bobobo-bo Bo-bobos and Excel Sagas), and you can find a lot of greats as deep and meaningful as any good anime of the sort. Watch a few really good episodes of Justice League Unlimited (particularly "For the Man Who Has Everything"), or one of Brad Bird's movies (The Incredibles, The Iron Giant) and you'll see what I mean.
  24. [QUOTE=Dagger]If that's the case, I hope they at least dub in some of the Engrish... the excessive Engrish-ness turned me off the show almost immediately when I first gave it a look. This is probably the one time I would want a dub (half-dub?) script toned down; in the part I saw, some characters were dropping the f-bomb all over the place and it was painfully obvious that the scriptwriters had no clue about the word's real impact. :animesigh ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] It would be a good idea to dub the Engrish into proper Engrish (most of the characters are American anyway). As long as the Japanese is kept and the Engrish songs aren't dubbed (FUNi always does good jobs with the vocals for song dubs, but having to replace the awesome instrumentals from some of BECK's songs with a synthesized track would be dissappointing). As for the F-Bombs, AS couldn't air those anyway, and with what would be a 13+/TV-PG show without them, I'm guessing they wouldn't be in the dub. Also, for the Naruto fans out there, CN has a clip on their website of the Naruto dub. Debate all you can about the voices and pronounciations, but I think we can agree that I don't think we'll see much (if any) editting when the show premieres this Saturday at 9.0: [URL]http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/tv_shows/video/toonami/index.html[/URL]
  25. [QUOTE=Dagger]If this is true, I am going to be [i]shocked[/i]. I mean, totally blown away. The most realistic thing I can think of is that perhaps they'll be airing uncut, subbed Naruto while Toonami goes with the sliced-and-diced version... but even that seems like a rather big stretch. Bleach, maybe? Rumors like this just make me quiver with anticipation. :animesmil EDIT: Oh, it could be Beck. That would make a lot of sense, although I'm not sure if it's Adult Swim's type of show. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] If they were going to do Naruto, they'd have to start airing it this Saturday if they wanted to do the Gundam Wing synchronized edit-uncut airing. Airing it without the synchronization would make no sense, unless Naruto was a total flop on Toonami, which seems frankly impossible (then again, SEED was almost guarenteed to be the next big thing, but since CN is actually advertising Naruto well unlike what they did with SEED the minimal chance of Naruto bombing has sufficiently decreased). If AS gets Bleach, they'd want it to be the next FMA AKA a top recognized title in the world of anime fandom and a somewhat recognized entity in the mainstream media, and that couldn't happen if they aired it subbed. All signs point to BECK. It's nothing like what AS has aired before, but FUNi is the master of purchasing shows out of left-field and FUNi also happens to be able to push anything they want onto CN (except for their shojo titles, which is a pity because had Miguzi purchased Kodocha they likely wouldn't have their current awful line-up and chances are that if Miguzi took itself seriously then Toonami would as well and we wouldn't be getting One Piece of Crap on the line-up, SEED, YYH, MEGAS, and JLU would still be here, and Naruto would be airing at a TV-PG). Plus it seems that AS just might dig the quirkiness and music refferences of BECK and the show would be painful to dub without messing up the dynamic plus the show could be able to gather some cult following even with half of it in Japanese (perhaps because of it) so it seems BECK would be the best choice for AS's subtitled anime.
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