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takun ' [FLCL]

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Everything posted by takun ' [FLCL]

  1. My summer was awesome. I went skating all around Nor-Cal with a bunch of my friends, and we have this great video editor who we know and he edited a sponser me video. So I am now a sponsered skater finnaly
  2. There has been a lot of talk about the new Sony PSP and the Nintendo DS...and i was wondering when these two come out which one will you be getting?
  3. Have u guys seen that new sony commericial? with Macy Gray singing ??Iit have 20 GB same as the iPod..and its true about the battery life and its 18 month life spand but what about the sony?
  4. Hey everyone well today i just got a Sony Recording MD Walkman for 40 bucks..and im just wondering what kind of MP3 players you guys have
  5. Hello well i was bored today and I made this abstract banner and its my first one so i would like it to be rated [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v321/vashness/haha.jpg[/IMG]
  6. ahh ok well i have this horrible problem of approaching a girl and im really bad at it and its a girl i really like and cuz all the girls i went out with they asked me..
  7. The Madden 2005 commercial with the boyfriedn and girlfriend cracks me up the most..
  8. takun ' [FLCL]


    yo is anyone ganna check out the movie Hero from Quentin Tarentino? sorry for typos...but the movie looks great and Jet Li's in it so it must be good..and is it true that the movie is out in Japan and China?
  9. [B][FONT=Arial]Bands[/FONT][/B] 1. Taking Back Sunday [B]Songs[/B] -A Decade Under The Influence -Bonus Mosh Pt 2 -You're So Last Summer -Timberwolves in New Jersey -Your Own Disaster 2. Sugarcult [B]Songs[/B] -Pretty Girl -Memory -Over -How Does It Feel -Head Up 3. Yellowcard [B]Songs[/B] -Firewater -Ocean Avenue -Only One -Way Away -Empty Apartment 4. Blink 182 [B]Songs[/B] -First Date -Obvious -Down -Miss You -Go 5. The Starting Line [B]Songs[/B] -Playing Favorites -This Ride -Leaving -Up and Go -Best Of Me
  10. samurai champloo is my current fav anime its awesome i love it..but ive only seen 9 episodes..are there more?? [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Try and add more detail to your posts, please. What it it you like about the series, for example? What do you think of it so far?, etc. One-liners are generally spam on OB, so take care to put as much effort into them as you can. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  11. hi guys well im new here and plz tell me the do's and donts in the threads..thank you
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