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About Dante

  • Birthday 09/25/1985

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  1. I would like to be Seifer. I would like to be Cid (FF7) too because I can relate to him alot. I am still mad about them giving him that goofy run.
  2. I have already played through FF7 once but I decided to do it again but this time get everything possible and see how quickly I can beat it. I was doing good but now I am stuck on Chocobo Breeding again. This has already taken up an hour and helf just to get a Green and Blue chocobo. Are there any specials things I am missing to make this quicker? You really need the materia acquired from the materia caves to fight Emerald and Ruby not to mention the final two Sephiroth's. The I ronic thing is, if you beat Ruby one of the prizes you get for the Desert Rose is a Gold Chocobo. If you can beat ruby then you realy dont need that extra materia.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]ugh, another gundam wing fan who thinks d-hell is the best, if you thought gundam wing was good, then try watching other series of gundam, I know they are hard to get a hold of in the UK, but there are places where you can order them, or you can just order the fansubs from the net, trust me, gundam wing sucks compared to other series of gundam, and deathscythe hell in my opinion, is one of the worst gundams ever.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red] He is right. My suggestion is find a website that you can order some episodes of Mobile Fighter G-Gundam or 0083. Formula 91 is good too. The only Gundam from Gundam wing that was just half as good as others would probably be Nataku. The real Gundams are God Gundam, Physalis, Den'an Gei, and Master Gundam. [/color]
  4. Congratulations. Be sure to raise him/her to love Anime and Games(Final Fantasy most of all). Do you have any names yet?
  5. Yes i got it in email. They sent it to me about 300 times and the file wass like 3.mb so that locked up my email acount. Then they kept hacking through AIM. My dang Macavee Virus scan would not pick it up either so thats how i got it in the first place. Firemac, to answer your question yes it will change, I have not re downloaded the AIM yet some when I do ill let you know.
  6. Sorry everyone for the name change. But someone over the holiday weekend thought it would be funny to send me a virus so I have been battling that all weekend. I had to reformat my hard drive and was not able to back anything up. So I have had to change alot of my online identities to keep this person from doing it again. My email has changed, aol name, website is changing, and many more. This is a pain and is immature. Anyone who does this is an idiot and I have absolutly no respect for them. Oh by the way, this is Zaku II if you did not already know.
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