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About GameGoddess

  • Birthday 10/22/1990

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    I like games, anime, and being in darkness
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  1. Well, it doesn't matter if I say "anime music" or "i like anime music" or whatever...Most people didn't have to start something stupid over the title. Most people could understand something as vague as that. When I said "Anime Music: Hot or Not", I was referring to 'say what kind of anime music you like (inuyasha and such)'. Like what Twilight did, he said he liked .hack songs...Being vague is something I am good at...But there was no point or reason to start this whole stupid debate over the title :therock:
  2. Well someone is PMSing a little...Ok, so we were wrong a little, there is no reason to explode and start posting rude ***** about it. It doesn't matter if anime music is not considered a genre, everyone knows what I am talking about...Like InuYasha music, .hack music...I mean it's pointless to say InuYasha music, Cowboy Bebop music, Trigun music etc etc: Hot or Not? Like I said before, anime music is just a shorter way of describing all of those song types...There is no reason to get so rude and obnoxious about it.
  3. [quote name='Twilight_Kioku']anyone else have a favorite .hack// song?[/quote] My favorite .hack songs would probably be Obsession, Tasagare no Umi, Aura, and In the Land of Twilight, Under the Moon (one big title). I haven't seen .hack in forever u_u
  4. Solo, you are not understanding what I am trying to say. I am making a point that although anime music might have rock or hip-hop or whatever in it, you wouldn't find it in the rock or hip-hop section at a music store. Metallica is just using a sort of metaphor of all types of rock music and such. I may be vague at the moment because I have a headache worse then hell. Ok, anime music and japanese music might be two different things, I understand this, but if you find like BoA or Seesaw in a music store, they are probably going to have songs from anime such as Obsession or Every Heart. I am not trying to start a fight here, or trying to be rude in anyway, but some people jump right in before I can get my point across.
  5. [QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade]Anime music is not a genre. An anime might have a fully orchestrated score, it might be all jazz, it might be all rock, whatever. The 2 disc scenario doesn't make sense from that point of view. My favorite music is not from an anime, although some anime has music I do enjoy. Honestly I've found more video game soundtracks I like than anime soundtracks.[/QUOTE] Anime music is a type of it's own music...Genre or not, you don't find InuYasha soundtracks in the Rock section or the instrumentals. Anime music is just a better way of saying 'InuYasha music', 'Trigun music', 'Cowboy Bebop music' and so on and so forth. I don't know what point of view you are coming from, but in my point of view it makes sense. Sure, anime does have some rock and such, but you don't hear Metallica do a lot of anime songs o.o It's mostly japanese music, so again, anime music is just another way of saying japanese type music
  6. What do you people think about anime music? Quite frankly I love it...Be completely honest: If there were 2 CD's and 1 CD Player, which would you listen to the most? The CD with anime music on it or the CD with rock/pop/rap/hip hop/country etc. on it? (There is only enough power in the CD player for you to listen to 1 CD).
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