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Everything posted by peopleperson

  1. oh my gosh i didnt think any body knew about this anime.I love it i onley saw two episodes but i love it.I think i saw the last ans the second last episode any way i give it two thumbs up.i think i should search for it hehehehe good idea.bye going to seach for a good site about it.fun fun bye and thank you for making this thread.
  2. [QUOTE=Toneh]I have multiple answers for this questions since i can't realy choose between the (near)250 games i have here... 1)Zelda ocarina of time(awsome game, always been a zelda fan & this one was realy the best one made so far IMO) 2)Final Fantasy 7: best final fantasy made ever , i also follow the games but i'm going to pass at 11 [/QUOTE] nice chioces i havent played the other ones.Or i just dont like them but most of them ive never played.But i bet you didnt know those are my Favorite games.I am appreciating everybody posting in this post er board.Yeah anyways thanks every body and keep telling me what you think.
  3. [quote name='Orb']I know this is kind of old back and all but i think the game that i loved the most is Super Mario 64. So many good memories of me and my friends having "star-io parties" lol. I like it because it does take a while to beat (at least for the first time) and its just the right level of difficulty. very fun.[/quote] That was a preety fun game i want yoshi on top of the castle.Yoshi ROCKS lol.One hundred lifes for you one hundred lifes for you.I play it sometimes good game i didnt think anyone would say that.Im stuck though at like twenty eight stars but i bought it second hand and someone had a game on there with fifty one and they missed the easy star.Break throgh the wall where you use the cannon an shot your self at the wall.Fun fun.
  4. [/QUOTE]originally posted by lord rannos: Second frustrating moment: The ruby dragon fight in FF8 [spoiler]with Laguna[/spoiler]. I like FF8 (and death to those who don't) but this stupid minigame thing got me stuck. The blocking is faulty and your attacks are overly weak.[/QUOTE] Yes that fight was one fight i could have done with out although i could have done with out Adel at the moment.Im stuck at her and i am only at level like twenty eight or somthing and i cant train.Each fight i get into i only get one experiance is this a glich or what.Can someone help me with that.
  5. [quote name='Burori']K. Des or anyone who is good in the battle system. Do me a favor and give me a full step-by-step description on how to use it. By what I mean is the percents it shows when you chose to attack. The percents throw me way off so I'd like someone to explain how I can make my attacks very effective.[/quote] The percent just are the accurasy it dont really matter. What it is really all i do is one three three or one three two one etheir way to me the percentage doesn't matter.Or you could just do what ever combination you want.Or you could go for the lucky chance and do three three one.It's up to you hope i help i little bit.
  6. Hmmm let me think from what the animes ive seen probably all the thiefs and thugs. Dont forget Naraku and all of his creatures. Like Goshinki And stuff. But no one else i can think of oh wait yuyu hakisho all those people they are ugly ugg makes me sick just thinking of them why i dont know i just think so.
  7. [quote name='Forgotten_Angel']alwright, I'm stuck on disc 2 where you have to battle the Black Monster and the White Monster, and I can't beat them. I die every time!:mad: I need help, tell me what characters, elements and weapons, or whatever. Just please help me![/quote] Well my brother has beat it and his guys were very powerful.He used Serge Grobyc and Nikki.Although those were his favourite charaters.It doesn't really matter who you use. Can sombody help me find the Dragons Tear i cant find it Steena said i had to find it to get further.oh and Harle rocks even thogh shes evil.You are at Terra Tower arent you.
  8. Hey i am suck in Chrono Cross i need to find the Dragons Tear can you help me please.
  9. Who is Cait Sith.Do you know.
  10. I know it is a very stupid subject but.What is your favorite video game and why.
  11. i play it and Nei is my name i am a purpleneum with long hair from phantasy star two and i am looking for claws i just got Neis claw and Rikas claw heart of poum is now my main pioritie i was also looking for sato
  12. [quote name='Ouka][size=1']To get different Grunties, you have to make sure that you're feeding the Grunty the food that it asks for. Also, the Grunty that you get depends on its stats. There is a certain way and foods to feed the Grunty to get the adult form that you want, but you'll have to look in an FAQ for that.[/size][/quote] Thanks for the tip ill look. Ive been waiting for that.Noble grunties freak me out.
  13. Hey um there all good games the ones that i played actuallyI am playing the last one i have a Noble Grunty.I want to know how to get a different Gruntie.I also have played the first one but thats it.Its really fun.
  14. Somthings in games are so annoyying, in Final Fantasy seven i am at Northen Cave then a tonberry kills me.Or i just well my data well just gets corruppted. In Final Fantasy eight i am at level twenty eight or something like that.Then i fight a bad guy or monster and i get one experiance.I cant beat Adel.Then in Chrono Cross im stuck.
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